modifier - modified 1 - 2 1: wrong nc 2: not yet classified (not sure?) --> to do 3: n1 is a definition/name of n2 -> further subdivide healthcare delivery a2 receptors 4: n1 is subtype of (nc is subtype of head) n2 antibody isotype headaches migraine emergency endoscopy | class:4|34 animal tissue | class: 21|4 5: n1 and n2 are in relation: activity of receptor function, agonist action bile delivery bile drainage 6: n1 is effect on body of n2 (n2 is cause -on body?- of n1 ->opposite to 20 flu virus 7: component of receptor domain aa epitopes | class: 7 receptor cavity |class: 7 enzyme protein 8: characteristic of disease prevalence drug toxicity gene polymorphism 9: n2 is physical property of n1 artery diameter |class: 9 artery pressure 10: activator of abuse headache receptor agonist food allergy 11: inhibitors of adrenoreceptor blockers receptor antagonist 12: n2 is ending/reduction of n1 migraine relief headache decrease 13: n2 beginning of activity of n1 headache induction breakthrough migraine 14: n2 is is meant for (purpose) n1 anti-migraine drug headache medication 15: n2 is person afflicted with n1 migraine patient bmt children 16: n2 is person/center who treats n1 headache specialist headache center diseases physicians 17: n1 is demographic attributes of person afflicted with n2 childhood migraine childhood headache 18: attribute of study headache parameter attack study headache interview 19: n2 is research on n1 asthma researchers headache study 20: n1 is cause of n2 analgesic-induced headache aids death automobile accident 21: n2 is located in muscle contraction muscle tension cell signaling artery contractions brain artery 22: frequency/duration/time of morning headache attack frequency 23: n2 is a measure of n1 relief rate asthma mortality attack rate 24: n2 is a standard of n1 society criteria society standard 25: n2 is a change in/of n1 headache transformation disease development 26: n2 binds to n1 receptor ligand 27: n2 defect/hindrance/type of damage of n1 artery hypoplasia artery aneurysm 28: n2 is physical make up of n1 artery anatomy blood plasma bile vomit 29: n2 is constitual part of n1 artery segments cell growth 30: n2 is physical act of n1 artery involvement bicarbonate secretion 31: n2 is occupied by n1 artery territory brain region 32: n2 is misuse of n1 drug abuse substance abuse acetaminophen overdose 33: Instrument: n1 is used in/for n2 aciclovir therapy chloroquine treatment 34: Modal: n1 is the mode of n2 emergency surgery| class:4|34 emergency nephrectomy| class:4|34 35: Object: n1 is acted on by n2, n2 affects n2, n2 acts on n1 cell death bowel transplantation 36: n2 is procedure for detecting/studying n1 biopsy method genotype diagnosis blood culture 37: n1 is located in n2 carcinoma stomach collagen tissue 38 n1 is subject of n2 headache presentation alcohol use 39: n2 is composed by n1 agarose gel aloe gel 40: n1 is the topic of n2 time visualization 41: n1 is the function of n2 growth hormone 42: n1 is time of n2 (opposite of 22) morning headache hour headache