All live births > or = 23 weeks at the University of Vermont in 1995 ( n = 2395 ) were retrospectively analyzed for delivery route , indication for cesarean , gestational age , parity , and practice group ( to reflect risk status ) .||NONE The total cesarean rate was 14.4 % ( 344 of 2395 ) , and the primary rate was 11.4 % ( 244 of 2144 ) .||NONE Abnormal presentation was the most common indication ( 25.6 % , 88 of 344 ) .||NONE The `` corrected '' cesarean rate ( maternal-fetal medicine and transported patients excluded ) was 12.4 % ( 273 of 2194 ) , and the `` corrected '' primary rate was 9.6 % ( 190 of 1975 ) .||NONE Furthermore , when all deliveries were analyzed , regardless of risk status but limited to gestational age > or = 36 weeks , the rates did not change ( 12.6 % , 280 of 2214 ; primary 9.2 % , 183 of 1994 ) .||NONE Arrest of dilation was the most common indication in both `` corrected '' subgroups ( 23.4 and 24.6 % , respectively ) .||NONE Cesarean rates at tertiary care hospitals should be compared with rates at community hospitals only after correcting for dissimilar patient groups or gestational age .||NONE In the third trimester , the amniotic fluid index ( AFI ) may be affected by maternal fluid status .||NONE As the ambient temperature increases , there is an increase in insensible fluid loss and the potential for dehydration .||NONE We hypothesize that as temperature increases there would be a concomitant decrease in AFI .||NONE From June 11 to August 16 , 1993 , during a period of unusual high heat , 42 women with singleton pregnancies between 27 and 40 weeks ' gestation undergoing serial antenatal testing had AFI determinations recorded at least weekly .||NONE The daily high ambient temperature in our urban area was subsequently obtained .||NONE A 2- , 3- , and 4-day mean temperature prior to the test date was compared to AFI using a Spearman-rank Correlation .||NONE The daily high temperature ranged from 71 to 104 degrees F and AFI values ranged from 1.7 to 24.7 cm during the study period .||NONE There was a significant correlation between the 2- , 3- , and 4-day mean temperature and AFI , with the 4-day mean being the most significant ( r = 0.31 , p & # 60 ; 0.001 ) .||NONE Fluctuations in ambient temperature are inversely correlated to changes in AFI .||NONE This relationship should be taken into account when interpreting the AFI as a measure of fetal well-being .||NONE This study tested the hypothesis that to reduce the rate of macrosomic infants in gestational diabetes cases , good glycemic control should be initiated before 34 completed gestational weeks .||NONE The study population included 84 women with gestational diabetes , ascertained by universal screening of all women attending the antenatal clinic of the Hadassah Medical Center , over a 2-year period .||DISONLY The 60 women ( 71 % ) , who initiated treatment before 34 completed weeks , composed the `` early '' group .||NONE The 24 women ( 29 % ) , who initiated treatment after the 34th week , composed the `` late '' group .||NONE All patients were managed by an intensified protocol , including stringent glycemic control .||TREATONLY In the `` early '' and `` late '' groups , mean gestational age at the beginning of treatment was 30.0 +/- 3.8 and 36.2 +/- 1.2 weeks , and duration of treatment was 9.6 +/- 4.1 and 3.7 +/- 1.8 weeks , respectively .||NONE Maternal characteristics were similar in the two groups .||NONE The rate of macrosomic and large-for-gestational-age infants were 5 and 11 % , respectively , in the early group as compared to 25 and 29 % in the `` late '' group ( p & # 60 ; 0.05 ) .||NONE No significant differences were found between the two groups in the mode of delivery or Apgar scores .||NONE We conclude that to reduce the rate of macrosomic infants in gestational diabetes cases , good glycemic control should be initiated before 34 completed gestational weeks .||PREVENT Our aim was to investigate the contribution of certain antenatally detectable markers leading to the diagnosis of trisomic fetuses we observed over a period of 6 years .||NONE In our study , we specifically analyzed the role played by advanced maternal age and sonographically discovered abnormalities in the detection of autosomal trisomies .||DISONLY All together , 27 fetuses had this disorder , representing 28.7 % ( 27 of 94 ) of all cytogenetic aberrations detected at our center over the same period .||DISONLY Down syndrome ( 12 cases ) and Edward syndrome ( 11 cases ) were the most common trisomies , while 4 cases of Patau syndrome were also diagnosed .||DISONLY The most common indication leading to diagnosis was abnormal ultrasound finding ( 48.2 % ) , followed by advanced maternal age ( 44.4 % ) .||NONE However , 63 % of the trisomic fetuses belonged to mothers aged 35 years and above .||NONE Down syndrome fetuses ( 41.7 % ) had prenatally detected sonographic anomalies , 63.6 % for Edward syndrome , and all fetuses with Patau syndrome ( 4 of 4 ) showed abnormal sonographic signs .||DISONLY Trisomy 21 presented with the following features : hydramnios , complex malformations , pyelectasis , and duodenal atresia .||DISONLY Trisomy 18 fetuses showed hydramnios , intrauterine growth retardation , microcephaly , spina bifida , and nonimmune hydrops fetalis .||DISONLY Signs observed in fetuses with trisomy 13 were : hydrocephalus , intrauterine growth retardation , oligoanhydramnios , complex malformations , severe fetal bradycardia and hydronephrosis .||DISONLY The objective of this study was to determine if the rate of preeclampsia is increased in triplet as compared to twin gestations .||DISONLY Fifty-three triplet pregnancies between 1986 and 1993 at The New York Hospital-Cornell Medical Center were reviewed .||NONE These were matched for maternal age , parity , and race to twin gestations ( N = 53 ) from the same population .||NONE Severe preeclampsia was defined by standard criteria .||DISONLY Student 's t-test , Fisher exact test , and Chi-square were used for statistical analysis .||NONE The rate of severe preeclampsia was increased significantly in the triplet group 12 of 53 ( 22.6 % ) as compared with the twin group 3 of 53 ( 5.7 % ) ( OR = 4.9 , 95 % CI 1.2-23.5 , p = 0.02 ) .||DISONLY The rate of overall preeclampsia was not significantly different in the triplet 18 of 53 ( 33.96 % ) or twin 12 of 53 ( 22.6 % ) groups .||DISONLY In this retrospective , case-controlled study , the rate of severe pre-eclampsia was significantly increased in triplet gestations as compared to twins although the overall rate of preeclampsia was not .||DISONLY This information may be useful in counseling patients with high order multifetal gestations .||NONE We conducted a survey and audit of thermal equipment use in very low-birth-weight infants in five Ohio neonatal intensive care units ( NICUs ) to document regional practice .||NONE The survey indicated a variety of thermal care styles .||NONE Two NICUs preferred to admit infants to incubators , the other three favoring radiant warmers .||NONE These three NICUs moved infants from radiant warmers into incubators at significantly different mean ages .||NONE The audit demonstrated inconsistent use of plastic covers , warming mattresses , and added humidity under radiant warmers , and discrepancies between survey responses and actual use within NICUs .||NONE Inter-NICU variability of thermal equipment use may complicate fluid management .||NONE This report describes a full-term newborn with massive fetomaternal hemorrhage .||DISONLY Fetal movements were decreased 48 hr prior to delivery .||NONE On the day of delivery , they were absent .||NONE The nonstress test was abnormal with low biophysical profile and decreased beat-to-beat variability .||NONE The infant presented with extreme pallor , hypotonia , hepatosplenomegaly , and ascites .||DISONLY The initial hemoglobin was 2.2 g/dL , the Kleihauer-Betke stain was 27.6 % ( highest level ever reported ) .||NONE Right temporal and cerebellar hemorrhages were present .||NONE Sequelae include severe developmental delay and asymmetric double hemiplegia .||DISONLY Omphalocele-Exstrophy-Imperforate anus-Spinal defects ( OEIS complex ) , a combination of omphalocele , exstrophy of the bladder , an imperforate anus and spinal defects , arises from a single localized defect in the early development of the mesoderm that will later contribute to infraumbilical mesenchyme , cloacal septum , and caudal vertebrae .||DISONLY In this report , we document the perinatal features of two cases of OEIS complex associated with meningomyeloceles and severe lower limb defects , and discuss the prenatal diagnosis , inheritance , and differential diagnosis of this association of malformations .||DISONLY Although long-term survival can be achieved by successful corrective surgery , the associated structural defects such as large meningomyelocele and severe limb aplasia or hypoplasia , as seen in our patient , can influence the patient 's quality of life . ||VAGUE We would like to emphasize that an accurate prenatal diagnosis of OEIS complex and associated malformations is important for the detailed counseling of the family as well as appropriate perinatal management by the obstetricians , pediatric surgeons , urologists , neurosurgeons , and neonatologists .||DISONLY Nonimmune hydrops fetails diagnosed at 21 weeks ' gestation with profound ascites , hydrothorax , and pericardial effusion receded gradually with regression of a subchorial placental lucencies immediately below the umbilical cord insertion .||DISONLY Careful inspection of the delivered placenta revealed that there was a yellowish lesion of fibrin deposits below the cord insertion site , which resulted from the absorption of hematoma .||NONE A subchorial placental hematoma , which detected as a subchorial placental lucencies by ultrasonography , can be a cause of reversible nonimmune hydrops fetalis .||DISONLY The mitochondrial diseases are uncommon multisystem disorders characterized by the presence of functionally and/or structurally abnormal mitochondria .||DISONLY As there have been few reports of the obstetrical care of affected patients , we wish to document two pregnancies in a woman with a Chronic Progressive External Ophthalmoplegia ( Kearns-Sayre-like syndrome ) .||DISONLY Both pregnancies were complicated by preterm labor and hypertension .||DISONLY CONTEXT : Four genetic loci have been identified as contributing to Alzheimer disease ( AD ) , including the amyloid precursor protein gene , the presenilin 1 gene , the presenilin 2 gene , and the apolipoprotein E gene , but do not account for all the genetic risk for AD .||DISONLY OBJECTIVE : To identify additional genetic risk factors for late-onset AD .||NONE DESIGN : A complete genomic screen was performed ( N=280 markers ) .||NONE Critical values for chromosomal regional follow-up were a P value of .05 or less for affected relative pair analysis or sibpair analysis , a parametric lod score of 1.0 or greater , or both .||NONE Regional follow-up included analysis of additional markers and a second data set .||NONE SETTING : Clinic populations in the continental United States .||NONE PATIENTS : > From a series of multiplex families affected with late-onset ( > or =60 years ) AD ascertained during the last 14 years ( National Insititute of Neurological Disorders and Stroke-Alzheimer 's Disease and Related Disorders Association diagnostic criteria ) and for which DNA has been obtained , a subset of 16 families ( 135 total family members , 52 of whom were patients with AD ) was used for the genomic screen .||NONE A second subset of 38 families ( 216 total family members , 89 of whom were patients with AD ) was used for the follow-up analysis .||NONE MAIN OUTCOME MEASURES : Linkage analysis results generated using both genetic model-dependent ( lod score ) and model-independent methods .||NONE RESULTS : Fifteen chromosomal regions warranted initial follow-up .||NONE Follow-up analyses revealed 4 regions of continued interest on chromosomes 4 , 6 , 12 , and 20 , with the strongest results observed forchromosome 12 .||NONE Peak 2-point affecteds-only lod scores ( n=54 ) were 1.3 , 1.6 , 2.7 , and 2.2 and affected relative pairs P values ( n=54 ) were .04 , .03 , .14 , and .04 for D12S373 , D12S1057 , D12S1042 , and D12S390 , respectively .||NONE Sibpair analysis ( n=54 ) resulted in maximum lod scores ( MLSs ) of 1.5 , 2.6 , 3.2 , and 2.3 for these markers , with a peak multipoint MLS of 3.5 .||NONE A priori stratification by APOE genotype identified 27 families that had at least 1 member with AD whose genotype did not contain an APOE*4 allele .||NONE Analysis of these 27 families resulted in MLSs of 1.0 , 2.4 , 3.7 , and 3.3 and a peak multipoint MLS of 3.9 .||NONE CONCLUSIONS : A complete genomic screen in families affected with late-onset AD identified 4 regions of interest after follow-up .||NONE Chromosome 12 gave the strongest and most consistent results with a peak multipoint MLS of 3.5 , suggesting that this region contains a new susceptibility gene for AD .||NONE Additional analyses are necessary to identify the chromosome 12 susceptibility gene for AD and to follow up the regions of interest on chromosomes 4 , 6 , and 20 .||NONE CONTEXT : A mutation in the BRCA1 gene may confer substantial risk for breast and/or ovarian cancer .||DISONLY However , knowledge regarding all possible mutations and the relationship between risk factors and mutations is incomplete .||NONE OBJECTIVES : To identify BRCA1 mutations and to determine factors that best predict presence of a deleterious BRCA1 mutation in patients with breast and/or ovarian cancer .||DISONLY DESIGN : A complete sequence analysis of the BRCA1 coding sequence and flanking intronic regions was performed in 798 women in a collaborative effort involving institutions from the United States , Italy , Germany , Finland , and Switzerland .||NONE PARTICIPANTS : Institutions selected 798 persons representing families ( 1 person for each family ) thought to be at elevated a priori risk of BRCA1 mutation due to potential risk factors , such as multiple cases of breast cancer , early age of breast cancer diagnosis , and cases of ovarian cancer .||DISONLY No participant was from a family in which genetic markers showed linkage to the BRCA1 locus .||NONE MAJOR OUTCOME MEASURES : Sequence variants detected in this sample are presented along with analyses designed to determine predictive characteristics of those testing positive for BRCA1 mutations .||NONE RESULTS : In 102 women ( 12.8 % ) , clearly deleterious mutations were detected .||NONE Fifty new genetic alterations were found including 24 deleterious mutations , 24 variants of unknown significance , and 2 rare polymorphisms .||NONE In a subset of 71 Ashkenazi Jewish women , only 2 distinct deleterious mutations were found : 185delAG in 17 cases and 5382insC in 7 cases .||NONE A bias in prior reports for mutations in exon 11 was revealed .||NONE Characteristics of a patient 's specific diagnosis ( unilateral or bilateral breast cancer , with or without ovarian cancer ) , early age at diagnosis , Ashkenazi Jewish ethnicity , and family history of cancer were positively associated with the probability of her carrying a deleterious BRCA1 mutation .||DISONLY CONCLUSIONS : Using logistic regression analysis , we provide a method for evaluating the probability of a woman 's carrying a deleterious BRCA1 mutation for a wide range of cases , which can be an important tool for clinicians as they incorporate genetic susceptibility testing into their medical practice .||NONE CONTEXT : Approximately 9 % of prostate cancer cases have been estimated to result from inheritance of mutated prostate cancer susceptibility genes .||DISONLY Few data exist as to whether there are clinical differences between prostate cancers that are inherited and those that occur in the general population .||DISONLY OBJECTIVE : To investigate phenotypic characteristics of families potentially linked to the hereditary prostate cancer 1 ( HPC1 ) locus on chromosome 1q24-25 .||NONE DESIGN : Retrospective case study in which clinical data were extracted from medical and pathological records .||NONE FAMILIES : A total of 74 North American families with hereditary prostate cancer .||DISONLY Prostate cancer cases from the National Cancer Data Base were used as a reference population for comparison .||NONE MAIN OUTCOME MEASURES : The families were divided into 2 groups : either potentially linked ( 33 families with 133 men with prostate cancer ) , and thus likely to be carrying an altered HPC1 gene , or potentially unlinked ( 41 families with 172 men with prostate cancer ) , on the basis of haplotype analysis in the region of HPC1 .||DISONLY The age at diagnosis of prostate cancer , serum prostate-specific antigen levels , digital rectal examination status , stage , grade , primary treatment of prostate cancers , and occurrence of other cancers were compared between the groups .||DISONLY RESULTS : The mean age at diagnosis of prostate cancer for men in potentially linked families was significantly lower than for men in potentially unlinked families ( 63.7 vs 65.9 years , respectively , P=.01 ; mean age at diagnosis in the reference population was 71.6 years ) .||DISONLY Higher-grade cancers ( grade 3 ) were more common in potentially linked families , and advanced-stage disease was found in 41 % of the case patients in potentially linked families compared with 31 % in both the potentially unlinked families and the reference groups ( P=.03 for the latter comparison ) .||DISONLY In the other clinical parameters , we found no significant differences between the groups .||NONE A modest excess of breast cancer and colon cancer was found in potentially linked families in comparison with potentially unlinked families , but this difference was not statistically significant .||DISONLY CONCLUSIONS : Families that provide evidence for segregation of an altered HPC1 gene are characterized by multiple cases of prostate cancer that , in most respects , are indistinguishable from nonhereditary cases .||DISONLY However , 3 characteristics were observed : younger age at diagnosis , higher-grade tumors , and more advanced-stage disease .||DISONLY Our study shows that a significant fraction of hereditary prostate cancers are diagnosed in advanced stages , emphasizing the clinical importance of early detection in men potentially carrying prostate cancer susceptibility genes .||DISONLY These findings support the current recommendations to screen men with a positive family history of prostate cancer beginning at age 40 years .||DISONLY CONTEXT : Susceptibility to multiple sclerosis ( MS ) involves a genetically complex autoimmune component .||DISONLY However , except for genes in the HLA system , specific susceptibility loci are unknown or unconfirmed .||NONE OBJECTIVE : To investigate several loci spanning 3 candidate regions for a role in multiple sclerosis ( MS ) susceptibility in 2 ethnic groups using both single-locus and haplotype analyses .||DISONLY The 3 regions include HLA on chromosome 6p21.3 , APOE on chromosome 19ql 3.2 , and MBP ( myelin basic protein ) on chromosome 18q23 .||NONE DESIGN : Case-control association testing .||NONE SUBJECTS : A total of 120 Caucasian patients with MS and 107 unrelated control individuals from California , and 32 patients and 32 unrelated control individuals from Beijing , China .||NONE All patients with MS were diagnosed as having clinically definite disease according to published criteria .||NONE MAIN OUTCOME MEASURES : Chi2 Testing of loci and individual alleles and haplotypes .||NONE Haplotype frequencies were estimated with standard maximum likelihood methods .||NONE RESULTS : The HLA effect is due to the class II DR2 haplotype , DRB1*1501-DQA1*0102-DRB1*0602 ; contributions to MS susceptibility from additional DRB1-DQB1 alleles or other HLA region loci were not observed .||NONE Variation within the MBP locus on chromosome 18q23 showed no effect in MS .||NONE The distribution of haplotypes from 5 loci within the chromosome 19q13.2 region , including D19S178 , D19S574 , APOE , APOC2 , and D19S219 , differed between patient and control samples .||NONE D19S574 showed a significant effect ( P=.015 ) in Caucasian patients with MS due to the increased frequency of a single allele ( P=.002 ) .||NONE The APOE variation , prominent in other neurological diseases , showed no influence on MS susceptibility , despite its location within the chromosome 19q13.2 region .||NONE Interaction effects between DR2 and chromosome 19q13.2 or MBP in MS susceptibility were not apparent .||NONE CONCLUSIONS : The significant chromosome 19q13.2 single-locus and multilocus haplotype associations with MS in Caucasian and Chinese patient samples indicate an effect from a nearby disease susceptibility locus .||NONE These initial observations are an encouraging step toward the description of non-HLA genetic susceptibility to MS .||NONE CONTEXT : There is a substantial risk of a second cancer for persons with hereditary retinoblastoma , which is enhanced by radiotherapy .||TO_SEE OBJECTIVE : To examine long-term risk of new primary cancers in survivors of childhood retinoblastoma and quantify the role of radiotherapy in sarcoma development .||TO_SEE DESIGN : Cohort incidence study of patients with retinoblastoma followed for a median of 20 years , and nested case-control study of a radiation dose-response relationship for bone and soft tissue sarcomas .||NONE SETTING/PARTICIPANTS : A total of 1604 patients with retinoblastoma who survived at least 1 year after diagnosis , identified from hospital records in Massachusetts and New York during 1914 to 1984 .||DISONLY RESULTS : Incidence of subsequent cancers was statistically significantly elevated only in the 961 patients with hereditary retinoblastoma , in whom 190 cancers were diagnosed , vs 6.3 expected in the general population ( relative risk ( RR ) , 30 ( 95 % confidence interval , 26-47 ) ) .||DISONLY Cumulative incidence ( +/-SE ) of a second cancer at 50 years after diagnosis was 51.0 % ( +/-6.2 % ) for hereditary retinoblastoma , and 5.0 % ( +/-3.0 % ) for nonhereditary retinoblastoma .||DISONLY All 114 sarcomas of diverse histologic types occurred in patients with hereditary retinoblastoma .||DISONLY For soft tissue sarcomas , the RRs showed a stepwise increase at all dose categories , and were statistically significant at 10 to 29.9 Gy and 30 to 59.9 Gy .||DISONLY A radiation risk for all sarcomas combined was evident at doses above 5 Gy , rising to 10.7-fold at doses of 60 Gy or greater ( P & # 60 ; .05 ) .||NONE CONCLUSIONS : Genetic predisposition has a substantial impact on risk of subsequent cancers in retinoblastoma patients , which is further increased by radiation treatment .||TO_SEE A radiation dose-response relationship is demonstrated for all sarcomas and , for the first time in humans , for soft tissue sarcomas .||NONE Retinoblastoma patients should be examined for new cancers and followed into later life to determine whether their extraordinary cancer risk extends to common cancers of adulthood .||DISONLY The objective of this study was to determine the rate of recent cocaine use among a metropolitan population of predominantly Hispanic and African-American women with preterm premature rupture of the membranes ( PROM ) and to ascertain the impact of cocaine on the latency period between rupture of membranes and delivery .||DISONLY Urine toxicology screens were prospectively obtained on 147 women with preterm PROM .||DISONLY The urine screen did not influence management decisions .||NONE All women were expectantly managed without tocolytics until 37 weeks ' gestation unless they developed clinical chorioamnionitis , or nonreassuring fetal heart rate tracing or biophysical profile .||NONE Demographic information , hours from rupture of membranes to delivery , gestational age , and birth weight at delivery were compared using Fisher 's exact , Mann-Whitney U , and randomization tests where appropriate .||NONE The rate of positive urine drug screens for cocaine was 8.2 % .||NONE Women in the cocaine positive group were of higher parity ( 3 , ( 0-7 ) vs. 1 , ( 0-6 ) , p = 0.001 ) and tended to be older ( 27 , ( 23-42 ) vs. 25 , ( 14-40 ) ) .||NONE There was a higher rate of recent cocaine use among African-American women ( 20.4 % ) as compared to non-African-Americans ( 1.2 % , p = 0.0001 ) .||NONE Cocaine-positive women presented at an earlier gestational age ( 32 weeks ' , ( 24-34 ) vs. 33 weeks ' , ( 23-36 ) , p = 0.02 ) and had a significantly longer membrane rupture to delivery interval than women with a negative urine drug screen ( 174 hr , ( 6-475 ) vs. 33 hours ( 1-833 ) , p = 0.01 ) .||NONE There was no significant difference in the reason for delivery between the two groups of patients .||NONE Recent cocaine use among women with preterm PROM is common in only some segments of an urban population .||DISONLY Women with recent cocaine use present with ruptured membranes at an earlier gestational age and may actually have a longer latency period than women who do not use cocaine .||NONE The objective of this article is to explore attitudes of an inner-city , pregnant cohort about general and HIV-related prenatal care .||NONE Responses to an interview at initial prenatal care enrollment were compared using Chi-square and Fisher 's exact tests .||NONE Of 75 women , drug users ( 51 % ) were more likely to say that they would defer initiating prenatal care ( P = 0.03 ) and to minimize the risk of drug or alcohol use to the fetus ( P = 0.04 ) .||NONE Most ( 85 % ) viewed pregnancy as inappropriate for HIV infected women and primarily drug users ( P = 0.06 ) would abort if HIV infected .||DISONLY Over half thought HIV transmission occurred most times or always .||DISONLY Only 20 % had heard of a drug to reduce this risk , but 95 % would take such a therapy .||NONE These inner-city , pregnant women disapproved of pregnancy if HIV infected and thought the risk of transmission was high .||DISONLY They knew little of how to reduce this risk but nearly all would accept a drug to prevent transmission .||NONE The association of parvovirus B19 infection and hydrops fetalis is well known .||DISONLY However , the association of parvovirus and fetal pleural or pericardial effusions has not been reported .||DISONLY We present five cases of isolated pleural or pericardial effusion with documented maternal parvovirus infection in four of these pregnancies .||DISONLY In the absence of structural or karyotypic abnormalities , spontaneous resolution of the effusion portends for a successful pregnancy outcome .||NONE BACKGROUND : Cochlear implantation is nowadays a reliable and well-accepted method of auditory rehabilitation in selected adults and children .||TREATONLY METHODS : We present rehabilitation data on 21 adult patients provided with the Nucleus CI22 M cochlear implant using the SPEAK strategy .||NONE RESULTS : Results of first tune-up show an open set speech understanding in approximately 50 % of patients .||NONE Long-term results also reveal further improvement in patients who had no open set speech understanding .||NONE Our data seem to indicate similar results in comparison to other groups using the CIS strategy .||NONE CONCLUSIONS : In adults , open set speech understanding can be achieved even at the first tune-up .||NONE Results of early rehabilitation seem to be influenced by duration and etiology of deafness , experience with hearing aids , and other factors .||DISONLY Adverse drug effects are manifold and heterogenous .||NONE Many situations may hamper the signalling ( i.e. the detection of early warning signs ) of adverse effects and new signals often differ from previous experiences .||NONE Signals have qualitative and quantitative aspects .||NONE Different categories of adverse effects need different methods for detection .||NONE Current pharmacovigilance is predominantly based on spontaneous reporting and is mainly helpful in detecting type B effects ( those effects that are often allergic or idiosyncratic reactions , characteristically occurring in only a minority of patients and usually unrelated to dosage and that are serious , unexpected and unpredictable ) and unusual type A effects ( those effects that are related to the pharmacological effects of the drug and are dosage-related ) .||NONE Examples of other sources of signals are prescription event monitoring , large automated data resources on morbidity and drug use ( including record linkage ) , case-control surveillance and follow-up studies .||NONE Type C effects ( those effects related to an increased frequency of 'spontaneous ' disease ) are difficult to study , however , and continue to pose a pharmacoepidemiological challenge .||NONE Seven basic considerations can be identified that determine the evidence contained in a signal : quantitative strength of the association , consistency of the data , exposure response relationship , biological plausibility , experimental findings , possible analogies and the nature and quality of the data .||NONE A proposal is made for a standard signal management procedure at pharmacovigilance centres , including the following steps : signal delineation , literature search , preliminary inventory of data , collection of additional information , consultation with the World Health Organization Centre for International Drug Monitoring and the relevant drug companies , aggregated data assessment and a report in writing .||NONE A better understanding of the conditions and mechanisms involved in the detection of adverse drug effects may further improve strategies for pharmacovigilance .||NONE OBJECTIVE : To study the safety and efficacy of methylphenidate in children with the dual diagnosis of epilepsy and attention deficit hyperactivity disorder ( ADHD ) .||TREAT_FOR_DIS STUDY DESIGN : Thirty children , aged 6.4 to 16.4 years , with epilepsy and ADHD were studied during a 4-month period .||DISONLY During the initial 2 months of the study , the children were treated with antiepileptic drugs ( AEDs ) only , and for the remaining 2 months , methylphenidate was added at a morning dose of 0.3 mg/kg .||TREATONLY They underwent neurologic assessment , brain computed tomography , IQ testing , and assessment with the Childhood Behavior Checklist at baseline before methylphenidate therapy .||TREATONLY Electroencephalography , AED determinations , and the continuous-performance task ( CPT ) test were done at baseline and after 2 months of methylphenidate therapy .||NONE A double-blind , crossover design was used to compare the effects of methylphenidate versus placebo on an electroencephalogram , AED levels , and the CPT .||TREATONLY On the 2 days of testing , the child received AEDs and a capsule containing either placebo or methylphenidate .||TREATONLY RESULTS : None of the 25 children of this sample who were seizure free had attacks while taking methylphenidate .||NONE Of the 5 children with seizures , 3 had an increase in attacks , whereas the other 2 showed no change or a reduction .||DISONLY There were no significant changes in AED levels or electroencephalographic findings .||NONE Methylphenidate benefited 70 % of children according to parental report ; methylphenidate also enhanced performance on the CPT .||TREATONLY Side effects of methylphenidate were mild and transient .||TREATONLY CONCLUSION : Methylphenidate is effective in treating children with epilepsy and ADHD and safe in children who are seizure free .||TREAT_FOR_DIS Caution is warranted for those still having seizures while receiving AED therapy .||NONE The temporal properties of semantic and phonological processes in speech production were investigated in a new experimental paradigm using movement-related brain potentials .||NONE The main experimental task was picture naming .||NONE In addition , a 2-choice reaction go/no-go procedure was included , involving a semantic and a phonological categorization of the picture name .||NONE Lateralized readiness potentials ( LRPs ) were derived to test whether semantic and phonological information activated motor processes at separate moments in time .||NONE An LRP was only observed on no-go trials when the semantic ( not the phonological ) decision determined the response hand .||NONE Varying the position of the critical phoneme in the picture name did not affect the onset of the LRP but rather influenced when the LRP began to differ on go and no-go trials and allowed the duration of phonological encoding of a word to be estimated .||NONE These results provide electrophysiological evidence for early semantic activation and later phonological encoding .||NONE The effects of alanine and glycine substitution for tryptophan upon the species heterogeneity of gramicidin A analogs incorporated into SDS micelles have been investigated .||NONE The sequential replacement of the four tryptophan residues in gramicidin A at positions 15 , 13 , 11 , and 9 with glycine showed that there was no detectable effect at position 15 but increasing heterogeneity of species in the micelles proceeding toward the interior of the micelle at position 9 .||NONE The replacement of tryptophan at positions 15 and 9 with alanine was found to produce more species heterogeneity than found with glycine substitution at the same positions .||NONE An increase in the SDS concentration reduces the number of different species present in micelles .||NONE With the Gly-11 , Gly-13 , and Gly-15 analogs , the increase in SDS concentration results in the formation of a single species ; however , for the Gly-9 , Ala-9 , and Ala-15 analogs , heterogeneity remains .||NONE Molecular dynamics in torsion-angle space was applied to nuclear magnetic resonance structure calculation using nuclear Overhauser effect-derived distances and J-coupling-constant-derived dihedral angle restraints .||NONE Compared to two other commonly used algorithms , molecular dynamics in Cartesian space and metric-matrix geometry combined with Cartesian molecular dynamics , the method shows increased computational efficiency and success rate for large proteins , and it shows a dramatically increased radius of convergence for DNA .||NONE The torsion-angle molecular dynamics algorithm starts from an extended strand conformation and proceeds in four stages : high-temperature torsion-angle molecular dynamics , slow-cooling torsion-angle molecular dynamics , Cartesian molecular dynamics , and minimization .||NONE Tests were carried out using experimental NMR data for protein G , interleukin-8 , villin 14T , and a 12 base-pair duplex of DNA , and simulated NMR data for bovine pancreatic trypsin inhibitor .||NONE For villin 14T , a monomer consisting of 126 residues , structure determination by torsion-angle molecular dynamics has a success rate of 85 % , a more than twofold improvement over other methods .||NONE In the case of the 12 base-pair DNA duplex , torsion-angle molecular dynamics had a success rate of 52 % while Cartesian molecular dynamics and metric-matrix distance geometry always failed .||NONE The wavelet-transform method is used to quantify the magnetic resonance spectroscopy ( MRS ) parameters : chemical shift , apparent relaxation time T2 , resonance amplitude , and phase .||NONE Wavelet transformation is a time-frequency representation which separates each component from the FID , then successively quantifies it and subtracts it from the raw signal .||NONE Two iterative procedures have been developed .||NONE They have been combined with a nonlinear regression analysis method and tested on both simulated and real sets of biomedical MRS data selected with respect to the main problems usually encountered in quantifying biomedical MRS , specifically `` chemical noise , '' resulting from overlapping resonances , and baseline distortion .||NONE The results indicate that the wavelet-transform method can provide efficient and accurate quantification of MRS data .||NONE BACKGROUND : Antiplatelet therapy with aspirin and systematic anticoagulation with warfarin reduce cardiovascular morbidity and mortality after myocardial infarction when given alone .||TREAT_FOR_DIS In the Coumadin Aspirin Reinfarction Study ( CARS ) , we aimed to find out whether a combination of low-dose warfarin and low-dose aspirin would give superior results to standard aspirin monotherapy without excessive bleeding risk .||TREATONLY METHODS : We used a randomised double-blind study design .||NONE At 293 sites , we randomly assigned 8803 patients who had had myocardial infarction , treatment with 160 mg aspirin , 3 mg warfarin with 80 mg aspirin , or 1 mg warfarin with 80 mg aspirin .||TREAT_FOR_DIS Patients took a single tablet daily , and attended for prothrombin time ( PT ) measurements at weeks 1 , 2 , 3 , 4 , 6 , and 12 , and then every 3 months .||NONE Patients were followed up for a maximum of 33 months ( median 14 months ) .||NONE FINDINGS : The primary event was first occurrence of reinfarction , non-fatal ischaemic stroke , or cardiovascular death .||DISONLY 1-year life-table estimates for the primary event were 8.6 % ( 95 % CI 7.6-9.6 ) for 160 mg aspirin , 8.4 % ( 7.4-9.4 ) for 3 mg warfarin with 80 mg aspirin , and 8.8 % ( 7.6-10 ) for 1 mg warfarin with 80 mg aspirin .||TREATONLY Primary comparisons were done with all follow-up data .||NONE The relative risk of the primary event for the 160 mg aspirin group compared with the 3 mg warfarin with 80 mg aspirin group was 0.95 ( 0.81-1.12 , p = 0.57 ) .||NONE For spontaneous major haemorrhage ( not procedure related ) , 1-year life-table estimates were 0.74 % ( 0.43-1.1 ) in the 160 mg aspirin group and 1.4 % ( 0.94-1.8 ) in the 3 mg warfarin with 80 mg aspirin group ( p = 0.014 log rank on follow-up ) .||NONE For the 3382 patients assigned 3 mg warfarin with 80 mg aspirin , the INR results were : at week 1 ( n = 2985 ) median 1.51 ( IQR 1.23-2.13 ) ; at week 4 ( n = 2701 ) 1.27 ( 1.13-1.64 ) ; at month 6 ( n = 2145 ) 1.19 ( 1.08-1.44 ) .||TREATONLY INTERPRETATION : Low , fixed-dose warfarin ( 1 mg or 3 mg ) combined with low-dose aspirin ( 80 mg ) in patients who have had myocardial infarction does not provide clinical benefit beyond that achievable with 160 mg aspirin monotherapy .||TREAT_FOR_DIS BACKGROUND : There is serological evidence for an association between Chlamydia pneumoniae and coronary heart disease .||DISONLY We investigated the hypothesis that an antichlamydial macrolide antibiotic , roxithromycin , can prevent or reduce recurrent major ischaemic events in patients with unstable angina .||PREVENT METHODS : The effect of roxithromycin was assessed in a double-blind , randomised , prospective , multicentre , parallel-group , placebo-controlled pilot study of 202 patients with unstable angina or non-Q-wave myocardial infarction .||TREAT_FOR_DIS Patients were randomly assigned either roxithromycin 150 mg orally twice a day ( n = 102 ) or placebo orally twice a day ( n = 100 ) .||TREATONLY The treatment was for 30 days .||NONE Patients were followed up for 6 months .||NONE We report the primary clinical endpoints ( cardiac ischaemic death , myocardial infarction , and severe recurrent ischaemia ) , assessed at day 31 , in 202 patients on an intention-to-treat basis .||DISONLY FINDINGS : A statistically significant reduction in the primary composite triple endpoint rates was observed in the roxithromycin group : p = 0.032 .||NONE The rate of severe recurrent ischaemia , myocardial infarction , and ischaemic death was 5.4 % , 2.2 % , and 2.2 % in the placebo group and 1.1 % , 0 % , and 0 % , in the roxithromycin group , respectively .||NONE No major drug-related adverse effects were observed .||NONE INTERPRETATION : Antichlamydial antibiotics may be useful in therapeutic intervention in addition to standard medication in patients with coronary-artery disease .||TREAT_FOR_DIS Large-scale trials are needed to confirm these preliminary observations .||NONE BACKGROUND : Stage Ib and IIa cervical carcinoma can be cured by radical surgery or radiotherapy .||TREAT_FOR_DIS These two procedures are equally effective , but differ in associated morbidity and type of complications .||NONE In this prospective randomised trial of radiotherapy versus surgery , our aim was to assess the 5-year survival and the rate and pattern of complications and recurrences associated with each treatment .||TREATONLY METHODS : Between September , 1986 , and December , 1991 , 469 women with newly diagnosed stage Ib and IIa cervical carcinoma were referred to our institute .||TREATONLY 343 eligible patients were randomised : 172 to surgery and 171 to radical radiotherapy .||TREATONLY Adjuvant radiotherapy was delivered after surgery for women with surgical stage pT2b or greater , less than 3 mm of safe cervical stroma , cut-through , or positive nodes .||NONE The primary outcome measures were 5-year survival and the rate of complications .||NONE The analysis of survival and recurrence was by intention to treat and analysis of complications was by treatment delivered .||NONE FINDINGS : 170 patients in the surgery group and 167 in the radiotherapy group were included in the intention-to-treat analysis ; scheduled treatment was delivered to 169 and 158 women , respectively , 62 of 114 women with cervical diameters of 4 cm or smaller and 46 of 55 with diameters larger than 4 cm received adjuvant therapy .||NONE After a median follow-up of 87 ( range 57-120 ) months , 5-year overall and disease-free survival were identical in the surgery and radiotherapy groups ( 83 % and 74 % , respectively , for both groups ) , 86 women developed recurrent disease : 42 ( 25 % ) in the surgery group and 44 ( 26 % ) in the radiotherapy group .||NONE Significant factors for survival in univariate and multivariate analyses were : cervical diameter , positive lymphangiography , and adeno-carcinomatous histotype .||NONE 48 ( 28 % ) surgery-group patients had severe morbidity compared with 19 ( 12 % ) radiotherapy-group patients ( p = 0.0004 ) .||NONE INTERPRETATION : There is no treatment of choice for early-stage cervical carcinoma in terms of overall or disease-free survival .||DISONLY The combination of surgery and radiotherapy has the worst morbidity , especially urological complications .||DISONLY The optimum therapy for each patient should take account of clinical factors such as menopausal status , age , medical illness , histological type , and cervical diameter to yield the best cure with minimum complications .||NONE Today 's technology links health care providers and patients across town , in the next state or even another country .||NONE Nursing across state lines poses complications : state-bound regulatory and licensure issues .||NONE This article discusses many of the nutritional topics important to the intensivist .||NONE Nutritional assessment , substrate immunonutrition , and disease specific issues are presented .||NONE Early introduction of enteral feeds and the use of nutritional modulation are emphasized .||NONE PROBLEM : To compare the expression by T-lymphocytes of an immunomodulatory protein known as progesterone-induced blocking factor ( PIBF ) in conception versus non-conception cycles even when there has been definite fertilization and embryo formation .||NONE METHOD : PIBF expression on T lymphocytes was measured using an immunohistochemical method with a PIBF-specific polyclonal antibody .||NONE These levels were determined in patients undergoing three types of therapy : non-in vitro fertilization ( IVF ) , IVF-embryo transfer ( ET ) , and frozen ET .||NONE Sera were drawn 12 days from ovulation in non-IVF cycles or 9 days after ET and were assayed for PIBF and beta human chorionic gondotropin .||NONE Comparison of the frequency of lymphocyte expression of PIBF in pregnant versus non-pregnant women were made .||NONE RESULTS : PIBF was detected in 29.5 % of non-pregnant women and 52.5 % of pregnant women .||NONE There were no differences in PIBF levels by therapy used in non-pregnant cases or in the pregnant group .||NONE CONCLUSION : These data are consistent with the hypothesis that maternal expression of PIBF in T-lymphocytes soon after trophoblast invasion may depend on successful implantation .||NONE Many amino acids contain an asymmetric centre , occurring as laevorotatory , L , or dextrorotatory , D , compounds .||NONE It is generally assumed that abiotic synthesis of amino acids on the early Earth resulted in racemic mixtures ( L- and D-enantiomers in equal abundance ) .||NONE But the origin of life required , owing to conformational constraints , the almost exclusive selection of either L- or D-enantiomers , and the question of why living systems on the Earth consist of L-enantiomers rather than D-enantiomers is unresolved .||NONE A substantial fraction of the organic compounds on the early Earth may have been derived from comet and meteorite impacts .||NONE It has been reported previously that amino acids in the Murchison meteorite exhibit an excess of L-enantiomers , raising the possibility that a similar excess was present in the initial inventory of organic compounds on the Earth .||NONE The stable carbon isotope compositions of individual amino acids in Murchison support an extraterrestrial origin -- rather than a terrestrial overprint of biological amino acids-although reservations have persisted .||NONE Here we show that individual amino-acid enantiomers from Murchison are enriched in 15N relative to their terrestrial counterparts , so confirming an extraterrestrial source for an L-enantiomer excess in the Solar System that may predate the origin of life on the Earth .||NONE Home care workers face an increasing risk for workplace violence .||NONE A proactive preventive approach is presented that suggests strategies to use during the previsit phase , the visit experience , and on an ongoing basis .||NONE The miracidia of Fasciola hepatica and Trichobilharzia ocellata approach their host snails Lymnaea truncatula and L. stagnalis by increasing their rate of change of direction ( RCD ) in increasing gradients of snail-conditioned water ( SCW ) , and they perform a turnback swimming in decreasing gradients .||NONE Both hostfinding responses in both species were induced by glycoconjugates with a molecular weight of > 30 kDa that were sensitive to hydrolysis with pronase E and oxidation with NaIO4 .||NONE Alkaline cleavage revealed that they contained carbohydrates linked O-glycosidically via serine and N-acetylgalactosamine .||NONE Miracidia clearly preferred SCW from their specific host snail versus other sympatric snail species and did not respond to water conditioned with fish , tadpoles , or leeches .||NONE Differences in the chemical characteristics of SCW from the intermediate hosts L. truncatula and L. stagnalis could be shown by sodium dodecyl sulfate-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis , blotting , and subsequent carbohydrate detection .||NONE The first step of purification of the effective signaling SCW components from both snail species was achieved by ion-exchange chromatography .||NONE Black patients with colon cancer in the Black/White Cancer Survival Study were found to have a poorer survival than white patients .||DISONLY More advanced-stage disease at diagnosis was the primary determinant , accounting for 60 % of the excess mortality .||NONE After adjusting for stage , factors such as poverty , other socioeconomic conditions , and treatment did not further explain the remaining survival deficit .||NONE This study examined the aggressiveness of colon tumors in blacks and whites to explore its role in the racial survival differences .||DISONLY Tumor characteristics of 703 cases of newly diagnosed invasive colon adenocarcinoma were centrally evaluated by a gastrointestinal pathologist , blinded in regard to the age , race , and sex of the patients .||DISONLY Blacks were less likely to have poorly differentiated ( grade 3 ) tumors ( odds ratio ( OR ) , 0.44 ; 95 % confidence interval , 0.22-0.88 ) and lymphoid reaction ( OR , 0.49 ; 95 % confidence interval , 0.26-0.90 ) when compared with whites .||DISONLY These black/white ( B/W ) differences remained statistically significant after adjusting for age , sex , metropolitan area , summary stage , socioeconomic status , body mass index , and health care access and utilization .||NONE In addition , blacks were less likely to have high-grade ( grade 3 ) nuclear atypia , mitotic activity , and tubule formation , although these ORs did not reach a statistical significance level of 0.05 .||DISONLY Similar B/W differences were observed for patients with advanced disease but not with early stage .||NONE Comparison by anatomical subsite showed that blacks had statistically significantly better differentiated tumors for cancers of the proximal and transverse colon but not for the distal .||DISONLY No racial differences were found for blood vessel and lymphatic invasion , necrosis , fibrosis , and mucinous type of histology .||DISONLY The findings , therefore , are the opposite of those hypothesized .||NONE After adjusting for stage , more aggressive tumor characteristics do not explain the adverse survival differential in blacks .||NONE This suggests that there may be racial differences in environmental exposure , and that the intensity and mode of delivery of carcinogen insult as well as host susceptibility may differ by race and anatomical subsite .||NONE Future studies should explore the B/W differences in tumor biology using molecular markers that precede the conventional histological parameters evaluated here .||NONE A new method is described for detection of mutations in the lysosomal alpha-glucosidase gene ( GAA ) leading to Glycogen Storage Disease type II ( GSDII ) .||DISONLY A key feature of the method is isolation and reverse transcription of mRNA followed by PCR amplification of lysosomal alpha-glucosidase cDNA with M13-extended primers .||NONE Dye labeled primers are used for cycle sequencing and an ABI PRISM 377 DNA sequencing system for analysis .||NONE The method is rapid and complementary to the automated sequencing of all the 19 , PCR amplified , coding exons of the GAA gene .||NONE The advantages and pitfalls of this new method are discussed in the light of the results obtained with an infantile GSDII patient .||NONE A new splice site mutation in the GAA gene of this patient was identified , IVS16 ( +2T -- > C ) , resulting in the deletion of 16 base pairs of exon 16 .||NONE The presence of clinical autonomic dysfunction in patients with neurologic diseases , such as multiple sclerosis , Parkinson 's disease , and cerebrovascular accident , has become increasingly recognized in the past decade .||DISONLY Very few autonomic tests have been done on pediatric patients thus far .||NONE The purpose of this study was to investigate the autonomic function in patients with cerebral palsy using two noninvasive tests : sympathetic skin response ( SSR ) and R-R interval variation ( RRIV ) .||DISONLY Twenty-four patients with cerebral palsy and 24 control subjects between the ages of 4 and 12 yr were enrolled in this study .||DISONLY There was no significant difference of mean latency , amplitude , or amplitude ratio of SSR between the two groups under electric stimulus , startling stimulus , and deep breathing conditions .||NONE No significant difference in frequency of absent response and asymmetric response was also noted .||NONE Mean heart rate under relaxed sitting condition was significantly higher in the study group .||NONE Significant negative correlation between heart rate and age was noted in the control group but was not present in the study group .||NONE Also , there was no statistical difference of mean RRIV between the two groups .||NONE No objective evidence of autonomic disturbance in patients with cerebral palsy was found in this study .||DISONLY A two-credits per semester clinical medicine course was established in the Department of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation ( PM & # 38 ; R ) in cooperation with the Johns Hopkins University undergraduate Human Biology faculty to present the variety of inpatient consultation personnel , units , patient diagnostic groups , and functional problems .||NONE College students spend 4 hr weekly on the PM & # 38 ; R consultation service as team members under resident supervision .||NONE The curriculum emphasizes student understanding of the roles of rehabilitation team members .||NONE Objectives include demonstration of working knowledge of the Biopsychosocial Model , the World Health Organization Model of disablement and interdisciplinary rehabilitation intervention .||NONE The course includes simulations of physical impairments , demonstrations of adaptive equipment , interactive chart reviews , readings , and audio lectures .||NONE A retrospective sequential review was made of the last 100 physical medicine and rehabilitation consultations with student attendance .||NONE The results confirm student exposure to many ward settings ( surgery , 30 % ; neurology/neurosurgery , 28 % ; medicine , 24 % ; intensive care , 15 % ; oncology , 2 % ; and psychiatry , 1 % ) , patient complexity ( averaging 10 problems ) , and multiple ICD-9 diagnosis categories ( circulatory , 36 % ; neurologic , 22 % ; musculoskeletal , 17 % ; neoplasms , 10 % ; injury , 5 % ; endocrine , 4 % ; infections , 3 % ; and others , 3 % ) .||NONE The rehabilitation consultation service is particularly effective as an introduction to hospital-based medical practice due to the diagnostic variety of the patients , the functional approach of rehabilitation , and student exposure to multiple hospital settings .||NONE The Biopsychosocial Model of medical practice is demonstrated through multiple interdisciplinary perspectives of needs and interventions for patients with obvious functional deficits .||NONE This process develops a rudimentary understanding of the effect of illness on the person and the variety of medically effective therapeutic modalities .||NONE This study is designed to investigate the immediate effectiveness of electrotherapy on myofascial trigger points of upper trapezius muscle .||TREAT_FOR_DIS Sixty patients ( 25 males and 35 females ) who had myofascial trigger points in one side of the upper trapezius muscles were studied .||DISONLY The involved upper trapezius muscles were treated with three different methods according to a random assignment : group A muscles ( n = 18 ) were given placebo treatment ( control group ) ; group B muscles ( n = 20 ) were treated with electrical nerve stimulation ( ENS ) therapy ; and group C muscles ( n = 22 ) were given electrical muscle stimulation ( EMS ) therapy .||TREATONLY The effectiveness of treatment was assessed by conducting three measurements on each muscle before and immediately after treatment : subjective pain intensity ( ( PI ) with a visual analog scale ) , pressure pain threshold ( ( PT ) with algometry ) , and range of motion ( ( ROM ) with a goniometer ) of upper trapezius muscle ( lateral bending of cervical spine to the opposite side ) .||NONE When the effectiveness of treatment was compared with that of the placebo group ( group A ) , there was significant improvement in PI and PT in group B ( P & # 60 ; 0.01 ) but not in group C ( P > 0.05 ) .||NONE The improvement of ROM was significantly more in group C ( P & # 60 ; 0.01 ) as compared with that in group A or group B .||NONE When each group was divided into two additional subgroups based on the initial PI , it was found that ENS could reduce PI and increase PT significantly ( P & # 60 ; 0.05 ) , but did not significantly ( P > 0.05 ) improve ROM , as compared with the placebo group for both subgroups .||NONE EMS could significantly ( P & # 60 ; 0.05 ) improve ROM , but not PT , better than the placebo groups , for either subgroup .||NONE It could reduce PI significantly more ( P & # 60 ; 0.05 ) than placebo controls only for the subgroup with mild to moderate pain , but not with severe pain .||NONE For pain relief , ENS was significantly better ( P & # 60 ; 0.05 ) than EMS ; but for the improvement of ROM , EMS was significantly better ( P & # 60 ; 0.05 ) than ENS .||NONE It is concluded that ENS is more effective for immediate relief of myofascial trigger point pain than EMS , and EMS has a better effect on immediate release of muscle tightness than ENS .||TREAT_FOR_DIS Because activity and regular exercise are important factors to maintain general good health in senior citizens , we investigated whether senior dancing has any effect on peripheral or lumbar bone density .||NONE We performed a prospective study over a12-mo period on bone density at a spinal and peripheral measuring site in 28 female senior members ( mean age : 67 +/- 2 yr ) of a dancing group in Vienna .||NONE Lumbar bone mineral density was assessed by quantitative computed tomography ( qCT ) and radial bone density by single photon absorptiometry of the distal forearm .||NONE The mean training time per week was 3.2 +/- 0.8 h. In the entire group of female dancers , no significant effects of dancing on radial or lumbar bone density could be observed .||NONE Linear regression analysis showed that the lower the qCT at the beginning of the observation period , the higher was the percentage increase of spinal qCT in the entire group during 12 mo of dancing ( r = 0.52 , P & # 60 ; 0.0001 ) .||NONE For additional evaluation , females were divided into two subgroups , osteoporotic or nonosteoporotic , based on x-rays and lumbar bone mineral density ( BMD ) as measured by qCT .||NONE The group classified as dancers with osteoporosis ( group I ) showed a significant increase in lumbar bone density , whereas in the group of dancers without signs of osteoporosis ( group II ) , BMD remained unchanged .||DISONLY Additionally , radial bone density did not show any changes in either group .||NONE Group I showed a significant correlation between basal spinal BMD and the percentage change of BMD during the observation period ( r = 0.7 , P & # 60 ; 0.001 ) .||NONE Changes of the biochemical parameters were observed in the bone-specific isoenzyme of alkaline phosphatase , a marker of osteoblastic activity , in group I giving additional evidence of increased bone formation .||NONE OBJECTIVES : To estimate the prevalence of Chlamydia trachomatis in asymptomatic women attending general practice : to assess the potential of the ligase chain reaction as a screening tool ; and to evaluate selective screening criteria .||DISONLY DESIGN : Cross sectional survey .||NONE SETTING : Four general practices in northeast London .||NONE SUBJECTS : 890 women aged 18-35 years attending general practice for a cervical smear or a `` young well woman '' check between October 1994 and January 1996 .||NONE The women were tested for C trachomatis with confirmed enzyme immunoassay ( endocervical specimens ) and ligase chain reaction assay on urine specimens .||DISONLY MAIN OUTCOME MEASURES : Prevalence of C trachomatis infection in women aged 18-35 on the basis of each test ; sensitivity and specificity of both tests in this population .||DISONLY RESULTS : Prevalence of confirmed infection was 2.6 % ( 95 % confidence interval 1.6 % to 3.6 % ) in all women .||NONE Prevalence on the basis of enzyme immunoassay was 1.6 % ( 0.8 % to 2.7 % ) , with a sensitivity of 60 % and a specificity of 100 % .||NONE Prevalence on the basis of ligase chain reaction was 2.5 % ( 1.5 % to 3.9 % ) , with 90 % sensitivity and 99.8 % specificity .||NONE Screening all women aged & # 60 ; or = 25 and all women who had had two or more partners in the past year would have detected 87 % ( 20/23 ) of infections .||NONE CONCLUSION : Ligase chain reaction on urine samples performs at least as well as enzyme immunoassay on cervical specimens in this low prevalence population .||NONE It offers potential as a non-invasive screening tool .||NONE A simple selective screening strategy might be appropriate and would be able to detect most cases of infection .||DISONLY However , a rigorous economic evaluation of possible screening strategies is needed first .||NONE Recently , many advances have been made in the study of sexual differentiation , including the discoveries of the gene for antimÃ1/4llerian hormone as well as the gene for its receptor .||NONE However , the etiology of the clinical syndrome of mÃ1/4llerian agenesis remains elusive .||NONE We hypothesize that activating mutations of either the antimÃ1/4llerian hormone gene or its receptor gene may cause mÃ1/4llerian duct regression in a genetic female during embryogenesis .||NONE This clinical commentary discusses the current management of the syndrome including the Abbe-McIndoe procedure , the most commonly used method of surgical correction , and the Frank vaginal dilation method , the most common nonsurgical method of correction .||TREATONLY OBJECTIVES : Obesity is an important clinical problem , and the use of dexfenfluramine hydrochloride for weight reduction has been widely publicized since its approval by the Food and Drug Administration .||TREAT_FOR_DIS However , animal and human studies have demonstrated toxic effects of fenfluramines that clinicians should be aware of when considering prescribing the drugs .||TREATONLY Our purpose was to systematically review data on brain serotonin neurotoxicity in animals treated with fenfluramines and the evidence linking fenfluramines to primary pulmonary hypertension ( PPH ) .||SIDE_EFF DATA SOURCES : Archival articles and reviews identified through a computerized search of MEDLINE from 1966 to April 1997 using `` fenfluramine ( s ) , '' `` serotonin , '' `` neurotoxicity , '' `` behavior , '' `` anorexigens , '' `` weight loss , '' and `` primary pulmonary hypertension '' as index terms .||NONE STUDY SELECTION : Reports dealing with long-term effects of fenfluramines on brain serotonin neurons , body weight , and pulmonary function in animals and humans .||TREATONLY DATA EXTRACTION : Reports were reviewed by individuals with expertise in serotonin neurobiology , neurotoxicity , neuropsychiatry , and pulmonary medicine and evaluated for appropriateness for inclusion in this review .||NONE DATA SYNTHESIS : Fenfluramines cause dose-related , long-lasting reductions in serotonin axonal markers in all the animal species tested and with all the routes of drug administration used .||TREATONLY Doses of fenfluramines that produce signs of brain serotonin neurotoxicity in animals are on the same order as those used to treat humans for weight loss when one takes into account known relations between body mass and drug clearance .||NONE However , no human studies have been conducted , and the pathological and clinical potential for neurotoxicity in humans is unknown .||NONE Appetite suppressants-most commonly fenfluramines -increase the risk of developing PPH ( odds ratio , 6.3 ) , particularly when used for more than 3 months ( odds ratio , > 20 ) .||SIDE_EFF CONCLUSIONS : Fenfluramine and dexfenfluramine have been demonstrated to damage brain serotonin neurons in animal studies .||TREATONLY It is not known if such damage occurs in humans or if there are clinical consequences .||NONE Use of fenfluramines is associated with an increased risk of PPH .||SIDE_EFF Future studies should address the long-term consequences of prolonged use of fenfluramines .||TREATONLY Moxonidine ( Physiotens-Solvay ) was introduced last year as the first of a new class of centrally-acting antihypertensive agents , the selective imidazoline receptor agonists .||TREATONLY The manufacturer claims that moxonidine `` accurately targets imidazoline receptors at the cardiovascular control centre in the brainstem '' and is `` as effective as current first-line therapies for essential hypertension `` .||TREAT_FOR_DIS Other claims suggest that it causes fewer unwanted effects than older centrally-acting antihypertensive drugs such as clonidine and methyldopa .||TREATONLY Is moxonidine a useful addition to the growing number of antihypertensives on the market ? ||TREATONLY This article discusses dental anxiety and phobia .||NONE The author presents background information , including incidence and etiology .||NONE A discussion of evaluative techniques for assessing anxiety levels follows .||NONE Examination and treatment planning are considered in relation to this patient 's special needs .||NONE The article stresses behavioral treatment modalities that eliminate the debilitating phobia .||NONE In closing , the author presents practical information regarding prevention of dental phobia and the merits of incorporating this type of patient into a dental practice .||NONE In order to evaluate the applicability of anthelminthic treatment of wild foxes ( Vulpes vulpes ) to limit their infection with Echinococcus multilocularis , bait pellets , each containing 50 mg praziquantel , were repeatedly distributed in an area of 566 km2 where many foxes are infected , in southern Germany .||TREAT_FOR_DIS After six baiting campaigns ( 15-20 baits/km2 ) over a period of 14 months , the prevalence of the cestode in foxes , initially 32 % , had fallen to 4 % .||NONE The effect was most pronounced in the central part of the treated area , where no positive fox was found in the 2 months before the end of the trial .||NONE The study was controlled for other factors that could influence the parasite 's prevalence , such as the availability of intermediate hosts .||NONE While the potential of this baiting method to remove E .||NONE multilocularis from wild hosts has been demonstrated , the question of its long-term efficacy and other unresolved problems have to be addressed by consecutive studies before routine application can be recommended .||NONE In patients with chronic myeloid leukemia ( CML ) , the neoplastic ( BCR-ABL+ ) progenitor cells are characterized by an increased proliferative activity .||DISONLY Whether these cells are also resistant to apoptosis and if so , under what conditions remains controversial .||NONE We now show that highly purified populations of very primitive neoplastic progenitor cells obtained directly from CML patients survive and proliferate in vitro for several weeks in the absence of any added growth factors ( except insulin ) .||NONE In contrast , purified primary normal progenitors maintained under the same conditions die rapidly .||NONE Nevertheless , both primary CML cells and BCR-ABL+ BAF3 cells show the same dose-dependent sensitivity to TNF-alpha or ceramide-induced apoptosis as their respective normal counterparts .||NONE In fact , time course studies demonstrated an even faster onset of apoptosis in ceramide-treated BCR-ABL+ BAF3 cells as compared to normal controls .||NONE BCR-ABL+ cells treated with ceramide also showed a rapid and sequential increase in the tyrosine phosphorylation of p210 ( BCR-ABL ) , p46-56SHC and p120Cbl .||NONE These findings suggest growth factor deprivation and treatment with TNF-alpha or ceramide trigger different initial events both of which can lead to apoptosis in factor-dependent hematopoietic cells .||NONE However , in the first case , activation of apoptosis is blocked by the basal activity of p210 ( BCR-ABL ) , whereas in the second , the presence of p210 ( BCR-ABL ) appears to accelerate the onset of apoptosis by a mechanism that may involve an activation of its kinase function .||NONE Clinically , the hallmark of the human amnesic syndrome is an impaired ability to consciously recollect or remember daily events .||DISONLY If the medial region of the temporal lobes , including the hippocampus and related structures , is critical for establishing these new memories , then this brain region should be active whenever events are experienced , regardless of whether subjects are asked explicitly to learn and remember .||NONE Here we show that the medial temporal region is active during encoding and that the hemisphere activated and the amount of activation depend on the type of stimulus presented ( objects or words ) , whether the stimulus can be encoded for meaning ( real objects and words versus nonsense objects and words ) , and task experience ( first versus the second time a task is performed ) .||NONE These findings demonstrate that the medial temporal lobe memory system is engaged automatically when we attend to a perceptual event and that the location and amount of activation depend on stimulus characteristics ( physical form , meaning ) and experience .||NONE The involvement of structures in the medial temporal lobe during the encoding of visual associations was studied with functional magnetic resonance imaging .||NONE In 11 out of 12 normal healthy volunteers this task resulted in activation in posterior portions of the parahippocampal region , close to the collateral sulcus .||NONE In seven subjects activation was encountered in the hippocampal formation .||NONE The visual association task as adapted for this study may provide a sensitive measure to study anterograde amnesia prevalent in Alzheimer 's disease .||NONE Therefore , the present paradigm enables the study of individual changes in learning and memory capacities over time .||NONE Altered calcium ( Ca2+ ) homeostasis is thought to play a key role in aging and neuropathology resulting in memory deficits .||NONE Several forms of hippocampal synaptic plasticity are dependent on Ca2+ , providing a potential link between altered Ca2+ homeostasis and memory deficits associated with aging .||NONE The current study reviews evidence for Ca2+ dysregulation during aging which could interact with Ca ( 2+ ) -dependent synaptic plasticity .||NONE The authors suggest that changes in Ca2+ regulation could adjust the thresholds for synaptic modification , favoring processes for depression of synaptic strength during aging .||NONE Transiently evolked otoacoustic emissions ( TEOAE ) have been reported in several studies as absent in a small minority of normal ears .||NONE Other studies have reported TEOAEs in all normal ears .||NONE Differences between studies may arise directly from criteria for TEOAE identification , criteria for selection of normals , or statistically due to limited sample sizes .||NONE In order to understand and model cochlear processes involved in TEOAE generation , it needs to be known whether the presence of normal hearing leads automatically to generation of TEOAEs .||NONE The present study set out to establish in a large sample if any ears could be found that lacked TEOAEs despite normal hearing threshold levels ( HTL ) .||NONE A total of 397 ears from highly cooperative adult subjects were examined under laboratory conditions .||NONE Using cross correlation between replicate nonlinear waveforms as the criterion , TEOAEs were present in 99.2 % of the sample ( lower CI 98.1 % ) .||NONE However , careful visual assessment of the recorded waveforms for the remaining ears did not unequivocally show absence of TEOAE characteristics in any ear with normal HTLs .||NONE While TEOAE strength varies widely among ears , no clear evidence was found to show that TEOAEs can be absent when HTLs are normal .||NONE In addition to a long form of 591 amino acids ( aa ) , two other forms of PRL receptor ( PRLR ) , differing in the length of their cytoplasmic domains , have been identified in the rat .||NONE The Nb2 form , lacking 198 aa in the cytoplasmic domain , is able to transmit a lactogenic signal similar to the long form , whereas the short form of 291 aa is inactive .||NONE The ability of PRL to activate the promoter of the beta-casein gene or the lactogenic hormone responsive element fused to the luciferase reporter was assessed in Chinese hamster ovary cells or 293 fibroblasts transiently transfected with PRLR cDNAs .||NONE The function of the short form was examined after cotransfection of both the long and short forms .||NONE These results clearly show that the short form acts as a dominant negative inhibitor through the formation of inactive heterodimers , resulting in an inhibition of Janus kinase 2 ( JAK2 ) activation .||NONE The present study also investigates the possible participation of cytoplasmic receptors in the signal transduction pathway , using cotransfection experiments and a new approach that selectively determines the contribution of cytoplasmic receptors in the process of signal transduction .||NONE We cotransfected Chinese hamster ovary cells with two cDNA constructs : a cytoplasmic ( soluble ) form of the receptor with a deleted signal peptide ( delta-19 ) , which is unable to bind PRL , and a functionally inactive receptor mutant ( lacking box 1 ) , which is anchored in the plasma membrane and able to bind PRL .||NONE This approach has allowed us to show that delta-19 , lacking expression at the plasma membrane , can transduce the hormonal message , at least to a limited extent ( up to 30 % of wild type efficiency ) , providing that association/activation occurs with a PRL-PRLR complex initiated at the cell surface level ; box 1 of the cytoplasmic form is necessary to rescue this partial transcriptional activity of the inactive mutant .||NONE This partial recovery is also parallel to the partial activation of JAK2 , indicating that the signal transduction pathway implicated JAK2 .||NONE Our results provide evidence that heterodimerization of receptors can be implicated either in the positive or in negative activation of gene transcription .||NONE BACKGROUND : Inadequate dietary intake of calcium and vitamin D may contribute to the high prevalence of osteoporosis among older persons .||DISONLY METHODS : We studied the effects of three years of dietary supplementation with calcium and vitamin D on bone mineral density , biochemical measures of bone metabolism , and the incidence of nonvertebral fractures in 176 men and 213 women 65 years of age or older who were living at home .||NONE They received either 500 mg of calcium plus 700 IU of vitamin D3 ( cholecalciferol ) per day or placebo .||NONE Bone mineral density was measured by dual-energy x-ray absorptiometry , blood and urine were analyzed every six months , and cases of nonvertebral fracture were ascertained by means of interviews and verified with use of hospital records .||NONE RESULTS : The mean ( +/-SD ) changes in bone mineral density in the calcium-vitamin D and placebo groups were as follows : femoral neck , +0.50+/-4.80 and -0.70+/-5.03 percent , respectively ( P=0.02 ) ; spine , +2.12+/-4.06 and +1.22+/-4.25 percent ( P=0.04 ) ; and total body , +0.06+/-1.83 and -1.09+/-1.71 percent ( P & # 60 ; 0.001 ) .||NONE The difference between the calcium-vitamin D and placebo groups was significant at all skeletal sites after one year , but it was significant only for total-body bone mineral density in the second and third years .||NONE Of 37 subjects who had nonvertebral fractures , 26 were in the placebo group and 11 were in the calcium-vitamin D group ( P=0.02 ) .||NONE CONCLUSIONS : In men and women 65 years of age or older who are living in the community , dietary supplementation with calcium and vitamin D moderately reduced bone loss measured in the femoral neck , spine , and total body over the three-year study period and reduced the incidence of nonvertebral fractures .||PREVENT The sterilization and contaminated waste disposal practices in all 14 dental clinics operated by the Southern Sydney Area Health Service were surveyed .||NONE All of the clinics used autoclaves for sterilization .||NONE All hand instruments , handpieces and triplex syringes were autoclaved between patients .||NONE Chemical disinfection solutions were used in 12 of the 14 dental clinics , mainly for surface decontamination .||NONE Five dental clinics had separate storage areas for contaminated waste which compiled with contaminated waste separation and disposal guidelines .||NONE The practice of recapping needles with fingers and some inadequate washing facilities are areas that require particular attention .||NONE Safety and efficacy are crucial but separate issues for vitamin and mineral supplements .||NONE Misinterpretation of `` safe and adequate '' to mean `` safety limit '' would impose restrictions on vitamin and mineral intakes that are not needed to ensure safety .||NONE Substantial evidence indicates that intakes greater than the recommended dietary allowances ( RDAs ) of certain vitamins and minerals such as calcium , folic acid , vitamin E , selenium , and chromium reduce the risk of certain diseases for some people .||NONE Limitation of intakes to the RDAs would preclude reductions in disease risk from these nutrients .||NONE The margin of safety between the usual dietary intake and the intake that would produce adverse effects varies greatly among the different nutrients .||NONE Very high intakes of vitamins A and D , niacin , pyridoxine , and selenium have produced adverse effects .||NONE Many widely discussed putative adverse effects of vitamin C , vitamin E , and trivalent chromium have little factual basis .||NONE There is no evidence of adverse effects from beta-carotene supplements except in current heavy smokers .||NONE The mutator hypothesis of tumorigenesis suggests that loss of chromosomal stability or maintenance functions results in elevated mutation rates , leading to the accumulation of the numerous mutations required for multistep carcinogenesis .||NONE The human DNA mismatch repair ( MMR ) genes are highly conserved homologues of the Escherichia coli MutHLS system , which contribute to genomic stability by surveillance and repair of replication misincorporation errors and exogenous DNA damage .||NONE Mutations in one of these MMR genes , hMSH2 , account for about half of all cases of genetically linked hereditary non-polyposis colorectal cancer .||NONE Loss of function of p53 has also been proposed to increase cellular hypermutability , thereby accelerating carcinogenesis , although a clear role for p53 in genomic instability remains controversial .||NONE p53 is mutated frequently in a wide range of human cancers , including colonic tumours .||DISONLY Both Msh2- and p53-targeted knockout mice are viable and susceptible to cancer .||DISONLY Here we demonstrate that combined Msh2 and p53 ablation ( Msh2-/-p53-/- ) results in developmental arrest of all female embryos at 9.5 days .||NONE In contrast , male Msh2-/-p53-/- mice are viable , but succumb to tumours significantly earlier ( t1-2 is 73 days ) than either Msh2-/- or p53-/- littermates .||DISONLY Furthermore , the frequency of microsatellite instability ( MSI ) in tumours from Msh2-/-p53-/- mice is not significantly different than in Msh2-/- mice .||NONE Synergism in tumorigenesis and independent segregation of the MSI phenotype suggest that Msh2 and p53 are not genetically epistatic .||NONE Our data ( Reddy et al. , Radiat .||NONE Res .||NONE 141 , 252-258 , 1995 ) on the kinetics of the repair of potentially lethal damage in log-phase Chinese hamster V79 cells are used to test some predictions which arise from the different assumptions of the repair-misrepair ( RMR ) ( C .||NONE A .||NONE Tobias , Radiat .||NONE Res .||NONE 104 , S77-S95 , 1985 ) , lethal-potentially lethal ( LPL ) ( S. B .||NONE Curtis , Radiat .||NONE Res .||NONE 106 , 252-270 , 1986 ) and double-strand break ( DSB ) ( J .||NONE Y .||NONE Ostashevsky , Radiat .||NONE Res .||NONE 118 , 437-466 , 1989 ) models .||NONE The LPL model defines the time available for repair of PLD ( t ( rep ) ) as the time taken to reach maximal survival in a delayed-plating recovery experiment .||NONE Those data show that after this time has elapsed , contrary to the expectation of the LPL model , survival can be increased by changing the medium used for delayed plating from fresh growth medium to conditioned medium .||NONE According to the RMR model , all potentially lethal lesions should also be committed by that time and be unavailable for repair in the new medium .||NONE Only the DSB model correctly predicted that PLD ( = DSBs ) would still be available for repair after that time .||NONE Second , data for split-dose recovery are used to predict the first-order kinetics time constant for DSB repair ( tau ( DSBR ) ) using the DSB model ( 24 +/- 1.5 min ) .||NONE This value is nearly identical to the value of 27 +/- 1 min determined from the data obtained by Cheong et al. using pulsed-field gel electrophoresis ( PFGE ) ( Mutat .||NONE Res .||NONE 274 , 111-122 , 1992 ) .||NONE The value based on PFGE is used to calculate the value of t ( rep ) predicted by the DSB model ( 2.6 +/- 0.1 h ) , which agrees with the value determined experimentally as the time when changing the delayed-plating medium from growth medium to conditioned medium no longer gives the full recovery seen with delayed plating in conditioned medium ( 2.5 h ) .||NONE However , some recovery was seen for a change in the medium ( growth medium to conditioned medium ) up to 5-6 h postirradiation .||NONE Reanalysis of the original data on DSB repair shows that they are consistent with two first-order repair rates ( 18 +/- 7 min and about 52 min ) .||NONE These results are consistent with two pools of DSBs ( or cells ) , each with their own t ( rep ) .||NONE The early t ( rep ) , associated with tau ( fast ) , is predicted to be 1.7 +/- 0.7 h , and the late t ( rep ) , associated with tau ( slow ) , is predicted to be about 5 h. Both values are in excellent agreement with the times at which changing from growth medium to conditioned medium no longer gives the full recovery seen in conditioned medium only ( the early t ( rep ) ) , and the time when changing from growth medium to conditioned medium produces no further increase in survival ( the late t ( rep ) ) , respectively .||NONE It is noted that attempts to correlate radiosensitivity with the rates of DSB repair , rather than using an explicit model such as the DSB model , are unlikely to be productive since survival depends on both tau ( DSBR ) and t ( rep ) ( as defined in the DSB model ) and the latter may be the more important determinant of radiosensitivity ( as it appears to be for ataxia telangiectasia cells compared to normal fibroblasts and for irs compared to V79 cells ) .||NONE CONTEXT : Adolescents ' concerns about privacy in clinical settings decrease their willingness to seek health care for sensitive problems and may inhibit their communication with physicians .||NONE OBJECTIVE : To investigate the influence of physicians ' assurances of confidentiality on adolescents ' willingness to disclose information and seek future health care .||NONE DESIGN : Randomized controlled trial .||NONE SETTING : Three suburban public high schools in California .||NONE PARTICIPANTS : The 562 participating adolescents represented 92 % of students in mandatory classes .||NONE INTERVENTION : After random assignment to 1 of 3 groups , the adolescents listened to a standardized audiotape depiction of an office visit during which they heard a physician who assured unconditional confidentiality , a physician who assured conditional confidentiality , or a physician who did not mention confidentiality .||NONE MAIN OUTCOME MEASURES : Adolescents ' willingness to disclose general information , willingness to disclose information about sensitive topics , intended honesty , and likelihood of return visits to the physician depicted in the scenario were assessed by anonymous written questionnaire .||NONE RESULTS : Assurances of confidentiality increased the number of adolescents willing to disclose sensitive information about sexuality , substance use , and mental health from 39 % ( 68/175 ) to 46.5 % ( 178/383 ) ( beta=.10 , P=.02 ) and increased the number willing to seek future health care from 53 % ( 93/175 ) to 67 % ( 259/386 ) ( beta=.17 , P & # 60 ; .001 ) .||NONE When comparing the unconditional with the conditional groups , assurances of unconditional confidentiality increased the number of adolescents willing to return for a future visit by 10 percentage points , from 62 % ( 122/196 ) to 72 % ( 137/190 ) ( beta=.14 , P=.001 ) .||NONE CONCLUSIONS : Adolescents are more willing to communicate with and seek health care from physicians who assure confidentiality .||NONE Further investigation is needed to identify a confidentiality assurance statement that explains the legal and ethical limitations of confidentiality without decreasing adolescents ' likelihood of seeking future health care for routine and nonreportable sensitive health concerns .||NONE BACKGROUND : Diabetic foot infections cause substantial morbidity and mortality .||DISONLY Neutrophil superoxide generation , a crucial part of neutrophil bactericidal activity , is impaired in diabetes .||DISONLY Granulocyte-colony stimulating factor ( G-CSF ) increases the release of neutrophils from the bone marrow and improves neutrophil function .||NONE We assessed G-CSF as adjuvant therapy for the treatment of severe foot infections in diabetic patients .||TREAT_FOR_DIS METHODS : 40 diabetic patients with foot infections were enrolled in a double-blind placebo-controlled study .||DISONLY On admission , patients were randomly assigned G-CSF ( filgrastim ) therapy ( n = 20 ) or placebo ( n = 20 ) for 7 days .||TREATONLY Both groups received similar antibiotic and insulin treatment .||TREATONLY Neutrophils from the peripheral blood of these participants and from healthy controls were stimulated with opsonised zymosan , and superoxide production was measured by a spectrophotometric assay ( reduction of ferricytochrome C ) .||NONE FINDINGS : G-CSF therapy was associated with earlier eradication of pathogens from the infected ulcer ( median 4 ( range 2-10 ) vs 8 ( 2-79 ) days in the placebo group ; p = 0.02 ) , quicker resolution of cellulitis < ( 7 ( 5-20 ) vs 12 ( 5-93 ) days ; p = 0.03 ) , shorter hospital stay ( 10 ( 7-31 ) vs 17.5 ( 9-100 ) days ; p = 0.02 ) , and a shorter duration of intravenous antibiotic treatment ( 8.5 ( 5-30 ) vs 14.5 ( 8-63 ) days ; p = 0.02 ) .||TO_SEE No G-CSF-treated patient needed surgery , whereas two placebo recipients underwent to amputation and two had extensive debridement under anaesthesia .||TREATONLY After 7 days ' treatment , neutrophil superoxide production was significantly higher in the G-CSF group than in the placebo group ( 16.1 ( 4.2-24.2 ) vs 7.3 ( 2.1-11.5 ) nmol per 10 ( 6 ) neutrophils in 30 min ; p & # 60 ; 0.0001 ) .||NONE G-CSF therapy was generally well tolerated .||TREATONLY INTERPRETATION : G-CSF treatment was associated with improved clinical outcome of foot infection in diabetic patients .||TREAT_FOR_DIS This improvement may be related to an increase in neutrophil superoxide production .||NONE BACKGROUND : Accelerated infusion of alteplase ( tissue plasminogen activator ) over a period of 90 minutes induces more rapid lysis of coronary-artery thrombi than a 3-hour infusion .||TREAT_FOR_DIS With two bolus doses of alteplase , further shortening the duration of administration , complete reperfusion was achieved in more than 85 percent of the patients in initial angiographic studies .||TREATONLY We tested the hypothesis that double-bolus alteplase is at least as effective as accelerated infusion .||TREATONLY METHODS : In 398 hospitals , 7169 patients with acute myocardial infarction were randomly assigned to weight-adjusted , accelerated infusion of 100 mg of alteplase or to a bolus of 50 mg of alteplase over a period of 1 to 3 minutes followed 30 minutes later by a second bolus of 50 mg ( or 40 mg for patients who weighed less than 60 kg ) .||TREAT_FOR_DIS The primary end point was death from any cause at 30 days .||NONE The trial was stopped prematurely because of concern about the safety of the double-bolus injection .||TREATONLY RESULTS : Thirty-day mortality was higher in the double-bolus group than in the accelerated-infusion group : 7.98 percent as compared with 7.53 percent .||NONE The absolute difference was 0.44 percent , with a one-sided 95 percent upper boundary of 1.49 percent , which exceeded the prespecified upper limit of 0.40 percent to indicate equivalence in 30-day mortality between the two regimens .||NONE The respective rates of any stroke and of hemorrhagic stroke were 1.92 and 1.12 percent after double-bolus alteplase , as compared with 1.53 and 0.81 percent after an accelerated infusion of alteplase ( P=0.24 and P=0.23 , respectively ) .||SIDE_EFF CONCLUSIONS : Double-bolus alteplase was not shown to be equivalent , according to the prespecified criteria , to accelerated infusion with regard to 30-day mortality .||TREATONLY There was also a slightly higher rate of intracranial hemorrhage with the double-bolus method .||SIDE_EFF Therefore , accelerated infusion of alteplase over a period of 90 minutes remains the preferred regimen .||TREATONLY BACKGROUND : Fenfluramine and phentermine have been individually approved as anorectic agents by the Food and Drug Administration ( FDA ) .||TREATONLY When used in combination the drugs may be just as effective as either drug alone , with the added advantages of the need for lower doses of each agent and perhaps fewer side effects .||NONE Although the combination has not been approved by the FDA , in 1996 the total number of prescriptions in the United States for fenfluramine and phentermine exceeded 18 million .||TREATONLY METHODS : We identified valvular heart diseasein 24 women treated with fenfluramine-phentermine who had no history of cardiac disease .||TO_SEE The women presented with cardiovascular symptoms or a heart murmur .||DISONLY As increasing numbers of these patients with similar clinical features were identified , there appeared to be an association between these features and fenfluramine-phentermine therapy .||TREATONLY RESULTS : Twenty-four women ( mean ( +/-SD ) age , 44+/-8 years ) were evaluated 12.3+/-7.1 months after the initiation of fenfluramine-phentermine therapy .||TREATONLY Echocardiography demonstrated unusual valvular morphology and regurgitation in all patients .||NONE Both right-sided and left-sided heart valves were involved .||NONE Eight women also had newly documented pulmonary hypertension .||DISONLY To date , cardiac surgical intervention has been required in five patients .||TREATONLY The heart valves had a glistening white appearance .||NONE Histopathological findings included plaque-like encasement of the leaflets and chordal structures with intact valve architecture .||NONE The histopathological features were identical to those seen in carcinoid or ergotamine-induced valve disease .||DISONLY CONCLUSIONS : These cases arouse concern that fenfluramine-phentermine therapy may be associated with valvular heart disease .||SIDE_EFF Candidates for fenfluramine-phentermine therapy should be informed about serious potential adverse effects , including pulmonary hypertension and valvular heart disease .||SIDE_EFF Between 1987 and 1992 , all patients presenting to the senior author with a symptomatic failed silicone implant arthroplasty refractory to conservative treatment were converted to a metatarsophalangeal joint arthrodesis .||TO_SEE Internal fixation was achieved with either dual intrameduilary threaded Steinmann pins or an obliquely placed AO compression screw and a three- or four-hole one-third tubular dorsal neutralization plate .||NONE Bone grafting was used to maintain hallux length .||TREATONLY Successful arthrodesis was achieved in all five feet in patients with rheumatoid arthritis .||TREAT_FOR_DIS Subjectively , patients improved from an average of 0.69 before arthrodesis to 4.89 after arthrodesis .||TREATONLY The average walking tolerance improved from 1.11 to 4.80 , and the overall level of satisfaction improved from 0.0 to 4.79 .||NONE The patient 's ability to wear shoes improved from 0.87 to 3.1 .||NONE Successful arthrodesis produces a foot that is more functional and durable than excisional arthroplasty .||TREATONLY Subjectively , these patients stated that their level of pain , walking tolerance , and overall satisfaction improved significantly after the arthrodesis .||TREATONLY Clinically , there was no evidence of transfer lesions , tenderness , or hallux subluxation .||DISONLY Hallux length was well maintained after surgery with bone grafting , but it was more difficult to obtain the alignment goals .||TREATONLY The average postoperative metatarsophalangeal dorsiflexion angle was 15.6 degrees and the first metatarsophalangeal angle was 3.1 degrees .||NONE Despite this , patient satisfaction was high .||NONE Arthrodesis of the first metatarsophalangeal joint using a bone graft to salvage failed silicone implant arthroplasty produces acceptable subjective and radiographic results .||TREATONLY Although technically demanding , it provides long-term stability to the hallux , restores weightbearing , and allows for maintenance of a propulsive gait .||NONE We recommend this procedure instead of an excisional arthroplasty to maintain high level of function and overall patient satisfaction .||TREATONLY OBJECTIVE : To estimate the crude incidence rates of cerebrovascular accidents among the black residents of Harare .||DISONLY DESIGN : Prospective community-based study .||NONE SETTING : Black residents of Harare , Zimbabwe .||NONE PARTICIPANTS : Two hundred and seventy-three 'first-ever ' strokes prospectively identified over a 12-month period .||DISONLY MAIN OUTCOME STUDY FACTORS : Cerebrovascular accident first-week fatality rate ; age- and sex-related incidence .||DISONLY RESULTS : The crude incidence rate was estimated to be 30.7 per 100000 ( 95 % confidence interval 27.1-34.4 ) and the standardised rate was 68 per 100000 .||NONE Fifty-one per cent of stroke victims were below the age of 54 years .||DISONLY Thirty-five per cent of patients died within 1 week of the stroke .||NONE Overall , the age-specific rates for both sexes rose with age , with the rates for women being higher at all age strata except for the group 45-54 years .||NONE CONCLUSION : With a standardised rate of 68 per 100000 and a first-week mortality rate of 35 % , stroke must now be considered an important cause of morbidity and mortality in the population .||DISONLY OBJECTIVE : To explore the long-term effect of calcium supplementation during pregnancy on the offspring 's blood pressure during childhood .||TREATONLY DESIGN : Follow up of a population enrolled in a double blind , randomised , placebo controlled trial .||NONE SETTING : Perinatal research unit , World Health Organisation 's collaborative research centre .||NONE SUBJECTS : 591 children at a mean age of 7 years whose mothers were randomly assigned during pregnancy to receive 2 g/day of elemental calcium ( n = 298 ) or placebo ( n = 293 ) .||NONE MAIN OUTCOME MEASURES : Mean blood pressure and rate of high blood pressure of children .||DISONLY RESULTS : Overall , systolic blood pressure was lower in the calcium group ( mean difference -1.4 mm Hg ; 95 % confidence interval -3.2 to 0.5 ) than in the placebo group .||NONE The effect was found predominantly among children whose body mass index at assessment was above the median for this population ( mean difference in systolic blood pressure -5.8 mm Hg ( -9.8 mm Hg to -1.7 mm Hg ) for children with an index > 17.5 and -3.2 mm Hg ( -6.3 mm Hg to -0.1 mm Hg ) for those with an index of > 15.7 to 17.5 ) .||NONE The risk of high systolic blood pressure was also lower in the calcium group than in the placebo group ( relative risk 0.59 ; 0.39 to 0.90 ) and particularly among children in the highest fourth of body mass index ( 0.43 ; 0.26 to 0.71 ) .||NONE CONCLUSION : Calcium supplementation during pregnancy is associated with lower systolic blood pressure in the offspring , particularly among overweight children .||TREATONLY The fast reaction of peroxynitrite with CO2 and the high concentration of dissolved CO2 in vivo ( ca .||NONE 1 mM ) suggest that CO2 modulates most of the reactions of peroxynitrite in biological systems .||NONE The addition of peroxynitrite to CO2 produces of the adduct ONOO-CO2- ( 1 ) .||NONE The production of 1 greatly accelerates the decomposition of peroxynitrite to give nitrate .||NONE We now show that the formation of 1 is followed by reformation of CO2 ( rather than another carbonate species such as CO3 = or HCO3- ) .||NONE To show this , it is necessary to study systems with limiting concentrations of CO2 .||NONE ( When CO2 is present in excess , its concentration remains nearly constant during the decomposition of peroxynitrite , and the recycling of CO2 , although it occurs , can not be detected kinetically ) .||NONE We find that CO2 is a true catalyst of the decomposition of peroxynitrite , and this fundamental insight into its action must be rationalized by any in vivo or in vitro reaction mechanism that is proposed .||NONE When the concentration of CO2 is lower than that of peroxynitrite , the reformation of CO2 amplifies the fraction of peroxynitrite that reacts with CO2 .||NONE Even low concentrations of CO2 that result from the dissolution of ambient CO2 can have pronounced catalytic effects .||NONE These effects can cause deviations from predicted kinetic behavior in studies of peroxynitrite in noncarbonate buffers in vitro , and since 1 and other intermediates derived from it are oxidants and/or nitrating agents , some of the reactions attributed to peroxynitrite may depend on the availability of CO2 .||NONE A prospective , randomized , placebo-controlled , double-blind , parallel-group , 6-month study assessed the efficacy and safety of ropinirole , a nonergoline D2-dopamine agonist , in patients with early Parkinson 's disease ( n = 241 ; Hoehn & # 38 ; Yahr stages I to III ) with limited or no prior dopaminergic therapy .||TREAT_FOR_DIS Patients ( mean age , 62.8 years ) , stratified by concomitant use of selegiline , were randomized to ropinirole ( n = 116 ) or placebo ( n = 125 ) .||TREATONLY The starting dose of ropinirole was 0.25 mg tid with titration to at least 1.5 mg tid ( maximum dose , 8 mg tid ) .||TREATONLY Primary efficacy endpoint was the percentage improvement in Unified Parkinson 's Disease Rating Scale ( UPDRS ) motor score .||DISONLY Ropinirole-treated patients had a significantly greater percentage improvement in UPDRS motor score than patients who received placebo ( +24 % vs -3 % ; p & # 60 ; 0.001 ) .||NONE Ropinirole was well tolerated and patient withdrawals were infrequent .||TREATONLY Most adverse experiences were related to peripheral dopaminergic activity .||NONE Ropinirole monotherapy is an effective and well-tolerated therapeutic option for treatment of early Parkinson 's disease .||TREAT_FOR_DIS Starfish oocytes can be fertilized after germinal vesicle breakdown ( GVBD ) and artificial parthenogenesis can be induced by activating the oocytes after GVBD ( post-GVBD activation ) .||NONE In the present study , parthenogenotes were obtained by the activation of immature oocytes with caffeine before treatment with 1-methyladenine ( 1-MeAde ) to induce oocyte maturation .||TREATONLY Most of the caffeine-treated eggs developed as tetraploids , as parthenogenotes produced by the post-GVBD activation .||NONE The parthengenotes were derived only from eggs that failed to extrude polar bodies , mostly from eggs failing to extrude a second polar body .||NONE Eggs derived from immature oocytes activated by A23187 , treated with 1-MeAde and post-treated with cytochalasin B failed to extrude polar bodies , and eventually developed into parthenogenetic embryos .||TREATONLY These results indicate that the present parthenogenesis mechanism shares the same characteristics as that achieved by post-GVBD activation in the suppression of polar body formation as a key means for successful starfish parthenogenesis .||NONE We hypothesized that fluoride partly acts by changing the levels of circulating calcium-regulating hormones and skeletal growth factors .||TREATONLY The effects of oral fluoride on 24 female , Dutch-Belted , young adult rabbits were studied .||TREATONLY The rabbits were divided into two study groups , one control and the other receiving about 16 mg fluoride/rabbit/day in their drinking water .||NONE After 6 months of fluoride dosing , all rabbits were euthanized and bone and blood samples were taken for analyses .||TREATONLY Fluoride treatment increased serum and bone fluoride levels by over an order of magnitude ( P & # 60 ; 0.001 ) , but did not affect body weight or the following serum biochemical variables : urea , creatinine , phosphorus , total protein , albumin , bilirubin , SGOT , or total alkaline phosphatase .||TREATONLY No < DIS_SIDE_EFF_NO > skeletal fluorosis < /DIS_SIDE_EFF_NO > or < DIS_SIDE_EFF_NO > osteomalacia < /DIS_SIDE_EFF_NO > was observed histologically , nor did < TREAT_SIDE_EFF_NO > fluoride < /TREAT_SIDE_EFF_NO > affect serum PTH or Vitamin D metabolites ( P > 0.4 ) .||TO_SEE BAP was increased 37 % ( P & # 60 ; 0.05 ) by fluoride ; serum TRAP was increased 42 % ( P & # 60 ; 0.05 ) ; serum IGF-1 was increased 40 % ( P & # 60 ; 0.05 ) .||NONE Fluoride increased the vertebral BV/TV by 35 % ( P & # 60 ; 0.05 ) and tibial ash weight by 10 % ( P & # 60 ; 0.05 ) .||TREATONLY However , the increases in bone mass and bone formation were not reflected in improved bone strength .||NONE Fluoride decreased bone strength by about 19 % in the L5 vertebra ( P & # 60 ; 0.01 ) and 25 % in the femoral neck ( P & # 60 ; 0 .||NONE 05 ) .||NONE X-ray diffraction showed altered mineral crystal thickness in fluoride-treated bones ( P & # 60 ; 0.001 ) , and there was a negative association between crystal width and fracture stress of the femur ( P & # 60 ; 0.02 ) .||NONE In conclusion , fluoride 's effects on bone mass and bone turnover were not mediated by PTH .||NONE IGF-1 was increased by fluoride and was associated with increased bone turnover , but was not correlated with bone formation markers .||NONE High-dose fluoride treatment did not improve , but decreased , bone strength in rabbits , even in the absence of impaired mineralization .||TREATONLY PURPOSE : To determine the effect of various methods of managing the posterior capsule and anterior vitreous on the rate of posterior capsule opacification in pediatric eyes implanted with posterior chamber intraocular lenses ( PC IOLs ) .||SIDE_EFF SETTING : Cullen Eye Institute , Baylor College of Medicine , Houston , Texas , USA .||NONE METHODS : We reviewed the charts of 20 eyes of 15 children ( aged 1.5 to 2 years ) who had primary cataract surgery with PC IOL implantation during the past 5 years .||TREAT_FOR_DIS The posterior capsule and anterior vitreous were managed in a variety of ways : In 5 eyes , the posterior capsule was left intact ; in 15 eyes , a posterior continuous curvilinear capsulorhexis ( PCCC ) was performed - 6 with and 9 without anterior vitrectomy ; in 8 eyes , posterior optic capture was performed - 3 with and 5 without vitrectomy .||TREATONLY The follow-up ranged from 1 to 4.5 years ( mean 2 years ) .||NONE RESULTS : Visually significant secondary cataract developed in the five eyes with intact posterior capsules and in the four eyes that had PCCC without vitrectomy and without posterior optic capture ( i.e. , the optic was left in the capsular bag ) .||SIDE_EFF The optical axis remained clear in the six eyes that had PC IOL implantation with vitrectomy ( with or without posterior optic capture ) .||TREATONLY Initially , all eyes that had optic capture without vitrectomy also remained clear , but after 6 months , four of five developed opacification .||SIDE_EFF CONCLUSION : In this series , PCCC with anterior vitrectomy was the only effective method of preventing or delaying secondary cataract formation in infants and children .||PREVENT Evidence for the presence of a serotonin1A ( 5-HT1A ) receptor subtype in the salmonid fish brain has recently been presented .||NONE In the present study the potent 5-HT1A receptor agonist , 8-hydroxy-2- ( di-n-propylamino ) -tetralin ( 8-OH-DPAT ) was tested for its effect on plasma cortisol concentrations in rainbow trout ( Oncorhynchus mykiss ) .||NONE Blood was sampled and 8-OH-DPAT administered through a catheter in the dorsal aorta .||NONE Thirty minutes after the injection of 40 microg of 8-OH-DPAT/kg , plasma cortisol levels had increased from 12 to 149 ng/ml , whereupon they fell , reaching baseline levels after 4 h. The effect of 1-40 microg 8-OH-DPAT/kg on plasma cortisol concentrations was dose-dependent .||NONE The results lends further support to the hypothesis that the brain serotonergic system plays a key role in integrating autonomic , behavioral and neuroendocrine stress-responses in fish as well as mammals , suggesting that not only the structural and biochemical organization , but also the function of the serotonergic system has been conserved during vertebrate evolution .||NONE OBJECTIVE : To assess the medicalising effect of prescribing antibiotics for sore throat .||TREAT_FOR_DIS SETTING : 11 general practices in England .||NONE DESIGN : Randomised trial of three approaches to sore throat : a 10 day prescription of antibiotics , no antibiotics , or a delayed prescription if the sore throat had not started to settle after three days .||TREAT_FOR_DIS PATIENTS : 716 patients aged 4 and over with sore throat and an abnormal physical sign : 84 % had tonsillitis or pharyngitis .||DISONLY OUTCOME MEASURES : Number and rate of patients making a first return with sore throat , pharyngitis , or tonsillitis .||DISONLY Early returns ( within two weeks ) and complications ( otitis media , sinusitis , quinsy ) .||DISONLY Outcomes were documented in 675 subjects ( 94 % ) .||NONE RESULTS : Mean follow up time was similar ( antibiotic group 1.07 years , other two groups 1.03 years ) .||NONE More of those initially prescribed antibiotics initially returned to the surgery with sore throat ( 38 % v 27 % , adjusted hazard ratio for return 1.39 % , 95 % confidence interval 1.03 to 1.89 ) .||TREAT_NO_FOR_DIS Antibiotics prescribed for sore throat during the previous year had an additional effect ( hazard ratio 1.69 , 1.20 to 2.37 ) .||TREAT_FOR_DIS Longer duration of illness ( > 5 days ) was associated with increased return within six weeks ( hazard ratio 2.90 , 1.70 to 4.92 ) .||NONE Prior attendance with upper respiratory conditions was also associated with increased reattendance .||DISONLY There was no difference between groups in early return ( 13/238 ( 5.5 % ) v 27/437 ( 6 % ) ) , or complications ( 2/236 ( 0.8 % ) v 3/434 ( 0.7 % ) ) .||NONE CONCLUSIONS : Complications and early return resulting from no or delayed prescribing of antibiotics for sore throat are rare .||TREAT_FOR_DIS Both current and previous prescribing for sore throat increase reattendance .||DISONLY To avoid medicalising a self limiting illness doctors should avoid antibiotics or offer a delayed prescription for most patients with sore throat .||TREAT_NO_FOR_DIS This study was designed to determine and compare the dose-response characteristics , speed of onset , and relative potency of single-dose epidural fentanyl ( F ) and sufentanil ( S ) for postoperative pain relief .||TREAT_FOR_DIS Eighty women undergoing cesarean section ( C/S ) with epidural 2 % lidocaine with epinephrine ( 1 : 200 , 000 ) were randomly assigned to receive double-blind epidural administration of F ( 25 , 50 , 100 , or 200 microg ) or S ( 5 , 10 , 20 , or 30 microg ) ( n = 10 per group ) upon complaint of pain postoperatively .||TO_SEE Visual analog scales ( VAS , 0-100 mm ) were used to assess pain and sedation at baseline ; at 3 , 6 , 9 , 12 , 15 , 20 , 25 , 30 , 45 , and 60 min ; and every 30 min until further analgesia was requested .||NONE The study was terminated at 30 min if satisfactory analgesia was not achieved .||NONE Side effects were recorded .||NONE A dose-response was demonstrated for both opioids .||NONE F 25 microg and S 5 microg were ineffective , with significantly fewer women achieving VAS scores & # 60 ; 10 mm ( P & # 60 ; 0.05 compared with F 100 or 200 microg and S 20 or 30 microg ) .||NONE F 100 and 200 microg and S 20 and 30 microg all achieved VAS scores & # 60 ; 10 mm in all women with no differences in time to 50 % reduction in VAS ( mean 11-16 min ) and no differences in duration of analgesia ( mean 117-138 min ) .||NONE The 50 % and 95 % effective dose values for each opioid to achieve a VAS score & # 60 ; 10 mm were F 33 microg and 92 microg and S 6.7 microg and 17.5 microg .||NONE There were no differences among groups in sedation scores or side effects .||NONE Our data suggest that the relative analgesic potency of epidural S : F is approximately 5 and that there are no differences between the opioids in the onset , duration , and effectiveness of analgesia when equianalgesic doses are administered postoperatively after lidocaine anesthesia for C/S .||NONE We describe 2 cases in which intraoperative transesophageal echocardiography detected complications related to the proximal coronary arteries during homograft aortic valve and root replacement .||TREATONLY In both cases , cardiopulmonary bypass could not be discontinued despite the use of large doses of inotropic drugs .||TREATONLY Transesophageal echocardiography demonstrated aliasing on color flow mapping in the left main coronary artery in 1 case and proximal right coronary artery in the other , along with severely depressed left ventricular anterior wall and right ventricular function , respectively .||NONE Coronary artery bypass grafting was performed in both cases , and the outcome was successful .||TREATONLY Granulocyte colony-stimulating factor ( G-CSF ) has been used to improve granulocyte count in chronic neutropenia and myelodysplasia , to minimize the incidence and duration of neutropenia during conventional chemotherapy , and to mobilize peripheral blood stem cells prior to leukapheresis for use in autologous and allogeneic marrow transplantation .||TO_SEE The most common toxicity is bone pain , and other reactions such as inflammation at the site of injection have also occurred .||SIDE_EFF In patients with chronic neutropenia , splenomegaly has been described with long-term use , and extramedullary hematopoiesis has also been reported .||DISONLY However , thus far , no life-threatening sequelae of these effects are found in the literature .||NONE We now describe a case of spontaneous splenic rupture four days following a six-day course of G-CSF therapy in an allogeneic donor of peripheral blood stem cells .||SIDE_EFF Evidence-based medicine ( EBM ) aids clinical decision making in all fields of medicine , including primary care .||NONE General practice is characterized by particular emphasis on the doctor-patient relationship and on biomedical , personal and contextual perspectives in diagnosis .||NONE Most evidence available to general practitioners ( GPs ) addresses only the bio-medical perspective and is often not directly applicable to primary care , as it derives from secondary or tertiary care .||NONE Emphasis on the biomedical domain and the randomized controlled trial ( RCT ) alone reflects a reductionist approach that fails to do justice to the philosophy of general practice .||NONE The art of medicine is founded on context , anecdote , patient stories of illness and personal experience , and we should continue to blend this with good quality and appropriate research findings in patient care .||NONE Abdominal tuberculosis is not uncommon in the UK , especially in Asian immigrants .||DISONLY It resembles Crohn 's disease clinically and radiologically , and it may be difficult to differentiate between them , even at laparotomy or histology .||DISONLY The distinction is important , however , for proper management of the two conditions .||NONE Every effort must be made to exclude abdominal tuberculosis before the patient is diagnosed as having Crohn 's disease and is treated with steroids .||TO_SEE PURPOSE : The American Urological Association convened the Female Stress Urinary Incontinence Clinical Guidelines Panel to analyze the literature regarding surgical procedures for treating stress urinary incontinence in the otherwise healthy female subject and to make practice recommendations based on the treatment outcomes data .||TREAT_FOR_DIS MATERIALS AND METHODS : The panel searched the MEDLINE data base for all articles through 1993 on surgical treatment of female stress urinary incontinence .||TREAT_FOR_DIS Outcomes data were extracted from articles accepted after panel review .||NONE The data were then meta-analyzed to produce outcome estimates for alternative surgical procedures .||TREATONLY RESULTS : The data indicate that after 48 months retropubic suspensions and slings appear to be more efficacious than transvaginal suspensions , and also more efficacious than anterior repairs .||TREATONLY The literature suggests higher complication rates when synthetic materials are used for slings .||TREATONLY CONCLUSIONS : The panel found sufficient acceptable long-term outcomes data ( longer than 48 months ) to conclude that surgical treatment of female stress urinary incontinence is effective , offering a long-term cure in a significant percentage of women .||TREAT_FOR_DIS The evidence supports surgery as initial therapy and as a secondary form of therapy after failure of other treatments for stress urinary incontinence .||TREAT_FOR_DIS Retropubic suspensions and slings are the most efficacious procedures for long-term success ( based on cure/dry rates ) .||TREATONLY However , in the panel 's opinion retropubic suspensions and sling procedures are associated with slightly higher complication rates , including longer convalescence and postoperative voiding dysfunction .||SIDE_EFF A 55-year-old lady underwent repeat aortic valve replacement using a 16-mm Carbomedics prosthesis .||TREATONLY She made an uneventful postoperative recovery and now leads an unrestricted life .||NONE Doppler echocardiography reveals a 21-mm Hg gradient across the valve at rest .||NONE This did not increase with an infusion of 30 mcg/kg per min of dobutamine , which resulted in an increase in the cardiac output from 1.96 to 5.46 l/min .||NONE BACKGROUND : For more than 30 years it has been known that gastric acid secretion is inversely related to the extent and severity of corpal gastritis .||DISONLY We therefore evaluated the effect of cure of Helicobacter pylori infection on basal and pentagastrin-stimulated acid secretion .||DISONLY METHODS : Basal acid output ( BAO ) and maximal acid output ( MAO ) were assessed in 11 H. pylori-infected dyspeptic patients ( 8 women and 3 men ; mean age , 28 years ) before and after successful anti-H .||NONE pylori therapy .||NONE RESULTS : The gastritis index was significantly lower after therapy and was associated with an increase in both BAO and MAO after cure of the H. pylori infection ( BAO from 0.3 mmol/h and MAO from 4.8 mmol/h to 19 mmol/ h ) .||DISONLY Basal and stimulated acid concentrations also increased ( 29.1 +/- 36.6 to 54 +/- 31 mmol/l and 72.5 +/- 46 to 120.1 +/- 30 mmol/l , respectively , for basal and stimulated acid concentrations ; P & # 60 ; 0.05 for peak and MAO , P = 0.07 for BAO ) .||NONE CONCLUSION : Gastric acid secretion increased into the normal range after successful treatment of H. pylori infection , suggesting that gastric function can recover to normal or almost normal after cure of H. pylori infection .||DISONLY OBJECTIVE : Reports suggest that there is an increased incidence of preeclampsia after a previously normal pregnancy if there is a change in paternity .||DISONLY We hypothesize that there is a higher incidence of preeclampsia ( proteinuric hypertension ) in women conceiving by intrauterine insemination with donor sperm versus intrauterine insemination with partner sperm .||DISONLY STUDY DESIGN : This was a retrospective cohort study .||NONE In women with primary infertility all pregnancies achieved by either partner or donor intrauterine insemination carried to birth of a fetus ( > 20 weeks ) were identified .||TREAT_FOR_DIS The medical records were examined for the maternal and pregnancy outcome data .||NONE The relative risk and 95 % confidence interval were calculated for the risk of preeclampsia .||DISONLY The baseline data were compared with t tests , chi 2 analysis and Fisher 's exact test where appropriate .||NONE RESULTS : Forty-four patients in the partner intrauterine insemination group and 37 in the donor insemination group were identified as having primary infertility .||TREAT_FOR_DIS Three cases of mild preeclampsia were found in the partner insemination program and nine cases of preeclampsia ( five severe , four mild ) in the donor insemination program ( relative risk 1.85 , 95 % confidence interval 1.20 to 2.85 ) . ||VAGUE CONCLUSIONS : There is a higher incidence of preeclampsia in women conceiving by intrauterine insemination with washed donor sperm compared with intrauterine insemination with washed partner sperm . ||VAGUE CONCLUSIONS : There is a higher incidence of preeclampsia in women conceiving by intrauterine insemination with washed donor sperm compared with intrauterine insemination with washed partner sperm . ||VAGUE This supports , indirectly , an immunologic basis for preeclampsia .||DISONLY The antigenic factor would appear to be located on the sperm as opposed to the seminal fluid itself .||NONE After a rapid examination of a few basic concepts concerning cellular aging and programmed cell death , the aging of the tissues and organs , the authors discuss the principal theories on senescence .||NONE They underline that it is necessary to agree in considering the various genetic and epigenetic , endogenous and exogenous mechanisms that lead to the complex aging phenomenon multiple and interrelated .||NONE In particular they stress the hypothesis that senescence can be due to a sum of molecular damages caused by free radicals , and to the loss of telomeric DNA .||NONE Radical reactions can cause mutations , inactivation or a decrease in the turnover of mitochondrial DNA which is more vulnerable than the nuclear genoma to the attack of mutagenic agents , acting also as a continuous source of initial and/or promoting factors of the carcinogenetic process .||NONE The somatic cells become senescent because during cell division , they lose the mechanisms for the lengthening of the telomere .||NONE The telomerase prevents the shortening of telomeres in neoplastic cells and therefore renders them immortal .||NONE Paradoxically the protection of the telomere is exactly what must be avoided in the case of tumor cells .||NONE Recently the demonstration that telomerase is not always involved in the restoration of telomere length shows the complexity of the problems connected to the cause of senescence .||NONE Chromosomally integrated retroviral switch ( S ) substrates have been developed to reveal switch recombinase-like activities ( SRLA ) in pre-B and mature B cell lines .||NONE Switch substrate retrovectors ( SSR ) contain a long-terminal repeat-driven neomycin ( Neo ) gene for proviral chromosomal maintenance ( pre- and post-S recombination ) and a CMV promoter-driven , chimeric hygromycin-thymidine kinase ( Hytk ) gene ( flanked by S mu and S gamma 2b recombination targets ) to select for ( ganciclovir ) and against ( hygromycin B ) S region recombination .||NONE The retro-substrates ' strong , constitutive promoters ensure that variations in cellular switch recombinase activities are independent of S region accessibility control .||NONE By initially selecting for proviral integrants in hygromycin followed by shifting into neomycin + ganciclovir to select for S sequence-mediated deletions , switch recombinations can be specifically forestalled in B cell lines whilst most switch-incompetent cells do not survive secondary selection .||NONE A qualitative , direct PCR assay reveals that SSR recombinations are stochastic in B cell lines generating a product array akin to natural GH class switching .||NONE A semi-quantitative DC-PCR assay detects a significant recombinase activity only in a restricted set of late stage pre-B and mature B cell lines .||NONE BCL1B1 mature B cells have the highest level of recombinase activity with 25 % or more of proviral integrants accumulating S mu/S gamma 2b substrate recombinations within 10-14 cell generations .||NONE The SSR recombinase assay can be performed in a transient fashion wherein extensive , B cell-specific recombination can be visualized within only a few cell divisions post proviral integration .||NONE We propose that switch recombinase activity becomes activated during B cell ontogeny independent of or prior to the acquisition of CH locus accessibility and that endogenous S segment targeting to pre-existing recombinase requires a level of accessibility beyond transcriptional activation .||NONE OBJECTIVE : To determine the prevalence of illicit drug abuse and alcohol use in an obstetric population based in an urban maternity hospital .||NONE SETTING : A collaborative study between the Rotunda Hospital , Dublin and the Irish National Drug Advisory & # 38 ; Treatment Centre .||NONE DESIGN : A prospective study consisting of anonymous , unlinked urine testing of 504 'first visit ' antenatal patients and a separate group of 515 patients six weeks after delivery .||NONE METHODS & # 38 ; OUTCOME MEASURES : Toxicological screening using enzyme-linked immunoassay techniques , with all positive samples being reanalysed .||NONE Drug histories were taken and samples were tested for alcohol and six of the most commonly abused drugs .||NONE The pre- and postnatal prevalence of abuse was matched with demographic data .||NONE RESULTS : The prevalence of chemical substance misuse in the antenatal population was 2.8 % and 5.6 % in the postnatal population .||NONE Substances identified included benzodiazepines , cannabis , amphetamines , opiates and cocaine .||NONE Less than 2 % of samples tested positive for alcohol .||NONE None of the women yielding positive samples had been pre-identified on the basis of history .||NONE A significant proportion of the women were in the high risk categories with regard to age and socio-economic status .||NONE CONCLUSION : The prevalence of drug misuse antenatally was nearly 3 % and postnatally almost 6 % .||NONE Substance abusers in pregnancy are more likely to be single , unemployed , and to have had a previous pregnancy .||NONE Schizophrenic illnesses occur with approximately the same incidence in all human populations with a characteristic distribution ( slightly earlier in males ) of ages of onset .||DISONLY Given that the predisposition ( which presumably is genetic ) is associated with a procreative disadvantage why do such illnesses persist ? Here it is suggested that these conditions are a manifestation of genetic diversity in the evolution of the specifically human characteristic of language , an innovation that has occurred by a process of progressive hemispheric specialization-the establishment of dominance for some critical component of language in one or the other hemisphere .||NONE Individuals who develop schizophrenic symptoms show lesser anatomical and functional asymmetries than the population as a whole ; such symptoms may reflect 'dominance failure ' for language .||DISONLY Cloacal anomalies are extremely rare and have variable presentations .||DISONLY Prenatal diagnosis can be difficult especially if they present in late gestation .||NONE Here we present two cases diagnosed in the late third trimester and review the literature regarding prenatal diagnosis of cloacal anomalies .||DISONLY OBJECTIVE : To determine whether patients with myocardial amyloidosis due either to AL ( primary ) amyloid or familial amyloid have distinguishing echocardiographic or electrocardiographic features ; and to compare the prevalence of heart failure and survival in the two types of amyloidosis in relation to echocardiographic findings .||DISONLY DESIGN : Blinded group comparison of randomly selected cases of cardiac amyloidosis .||DISONLY SETTING : International referral centre for amyloid research and treatment .||NONE PATIENTS : 36 patients with cardiac amyloid heart disease , of whom 12 had familial and 24 had primary AL amyloidosis .||DISONLY RESULTS : Familial and AL echocardiograms were morphologically indistinguishable , with similar left ventricular wall thickness , mean ( SD ) 15.4 ( 2.3 ) nu 15.8 ( 2.5 ) mm , respectively ; right ventricular wall thickness was also similar between amyloid types : 9.6 ( 2.8 ) nu 9.7 ( 6.5 ) mm , respectively .||NONE Doppler indices of left and right ventricular function , left ventricular volume , and ejection fraction were also similar .||NONE Low voltage electrocardiograms ( & # 60 ; 0.5 mV ) were more common in the AL ( 16/24 , 67 % ) than in the familial group ( 4/12 , 25 % ) , P & # 60 ; 0.05 .||NONE The one year survival for familial and AL forms was 92 % ( 11/12 ) nu 38 % ( 6/24 ) , respectively , with virtually all deaths due to cardiac causes .||NONE CONCLUSIONS : Although cardiac involvement is echocardiographically indistinguishable , cardiac mortality is very different between the two forms of amyloidosis .||DISONLY Preservation of electrocardiographic voltage in familial amyloidosis suggests that the particular biochemical characteristics of distinct types of amyloid fibril have different pathological effects on the myocardium .||DISONLY This distinction becomes critical in the evaluation , treatment , and management of patients who have a diagnosis within the spectrum of the protein deposition diseases .||DISONLY OBJECTIVE : To examine the relationship between plasma plasminogen activator inhibitor 1 ( PAI-1 ) activity and PAI-1 gene ( 4G/5G ) polymorphism and diabetic retinopathy in Pima Indians with type 2 diabetes .||DISONLY RESEARCH DESIGN AND METHODS : We studied 171 Pima Indians with type 2 diabetes between the ages of 30-70 years in a population-based epidemiological survey .||DISONLY Plasma PAI-1 activity was measured by a spectrophotometric assay and PAI-1 4G/5G promoter genotype by the polymerase chain reaction ( PCR ) using allele-specific primers .||NONE Retinopathy was assessed by ophthalmoscopy after pupillary dilation and classified as any retinopathy or as nonproliferative and proliferative .||DISONLY RESULTS : Retinopathy was present in 70 ( 41 % ) subjects , and 4 ( 2.3 % ) subjects had proliferative retinopathy .||DISONLY Plasma PAI-1 activity was not significantly different among subjects with and without retinopathy ( 17.1 +/- vs. 19.7 +/- 9.1 arbitrary units ( AU ) /ml , P = 0.09 ) .||DISONLY PAI-1 activity was negatively correlated with duration of diabetes ( rs = -0.18 , P = 0.02 ) .||DISONLY In a logistic regression analysis controlled for age , sex , BMI , and duration of diabetes , any retinopathy was significantly associated with fasting plasma glucose concentrations ( P & # 60 ; 0.05 ) , 2-h postload glucose ( P = 0.02 ) , and HbA1c ( P = 0.008 ) , but not with PAI-1 activity ( P = 0.48 ) .||DISONLY The prevalence of retinopathy in the three genotype groups differed significantly ( 4G/4G , 4G/5G , and 5G/5G were 44 , 49 , and 24 % , respectively ; chi 2 = 8.22 , df = 2 , P = 0.016 ) and remained significant after controlling for age , sex , BMI , duration of diabetes , glycated hemoglobin , and urine albumin-to-creatine ratio in a logistic regression analysis .||DISONLY The odds ratios for retinopathy in subjects with 4G/4G and 4G/5G , compared with the 5G/5G genotype , were 2.0 and 3.1 , respectively .||DISONLY CONCLUSIONS : Although diabetic retinopathy in Pima Indians with type 2 diabetes is not associated with PAI-1 activity , subjects with the 4G/4G and 4G/5G genotype had a higher prevalence of retinopathy compared with 5G/5G PAI-1genotype .||DISONLY These preliminary findings indicate that in Pima Indians with type 2 diabetes , presence of the 4G allele of the PAI-1 gene was associated with a higher risk of diabetic retinopathy .||DISONLY BACKGROUND : Diagnostic peritoneal lavage ( DPL ) is used to diagnose intra-abdominal injury in patients with stab wounds and blunt trauma .||DISONLY Because exploratory celiotomy is routinely performed on patients with gunshot wounds to the abdomen , DPL is rarely employed .||TREAT_FOR_DIS However , several studies have questioned routine exploration and have drawn attention to the associated morbidity of negative celiotomy .||NONE Diagnostic peritoneal lavage is an easily performed and inexpensive test that may be useful in this situation .||NONE OBJECTIVE : To evaluate the performance of DPL in the diagnosis of intra-abdominal injury in hemodynamically stable patients with gunshot wounds to the abdomen .||DISONLY DESIGN : A prospective clinical trial .||NONE SETTING : Two urban trauma centers .||NONE PATIENTS : Patients with gunshot wounds to the abdomen and a systolic blood pressure of at least 90 mm Hg .||DISONLY INTERVENTIONS : Clinical predication of intra-abdominal injury in the emergency department and DPL performed in the operating room before the initiation of celiotomy .||DISONLY Injuries found during the celiotomy were recorded .||NONE MAIN OUTCOME MEASURES : The results of the clinical evaluation and DPL were compared with the findings of the celiotomy .||NONE RESULTS : Forty-four patients were enrolled into the study .||NONE Intra-abdominal injury was present in 32 ( 73 % ) of these patients .||DISONLY The senior surgery resident correctly predicted the presence of intra-abdominal injury in 36 ( 82 % ) of the patients ( sensitivity = 90.0 % , specificity = 58.3 % , positive predictive value = 85.3 % , negative predictive value = 63.6 % , phi = 0.52 , P & # 60 ; .01 ) in the emergency department before DPL and celiotomy were performed .||DISONLY Diagnostic peritoneal lavage correctly identified the presence or absence of intra-abdominal injury in 40 ( 91 % ) of the patients ( positive predictive value = 96.7 % , negative predictive value = 78.6 % , phi = 0.79 , P & # 60 ; .01 ) .||DISONLY CONCLUSIONS : Clinical judgment is highly accurate in separating patients with tangential gunshot wounds to the abdomen from those with intra-abdominal injury but may miss patients with intra-abdominal hemorrhage .||DISONLY Diagnostic peritoneal lavage is highly predictive of the presence of intra-abdominal injury .||DISONLY The return of gross blood on aspiration or a lavage red blood cell count greater than 10 x 10 ( 9 ) /L should prompt an urgent celiotomy .||NONE Missed injuries are rare and most likely to be bowel perforations .||DISONLY Diagnostic peritoneal lavage is an objective test that may augment clinical judgment in selecting hemodynamically stable patients with potential tangential gunshot wounds for observation and is especially useful in identifying intra-abdominal hemorrhage .||DISONLY BACKGROUND : To evaluate the frequency of Blastocystis hominis parasitation and to ascertain its role as an intestinal a prospective study during 18 months pathogen has been carried out .||DISONLY SUBJECTS AND METHODS : The study included 2 , 039 patients , which were classified in three groups ( asymptomatic ( group A ) , with suspicion of parasitosis ( group B ) , with diarrhoea ( group C ) ) .||DISONLY In all cases a coproparasitological study was performed .||NONE In the group C the presence of non-parasitic enteropathogens was also investigated .||NONE In patients with B .||NONE hominis in the absence of other pathogens clinical and epidemiological characteristics were evaluated .||NONE Also , its was determined the morphology and quantification of parasites .||NONE RESULTS : Parasites were identified in 26.2 % of population .||NONE B .||NONE hominis was identified in 336 patients ( 16.5 % ) .||NONE The frequency of parasitation was superior in adults ( p & # 60 ; 0.0001 ) , with a slight predominance in the female sex .||DISONLY The rate of asymptomatic carriers was 3.3 % .||NONE In 21 patients B .||NONE hominis ( group C ) was observed in absence of other enteropathogens .||NONE Statistical significant association was found between B .||NONE hominis , in absence of other pathogens and the presence of clinical manifestations ( p & # 60 ; 0.0001 ) , the most common of which were diarrhoea and abdominal pain .||DISONLY We did not find a statistically significant association between the number of B .||NONE hominis present and stool characteristics .||NONE The vacuolar form was the predominant morphological type .||NONE The ameboid form was observed only in diarrhoeal stools .||NONE CONCLUSIONS : B .||NONE hominis is the most frequent parasite found in faecal parasitological investigation .||NONE In absence of other causes , B .||NONE hominis must be considered as a pathogen .||NONE BACKGROUND : The cause of severe acquired hyperammonemia , an uncommon but often fatal complication of organ transplantation and chemotherapy for cancer , is obscure .||TO_SEE < /TO_SEES > OBJECTIVE : To test the hypothesis that liver glutamine synthetase deficiency may explain hyperammonemia in patients who have had organ transplantation or are receiving chemotherapy .||SIDE_EFF DESIGN : Case report .||NONE PATIENTS : Two patients who had fatal hyperammonemia after orthotopic lung transplantation . ||VAGUE MEASUREMENTS : Liver tissue was analyzed to determine the activities of two urea cycle enzymes and glutamine synthetase .||NONE Western blot assays for hepatic glutamine synthetase were performed to determine whether glutamine synthetase deficiency resulted from reduced enzyme levels .||NONE RESULTS : Activities of carbamoyl phosphate synthetase I and ornithine carbamoyltransferase in the liver were normal .||NONE The activity of hepatic glutamine synthetase was markedly reduced ( in patient 1 , 12 % of the mean value in controls ; in patient 2 , 28 % of the mean value in controls ) , and a concomitant reduction in the amount of glutamine synthetase protein was observed .||NONE CONCLUSION : Hyperammonemia after transplantation was associated with hepatic glutamine synthetase deficiency in two patients , but the causal relation between these two conditions must be further studied .||TO_SEE Postnatal growth was prospectively measured from birth to 1 y in 54 term infants born small for gestational age ( SGA ) , fed either breast milk or a standard term infant formula .||NONE Breastfeeding was associated with a 0.36 and 0.64 standard deviation ( SD ) increase in weight at 2 weeks and 3 months of age , respectively , which persisted beyond the breastfeeding period ( 0.64 SD at 1 y ) .||NONE Breastfed infants also showed greater catch-up growth in head circumference ( SD score ( SDS ) 0.53 higher at 3 months ) , and greater body length gain ( SDS 0.68 higher at 6 months ) .||NONE This increased growth was independent of potentially confounding obstetric , social and demographic factors .||NONE Our findings suggest that breastfeeding may promote faster growth in infants compromised by poor growth in utero .||NONE SGA infants may be programmed for a number of adverse outcomes ; the possibility that such events are altered by choice of postnatal diet is a key issue for future research .||NONE BACKGROUND : Few studies have explored the health practices of critical care nurses .||NONE Critical care nurses routinely teach patients about using healthy practices such as low-fat diets , exercise , and routine screening examinations .||NONE However , it may be even more important that the nurses themselves have a healthy lifestyle , thus serving as role models for patients .||NONE Nurses are selling a product , and that product is health .||NONE The best salespersons are those who are genuinely committed to their product and model its benefits .||NONE Therefore , critical care nurses ' healthful practices can have a profound effect on their patients .||NONE OBJECTIVES : The purpose of this descriptive exploratory study was to examine critical care nurses ' responses to three questions about health practices in their daily lives : ( 1 ) What are critical care nurses doing currently to stay healthy ? ( 2 ) Do they anticipate making any changes in their lifestyle in the future ? ( 3 ) Would they recommend their lifestyle to their patients ? METHODS : One hundred twenty-seven critical care nurses attending a midwestern critical care conference completed a two-part questionnaire designed to produce a health profile .||NONE In a man-on-the-street approach , 23 nurses participated in an interview via video camera .||NONE Descriptive statistics were used to analyze the data retrieved from the questionnaires .||NONE Interviews were transcribed verbatim and analyzed for themes with a constant comparative method .||NONE RESULTS : More than 70 % of the critical care nurses who responded engage in exercise and follow a healthy , low-fat diet .||NONE Seventy-one percent said that they anticipate making a change in their lifestyle in the future , and 70 % said that they would recommend their lifestyle to their patients .||NONE Five themes emerged from the videotaped interviews : ( 1 ) Heart-healthy practices predominated the responses .||NONE ( 2 ) Incorporating a healthy lifestyle was easy for some and a struggle for others .||NONE ( 3 ) Critical care nurses readily listed barriers to healthy living .||NONE ( 4 ) The nurses had a positive attitude about their healthy lifestyles and felt optimistic about being role models for their patients .||NONE ( 5 ) Future plans were either singular in focus or limited to maintenance of current health habits .||NONE CONCLUSIONS : The majority of the nurses reported practicing a healthy lifestyle and thought that they were good role models for patients .||NONE Cytochrome P450 1A1 ( CYP1A1 ) and glutathione S-transferase M1 ( GSTM1 ) genetic polymorphisms are involved in the activation and detoxification of chemical carcinogens found in tobacco smoke ; thus they may influence host susceptibility to lung cancer .||DISONLY In this study at Massachusetts General Hospital ( Boston , MA , USA ) of 416 cases and 446 controls ( mostly White ) we evaluated the association between the CYP1A1 MspI and GSTM1 polymorphisms and lung cancer risk , and their interaction with cigarette smoke .||DISONLY The CYP1A1 MspI heterozygous genotype was present in 18 percent of cases and 16 percent of controls , and one percent of cases and controls were CYP1A1 MspI homozygous variant .||NONE The GSTM1 null genotype was detected in 54 percent of cases and 52 percent of controls .||NONE After adjusting for age , gender , pack-years of smoking , and years since quitting smoking , while neither the CYP1A1 MspI heterozygous genotype alone nor the GSTM1 null genotype alone were associated with a significant increase in lung cancer risk , having both genetic traits was associated with a twofold increase in risk ( 95 percent confidence interval ( CI ) = 1.0-3.4 ) .||DISONLY Our data did not provide enough evidence for a substantial modification of the effect of pack-years on lung cancer risk by the CYP1A1 MspI and GSTM1 genotypes .||DISONLY However , limitations of our study preclude a conclusion about this potential interaction .||NONE BACKGROUND : Thrombolytic treatment has been shown to accelerate resolution of major pulmonary embolism and lead to a rapid improvement of right-side hemodynamics .||TREAT_FOR_DIS However , the association between these favorable effects and the clinical outcome of patients who have no severe hemodynamic compromise at presentation remains unknown .||DISONLY METHODS AND RESULTS : The present multicenter registry included 719 consecutive patients with major pulmonary embolism according to clinical , echocardiographic , scintigraphic , and cardiac catheterization criteria .||DISONLY Symptom onset was acute ( & # 60 ; 48 hours ) in 63 % of patients .||NONE All patients were hemodynamically stable ( ie , without evidence of cardiogenic shock ) at presentation .||DISONLY < TREATONLYPrimary thrombolytic treatment ( within 24 hours of diagnosis ) was given to 169 patients ( 23.5 % ) , whereas the remaining 550 patients were initially treated with heparin alone .||TREATONLY Overall 30-day mortality was significantly lower in the patients who received thrombolytic agents ( 4.7 versus 11.1 % , P=.016 ) .||TREATONLY Clinical factors associated with a higher death rate were syncope ( P=.012 ) , arterial hypotension ( P=.021 ) , history of congestive heart failure ( P=.013 ) , and chronic pulmonary disease ( P=.032 ) .||DISONLY However , only primary thrombolysis was found by multivariate analysis to be an independent predictor of survival ( odds ratio for in-hospital death , 0.46 ; 95 % confidence interval , 0.21 to 1.00 ) .||DISONLY Patients who underwent early thrombolytic treatment had a reduced rate of recurrent pulmonary embolism ( 7.7 versus 18.7 % , P & # 60 ; .001 ) but also a higher frequency of major bleeding episodes ( 21.9 % versus 7.8 % , P & # 60 ; .001 ) .||TO_SEE Cerebral bleeding occurred in 2 patients in each treatment group , and 1 patient in each group died of a bleeding complication .||DISONLY CONCLUSIONS : The results of our study suggest that thrombolysis may favorably affect the clinical outcome of hemodynamically stable patients with major pulmonary embolism .||TREAT_FOR_DIS A 66-year-old male engineer diagnosed with malignant pleural mesothelioma 4 years previously had thoracotomy , radiotherapy , and chemotherapy .||TREAT_FOR_DIS He was followed regularly with chest computed tomography ( CT ) scan and had been asymptomatic .||NONE During one of his physical examinations , routine sigmoidoscopy showed incidental colonic polyps which were biopsied .||DISONLY Subsequently , recurrence of pleural mesothelioma and peritoneal involvement by mesothelioma was documented .||DISONLY Two of the polyps showed metastatic malignant mesothelioma in the lamina propia which strongly resembled adenocarcinoma histologically causing difficulty in making definitive diagnosis .||DISONLY Review of the literature disclosed no previously documented similar occurrence .||NONE This case shows the importance of clinical history and ancillary laboratory procedures such as immunohistochemistry and electron microscopy to avoid diagnostic pitfalls .||NONE The authors report the postoperative magnetic resonance ( MR ) imaging findings in 36 patients with advanced Parkinson 's disease who underwent unilateral microelectrode-guided posteroventral pallidotomy .||TREAT_FOR_DIS The lesions were placed within 1 mm of the ventral border of the globus pallidus internus ( GPi ) to include pallidothalamic outflow pathways .||NONE Sequential MR studies were obtained within 1 to 3 days postoperatively and at 6-month follow-up examination .||NONE Thirty-four ( 94 % ) of the 36 patients enjoyed sustained moderate or marked improvement of their parkinsonian symptoms 6 months postoperatively .||DISONLY Transient side effects occurred in five patients ( 14 % ) , but there were no persistent complications .||NONE The pallidal radiofrequency lesions were prolate spheroid shaped and were composed of three concentric zones in the early postoperative studies .||NONE The mean volume of the middle zone , corresponding to the area of hemorrhagic coagulation necrosis , was 44.4 +/- 17.6 mm3 ; the mean lesion volume as defined by the outer zone , corresponding to perilesional edema , was 262.2 +/- 111.6 mm3 .||DISONLY Additional edema spreading to the internal capsule was noted in 32 of 34 cases and to the optic tract in 11 of 34 cases .||DISONLY In two patients small ischemic infarctions involving the corona radiata were found , and in one a venous infarction was detected .||DISONLY Ischemic infarction resulted in mild transient Broca 's aphasia in one patient , but there was no detectable neurological deficit in the other two .||DISONLY The mean volume of late-phase ( 6 months ) lesions was 22 +/- 28.8 mm3 .||NONE In three patients no lesion was identified despite sustained clinical improvement .||NONE The lesion was located in the posteroventral GPi in all cases except in one patient in whom it was confined to the GP externus ( GPe ) .||NONE This 49-year-old woman did not experience sustained benefit .||NONE The authors found no consistent correlations between lesion size and location and clinical outcome as measured by a global outcome score , the Unified Parkinson 's Disease Rating Scale motor , activities of daily living , and bradykinesia `` off '' scores or rating of dyskinesias .||NONE Lesioning of pallidal and subpallidal pathways may contribute to the sustained clinical benefit in this series .||NONE Magnetic resonance imaging analysis showed that intraoperative microelectrode recording facilitated accurate placement of the lesion in this critical area .||NONE A commercially available health food product of cold-pressed hemp seed oil ingested by one volunteer twice a day for 4 1/2 days ( 135 mL total ) .||NONE Urine specimens collected from the volunteer were subjected to standard workplace urine drug testing procedures , and the following concentrations of 11-nor-delta9- tetrahydrocannabinol carboxylic acid ( 9-THCA ) were detected : 41 ng/mL 9-THCA at 45 h , 49 ng/mL at 69 h , and 55 ng/mL at 93 h. Ingestion was discontinued after 93 h , and the following concentrations were detected : 68 ng/mL at 108 h , 57 ng/mL at 117 h , 31 ng/mL at 126 h , and 20 ng/mL at 142 h. The first specimen that tested negative ( 50 ng/mL initial immunoassay test , 15 ng/mL confirmatory gas chromatographic-mass spectrometric test ) was at 146 h , which was 53 h after the last hemp seed oil ingestion .||NONE Four subsequent specimens taken to 177 h were also negative .||NONE This study indicates that a workplace urine drug test positive for cannabinoids may arise from the consumption of commercially available cold-pressed hemp seed oil .||NONE OBJECTIVE : We determined the sensitivity and specificity of neonatal brain-stem auditory evoked potentials ( BAEP ) as markers for subsequent hearing impairment and for developmental problems found later in infancy and childhood .||DISONLY METHODS : BAEP studies were performed before discharge in infants treated with extracorporeal membrane oxygenation ( ECMO ) , and two specific abnormalities were analyzed : elevated threshold and delayed central auditory conduction .||TREATONLY Behavioral audiometry was repeated during periodic follow-up until reliable responses were obtained for all frequencies , and standardized developmental testing was also conducted .||NONE The sensitivity and specificity of an elevated threshold on the neonatal BAEP for detecting subsequent hearing loss , and the relationship of any neonatal BAEP abnormality to language or developmental disorders in infancy , were calculated .||NONE RESULTS : Test results for 46 ECMO-treated infants ( 57.5 % ) were normal , and those for 34 infants ( 42.5 % ) were abnormal , with either elevated wave V threshold , prolonged wave I-V interval , or both on neonatal BAEP recordings .||NONE Most significantly , 7 ( 58 % ) of the 12 children with subsequent sensorineural hearing loss had left the hospital after showing normal results on threshold tests .||DISONLY There was no significant difference in the frequency of hearing loss between subjects with abnormal ( 5/21 , or 24 % ) and those with normal BAEP thresholds ( 7/59 , or 12 % ; Fisher Exact Test , p = 0.28 ) .||DISONLY Therefore the sensitivity of neonatal BAEP testing for predicting subsequent hearing loss was only 42 % .||DISONLY Neonatal BAEP specificity for excluding subsequent hearing loss was 76 % .||DISONLY In contrast , on language development testing , 19 children demonstrated receptive language delay .||NONE Of these children , 12 ( 63 % ) had abnormal neonatal BAEP recordings and 7 ( 37 % ) had a normal BAEP threshold , normal central auditory conduction test results , or both ( p = 0.04 ) .||NONE CONCLUSIONS : Neonatal BAEP threshold recordings were of limited value for predicting subsequent hearing loss common in ECMO -treated survivors .||SIDE_EFF However , an abnormal neonatal BAEP significantly increased the probability of finding a receptive language delay during early childhood , even in those with subsequently normal audiometry findings .||NONE Because neonatal ECMO is associated with a high risk of hearing and receptive language disorders , parents should be counseled that audiologic and developmental follow-up evaluations in surviving children are essential regardless of the results of neonatal BAEP testing .||SIDE_EFF The Federated Council of Internal Medicine has developed a resource guide to help internal medicine residency programs produce internists who are prepared for today 's practice of internal medicine and the challenges of practice in the future .||NONE The guide situates general internal medicine as the primary care profession that focuses on preventive , short-term , and long-term care of adult patients .||NONE It assumes that a single pathway is sufficient for educating general internists and subspecialty-bound trainees .||NONE It identifies the learning experiences that should be part of general internal medicine residency training , lists the clinical competencies that are important for primary care practice , and describes the role of the integrative disciplines that should inform the care of every patient .||NONE It also describes a process that program directors and local program committees can use to develop competency-based curricula .||NONE BACKGROUND : Darier disease is an uncommon genodermatosis characterized by the symmetrical eruption of keratotic reddish-brown papules occurring in the seborrheic areas of the body .||DISONLY A unilateral , or localized , variant has been identified .||NONE We report 4 new cases of localized Darier disease and review the English-language literature .||DISONLY The implications of these cases on future genetic studies are also discussed .||NONE OBSERVATIONS : Localized Darier disease occurred with equal frequency in males and females .||DISONLY The average age at onset was 27 years .||NONE The most frequent site of involvement was the trunk ( 40 % ( 16/40 ) ) .||NONE This condition was aggravated by sunlight , heat , or sweating in 42 % ( 19/40 ) of reported cases , and 38 % ( 15/40 ) of the patients responded to treatment with topical tretinoin .||TREATONLY CONCLUSIONS : Many of the clinical features of localized Darier disease suggest that it is a genetic mosaic of generalized Darier disease .||DISONLY Further studies of localized Darier disease may therefore prove to be instrumental in the search for the Darier disease gene .||DISONLY UV radiation induces two major DNA damage products , the cyclobutane pyrimidine dimer ( CPD ) and , at a lower frequency , the pyrimidine ( 6-4 ) pyrimidinone dimer ( 6-4 product ) .||NONE Although Escherichia coli and Saccharomyes cerevisiae produce a CPD-specific photolyase that eliminates only this class of dimer , Arabidopsis thaliana , Drosphila melanogaster , Crotalus atrox , and Xenopus laevis have recently been shown to photoreactivate both CPDs and 6-4 products .||NONE We describe the isolation and characterization of two new classes of mutants of Arabidopsis , termed uvr2 and uvr3 , that are defective in the photoreactivation of CPDs and 6-4 products , respectively .||NONE We demonstrate that the CPD photolyase mutation is genetically linked to a DNA sequence encoding a type II ( metazoan ) CPD photolyase .||NONE In addition , we are able to generate plants in which only CPDs or 6-4 products are photoreactivated in the nuclear genome by exposing these mutants to UV light and then allowing them to repair one or the other class of dimers .||NONE This provides us with a unique opportunity to study the biological consequences of each of these two major UV-induced photoproducts in an intact living system .||NONE A diffuse macular erythroderma and subsequent desquamation after 1 to 2 weeks are two of the five major diagnostic criteria of toxic shock syndrome ( TSS ) .||DISONLY We present the case of a 15-month-old girl with TSS , but without erythroderma or desquamation .||DISONLY She was admitted with high fever , shock , and multiorgan involvement .||DISONLY Minimal or no cutaneous signs were present .||NONE Initially the diagnosis of the syndrome of hemorrhagic shock and encephalopathy was made .||DISONLY After 7 days , a TSS toxin 1-producing strain of Staphylococcus aureus was cultured from an inguinal lymph node , where inflammation had already been noticed on admission .||DISONLY Moreover , the girl had no antibodies against this toxin .||NONE The serum cytokine profile during the acute phase of her illness showed high levels of tumor necrosis factor-alpha , interleukin-6 and interferon-gamma , as is seen during activation of the immune system by TSS toxin 1 .||DISONLY Other possible causes for the patient 's illness were excluded .||NONE We conclude that the patient had TSS without rash .||DISONLY Without the evidence implicating a TSS toxin 1-producing strain of S. aureus as the cause of her disease , a diagnosis of syndrome of hemorrhagic shock and encephalopathy would have been made .||DISONLY It is possible that some cases of syndrome of hemorrhagic shock and encephalopathy represent a variant of TSS in small children .||DISONLY BACKGROUND : The growing teratoma syndrome refers to the phenomenon whereby germ cell tumors enlarge after chemotherapy despite complete eradication of malignant cells and normalization of serum tumor markers .||TO_SEE This clinical scenario must be differentiated from that in which germ cell tumors maintain their malignant characteristics with elevated levels of serum tumor markers .||DISONLY METHODS : Hospital record review was conducted of 2 cases .||NONE RESULTS : Two male patients are presented , 1 with a metastatic germ cell tumor of both the retroperitoneum and mediastinum ( with elevated alpha-fetoprotein level ) and 1 with a primary germ cell tumor of the mediastinum ( with elevated alpha-fetoprotein and beta-human chorionic gonadotropin levels ) .||DISONLY After completion of chemotherapy and normalization of tumor markers , both patients presented with pulmonary symptoms attributable to their massively enlarging mediastinal teratomas . ||VAGUE The clinical and roentgenographic features of patients with thoracic manifestations of the growing teratoma syndrome , as well as its management , are reviewed .||DISONLY CONCLUSIONS : After chemotherapy in patients with primary or metastatic mediastinal germ cell tumors whose tumor markers normalize , a growing mass in the mediastinum may represent the growing teratoma syndrome .||TO_SEE The chicken calmodulin I ( CaMI ) gene has been isolated and characterized on the level of cDNA and genomic DNA .||NONE The deduced amino acid ( aa ) sequence is identical to the one of chicken CaMII which consists of 148 aa .||NONE The CaMI gene contains six exons .||NONE Its intron/exon organization is identical to that of the chicken CaMII and the CaMI and CaMIII genes of rat and human .||NONE Expression of the CaMI gene was detected in all chicken tissues examined , although at varying levels .||NONE The gene is transcribed into four mRNAs of 0.8 , 1.4 , 1.7 and 4.4 kb as determined by Northern blot analysis .||NONE Our results demonstrate that the `` multigene-one-protein '' principle of CaM synthesis is not only applicable to mammals whose CaM is encoded by three different genes , but also to chickens .||NONE BACKGROUND : We assessed the accuracy of two electron beam computed tomography ( EBCT ) protocols for predicting coronary events .||DISONLY METHODS AND RESULTS : In 1994 , 24 months after enrollment in a longitudinal study , 326 high-risk adults underwent both 3- and 6-mm image-slice thickness EBCT scanning and were followed up for 32.0+/-4.0 additional months .||NONE Events were defined as either coronary death , myocardial infarction , or revascularization .||DISONLY We monitored these subjects for the 32-month postscanning period with yearly phone calls and acquisition of records for all hospital admissions .||NONE At the time of scanning , 11 subjects ( 3 % ) had already suffered 12 events ( 5 infarctions and 7 revascularizations ) during the 24-month prescanning period .||DISONLY During the postscanning period , 18 subjects ( 6 % ) suffered 23 events ( 5 coronary deaths , 6 infarctions , and 12 revascularizations ) .||DISONLY Thus , 28 subjects ( 9 % ) suffered 35 events .||NONE Calcium quantities calculated for both protocols , performed on the same subjects , were sorted in ascending order and divided into equal quartiles .||NONE When revascularizations were included , there was a significant trend toward higher frequencies of events with increasing calcium quantity ( P & # 60 ; .01 ) .||DISONLY However , coronary death and infarction were not significantly more frequent in higher quartiles .||DISONLY These relationships were preserved in the subjects without prior events at the time of scanning .||NONE CONCLUSIONS : Calcium quantities from the 3-mm and the more reproducible 6-mm scanning are equally accurate for predicting events .||NONE Coronary calcium amount appears to be a weak predictor of coronary death and infarction .||DISONLY Its predictive accuracy is superior for predicting revascularization .||DISONLY Research into the genetic component of some complex behaviors often causes controversy , depending on the social meaning and significance of the behavior under study .||NONE Research into sexual orientation-simplistically referred to as `` gay gene '' research-is an example of research that provokes intense controversy .||NONE This research is worrisome for many reasons , including the fact that it has been used to harm lesbians and gay men .||NONE Many homosexual people have been forced to undergo `` treatments '' to change their sexual orientation .||NONE Other chose to undergo them to escape discrimination and social disapprobation .||NONE But there are other reasons to worry about such research .||NONE The very motivation for seeking an `` origin '' of homosexuality reveals homophobia .||NONE Moreover , such research may lead to prenatal tests that claim to predict for homosexuality .||NONE For homosexual people who live in countries with no legal protections these dangers are particularly serious .||NONE The efficiency of testicular sperm retrieval by testicular fine needle aspiration ( TEFNA ) was compared with open biopsy and testicular sperm extraction ( TESE ) , in 37 rigorously selected patients with non-obstructive azoospermia .||TREAT_FOR_DIS All patients underwent TEFNA and TESE consecutively .||TREATONLY Thus , each patient served as his own control .||NONE The case was regarded as successful if at least one testicular spermatozoon was found allowing intracytoplasmic sperm injection ( ICSI ) of at least one oocyte .||NONE The mean age of the male patients was 32.7 years ( range 24-47 ) .||NONE Whereas by TEFNA spermatozoa enabling performance of ICSI were found in only four patients out of 37 ( 11 % ) , open biopsy and TESE yielded spermatozoa in 16 cases ( 43 % ) .||TREATONLY The negative predictive value of high serum follicle stimulating hormone ( FSH ) concentrations ( > or =10 IU/l ) ( predicting failure to find spermatozoa for ICSI ) was low ( 38.4 % ) .||NONE The positive predictive value ( predicting the chance to find spermatozoa for ICSI ) of normal-sized testicle was not different from that of small-sized ( & # 60 ; 15 ml ) testicle ( 50 % ) .||NONE Complications included one case of testicular bleeding following fine needle aspiration , treated locally , and two cases of extratunical haematomata following TESE requiring no intervention .||SIDE_EFF In patients with non-obstructive azoospermia , TEFNA has a significantly lower yield compared to TESE .||TO_SEE Performance of ICSI with testicular sperm in these cases resulted in satisfactory fertilization and high embryo transfer rates .||NONE The implantation and pregnancy rates per embryo transfer were 13 and 29 % respectively .||NONE Neither serum FSH values nor testicular size were predictive of the chances to find spermatozoa for ICSI .||NONE Some complications may occur even following TEFNA .||TREATONLY Cyclin D1 , the regulatory subunit of certain protein kinases thought to advance the G1 phase of the cell cycle , is now established as a proto-oncogene , with evidence indicating that its derangement may contribute to the uncontrolled cell growth characteristic of tumors .||DISONLY The chromosomal translocation t ( 11 ; 14 ) ( q13 : q32 ) , involving rearrangement of the BCL-1 locus , is closely associated with human lymphoid neoplasia affecting mantle cell lymphomas ( MCL ) .||DISONLY Recently , the putative BCL-1 proto-oncogene turned out to be none other than the cyclin D1 gene .||NONE Although the observed break points in the BCL-1 locus are not tightly clustered , its rearrangement has been documented in 40-70 % of cases of mantle cell lymphoma , whereas it only rarely occurs in other B cell lymphomas .||DISONLY Of note , all of the known break points leave the cyclin D1 coding region structurally intact and result in increased protein expression , implying that this may provide a highly sensitive and specific marker for MCL .||DISONLY Recent studies demonstrated that immunohistochemical detection in paraffin-embedded material , using a monoclonal antibody , is very useful for routine diagnosis .||NONE Current knowledge of cyclin D1 overexpression in malignant lymphomas , with emphasis on its clinicopathologic significance , is reviewed .||DISONLY In the mammalian central nervous system , a diverse group of basic helix-loop-helix ( bHLH ) proteins is involved in the determination of progenitor cells and , subsequently , in regulating neuronal differentiation .||NONE Here we report the identification of a novel subfamily of bHLH proteins , defined by two mammalian enhancer-of-split- and hairy-related proteins , termed SHARP-1 and SHARP-2 .||NONE In contrast to known bHLH genes , detectable transcription of SHARP genes begins at the end of embryonic development marking differentiated neurons that have reached a final position , and increases as postnatal development proceeds .||NONE In the adult , SHARP genes are expressed in subregions of the CNS that have been associated with adult plasticity .||NONE In PC12 cells , a model system to study neurite outgrowth , SHARP genes can be induced by NGF with the kinetics of an immediate-early gene .||NONE Similarly , within 1 h after the administration of kainic acid in vivo , SHARP-2 is induced in neurons throughout the rat cerebral cortex .||NONE This suggests that neuronal bHLH proteins are also involved in the `` adaptive '' changes of mature CNS neurons which are coupled to glutamatergic stimulation .||NONE The embryonic development of the face has been studied in many reviews , this work purposes only to clear up some points which remain obscure concerning cervico-facial morphogenesis .||NONE In the first part of this study only the facial development , properly speaking , is considered , although it can not be separate of cervical development to which a second study will be reserved .||NONE In the present study we recall the particular aspects of the neurulation in the cephalic area , then the establishment of the facial processes .||NONE Then we approach among other things the way to consider the maxillary process with regard to the other facial processes .||NONE After is considered constitution and natured of the prechordal plate which has been diversely explained .||NONE Finally , the modelling of the face is evocated , in which the dissociation between the olfactive and buccal spheres is pointed out , with the disparition of the muzzle , as it is established in the haplorhinae , a class of primates in which the human being is involved .||NONE This phenomenon raises different questions , in particular about the relation of this disposition with the nasoseptal center , the medial part of the nasodorsal center .||NONE A case-control study was performed in eight pairs of women to determine whether preeclamptic women developed abnormalities in minor hemoglobins , glycolytic enzymes , or other blood components that might provide insight into the pathophysiology of preeclampsia , or that in combination might be used as a marker for the condition .||DISONLY These variables and standard clinical tests were analyzed as discriminators between preeclamptic and control women .||NONE The subjects were matched for age , ethnicity , parity , and gestational age .||NONE Blood samples were taken at the time of diagnosis of preeclampsia and at comparable gestational ages for matched normal controls .||DISONLY Variables differing significantly between groups included increases in uric acid ( UA ) , low-density lipoproteins ( LDL ) , phosphoglycerate kinase ( PGK ) , and mean platelet volume ( MPV ) , and decreases in glyceraldehyde phosphate dehydrogenase ( G3PD ) in preeclamptic women compared to normal controls .||NONE Discriminant analysis revealed the following function to separate the groups : 0.7764 ( UA ) + 0.8086 ( PGK ) -0.7032 ( G3PD ) + 0.1399 ( LDL ) -0.2386 ( MPV ) .||NONE A discriminant score of > or = 275 indicated a > or = 90 % probability of preeclampsia .||DISONLY The results are consistent with perturbations in red cell glycolysis in preeclampsia .||DISONLY Further prospective studies are warranted to test the efficacy of this discriminant function in predicting preeclampsia .||DISONLY A novel technique for patterning immobilized antibody layers based upon photolithography and oxygen plasma exposure has been developed .||NONE Mouse monoclonal antibodies specific for thiabendazole ( a post-harvest fungicide and veterinary anthelmintic ) were covalently linked through free amine groups to aminosilanized silicon dioxide films using glutaraldehyde .||TREATONLY Immobilized antibody layers were stabilized with sucrose , dehydrated , and stored refrigerated with desiccant .||NONE Photolithographic patterning was performed with a positive photoresist with modified bake temperatures and times , selective UV exposure with a contact mask , and aqueous alkaline solubilization of exposed resist .||NONE Exposed regions of immobilized antibody were then removed by exposure to a low power , radio frequency oxygen discharge .||NONE Residual resist was stripped with acetone .||NONE Successful patterning was demonstrated by challenging surfaces with goat anti-mouse antibody conjugated to tetramethylrhodamine isothiocyanate .||NONE Sucrose stabilization was necessary for antibody to undergo photoresist processing without loss of binding activity .||NONE Challenge with enzyme linked antigen of oxygen plasma exposed antibody layers demonstrated that plasma treatment completely neutralized antibody capture ability .||NONE Ellipsometry measurements of oxygen plasma exposed antibody layers indicated complete removal of immobilized antibodies .||NONE Fluorescent imaging demonstrated smallest line widths of 2-3 microns .||NONE Immune cells in vivo routinely perform highly selective immunosensing in blood and tissues as part of their normal immune surveillance functions .||NONE We have been investigating the potential of exploiting the immunosensing detection abilities of excitable immune cells ( i.e. the mast cell ) for the development of whole cell immunobiosensors .||NONE A key feature is that these immune cells can be selectively engineered to recognize specific antigens in vitro .||NONE In the presence of antigen , these cells undergo excitable activation responses which result in increased metabolism and the exocytosis of stored intracellular mediators .||NONE We have previously determined that mast cell metabolic responses can be thermally transduced in real time , thus indicating the possibility of whole cell thermoelectric immunobiosensing .||NONE In this work we investigated the use of enzyme amplification systems to enhance the direct transduction of immune cell responses to analyte .||NONE It was found that with appropriate enzymes , peak outputs occurred within approximately 5 min ( 4-20 times faster than without enzymes ) and peak response magnitudes were up to nine-fold greater than without enzymes .||NONE An easy-to-use technique for detection of antibodies specific for the parasite L. donovani in human serum sample has been developed .||NONE The method is based on an evanescent wave generated from a tapered configuration of decladded optical fibre and does not require any volumetric measurement .||NONE Tapered fibres are immobilized with the purified cell surface protein of L. donovani by covalent bonding .||NONE Treated fibres are incubated with the patient serum for 10 min followed by incubation with goat anti human IgG tagged FITC .||NONE Fluorescent intensity from the fibre has been shown to be proportional to L. donovani specific antibodies present in the test sera .||NONE Direct readings can be obtained after signal enhancement through a photomultiplier tube within 5 min .||NONE The system , when tested on 12 positive sera , did not show any false negative result .||NONE Also , no false positive result was obtained with serum samples of patients infected with leprosy , tuberculosis , typhoid and malaria , showing the specificity of the sensor and efficacy of the technique .||DISONLY We present an optical biosensor design that expands the utility of enzyme biosensors .||NONE These biosensors are fabricated by site-selective photodeposition of analyte-sensitive polymer matrices on optical imaging fibres .||NONE These dual-analyte arrays allow for the simultaneous , independent measurement of the analyte of interest and the transducing analyte .||NONE The first integrated optical-biosensors using this design have been prepared that allow both the dependent and independent analytes to be measured simultaneously , for example penicillin and pH ( Healey & # 38 ; Walt , 1995 ) or glucose and O2 ( Li & # 38 ; Walt , 1995 ) .||NONE Independent measurement of the transducing analyte allows penicillin or glucose to be quantitated in the presence of a concurrent pH or O2 change , respectively .||TREATONLY Penicillin can be measured in the range 0.25-10.0 mM in the pH range 6.2-7.5 .||TREATONLY Glucose can be measured in the range 0.6-20.0 mM in the O2 range 20-100 % .||NONE The utility of the sensor design was demonstrated by using the penicillin-dual-analyte biosensor to quantitate penicillin produced during a Penicillium chrysogenum fermentation .||TREATONLY The characterization of low molecular weight ligand interaction with receptor molecules is of importance for the investigation of biological processes and for drug research .||NONE We report on the investigation of the binding of low molecular weight ligands to immobilized receptors by label-free detection .||NONE Reflectometric interference spectroscopy , an optical transducer which allows the monitoring of a few picograms per square millimetre changes in surface coverage , was used to study two model systems .||NONE In both cases detection of the binding event was successful .||NONE High affinity binding of biotin to immobilized streptavidin was clearly detectable at receptor surface concentrations as low as 1-2 x 10 ( 10 ) binding sites/mm2 .||NONE Linear correlation between the receptor surface concentration and the response to biotin binding was observed .||NONE Using immobilized DNA , we investigated the binding of common intercalators with respect to kinetics and thermodynamics by evaluation of the association and the dissociation part of the binding curve .||NONE Bi-exponential increase and decrease of intercalator loading was observed , indicating complex interaction kinetics .||NONE The four structurally different intercalators showed significant distinction in binding kinetics and equilibrium signals .||NONE Improvement of experimental parameters is required to obtain more reliable kinetic data .||NONE An amperometric lactate oxidase catheter has been developed for in vivo application to real-time lactate monitoring .||NONE The electrochemical behaviour of the 1 x 3 mm Pt-Ag/AgCl thin film electrode is not significantly influenced by lactate oxidase-polyurethane covering .||NONE Gamma-irradiation ( 25 kGy ) is suitable for the sterilization procedure .||NONE The final lactate catheter is characterized by a linear concentration range between 0.5 and 20 mmol/l lactate with a sensitivity around 2 nA mmol-1 l-1 lactate .||NONE The accuracy is demonstrated by the measurement of control sera .||NONE Both physiological and pathological materials correlate well with the declared values .||NONE The dry stored lactate catheter needs about 10 min for hydration and is characterized by response times t98 % of less than 2 min .||NONE Ex vivo whole blood measurements using the lactate catheter ( y ) give a correlation with the BIOSEN Med L ( x ) of y = ( 1.010x + 0.513 ) mmol/l ( r = 0.9748 ) .||NONE Lactate values obtained by continuous catheter operation ex vivo correlate well with those obtained by BIOSEN Med L. First subcutaneous implantation ( dog ) underlines the characteristics obtained ex vivo : after 30 min hydration the lactate catheter follows the lactate concentration measured ex vivo with samples from the leg vein by BIOSEN Med L. ||NONE The diffusion-limited binding kinetics of antigen ( or antibody ) in solution to antibody ( or antigen ) immobilized on a biosensor and other surfaces is analyzed within a fractal framework .||NONE Often , the binding kinetics may be described by a single-fractal analysis .||NONE In some cases , the binding curve exhibits complexities .||NONE Then , for these cases , the dual-fractal analysis provides an improved fit when compared with a single-fractal analysis .||NONE This indicates a change in the reaction mechanism on the surface .||NONE It is of interest to note that the state of disorder ( or the fractal dimension ) and the binding rate coefficient both increase as the reaction progresses on the biosensor surface .||NONE For example , for the binding of 10 nM insulin growth factor-1 in solution to insulin growth factor binding protein-1 immobilized on a biosensor surface , a 64 % increase in the fractal dimension from 1.73 ( Df1 ) to 2.85 ( Df2 ) leads to an increase in the binding rate coefficient by a factor of 31.8 from 3.92 ( k1 ) to 125 ( k2 ) .||NONE Furthermore , as the IGF-1 concentration in solution increases from 10 to 80 nM in solution , k2 and Df2 exhibit a linear increase .||NONE k1 and Df1 exhibit a linear increase with the reciprocal of the IGF-1 concentration in solution .||NONE The different examples analyzed and presented together provide a means by which the antigen-antibody reactions may be better controlled by noting the magnitude of the changes in the fractal dimension and in the binding rate coefficient as the reaction progresses on the biosensor surface .||NONE Also , the magnitude of the changes in the binding rate coefficients ( k1 and k2 ) and in the fractal dimensions ( Df1 and Df2 ) as different parameters are changed for the different biosensor applications are of particular value , since they provide us with a measure or extent of changes in the binding rate coefficient on changing different experimental parameter values .||NONE It is of interest to note the effect of different parameters on the extent or heterogeneity that exists on the surface and how this influences the binding rate coefficients .||NONE This may be one method to help manipulate or control the binding rate coefficients on the reaction surface .||NONE To determine if microscopic urinalysis is needed in all pediatric emergency room patients screened for urinary tract infections ( UTI ) , we compared the dipstick urinalysis and complete urinalysis ( dipstick and microscopy ) with urine cultures in 236 children , aged 3 weeks to 21 years .||DISONLY The ability to detect UTI by dipstick only and by complete urinalysis was the same , however microscopic evaluation added many false-positive results without detecting additional UTIs .||DISONLY Because the ability to detect UTI ( sensitivity ) is maintained , we now offer a dipstick only urinalysis to our emergency room for children 2 years of age or older , with a microscopic analysis performed automatically if dipstick results are positive .||DISONLY If no microscopic urinalysis is required , testing turn-around time is reduced by 12.3 min/test and the hospital charge is reduced from U.S .||NONE $ 32 to U.S .||NONE $ 12 .||NONE Using video-intensified fluorescence microscopy and a pseudocolor display of fluorescence intensity , we analyzed the distribution of microinjected molecules within the nurse-cell/oocyte syncytium of Drosophila ovarian follicles .||NONE We varied the composition and the osmolarity of the culture solution as well as the electrical charge and the molecular mass of the microinjected fluorescent probe .||NONE As culture solutions , we used four simple salines ( IMADS ) and a complex tissue-culture medium ( R-14 ) that matched the osmolarity of adult hemolymph .||NONE Small amounts of two anionic dyes ( Lucifer Yellow CH and Lucifer Yellow dextran ) as well as of two cationic dyes ( rhodamine 6G and tetramethylrhodamine dextran-lysine ) were iontophoretically microinjected either into a nurse cell or into the oocyte of stage-10 follicles .||NONE In the tissue-culture medium , within a few seconds following microinjection , all tested dyes passed through the intercellular bridges in both the anterior direction ( to the nurse cells ) and the posterior direction ( to the oocyte ) , independent of their electrical charge or molecular mass .||NONE In all simple salines , irrespective of their osmolarity , Lucifer Yellow CH was found to preferentially migrate in the posterior direction and to accumulate in the oocyte due to progressive binding to yolk spheres .||NONE Thus , with this sensitive method , no correlation was detectable between the external osmolarity , the electrical charge and the preferential direction of migration of a microinjected probe .||NONE Our results indicate that the electrical gradient described by other authors does not exert significant influence on the migration of charged molecules through intercellular bridges in situ .||NONE The AF-4 gene on human chromosome 4q21 is involved in reciprocal translocations to the ALL-1 gene on chromosome 11q23 , which are associated with acute lymphoblastic leukaemias .||DISONLY A set of recombinant phage carrying genomic fragments for the coding region and flanking sequences of the AF-4 gene were isolated .||NONE Phage inserts were assembled into four contigs with 21 exons , and an intron phase map was produced enabling the interpretation of translocation-generated fusion proteins .||NONE The gene contains two alternative first exons , 1a and 1b , both including a translation initiation codon .||NONE The translocation breakpoint cluster region is flanked by exons 3 and 6 and two different polyadenylation signals were identified .||NONE Polyclonal antisera directed against three different portions of the AF-4 protein were produced and used to detect a 116 kD protein in cellular extracts of human B-lymphoblastoid and proB cell lines .||NONE In mitogen-stimulated human peripheral blood mononuclear cells the AF-4 antigen was predominantly located in the nucleus .||NONE The AF-4 gene is a member of the AF-4 , LAF-4 and FMR-2 gene family .||NONE The members of this family encode serine-proline-rich proteins with properties of nuclear transcription factors .||NONE Comparison of AF-4 protein coding sequences with the LAF-4 and FMR-2 sequences revealed five highly conserved domains of potential functional relevance .||NONE Immunoglobulin superfamily molecules in the brain are involved in distinct aspects of nervous system histogenesis , for example neuronal migration and axonal growth .||NONE To identify novel members of this superfamily in the chick nervous system , we developed a polymerase chain reaction-based approach making use of sequence motifs of immunoglobulin-like domains .||NONE In the present study , we report the molecular cloning of three isoforms , the biochemical analysis and the immunohistochemical characterization of one of the proteins identified in this screen .||NONE This molecule has 91 % sequence identity with the limbic system-associated membrane protein ( LAMP ) characterized in the rat and is therefore referred to as the chicken homologue of the latter ( chLAMP ) .||NONE The molecule is a glycosylphosphatidyl-inositol-anchored 60 kDa protein with three immunoglobulin-like domains and contains 40 % N-linked carbohydrate .||NONE We identify three different mRNA forms of chLAMP and show that two forms with distinct 5'-termini are differentially transcribed in neural development .||NONE In addition , we demonstrate using a fusion protein expressed in eukaryotic cells that chLAMP has homophilic binding activity .||NONE The protein was found on a subset of axons in the central and peripheral nervous system and is likely to be involved in specific cell-cell interactions in neurohistogenesis .||NONE Two novel cDNAs , DNAS1L2 and DNAS1L3 , are predicted to encode proteins of 299 and 305 amino acids with 56 and 46 % residue identity ( 71 and 63 % similarity ) , respectively , to deoxyribonuclease I ( DNase I ) .||NONE DNAS1L2 is located on a 16p13.3 cosmid , while DNAS1L3 maps to 3p14.3-p21.1 by fluorescence in situ hybridization and by PCR analysis of a radiation hybrid panel .||NONE Northern analysis revealed DNAS1L3 expression nearly exclusively in liver , while DNAS1L2 expression was detected in brain by RT-PCR .||NONE The previously defined DNL1L or DNAS1L1 is expressed highest in heart and skeletal muscle , while DNase I is expressed in the pancreas , parotid gland , and kidney .||NONE Thus , to date , four DNase I-like genes that show different tissue expression patterns are known .||NONE A comparison of DNAS1L1 , DNAS1L2 , and DNAS1L3 with the well-characterized DNase I suggests that the DNAS1L proteins are unlikely to be glycosylated or bind actin ; however , catalytic and calcium- and DNA-binding residues are conserved , and potentially cleavable signal peptides are present among all these proteins .||NONE This analysis also identifies regions of high conservation among these proteins with no currently assigned function .||NONE Two different responses to the therapy were observed in a group of patients receiving the protease inhibitor indinavir .||TREATONLY In one , suppression of virus replication occurred and has persisted for 90 weeks ( bDNA , & # 60 ; 500 human immunodeficiency virus type 1 ( HIV-1 ) RNA copies/ml ) .||NONE In the second group , a rebound in virus levels in plasma followed the initial sharp decline observed at the start of therapy .||NONE This was associated with the emergence of drug-resistant variants .||NONE Sequence analysis of the protease gene during the course of therapy revealed that in this second group there was a sequential acquisition of protease mutations at amino acids 46 , 82 , 54 , 71 , 89 , and 90 .||NONE In the six patients in this group , there was also an identical mutation in the gag p7/p1 gag protease cleavage site .||NONE In three of the patients , this change was seen as early as 6 to 10 weeks after the start of therapy .||NONE In one patient , a second mutation occurred at the gag p1/p6 cleavage site , but it appeared 18 weeks after the time of appearance of the p7/p1 mutation .||NONE Recombinant HIV-1 variants containing two or three mutations in the protease gene were constructed either with mutations at the p7/p1 cleavage site or with wild-type ( WT ) gag sequences .||NONE When recombinant HIV-1-containing protease mutations at 46 and 82 was grown in MT2 cells , there was a 68 % reduction in its rate of replication compared to the WT virus .||NONE Introduction of an additional mutation at the gag p7/p1 protease cleavage site compensated for the partially defective protease gene .||NONE Similarly , rates of replication of viruses with mutations M46L/I , I54V , and V82A in protease were enhanced both in the presence and in the absence of Indinavir when combined with mutations in the gag p7/p1 and the gag p1/p6 cleavage sites .||NONE Optimal rates of virus replication require protease cleavage of precursor polyproteins .||NONE A mutation in the cleavage site that enhanced the availability of a protein that was rate limiting for virus maturation would confer on that virus a significant growth advantage and may explain the uniform emergence of viruses with alterations at the p7/p1 cleavage site .||NONE This is the first report of the emergence of mutations in the gag p7/p1 protease cleavage sites in patients receiving protease therapy and identifies this change as an important determinant of HIV-1 resistance to protease inhibitors in patient populations .||TREATONLY A novel intracellular calcium-binding protein from Echinococcus granulosus is described in this work .||NONE A cDNA was isolated from a lambdagt11 protoscolex expression library and the deduced amino acid sequence has at least fifteen sequentially repeated twelve-residue repeats that resemble the calcium-binding loop of EF-hands ; however , the dodecamer motif has no flanking helices .||NONE The cDNA was expressed in Escherichia coli using the pGEX vector , and a recombinant fusion protein ( EgCaBP1-GST ) was obtained .||NONE The recombinant fusion protein binds calcium when assayed with 45Ca .||NONE It is possible that the calcium-binding motifs present a secondary structure similar to the parallel beta roll structure described for an alkaline protease from Pseudomonas aeruginosa .||NONE A native protein of more than 300 kDa was recognized by an anti-EgCaBP1 monoclonal antibody by Western-blot analysis .||NONE Immunohistochemistry using a pool of anti-EgCaBP1-GST mouse sera demonstrated a strong association of the protein with calcareous corpuscles .||NONE The possible role of this protein and that of the calcareous corpuscles in the protoscolex are discussed .||NONE The enzyme activity of mitogen-activated protein kinase ( MAP kinase ) increases in response to agents acting on a variety of cell surface receptors , including receptors linked to heterotrimeric G proteins .||NONE In this report , we demonstrated that Raf-1 protein kinase activity in the mouse parotid glands was induced by chronic isoproterenol administration in whole animals .||NONE To investigate the molecular nature underlying cellular responses to Raf-1 activation , we have stably transfected rat salivary epithelial Pa-4 cells with human Raf-1-estrogen receptor fusion gene ( DeltaRaf-1 : ER ) and used mRNA differential display in search of messages induced by DeltaRaf-1 : ER activation .||NONE Through this approach , the gene encoding non-histone chromosomal protein HMGI-C was identified as one of the target genes activated by oncogenic Raf-1 kinase .||NONE Activation of Raf-1 kinase resulted in a delayed and sustained increase of HMGI-C expression in the Pa-4 cells .||NONE The induction of HMGI-C mRNA level is sensitive to both the protein synthesis inhibitor cycloheximide and transcription inhibitor actinomycin D .||NONE The role of the extracellular signal-related kinase ( ERK ) signaling pathway in the HMGI-C induction was highlighted by the result that the MAP kinase kinase ( MEK ) inhibitor , PD 98059 , blocked DeltaRaf-1 : ER- and 12-O-tetradecanoylphorbol-13-acetate-stimulated HMGI-C induction .||NONE Altogether , these findings support the notion that the Raf/MEK/ERK signaling module , at least in part , regulates transcriptional activation of the chromosomal architectural protein HMGI-C .||NONE Pendred syndrome is a recessively inherited disorder with the hallmark features of congenital deafness and thyroid goitre .||DISONLY By some estimates , the disorder may account for upwards of 10 % of hereditary deafness .||DISONLY Previous genetic linkage studies localized the gene to a broad interval on human chromosome 7q22-31.1 .||NONE Using a positional cloning strategy , we have identified the gene ( PDS ) mutated in Pendred syndrome and found three apparently deleterious mutations , each segregating with the disease in the respective families in which they occur .||DISONLY PDS produces a transcript of approximately 5 kb that was found to be expressed at significant levels only in the thyroid .||NONE The predicted protein , pendrin , is closely related to a number of known sulphate transporters .||NONE These studies provide compelling evidence that defects in pendrin cause Pendred syndrome thereby launching a new area of investigation into thyroid physiology , the pathogenesis of congenital deafness and the role of altered sulphate transport in human disease .||DISONLY We report the cDNA cloning , partial genomic organization , and expression pattern of Stra10 , a novel retinoic acid-inducible gene in P19 embryonal carcinoma cells .||DISONLY Four murine cDNA isoforms have been isolated , which are likely to result from alternative splicing .||NONE The predicted protein sequences exhibit approximately 85 % identity with the Pbx-related Meis1 homeobox gene products , which are involved in myeloid leukemia in BXH-2 mice , and one of the Stra10 isoforms corresponds to the recently published Meis2 sequence ( Nakamura et al. ( 1996 ) Oncogene 13 : 2235-2242 ) .||DISONLY The Meis2 homeodomain is identical to that of Meis1 , and is most closely related to those of the Pbx/TGIF homeobox gene products .||NONE By in situ hybridization analysis , we show that the Meis2 gene displays spatially restricted expression patterns in the developing nervous system , limbs , face , and in various viscera .||NONE In adult mice , Meis2 is mainly expressed in the brain and female genital tract , with a different distribution of the alternative splice forms in these organs .||NONE A methodical strategy for the isolation of microsatellite markers specific for targeted regions of bovine chromosomes is presented .||NONE The procedure involves directed microdissection of one defined subchromosomal area , its DOP-PCR-amplification and cloning .||NONE With this approach , a library specific to the BTA 6q21-31 chromosomal region was constructed .||NONE Eleven unique microsatellite-containing sequences were isolated , converted into sequence-tagged microsatellite sites , and characterized concerning their species-specific origin .||NONE Seven primer pairs generated bovine-specific PCR products and provided a set of microsatellite markers that generally revealed high informativity in the HF breed .||NONE Linkage analysis assigned six of them to their predefined subchromosomal origin on BTA 6 corresponding to the specific rehybridization signal of the DOP-PCR product generated from the microdissected chromosome area 6q21-31 .||NONE The results underline the usefulness of the BTA 6q21-31 library for targeted isolation of unique sequences that are specific for the dissected chromosomal region as demonstrated here by the isolation of microsatellite markers .||NONE Phylogeographic structure was determined for the yellow mongoose , Cynictis penicillata , using mtDNA RFLPs and control region sequences .||NONE The RFLP analysis revealed 13 haplotypes which showed weak geographical patterning consistent with a recent range expansion from a refugial population ( s ) .||NONE An analysis of molecular variance ( AMOVA ) revealed no correspondence between mtDNA phylogeography and subspecies delimitation , nor between matrilines and areas characterized by a high incidence of the viverrid-type rabies , of which the yellow mongoose is the principal vector .||DISONLY The lack of structure was also shown by control region sequences although four of the maternal lineages shared a near-perfect 81 bp repeat .||NONE We speculate that regional hot spots of the viverrid rabies biotype reflect population density differences in the yellow mongoose that are not underscored by genetic partitioning , at least at the level of resolution provided by our analyses .||DISONLY The indoor pollution , where the patients pass in general close to 90 % of their time , is an important factor to take in consideration if one wants to evaluate suitably the effects of the air pollution on the health .||NONE Causes of this kind of pollution are partially linked to the external pollution and the outdoor environment and also are function of human activities and introduced products in the habitat ( heating , tabagisme , handywork , products of maintenance , coatings , materials of construction , etc .||NONE ) .||NONE The effects on health are as various as the pollutants , going from sharp intoxication to irritations or simply desagreements .||NONE In this problem of public health we may not underestimated sensitive persons and risky group as well as long terme effects , and chronic exposition effects .||NONE The search of solutions needs multiple competences from the physician , who has to play an essential role .||NONE Dioxins are a family of chlorinated aromatic hydrocarbons that are produced during combustion processes in the presence of a chlorine donor and as by-products of the chlorine-processing chemical industries .||NONE Several dioxins are extremely stable compounds and persist for years in the environment .||NONE Exposure to dioxins occurs mainly via the ingestion of contaminated food .||NONE The lipophilic character of dioxins prevents their excretion in the urine and causes their accumulation in body fat .||NONE The mechanisms of dioxin action are similar to those of a hormone .||NONE Dioxins bind to a specific intracellular receptor and the complex acts as a transcription factor that induces the production of a great number of proteins .||NONE Certain dioxins , particularly 2 , 3 , 7 , 8-tetrachlorodibenzo-p-dioxin , are very toxic and able to induce numerous clinical conditions .||NONE The carcinogenicity of dioxins is well documented in animal models and has been described in humans after professional and accidental exposures .||NONE Recent experimental data also indicate that dioxins can cause dysfunction of the sexual and thyroid hormone systems and that the administration of dioxins induces several conditions related to hormonal dysfunction .||DISONLY Chronic exposure of female Rhesus monkeys increases the incidence and severity of endometriosis .||DISONLY The administration of dioxins during pregnancy and nursing causes altered development of the reproductive system , decreased spermatogenesis , hypothyroidism and disturbed psychomotor development in the offspring .||DISONLY The particular sensibility of the fetus and newborn is of concern because the exposition to dioxins is particularly important during those periods of life .||NONE In humans a series of conditions related to hormonal dysfunction as undescended testis , decreased spermatogenesis , testicular cancer and endometriosis have increased in incidence during the last decades .||DISONLY The chronological parallelism with the appearance of dioxins in the environment suggests that these might exert biological effects at the prevailing level of exposure .||NONE Nevertheless this hypothesis is currently unconfirmed by epidemiological studies .||NONE The implications of this scientific incertitude for the implementation of preventive measures are briefly discussed .||NONE This presentation summarizes the debate on the suggested progressive impairment of semen quality ( the `` sperm fall '' ) in the last forty years in the developed countries .||NONE The various available data strongly suggesting an environmental toxic origin for the `` sperm fall '' will be presented as well as the most frequently suspected class of substances , the xenoestrogens .||NONE Diabetes mellitus is a still growing disease .||DISONLY New diagnostic criteria lowered the cut off value to 126 mg/dl , in order to detect more rapidly diabetes and its complications .||DISONLY The treatment of diabetes 2 by the classic oral antidiabetic drugs ( sulfamides and biguanides ) is completed by intestinal glycosidases inhibitors and thiazolidendiones .||TREAT_FOR_DIS These last drugs seem very attractive because they decrease insulin resistance in obese , diabetics .||NONE Their hepatic side effects must be however under control .||NONE Better knowledge of non lipidic effects of statins on the arterial wall and the discovery of the action of fibrates on PPAR ( Peroxisome Proliferator Activated Receptors ) improved strongly the therapeutic management of hyperlipidemias .||DISONLY Recent intervention studies have demonstrated the necessity to treat vigorously dysipidemias .||DISONLY Despite Beta-blockade therapy has been considered as an absolute contraindication in the treatment of heart failure , it has been shown that they could have a beneficial effect , provided that they were introduced at very low dose , and very progressively in addition of the traditional treatment .||TO_SEE The advances in the understanding of the neuro-hormonal mechanisms of heart failure have modified the therapeutic strategy : the deleterious effect of the activation of the sympathetic nervous system on the myocardium has served as the rationale for randomized clinical trials comparing beta-blockade to placebo : the current data are promising , suggesting a beneficial effect on survival as well as on quality of life .||NONE However , these results have to be confirmed by larger trials , currently underway , before to consider that beta-blockade should definitely be incorporated in the treatment of heart failure .||NONE Calcium antagonists have been used for treatment of cardiovascular diseases for more than 25 years .||TREAT_FOR_DIS Several recent retrospective studies have suggested that chronic treatment with short-acting dihydropyridines increased the incidence of cardiac events , cancer and gastrointestinal bleedings .||SIDE_EFF Randomized prospective studies have , however , never been able to confirm these observations .||NONE In addition , well-conducted studies using verapamil and diltiazem have suggested that these calcium antagonists may even improve cardiovascular mortality and morbidity of the hypertensive patient .||TREAT_FOR_DIS There is therefore no reason to believe that the questionable results derived from retrospective studies of the effects of short-acting calcium antagonists on cardiac and noncardiac events may apply to the newer generation of long-acting calcium antagonists .||TO_SEE Sumatriptan and other selective serotonin agonists represent a major breakthrough in acute migraine treatment .||TREAT_FOR_DIS These drugs are very efficacious and generally devoided of important side effects , but they are expensive and therefore have to be compared with other , more conventional drugs with established or assumed efficacy .||NONE We summarize the pharmacologic characteristics of Sumatriptan and give recommendations about its use in clinical practice .||TREATONLY Fiercer competition between athletes and a wider knowledge of optimal training regimens dramatically influence current training methods .||NONE A single training bout per day was previously considered sufficient , whereas today athletes regularly train twice a day or more .||NONE Consequently , the number of athletes who are overtraining and have insufficient rest is increasing .||NONE Positive overtraining can be regarded as a natural process when the end result is adaptation and improved performance : the supercompensation principle -- which includes the breakdown process ( training ) followed by the recovery process ( rest ) -- is well known in sports .||NONE However , negative overtraining , causing maladaptation and other negative consequences such as staleness , can occur .||NONE Physiological , psychological , biochemical and immunological symptoms must be considered , both independently and together , to fully understand the 'staleness ' syndrome .||NONE However , psychological testing may reveal early-warning signs more readily than the various physiological or immunological markers .||NONE The time frame of training and recovery is also important since the consequences of negative overtraining comprise an overtraining-response continuum from short to long term effects .||NONE An athlete failing to recover within 72 hours has presumably negatively overtrained and is in an overreached state .||NONE For an elite athlete to refrain from training for > 72 hours is extremely undesirable , highlighting the importance of a carefully monitored recovery process .||NONE There are many methods used to measure the training process but few with which to match the recovery process against it .||NONE One such framework for this is referred to as the total quality recovery ( TQR ) process .||NONE By using a TQR scale , structured around the scale developed for ratings of perceived exertion ( RPE ) , the recovery process can be monitored and matched against the breakdown ( training ) process ( TQR versus RPE ) .||NONE The TQR scale emphasises both the athlete 's perception of recovery and the importance of active measures to improve the recovery process .||NONE Furthermore , directing attention to psychophysiological cues serves the same purpose as in RPE , i.e. increasing self-awareness .||NONE This article reviews and conceptualises the whole overtraining process .||NONE In doing so , it ( i ) aims to differentiate between the types of stress affecting an athlete 's performance : ( ii ) identifies factors influencing an athlete 's ability to adapt to physical training : ( iii ) structures the recovery process .||NONE The TQR method to facilitate monitoring of the recovery process is then suggested and a conceptual model that incorporates all of the important parameters for performance gain ( adaptation ) and loss ( maladaptation ) .||NONE Little attention has been directed toward identifying the changes which occur in salivary composition in response to exercise .||NONE To address this , our article first refers to the main aspects of salivary gland physiology .||NONE A knowledge of the neural control of salivary secretion is especially important for the understanding of the effects of exertion on salivary secretion .||NONE Both salivary output and composition depend on the activity of the autonomic nervous system and any modification of this activity can be observed indirectly by alternations in the salivary excretion .||NONE The effects of physical activity ( with reference to factors such as exercise intensity and duration , or type of exercise protocol ) on salivary composition are then considered .||NONE Exercise might indeed induce changes in several salivary components such as immunoglobulins , hormones , lactate , proteins and electrolytes .||NONE Saliva composition might therefore be used as an alternative noninvasive indicator of the response of the different body tissues and systems to physical exertion .||NONE In this respect , the response of salivary amylase and salivary electrolytes to incremental levels of exercise is of particular interest .||NONE Beyond a certain intensity of exercise , and coinciding with the accumulation of blood lactate ( anaerobic threshold or AT ) , a 'saliva threshold ' ( Tsa ) does indeed exist .||NONE Tsa is the point during exercise at which the levels of salivary alpha-amylase and electrolytes ( especially Na+ ) also begin to rise above baseline levels .||NONE The occurrence of the 2 thresholds ( AT and Tsa ) might , in turn , be attributable to the same underlying mechanism , that of increased adrenal sympathetic activity at high exercise intensities .||NONE Fat is an extremely important substrate for muscle contraction , both at rest and during exercise .||NONE Triglycerides ( TGs ) , stored in adipose tissue and within muscle fibres , are considered to be the main source of the free fatty acids ( FFAs ) oxidised during exercise .||NONE It is still unclear , however , how the use of these substrates is regulated during exercise .||NONE The regulation seems to be multifactorial and includes : ( i ) dietary and nutritional status ; ( ii ) hormonal milieu ; ( iii ) exercise mode , intensity and duration ; and ( iv ) training status .||NONE On the other hand , the mechanism for FFA transport from its storage as triglycerides in adipose tissue and muscle to its place of utilisation in heart , skeletal muscle , kidney and liver is more clearly understood .||NONE It has been determined that the plasma FFA turnover rate is sufficiently rapid to account for most of the fat metabolised during low intensity exercise ( 25 to 40 % VO2max ) .||NONE However , an exercise intensity of 65 % VO2max results in a slight decrease in the amount of plasma FFA uptake by muscle tissue .||NONE Other studies have found that during prolonged exercise , muscle TGs become the predominant source of energy obtained from fat .||NONE Furthermore , it is widely documented that endurance activities increase the energy utilisation from fat while sparing carbohydrate sources .||NONE For example , during exercise on a cycle ergometer , nonplasma FFAs and plasma FFAs contribute 40 % , and carbohydrates 60 % , of the total calculated amount of energy expenditure before exercise and vice versa after exercise ( 60 % nonplasma and plasma FFAs and 40 % carbohydrates ) .||NONE Although it was many years before it was fully demonstrated , fat is now known to be transported in the blood as FFA bound to the protein carrier albumin .||NONE The mobilisation of FFA is primarily a function of sympathetic nervous activity directed towards the adipocytes , or the 'fat pad'. This nervous activity can be direct or may be an effect of circulating catecholamines such as adrenaline ( epinephrine ) .||NONE This article summarises the role of fat metabolism during exercise .||NONE As the clinical availability of glycohaemoglobin/GHb measurement increases , so does the need for comparable and accurate values among different laboratories and different methods .||NONE At least there should be comparability , i.e. , commutability or feasibility of providing comparable results from different assays in different laboratories .||NONE A clinical joint study on insulin therapy , a survey of the actual inter-laboratory differences in GHb measurement among 41 institutions and an assessment of 11 assay methods for the determination of GHb were performed using commercial calibrators and fresh blood samples .||TREATONLY Data on the actual state of inter-laboratory and inter-assay differences of observed values were useful for comparing results among facilities .||NONE The recommendation of the Japan Diabetes Society to measure only the stable GHb component and to correct the GHb percentage by two-point calibration with assigned values , was effective but not sufficient .||NONE Even after correction , 8 out of 11 methods still remained of little practical use because of their large relative errors .||NONE Inter-method differences among 11 available assay methods were great even after correction and depended on not only the methods but the samples used for the determination .||NONE The performance of some methods or instruments used are only poor at distinguishing the stable glycated haemoglobin itself .||NONE Some alternative measurement system with comparability , commutability and precision should be established .||NONE An urgent and worldwide problem to remove inter-laboratory differences in the measurement of GHb needs to be solved .||NONE Users in clinical practice must recognize these problems , and , before supply , the providers should check their method and keep records that are readily traceable .||NONE A postal survey was performed to determine the current practices and attitudes of radiologists towards the imaging of suspected lower limb deep vein thrombosis ( DVT ) .||DISONLY One hundred and twenty-seven departments responded to a questionnaire sent in March 1996 .||NONE The results show that 87 % of hospitals possess colour Doppler ultrasound ( CDUS ) machines and that 46 % of departments perform ultrasound as the first line investigation in over 90 % of cases .||NONE Thirty per cent of departments considered calf vein visualization to be generally adequate and 34 % thought that clinicians in their hospitals invariably anticoagulated patients with isolated calf thrombus .||TREATONLY In hospitals where venography was routinely used as the first line investigation , the most common reasons were : the perceived inferiority of ultrasound ( US ) in demonstrating below-knee clot , its time-consuming nature and the limited access to suitable ultrasound machines .||DISONLY The widespread use of ultrasound is encouraging , however , there are clearly diverse views .||NONE A significant minority of departments depend principally upon venography in the diagnosis of DVT .||DISONLY Existential phenomenology and the sociological tradition .||NONE Dual leadership in complex organizations .||NONE Scientists at major and minor universities : a study of productivity and recognition .||NONE Demotion in industrial management .||NONE Career anchorage : managerial mobility motivations .||NONE Social class and premarital sexual permissiveness : a re-examination .||NONE A comment on `` anomy '' .||NONE A factor analytic exploration of the alienation , anomia and authoritarianism domain .||NONE Technical note on two rates of mixed marriage .||NONE Some comments on awareness .||NONE On experimental design .||NONE Observations on the incidence of following of visual and auditory stimuli in naive mallard ducklings ( Anas platyrhynchos ) .||NONE The comfort movements of Anatidae .||NONE Potential ethological isolating mechanisms and assortative mating in the domestic fowl .||NONE An experimental study of conflict and fear : an analysis of behavior of young chicks toward a mealworm .||NONE I. The behavior of chicks which do not eat the mealworm .||NONE The measuring function of the first legs of Araneus diadematus Cl .||NONE The transport of prey by ants .||NONE Courtship behaviour in the Drosophila obscura group .||NONE II .||NONE Comparative studies .||NONE Vision versus touch in form discrimination .||NONE Short-term retention as a function of method of measurement , recording time , and meaningfulness of the material .||NONE The conservation of a shape property and a proposal about the origin of the conservations .||NONE Persisting odours as a biasing factor in open-field research with mice .||NONE The display of information and the judgment of contingency .||NONE Vividness of words and learning to learn in free-recall learning .||NONE Genetic study of the memorization of words and pictures ||NONE Amylase production by Streptomyces species .||NONE Physico-chemical studies on the stability of penicillin salts .||TREATONLY IV .||NONE A statistical evaluation .||NONE Studies on nitrogen metabolism of Penicillium chrysogenum Thom. I. Effects of lactose and sucrose additions on nitrogen metabolism .||NONE Studies on nitrogen metabolism of Penicillium chrysogenum Thom. II .||NONE Amino acid metabolism and its relation to the biosynthesis of penicillin .||TREATONLY The contribution of thoracic surgery to our discipline .||TREATONLY Research past and present , with particular reference to the application of the techniques of basic science to the problems of adrenal pathology .||NONE Some inflammatory disorders of the large intestine .||DISONLY Coexistence of subdural and archnoidal collections of fluid : an unusual case .||NONE The scope of sphincterotomy in biliary and pancreatic surgery .||TREATONLY Sarcoidosis involving the veriform appendix .||TREATONLY `` Chronic pancreatitis `` and carcinoma of the pancreas .||DISONLY A method to aid correct diagnosis .||NONE Control of post-haemorrhoidectomy bleeding with a Foley catheter and a pack .||TREAT_FOR_DIS Diagnosis and therapy of chronic aspecific pancreatitis ||DISONLY Behavior of the tetanus patient subjected to resuscitation treatment ||TREAT_FOR_DIS Further data on mediastinal and pulmonary tumors of the child .||DISONLY Review and personal cases ||NONE Dextran of low molecular weight in peripheral arterial insufficiency ||DISONLY Clinico-statistical considerations on vescicular mole ||DISONLY On the significance of histologic findings in neoplasms of the trophoblast ( case contributions ) ||DISONLY Diagnostic evaluation of the patient with high blood pressure .||DISONLY Epidemiology of hypertension .||DISONLY Renal vascular hypertension ; diagnosis and treatment .||DISONLY The use of radioactive isotopes in the diagnosis of hypertension .||DISONLY The angiogram in the study of hypertension .||DISONLY Guanethidine .||NONE Hepatocerebral degeneration ( portal systemic encephalopathy ) .||DISONLY The relationship to fatty acids .||NONE Oviposition and its regulation in the polygynous society of Polistes gallicus L. ||NONE Interaction of aggressive and sexual behavior in male mice .||NONE Conflict and conditioned aversive stimuli in the development of experimental neuroses .||NONE Study of the effect of newer analeptic ( Micoren ) in hypoventilation syndrome .||NONE Treatment of a disorder of perception and concept formation in a case of school failure .||DISONLY Rorschach correlates of time estimation .||NONE Use of food in child psychotherapy .||TREATONLY About genital discharge with special consideration of its cervical manifestation ||NONE Auto-uro therapy : status and future prospects ||TREATONLY Clinical experience with the surface anesthetic xylocaine in obstetrics ||TREATONLY The problem of medicinal management of labor ||NONE Conglutination of the labia minora ||NONE The fight against hemolytic disease of the newborn in general practice ||DISONLY Long term results in the 300 most grave cases out of 4000 hyperthyroid patients treated with iodine I-131 at the center of Ancona ||TREAT_FOR_DIS On socalled nervous exhaustion ||NONE Examination of neonatal archaic ( primitive ) reflexes in icterus gravis ||DISONLY Urologic complications in non-recurrent cancer of the cervix ||DISONLY Prolonged cortisone therapy in treatment of allergic diseases ||TREAT_FOR_DIS The complexing of calcium by citrate , ortho- and polyphosphates .||NONE A method of determining the patency of the nasolacrimal apparatus .||NONE Intra-arterial infusion of the head and neck .||NONE Anatomic and distributional problems .||NONE Lymphatics of the mouth and neck .||NONE Effect of sodium ions on the behavior of rest and action potentials of the cell membrane of the rat myometrium ||NONE Studies on contractile properties of the blood serum ||NONE Twin pregnancy and fetal and infantile perinatal mortality ||DISONLY Fate of the 2d twin ||NONE Differential diagnosis of infectious hepatitis in pregnancy ||DISONLY Epithelial metaplasia of the endometrium ||DISONLY Leukoplakia of the vaginal portion of the uterus and its clinical evaluation ||DISONLY Blood loss in artificial interruption of pregnancy ||NONE Modified bra in the prevention of mastitis in nursing mothers ||PREVENT Hormonal phenomenon after the excision of hydatiform mole ||NONE Fetal chondrodystrophy ||NONE Malignant mesodermal mixed tumor of the uterus following irradiation ||SIDE_EFF Supportive role of nurse in first stage of labor `` can not be emphasized enough '' , according to patient .||NONE Toxemia of pregnancy .||DISONLY Outpatient care -- the role of the nurse .||NONE Abandonment : deepest fear of hospitalized children .||NONE Support in first stage of labor .||NONE The family physician and cervical carcinoma -- challenge and opportunity .||DISONLY Purposeful `` heroic '' heart treatment ||NONE Skilled workers are vital to maintenance cost cuts .||NONE Karen : the other side of the picture .||NONE Rhesus haemolytic disease ; an approach to prevention .||DISONLY Tumours of the uterus .||DISONLY 2 .||NONE Malignancy .||NONE Cancer of the vulva .||DISONLY Effects of smoking on selected clinical obstetric factors .||NONE Amniotic fluid embolism .||DISONLY A review of the syndrome with a report of 4 cases .||NONE Chronic histiocytosis X associated with pregnancy .||DISONLY Disseminated lupus erythematosus in pregnancy .||DISONLY Intralesional therapy with betamethasone .||TREATONLY Strucutre of the influenza virus ||DISONLY 2 students at Quo Vadis .||NONE Double aortic arch associated with tetralogy of Fallot in infants ; report of two cases .||NONE Tested questionnaires help administration learn if programs are a success , and why .||NONE Dumping syndrome following pyloroplasty . ||VAGUE Measured subtotal gastrectomy for duodenal ulcer .||NONE The lesions in bovine udders shedding nonhemolytic coagulase-negative staphylococci .||NONE Repository vitamin B 12 preparations .||NONE Mass spectrometry in structural and stereochemical problems .||NONE 93 .||NONE Further observations on the importance of interatomic distance in the McLafferty rearrangement .||NONE Synthesis and fragmentation behavior of deuterium-labeled 12-keto steroids .||NONE Treatment of childhood schizophrenia .||DISONLY A three-year comparison of day and residental treatment .||NONE Polycystic ovaries associated with congenital adrenal hyperplasia .||DISONLY Beta-propiolactone as used in sterilization of homografts not carcinogenic for mice .||TREATONLY New operations in children 's cardiac disease .||NONE Effect of diabetes and starvation on myocardial triglyceride and free fatty acid utilization .||DISONLY Effect of epinephrine on myocardial triglyceride and free fatty acid utilization .||NONE Diurnal periodicity in the metabolic activity of bone tissue .||NONE Fine structure of desmosomes .||NONE , hemidesmosomes , and an adepidermal globular layer in developing newt epidermis .||NONE Redundant myelin sheaths and other ultrastructural features of the toad cerebellum .||NONE A radioautographic study with H3-thymidine on adrenal medulla nuclei of rats intermittently exposed to cold .||NONE A fine structural analysis of the epidermis of the earthworm , Lumbricus terrestris L. ||NONE Effect of thoracic cava obstruction on response of proximal tubule sodium reabsorption to saline infusion .||NONE The metabolism of intravenously injected isotopic cholic acid in Laennec 's cirrhosis .||DISONLY The origin and glyceride distribution of fatty acids in rat adipose tissue .||NONE Absorption of medium and long chain triglycerides : factors influencing their hydrolysis and transport .||NONE The effect of epinephrine on immunoreactive insulin levels in man .||NONE The role of the liver in serum-induced hypercoagulability .||DISONLY Comparative fates of intravenously and orally administered aldosterone : evidence for extrahepatic formation of acid-hydrolyzable conjugate in man .||NONE Binding of sulfobromophthalein ( BSP ) sodium by plasma albumin .||NONE Its role in hepatic BSP extraction .||NONE The rationale of extended resection for complicated cancer of the large bowel .||TREAT_FOR_DIS Etiology and incidence of renal stones .||DISONLY Diagnosis of stone disease .||DISONLY Medical treatment of stone disease .||TREAT_FOR_DIS Surgical treatment of urinary stones .||TREAT_FOR_DIS Prevention of stone formation .||DISONLY Urinary calculi .||NONE Is the task hopeless ? ||NONE The family medicine program of the University of Miami .||NONE Electron microscopic studies of Mycoplasma ( PPLO strain 880 ) in artificial medium and in tissue culture .||NONE Chemotherapeutic effects on mammalian tumor cells .||DISONLY 3 .||NONE Modification of leukemia L1210 growth kinetics with an antimetabolite .||NONE Comparison of the sensitivity of normal hematopoietic and transplanted lymphoma colony-forming cells of mice to vinblastine administered in vivo .||NONE Evidence for an immunological reaction of the host directed against its own actively growing primary tumor .||DISONLY Hyperbaric oxygen , whole-body X irradiation , and cyclophosphamide combination therapy in mouse leukemia L1210 .||TREAT_FOR_DIS Clinical staging in cancer of the larynx : a report on 788 cases using the American Joint Committee 's method of stage classification .||DISONLY Comparison of the international and American systems for the staging of breast cancer .||DISONLY Effects of tryptophan mustard on incorporation of amino acids into proteins in tumor-bearing rats .||NONE An electron microscope study of plant neoplasia induced by wound tumor virus .||DISONLY Possibilities of surgical correction of malformations of the bones of the foot ||TREAT_FOR_DIS The postprandial period of the gastrectomized patient .||NONE Radiocinematographic and clinical correlation ||NONE Muscle pathology ; contribution of experimentation ||NONE Origin of milk cholesterol in the rat : dietary versus endogenous sources .||NONE Comparative effects of two benzodiazepine compounds on isolated human myometrium .||NONE Histochemistry of hydrolytic and oxidative enzymes in the human and experimentally induced adenocarcinoma of the endometrium .||DISONLY Cardiac monitors work -- but they should report more than they do .||NONE Delivery room pediatrics .||NONE The responsibilities of the obstetrician .||NONE A pediatrician 's checklist for adolescents .||NONE Community clinic treatment for back-ward patients .||NONE Studies in infantile malnutrition .||DISONLY V .||NONE The effect of dietary protein source on serum proteins .||NONE Fish protein concentrates in the treatment of kwashiorkor .||TREAT_FOR_DIS athyrism in the fetal rat .||DISONLY Evidence for impairment of elastin formation .||NONE Familial vitamin D resistant rickets in untreated adult .||DISONLY Bony proliferation of neural arches with cord compression .||NONE Amyloidosis of the cornea .||DISONLY Report of a case without conjunctival involvement .||NONE Effect of tranquilizing drugs on postnatal behavior .||TREATONLY Fathers in the delivery room -- an opposition standpoint .||NONE Fathers in the delivery -- '' helpful and supportive '' .||NONE `` Return the joy of home delivery '' with fathers in the delivery room .||NONE Fathers in the delivery room -- long experience molds one viewpoint .||NONE Doctors -- we need you .||NONE Pharmacological blockade of ovulation in the ewe .||NONE Some factors affecting the response of the immature mouse to pregnant mare serum gonadotrophin and human chorionic gonadotrophin .||NONE The metabolism of cortisol by human extra-hepatic tissues .||NONE Aromatization of 7-alpha-hydroxydehydroepiandrosterone and of its 3-sulphate by ovarian and placental tissue cultures .||NONE Metabolic and endocrine effects of lysergic acid diethylamide ( LSD-25 ) on male rats .||NONE Mutation frequencies detected following irradiation of virgin and inseminated Drosophila melanogaster females .||TREATONLY Relationship of fractons of soybeans and a crystalline soybean trypsin inhibitor to the effects of feeding unheated soybean meal to chicks .||NONE Metabolism of polyunsaturated fatty acids and serum cholesterol levels in the rat .||NONE Comparison of neutral fat and free fatty acids in high lipid-low carbohydrate diets for the growing chicken .||NONE An approach to quantitative analysis of intrauterine pressure data .||NONE Intracranial teratomas in fetal life and infancy .||DISONLY Twinning in relation to birth weight , mortality , and congenital anomalies .||DISONLY Breast engorgement and postpartum fever .||DISONLY Evolution of a placenta circumvallata .||NONE Sequential estrogen-progestogen therapy in gynecology .||TREATONLY Ovarian carcinoma .||DISONLY The problems of staging and grading .||NONE Oxytocin induction in pregnant rabbits , with special reference to the stillbirth rate .||NONE Significance of a single umbilical artery .||NONE Report from the collaborative study of cerebral palsy .||NONE Perforated peptic ulcer in pregnancy .||DISONLY Poverty as an isolated factor in relation to perinatal asphyxia .||DISONLY Perforation of the postpartum uterus with an intrauterine contraceptive device .||DISONLY Congenital heart disease , deaf-mutism and associated somatic malformations occurring in several members of one family .||DISONLY Toward a community alcoholism program .||NONE Cases 8 and 9 .||NONE Anesthesia accidents .||TREATONLY Gynaecological pain .||NONE Profileplasty .||TREATONLY Hypertrophic obstructive cardiomyopathy .||DISONLY Oral contraceptives , thrombosis , and cyclical factors affecting veins . ||VAGUE On the influence of cytostatic agents and immune bodies on choriocarcinoma cells in tissue culture ||NONE Fat absorption : a transport problem .||NONE Corpora lutea in proven mules .||DISONLY Reconstructive tubal surgery .||TREATONLY Studies on the natural posterior pituitary hormones .||NONE II ||NONE On the official inspection of coal-tar dyes in 1969 .||NONE 3 .||NONE Analysis of Cr , Zn , Fe and Pb contaminants in food coal-tar dyes and their aluminium lakes by atomic absorption spectrophotometry ||NONE Radiosterilization of medical products .||NONE I. Effects of radiation on physical and chemical properties of injection needles ||NONE Screening tests of microorganisms for the microbial transformation of griseophenone A , N-methylcoclaurine and sparteine ||NONE Gas chromatographic studies on organic mercurials ||NONE Application of infra-red absorption spectroscopy to examination of drugs and their preparation .||NONE XIX .||NONE Determination of silicone oil in disposable plastic syringes ||NONE Observation of air pollution with the aid of continuous analysers .||NONE 3 .||NONE Correlation between the concentration of various kinds of pollutants in atmosphere and wind direction and velocity at Kasumigaseki , central district of Tokyo ||NONE Ultramicro-analysis of cyclohexylamine and low fatty amines by gas chromatography ||NONE Some knowledges on the potency of heparin fractions obtained by gel filtration ||NONE On the peripheral effects of endotoxin and leucocyte pyrogen in rabbit ||NONE A tentative draft of qualitative test of fluoride for adoption to the general tests of eighth revised edition of the Pharmacopoeia of Japan ||NONE Identification of tranquillizers by thin-layer chromatography ||TREATONLY Analysis of steroids .||NONE II .||NONE A note on the assay of corticoid preparations by tetrazolium salt ||NONE Analysis of steroids .||NONE 3 .||NONE Colorimetric assay of thiomesterone ||NONE Studies on the radioimmunoassay of insulin .||TREATONLY I. The production and detection of anti-insulin serum and anti-guinea-pig globulin rabbit serum ||NONE Synthesis of lysergic acid diethylamide ( LSD ) ||NONE Studies on the anti-microbial activity of nonionic and anionic surfactants ||NONE On the National Institute of Hygienic Sciences Standard `` lysozyme standard '' ||NONE On the examination of ginseng and powdered ginseng in 1969 ||NONE On the standardization of plastic suture ||TREATONLY Undergraduate research assistants in the Faculty of Medicine .||NONE University College of Rhodesia .||NONE Congenital aortic stenosis ||DISONLY Sodium in heart failure ||DISONLY Potassium in heart failure ||DISONLY Hydrogen ion equilibrium in heart failure ||DISONLY Various aspects of water-salt metabolism in heart congestive failure ||DISONLY Clinical physiopathology of the patency of the interatrial septum ||NONE Various aspects of diuresis in heart congestive failure ||DISONLY Changes in the mechanism of renal acidification in congestive heart failure : effects of diuretic treatment on the acid-base equilibrium ||VAGUE Defects of the interventricular septum not associated with other malformations ||NONE Clinical physiopathology of the patency of Botallo 's ductus arteriosus ||DISONLY Clinical physiopathology of congenital cyanogenic cardiopathies ||DISONLY Electronic computers in medical education of the future .||NONE Anesthesiology and computers .||NONE Immediate outcome and long-term results of 108 sphincterotomies of Oddi 's sphincter of biliary indication ||NONE Neuraminic acid-containing oligosaccharides of human urine : isolation and identification of di-N-acetylneuraminyl-3-galactosyl-N-acetylgalactosamine , 6-2-Nacetylneuraminyl-lactose , 6-2-N-acetylneuraminyl-N-acetyllactosamine and 3-2-N-acetylneuraminyl-lactose .||NONE Determination of serum oxytocinase ( 1-cystine-aminopeptidase ) activity .||NONE Intolerance to milk in ulcerative colitis .||DISONLY A preliminary report .||NONE Rhinitis in herds with piglet influenza ||DISONLY Research on breeding hygiene in pigs and piglets free from epidemic diseases ||DISONLY The stimulatory effect of luteinizing hormone on adenosine 3 ' , 5'-monophosphate accumulation in corpus luteum slices .||NONE Electrolyte and acid-base balance in fetal and maternal blood .||NONE An experimental and a clinical study .||NONE Q fever at a combined meat and poultry abattoir .||DISONLY Some functional and morphological alterations occurring during and after the adaptation of BHK 21 clone 13 cells to suspension culture .||NONE Asbestos as an urban air contaminant .||NONE Gas permeability of plastic membranes for artificial lungs .||TREATONLY Technoogy , automation and human welfare .||NONE A radium accident in a hospital .||NONE High energy roentgen ray contamination of the electron beam from a medical betatron .||NONE The genetically significant dose from roentgen examinations in Finland in 1963 .||NONE Differential expression of fibroblast growth factor-2 and receptor by glial cells in experimental autoimmune encephalomelitis ( EAE ) ||DISONLY Cesarean deliveries at a university hospital : analysis of rates and indications .||NONE Increase in ambient temperature may explain decrease in amniotic fluid index .||NONE Early treatment of gestational diabetes reduces the rate of fetal macrosomia .||DISONLY Antenatally detectable markers for the diagnosis of autosomally trisomic fetuses in at-risk pregnancies .||DISONLY The rate of severe preeclampsia is increased in triplet as compared to twin gestations .||DISONLY Thermal equipment usage patterns in neonatal intensive care units : interunit variability and intraunit consistency .||NONE Massive fetomaternal hemorrhage .||DISONLY Perinatal features of omphalocele-exstrophy-imperforate anus-spinal defects ( OEIS complex ) associated with large meningomyeloceles and severe limb defects .||DISONLY Subchorial hematoma : a probable cause of reversible nonimmune hydrops fetalis .||DISONLY Pregnancy in chronic progressive external ophthalmoplegia : a case report .||DISONLY Effect of magnesium sulfate on the development of cystic periventricular leukomalacia in preterm infants .||DISONLY Repeated courses of steroids in preterm membrane rupture do not increase the risk of histologic chorioamnionitis .||TO_SEE Intrapartum sonography of the lower uterine segment in patients with breech-presenting fetuses .||NONE Isolated persistent fetal bradycardia in complete A-V block : a conservative approach is appropriate .||NONE A case report and a review of the literature .||NONE Spontaneous rectus sheath hematoma during pregnancy mimicking abruptio placenta .||DISONLY Amnioinfusion for prevention of pulmonary hypoplasia in second-trimester rupture of membranes .||PREVENT Trauma and pregnancy .||NONE Fetal breathing movements within 24 hours of delivery in prematurity are related to histologic and clinical evidence of amnionitis .||DISONLY Laerdal infant resuscitators are unreliable as free-flow oxygen delivery devices .||NONE Laryngeal obstruction caused by lingual thyroglossal duct cyst presenting at birth .||DISONLY Oligohydramnios and the appropriately grown fetus .||NONE Ultrastructure of human colostral cells .||NONE Dubowitz assessment of gestational age and agreement with prenatal methods .||NONE Low prenatal weight gain among low-income women : what are the risk factors ? ||NONE Depression after childbirth : the views of medical students and women compared .||DISONLY Breastfeeding and the use of pacifiers .||NONE Care in normal birth : a practical guide .||NONE Technical Working Group , World Health Organization .||NONE Cesarean sections : women 's choice for giving birth ? ||NONE Epidurals and breastfeeding .||TREATONLY Lamaze and Bradley childbirth classes .||NONE Concerns about the institutionalization of childbirth education .||NONE Index to current literature .||NONE A randomized trial of one-to-one nurse support of women in labor .||NONE Commentary : are nurses effective providers of labor support ? Should they be ? Can they be ? ||NONE Women 's views of different models of antenatal care in Victoria , Australia .||NONE The effect of discharge pack formula and breast pumps on breastfeeding duration and choice of infant feeding method .||NONE Commentary : discharge packs : how much do they matter ? ||NONE Quality framework for force plate testing .||NONE Bone registration method for robot assisted surgery : pedicle screw insertion .||TREATONLY Parameter sensitivity of a mathematical model of the anterior cruciate ligament .||NONE Simultaneous measurement of stiffness and energy absorptive properties of articular cartilage and subchondral trabecular bone .||NONE Estimation of loads and stresses in abdominal muscles during slow lifts .||NONE Contralateral modification of transitory evoked otoacoustic emissions ||NONE Treatment of cavernous hemangiomas with the neodymium : YAG laser ||TREAT_FOR_DIS Mucous membrane melanomas of the upper aerodigestive tract .||DISONLY An analysis of 34 cases ||NONE Are the products of CD44 exons v5 and v6 markers for metastasis of laryngeal carcinomas ? ||DISONLY Detection of differentially expressed genes in head-neck carcinomas ||DISONLY Tuberculosis of the parotid gland : a rare differential diagnosis of parotid tumor ||DISONLY A case of sarcoidosis of the mastoid ||DISONLY Genomic medicine .||NONE Internet resources for medical genetics .||NONE Genetics .||NONE A piece of my mind .||NONE A 'normal ' practice .||NONE Predisposition genetic testing for late-onset disorders in adults .||DISONLY A position paper of the National Society of Genetic Counselors .||NONE Scientists revel in new research tool : an online index of cancer genes .||NONE Center for genetic research on scleroderma .||DISONLY As discoveries unfold , a new urgency to bring genetic literacy to physicians .||NONE > From the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention .||NONE Gonorrhea among men who have sex with men -- selected sexually transmitted diseases clinics , 1993-1996 .||DISONLY > From the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention .||NONE Chlamydia screening practices of primary-care providers -- Wake County , North Carolina , 1996 .||DISONLY Social ties and susceptibility to the common cold .||DISONLY Prevention of bacterial endocarditis : American Heart Association recommendations .||DISONLY Issues regarding antiretroviral treatment for patients with HIV-1 infection .||TREAT_FOR_DIS Prescribing protease inhibitors for the homeless .||TREATONLY Treatment of verruca vulgaris with topical cidofovir .||TREAT_FOR_DIS Complete genomic screen in late-onset familial Alzheimer disease .||DISONLY Evidence for a new locus on chromosome 12 .||NONE BRCA1 sequence analysis in women at high risk for susceptibility mutations .||NONE Risk factor analysis and implications for genetic testing .||NONE Characteristics of prostate cancer in families potentially linked to the hereditary prostate cancer 1 ( HPC1 ) locus .||DISONLY Chromosome 19 single-locus and multilocus haplotype associations with multiple sclerosis .||DISONLY Evidence of a new susceptibility locus in Caucasian and Chinese patients .||NONE Cancer incidence after retinoblastoma .||DISONLY Radiation dose and sarcoma risk .||NONE Genetic testing in hereditary colorectal cancer .||DISONLY Molecular neurogenetics : the genome is settling the issue .||NONE Family history and genetic risk factors : forward to the future .||NONE Preparing health professionals for the genetic revolution .||NONE Preterm premature rupture of the membranes associated with recent cocaine use .||DISONLY Attitudes toward health-care , HIV infection , and perinatal transmission interventions in a cohort of inner-city , pregnant women .||DISONLY Association of parvovirus infection with isolated fetal effusions .||DISONLY Early and long-term results of rehabilitation of cochlear implant patients ) ||TREATONLY Principles of signal detection in pharmacovigilance .||NONE Homology modeling of adenylosuccinate synthetase from Saccharomyces cerevisiae reveals a possible binding region for single-stranded ARS sequences .||NONE Deletion analysis of the p16/CDKN2 gene in head and neck squamous cell carcinoma using quantitative polymerase chain reaction method .||DISONLY Ribosomal S6 kinase p90rsk and mRNA cap-binding protein eIF4E phosphorylations correlate with MAP kinase activation during meiotic reinitiation of mouse oocytes .||NONE Hyaluronidase activity of macaque sperm assessed by an in vitro cumulus penetration assay .||NONE The comparison of the responsiveness of human isolated internal mammary and gastroepiploic arteries to levcromakalim : an alternative approach to the management of graft spasm .||NONE Single-dose pharmacokinetics of felbamate in patients with renal dysfunction .||NONE Reporting of adverse drug reactions by hospital doctors and the response to intervention .||NONE Glutamate receptors and gene induction : signalling from receptor to nucleus .||NONE Role of phosphatidylinositol 3-kinase in degranulation induced by IgE-dependent and -independent mechanisms in rat basophilic RBL-2H3 ( ml ) cells .||NONE Platelet-derived growth factor activates a mammalian Ste20 coupled mitogen-activated protein kinase in airway smooth muscle .||NONE Cyclic AMP inhibitors inhibits PDGF-stimulated mitogen-activated protein kinase activity in rat aortic smooth muscle cells via inactivation of c-Raf-1 kinase and induction of MAP kinase phosphatase-1 .||NONE Mitochondrial cytopathies and renal tubular acidosis .||DISONLY Elective surgery for colorectal cancer in the aged : a clinical-economical evaluation .||TREAT_FOR_DIS Leukaemia and non-Hodgkin 's lymphoma in children and young adults : are prenatal and neonatal factors important determinants of disease ? ||DISONLY Inverse correlation between loss of heterozygosity of the short arm of chromosome 12 and p15ink4B/p16ink4 gene inactivation in childhood acute lymphoblastic leukaemia .||DISONLY Drug resistance markers : are they bad or good ? ||NONE Elective surgery for gastrointestinal tumours in the elderly .||TREAT_FOR_DIS Folate and heart disease : theoretical link needs study . ||VAGUE A call for stepped-up melanoma screening .||DISONLY New approaches to stroke require immediate action .||DISONLY The focus is now on standards and privacy in electronic patient records .||NONE Osteopathic manifesto .||NONE I. Introduction .||NONE II .||NONE The roots .||NONE 1981 .||NONE Treatment uncertainties surround early diagnosis of breast cancer .||DISONLY Depression in the chronically ill needs separate treatment .||DISONLY Medical centers tackle delays , reduce wait times .||NONE Epilepsy and attention deficit hyperactivity disorder : is methylphenidate safe and effective ? ||NONE Applying the AIDS paradigm to hepatitis .||DISONLY New asthma guidelines emphasize better diagnosis , stricter control .||DISONLY Osteopathic manifesto .||NONE IV .||NONE The search .||NONE 1981 .||NONE Researchers puzzle over origin of type 2 diabetes .||DISONLY Ovarian cancer : diagnostic limitations , treatment obstacles .||DISONLY Osteopathic manifesto .||NONE V .||NONE Legislative and legal vigilance .||NONE 1981 .||NONE Osteopathic manifesto .||NONE VI .||NONE The light of the profession .||NONE 1981 .||NONE Electrophysiological evidence on the time course of semantic and phonological processes in speech production .||NONE Effects of alanine and glycine substitution for tryptophan on the heterogeneity of gramicidin A analogs in micelles .||NONE Torsion-angle molecular dynamics as a new efficient tool for NMR structure calculation .||NONE Time-domain quanification of amplitude , chemical shift , apparent relaxation time T2 , and phase by wavelet-transform analysis .||NONE Application to biomedical magnetic resonance spectroscopy .||NONE Investigation of uncertainties in relaxation analysis of 2D NOE which arise from spectral noise .||NONE An efficient HN ( CA ) NH pluse scheme for triple-resonance 4D correlation of sequential amide protons and nitrogens-15 in deuterated proteins .||NONE Optimal detection of weak nJ ( 1H- 119Sn ) couplings by gradient-enhanced 1D and 2D heteronuclear multiple-quantum correlation spectroscopy .||NONE Application to a novel tin derivative of erythromycin A .||NONE Thermoelectric cooling for NMR sample temperature control .||NONE H2NCO-E.COSY , a simple method for the sterospecific assignment of side-chain amide protons in proteins .||NONE Applying excitation sculpting to construct singly and doubly selective 1D NMR experiments .||NONE Radiation dosimetry by localized magnetic resonance spectroscopy .||NONE The 2D NMR experiments H ( C ) CO2 and HCCO2 for assignment and pH titration of carboxylate groups in uniformly 15N/13C-labeled proteins .||NONE Post-acquisition solvent suppression by singular-value decomposition .||NONE Osteopathic manifesto .||NONE IX .||NONE What about our distinctiveness ? 1981 .||NONE Preparing for thalidomide 's comeback .||TREATONLY Heart disease : women 's unique risks demand attention .||DISONLY Resolution due in medical software regulation .||NONE Osteopathic manifesto .||NONE VII .||NONE Shadows and images .||NONE 1981 .||NONE The practical use of PCR for rapid detection of methicillin resistance among staphylococcal clinical isolates from Turkish hospitals .||TREATONLY Randomised double-blind trial of fixed low-dose warfarin with aspirin after myocardial infarction .||TREAT_FOR_DIS Coumadin Aspirin Reinfarction Study ( CARS ) Investigators .||NONE Randomised trial of roxithromycin in non-Q-wave coronary syndromes : ROXIS Pilot Study .||TREAT_FOR_DIS ROXIS Study Group .||NONE Association between 5-HT2A gene promoter polymorphism and anorexia nervosa .||DISONLY Randomised study of radical surgery versus radiotherapy for stage Ib-IIa cervical cancer .||TREAT_FOR_DIS State regulation in a world of `` boundary-less '' technology .||NONE Screening for Chlamydia trachomatis ? ||DISONLY Physician-assisted suicide in Oregon .||NONE Common nutritional issues in pediatric and adult critical care medicine .||NONE A multifactorial analysis of facial nerve results in surgery for cerebellopontine angle tumors .||NONE Osteopathic manifesto .||NONE VIII .||NONE Our distinct image .||NONE 1981 .||NONE Quality in general practice .||NONE Winning the war on cancer .||DISONLY Clinical problem-solving -- where did good old clinical diagnosis go ? ||NONE The named nurse : patient and nurse expectations .||NONE Genetic testing opens brave new world .||NONE Heterologous vaccines : proponent sparks some interest .||TREATONLY Steps still being taken to undo damage of `` America 's Nuremberg '' .||NONE Patient-centered ethics reclaiming center stage .||NONE Social ties and susceptibility to the common cold .||DISONLY Connecting peptide , correcting peptide ? ||NONE Winning health victories with community commitment .||NONE Telemedicine gets a chance to prove itself .||NONE Additional opinions on the mortality of animal research .||NONE Recurrent strokes in a 34-year-old man .||DISONLY A plan for improving outcomes for patients with chronic renal failure .||DISONLY Scientific evidence in family and community medicine ||NONE Evidence that the expression of progesterone-induced blocking factor by maternal T-lymphocytes is positively correlated with conception .||NONE Another use of androgens : treatment of anemia of end-stage renal disease .||TREAT_FOR_DIS Isotopic evidence for extraterrestrial non-racemic amino acids in the Murchison meteorite .||NONE The American Medical Association Guidelines for Adolescent Preventive Services .||NONE Classification of malignant lymphomas : the updated Kiel classification .||DISONLY Rethink on screening for breast cancer .||DISONLY Sports-related ocular injuries .||DISONLY Fruit juice consumption .||NONE The case of the missing methylphenidate .||TREATONLY Intensive insulin treatment after acute myocardial infarction in diabetes mellitus .||TO_SEE Intensive insulin regimens in primary prevention should be assessed .||NONE GPs ' perceptions of tolerability of selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors and tricyclic antidepressants .||TREATONLY Research into long term use is needed .||NONE Diagnosing and managing polymyalgia rheumatica and temporal arteritis .||DISONLY Sensitivity of temporal artery biopsy varies with biopsy length and sectioning strategy .||NONE Obstructive sleep apnoea .||DISONLY Authors ' reply .||NONE Impact of postmenopausal hormone therapy on cardiovascular events and cancer . ||VAGUE Search for studies was limited .||NONE Treating shoulder complaints in general practice .||NONE Diagnostic criteria must be used and therapeutic regimens standardised .||NONE Authorship .||NONE System acknowledging roles of contributors is best .||NONE Authorship .||NONE New authorship practices are needed in developing countries .||NONE Authorship .||NONE Researchers ' objective is to get the job done .||NONE Quality and clinical audit .||NONE Transurethral microwave thermotherapy .||TREATONLY Management of ileosigmoid knotting .||DISONLY Epitome of myocarditis .||DISONLY Producing consistent estimates of the power spectral density of NN sequences .||NONE Environmental tobacco smoke and coronary heart disease .||DISONLY Long-term benefit of one thrombolytic over another .||TREATONLY Coupling of hemodynamic measurements with oxygen during exercise does not improve risk stratification in patients with heart failure .||DISONLY Smoking -- good or bad for semen ? ||NONE The pruning of Doctor McDonough and the `` humanizing '' of statistics .||NONE Violence .||NONE Prevention in the home health setting .||NONE Contempo 1997 : obstetrics and gynecology .||NONE Mortality and refusal of ICU admission .||NONE Extracorporeal photopheresis in Sà ( c ) zary syndrome .||NONE Attacks on tobacco industry .||NONE Does blinding of readers affect results of meta-analyses ? ||NONE Consumption of alcohol and mortality in Russia .||NONE Presenilin polymorphisms in Alzheimer 's disease .||DISONLY Autoimmune enteropathy in adults .||DISONLY Cyclosporiasis and raspberries .||DISONLY Protean agonists .||NONE Keys to receptor active states ? ||NONE Kinetic models of ion channels .||NONE Agonist efficacy and allosteric models of receptor action .||NONE Receptor Classification : The Integration of Operational , Structural , and Transductional Information .||NONE Conference proceedings .||NONE Verona , Italy , September 21-22 , 1995 .||NONE Policies for posting biomedical journal information on the Internet .||NONE International Committee of Medical Journal Editors .||NONE Who understands the menopause ? ||NONE Comparison of two methods of screening for genital chlamydial infection in women attending in general practice : cross sectional survey .||DISONLY Antimicrobial therapy in neutropenia ||TREAT_FOR_DIS MÃ1/4llerian agenesis : an update .||NONE The US attack on Cuba 's health .||NONE Patient consent for publication and the health of the public .||NONE Brain serotonin neurotoxicity and primary pulmonary hypertension from fenfluramine and dexfenfluramine .||SIDE_EFF Battling HI on many fronts .||DISONLY Medical Injury Compensation Reform Act : good or bad ? ||NONE Fever of unknown origin .||NONE Moxonidine for hypertension .||TREAT_FOR_DIS Researchers make slow headway in managing dry mouth .||DISONLY A kinder , gentler approach .||NONE Putting patients first ? ||NONE Managing the anxious and phobic dental patient .||NONE Do it or lose it .||NONE Assessment of fetal nuchal translucency test for Down 's syndrome .||DISONLY Amiodarone and thyroid function .||TREATONLY Chemotherapy with praziquantel has the potential to reduce the prevalence of Echinococcus multilocularis in wild foxes ( Vulpes vulpes ) .||TREAT_FOR_DIS Death rates from childhood leukaemia near nuclear sites .||DISONLY Other studies showed that radiation levels in Newbury area were low .||NONE Haemoptysis : a rare cause .||DISONLY Human papillomavirus types 52 and 58 are prevalent in cervical cancer from Chinese women .||DISONLY Breastfeeding after early discharge .||NONE Malnutrition and microcephaly in Australian aboriginal children .||DISONLY Probucol and multivitamins in the prevention of restenosis after coronary angioplasty .||TO_SEE Generalised caseous lymphadenitis .||DISONLY Public health approach to activated protein C resistance assay .||NONE Hormone replacement therapy .||TREATONLY Dose-volume histograms can be interpreted in different ways .||NONE Addressing needle-stick concerns .||NONE Cervical cancer screening .||DISONLY CyberCHEST .||NONE An open future .||NONE Keeping us on our toes ! ||NONE Thalidomide in oral Crohn 's disease refractory to conventional medical treatment .||NONE Mortality and length of stay in teaching vs nonteaching hospitals .||NONE Early discharge of newborns .||NONE Patient consent for publication .||NONE Flucticasone propionate is safe in recommended doses ||TREATONLY Fetal nuchal translucency test for Down 's syndrome .||DISONLY Treatment of hypertension in elderly patients .||DISONLY Meta-analyses and large randomized , controlled trials .||NONE Low-fat diets .||NONE Ultrasonographic evaluation of parathyroid hyperplasia .||DISONLY Misconceptions about mosaicism .||DISONLY Are normal hearing thresholds a sufficient condition for click-evoked otoacoustic emissions ? ||NONE Structure and in vitro substrate specificity of the murine multidrug resistance-associated protein .||NONE ATP-dependent transport of lipophilic cytotoxic drugs by membrane vesicles prepared from MRP-overexpressing HL60/ADR cells .||NONE Cellular and in vitro transport of glutathione conjugates by MRP .||NONE Dominant negative and cooperative effects of mutant forms of prolactin receptor .||NONE Effect of calcium and vitamin D supplementation on bone density in men and women 65 years of age or older .||NONE Infection control and contaminated waste disposal practices in Southern Sydney Area Health Service Dental Clinics .||NONE Vitamins and minerals : efficacy and safety .||NONE Joint Commission on Accreditation of Healthcare Organizations ' infection control requirements : fact or fiction ? ||NONE Poppy tea and the baker 's first seizure .||DISONLY ABC of mental health .||NONE Mental health and the law .||NONE Female embryonic lethality in mice nullizygous for both Msh2 and p53 .||NONE Tests of the double-strand break , lethal-potentially lethal and repair-misrepair models for mammalian cell survival using data for survival as a function of delayed-plating interval for log-phase Chinese hamster V79 cells .||NONE Influence of physician confidentiality assurances on adolescents ' willingness to disclose information and seek future health care .||NONE A randomized controlled trial .||NONE Fever in Africa : do patients know when they are hot ? ||DISONLY Randomised placebo-controlled trial of granulocyte-colony stimulating factor in diabetic foot infection .||TREAT_FOR_DIS Systemic absorption of sunscreen after topical application .||NONE A comparison of continuous infusion of alteplase with double-bolus administration for acute myocardial infarction .||TREAT_FOR_DIS The Continuous Infusion versus Double-Bolus Administration of Alteplase ( COBALT ) Investigators .||NONE Evaluation and management of traumatic lacerations .||DISONLY Atrial fibrillation begets trouble .||DISONLY Ethics of HIV trials .||NONE The ethics industry .||NONE Fever in Africa and WHO recommendation .||DISONLY `` Whiplash '' injury of the cervical spine : value of modern diagnostic imaging ||DISONLY Guidelines and cardiac anaesthetists .||NONE Antibiotic management of sore throat .||TREAT_FOR_DIS Lansoprazole , H. pylori , and atrophic gastritis . ||VAGUE Help wanted : ultrasonographers .||NONE `` Children are not supposed to die .||NONE '' Combined pediatric and radiation oncology grand rounds addresses severe illness and death .||NONE Structure-activity and mechanism studies on silicon phthalocyanines with Plasmodium falciparum in the dark and under red light .||NONE The importance of being where ? Balancing the perspective on practice coverage .||NONE Effects of dobutamine at maximally tolerated dose on myocardial blood flow in humans with ischemic heart disease . ||VAGUE Cholesterol-lowering therapy .||TREATONLY Ion composition of airway surface liquid of patients with cystic fibrosis as compared with normal and disease-control subjects .||DISONLY Research in Copenhagen hospitals -- a bibliometric evaluation ||NONE More on infertility .||DISONLY Dermatobia -- tropical myiasis .||DISONLY Progressive sensorineural hearing loss , subjective tinnitus and vertigo caused by elevated blood lipids .||DISONLY Chronic telogen effluvium : potential complication for clinical trials in female androgenetic alopecia ? ||DISONLY Measles vaccination and inflammatory bowel disease .||TO_SEE Treatment of suicidal patients .||NONE The systemic amyloidoses .||TREATONLY Cancer therapy and tumor physiology .||TREAT_FOR_DIS Mutual relationships based on equality .||NONE Specialists and nurses : the pillars of hospital care ||NONE Disability models in geriatrics : comprehensive rather than competing models should be promoted .||NONE Ethical issues in interventional radiology .||TREATONLY Taking issue with UK funding priorities .||NONE Phototherapeutic keratectomy in recurrent corneal erosions refractory to other forms of treatment .||TREAT_FOR_DIS Wegener 's granulomatosis from infancy to adolescence .||DISONLY Hormonal responses to restraint in rhesus monkeys .||NONE Planned parenthood and artifical selection .||NONE Valvular heart disease associated with fenfluramine-phentermine .||SIDE_EFF The role of procedures in family practice : is there a right answer ? ||NONE Arthrodesis of the first metatarsophalangeal joint to salvage failed silicone implant arthroplasty .||TREAT_FOR_DIS Methadone maintenance treatment : a Canadian perspective .||TREATONLY Survey on rotavirus infections in a German pediatric hospital .||DISONLY Stroke incidence rates among black residents of Harare -- a prospective community-based study .||DISONLY Long-term effect of calcium supplementation during pregnancy on the blood pressure of offspring : follow up of a randomised controlled trial .||NONE The catalytic role of carbon dioxide in the decomposition of peroxynitrite .||NONE Unethical trials of interventions to reduce perinatal transmission of the human immunodeficiency virus in developing countries .||NONE Ropinirole for the treatment of early Parkinson 's disease .||TREAT_FOR_DIS The Ropinirole Study Group .||NONE DOTS -- are we over-optimistic ? ||NONE Activation at the germinal vesicle stage of starfish oocytes produces parthenogenetic development through the failure of polar body extrusion .||NONE Female genital mutilation : a contemporary issue , and a Victorian obsession .||NONE Early death amongst anaesthetists .||NONE Fluoride treatment increased serum IGF-1 , bone turnover , and bone mass , but not bone strength , in rabbits .||TREATONLY Retrospective comparison of techniques to prevent secondary cataract formation after posterior chamber intraocular lens implantation in infants and children .||SIDE_EFF Serotonin as a regulator of hypothalamic-pituitary-interrenal activity in teleost fish .||NONE Predicting functional appliance treatment outcome in Class II malocclusions -- a review .||DISONLY Effect of cereal fibre source and processing on rectal epithelial cell proliferation .||NONE Update : influenza activity -- worldwide , March-August 1997 .||DISONLY A drop in pediatric subject examination scores after curriculum changes that emphasize general pediatric topics .||NONE Paradigms and the rise ( or fall ? ) of molecular biology .||NONE Water fluoridation , tooth decay in 5 year olds , and social deprivation measured by the Jarman score : analysis of data from British dental surveys .||DISONLY The diabetes audit and research in Tayside Scotland ( DARTS ) study : electronic record linkage to create a diabetes register .||DISONLY DARTS/MEMO Collaboration .||NONE Pharmaceutical industry is invited to respond to amnesty for unreported trials .||NONE Should we screen for gestational diabetes ? ||DISONLY Vesico-uterine fistula -- a rare complication of vacuum extraction in a patient with previous caesarean section .||SIDE_EFF Managing endophthalmitis .||DISONLY The plug and patch repair for managing the inguinal hernia of the adult ||NONE Human herpesvirus 8 variants in sarcoid tissues .||NONE Practice parameters for the assessment and treatment of children and adolescents with schizophrenia .||DISONLY American Academy of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry .||NONE Practice parameters for the psychiatric assessment of infants and toddlers ( 0-36 months ) .||NONE American Academy of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry .||NONE Practice parameters for the forensic evaluation of children and adolescents who may have been physically or sexually abused .||NONE American Academy of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry .||NONE Practice parameters for the psychiatric assessment of children and adolescents .||NONE American Academy of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry .||NONE Alternative medicine .||NONE Leprosy beyond the year 2000 .||DISONLY Effect of danaparoid sodium on hard exudates in diabetic retinopathy . ||VAGUE Lead based paint hazards in early childhood centres in the Wellington region .||NONE Gene technology and democracy .||NONE Use of statins .||TREATONLY Adequacy of SMAC 's statement should be judged by clinicians , not health economists .||NONE Glasgow has already produced strategy for treatment .||NONE Evidence on effectiveness is stronger for statins than for other treatments .||TREATONLY Evidence based advertising ? Half of drug advertisements in BMJ over six months cited no supporting evidence .||NONE Non-steroidal anti-inflammatory therapy for bronchial asthma .||TREAT_FOR_DIS Drugs for the Third World .||NONE Getting a handle on the molecules that guide axons .||NONE The functional neuroanatomy of episodic memory retrieval .||NONE Re : `` Biologic synergism and parallelism '' .||NONE Shifting medical education from the icebox to the refrigerator .||NONE Reattendance and complications in a randomised trial of prescribing strategies for sore throat : the medicalising effect of prescribing antibiotics .||NONE Pure alexia could not be a disconnection syndrome .||DISONLY A randomized , double-blind , dose-response comparison of epidural fentanyl versus sufentanil analgesia after cesarean section .||TREATONLY Coronary artery problems during homograft aortic valve replacement : role of transesophageal echocardiography .||TO_SEE Spontaneous splenic rupture following administration of granulocyte colony-stimulating factor ( G-CSF ) : occurrence in an allogeneic donor of peripheral blood stem cells .||SIDE_EFF Evidence-based medicine and general practice .||NONE Koch 's or Crohn 's ? ||NONE Female Stress Urinary Incontinence Clinical Guidelines Panel summary report on surgical management of female stress urinary incontinence .||TREAT_FOR_DIS The American Urological Association .||NONE Haemodynamic performance of a 16-mm Carbomedics aortic prosthesis .||NONE Case records of the Massachusetts General Hospital .||NONE Weekly clinicopathological exercises .||NONE Case 30-1997 .||NONE A preterm newborn female triplet with diffuse cystic changes in the left lung .||NONE Cure of Helicobacter pylori infection improves gastric acid secretion in patients with corpus gastritis .||DISONLY Increased incidence of preeclampsia in women conceiving by intrauterine insemination with donor versus partner sperm for treatment of primary infertility .||TO_SEE Pediatric cervical spine injury sustained in falls from low heights .||DISONLY Prophylaxis after occupational exposure to HIV .||NONE How critical are critical values ? ||NONE Back from the dead : extracorporeal rewarming of severe accidental hypothermia victims in accident and emergency .||TREAT_FOR_DIS A classification of nucleotide-diphospho-sugar glycosyltransferases based on amino acid sequence similarities .||NONE EU directive on bovine spongiform encephalopathy will not affect drugs .||DISONLY Management of patients with HIV/AIDS .||DISONLY Who should care ? ||NONE Anesthesiology .||NONE Second of two parts .||NONE Overdrugging and undertreatment in primary health care .||NONE Transesophageal echocardiography probe holder .||NONE Pregnancy outcomes in women with gestational diabetes compared with the general obstetric population .||DISONLY Confidentiality as a barrier to treatment .||NONE Recombinant human DNase ( rhDNase ) influences phospholipid composition , surface activity , rheology and consecutively clearance indices of cystic fibrosis sputum .||DISONLY Palliative options of last resort : a comparison of voluntarily stopping eating and drinking , terminal sedation , physician-assisted suicide , and voluntary active euthanasia .||NONE Automation in cervical cytology : whose cost and whose benefit ? ||NONE Losing weight -- an ill-fated New Year 's resolution .||NONE Lumbar puncture need n't be a headache .||DISONLY Profiting from closure : the private finance initiative and the NHS .||NONE Incidence of dog bite injuries treated in emergency departments .||DISONLY Use of rotational movements to remove mandibular molars .||NONE Comparison of three methods used for assessment of pain in dogs .||DISONLY Randomised controlled trial of magnetic-resonance pelvimetry in breech presentation at term .||TREAT_FOR_DIS Single-breath diffusing capacities for NO , CO and C18O2 in rabbits .||NONE Improved control will provide better quality .||NONE Interview by Tom Heinemann .||NONE Case of the month .||NONE Autopsy Committee of the College of American Pathologists .||NONE Cor pulmonale .||NONE Human papillomavirus in the woman with HIV .||NONE Reducing risk is best strategy .||NONE The realpolitik of a new National Health Service for the UK .||NONE What is your diagnosis ? Foreign body in the abdomen .||NONE Septic arthritis .||DISONLY Brain tumours and mobile phones ? ||DISONLY Lung cancer , tobacco smoking and environmental factors in Denmark ||DISONLY Emergency department use as a component of total ambulatory care : a population perspective .||NONE Occupational therapy and outcomes for older adults .||TREATONLY Anesthesiology .||NONE Low-molecular-weight heparins .||NONE Case 30-1997 : pulmonary interstitial emphysema in infancy .||DISONLY The tobacco settlement .||NONE Two actions are possible for doctors wanting to promote human welfare in Africa .||NONE Carcinogenesis in transgenic mouse models .||NONE Trouble in paradise .||NONE Atomic legacy in the Marshall Islands .||NONE The road to justice .||NONE Solvent solution .||NONE Role of free radicals , telomeres , and telomerases in aging and cancerogenesis ||NONE The effect of ephedrine on the onset time of rocuronium .||NONE Antibody class switch recombinase activity is B cell stage specific and functions stochastically in the absence of 'targeted accessibility ' control .||NONE Systematic review of prophylactic vs rescue surfactant .||NONE The safety-net role of international medical graduates .||NONE The prevalence of chemical substance and alcohol abuse in an obstetric population in Dublin .||NONE schizophrenia as failure of hemispheric dominance for language .||DISONLY Late prenatal ultrasound features of hydrometrocolpos secondary to cloacal anomaly : case reports and review of the literature .||DISONLY Familial and primary ( AL ) cardiac amyloidosis : echocardiographically similar diseases with distinctly different clinical outcomes .||DISONLY Diabetic retinopathy , promoter ( 4G/5G ) polymorphism of PAI-1 gene , and PAI-1 activity in Pima Indians with type 2 diabetes .||DISONLY Evaluation of diagnostic peritoneal lavage in stable patients with gunshot wounds to the abdomen .||DISONLY Cerebral abscesses in a patient with AIDS caused by methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus ( MRSA ) ||DISONLY A randomised comparison of the EuroQol and Short Form-36 after stroke .||DISONLY United Kingdom collaborators in the International Stroke Trial .||NONE Clinical significance of Blastocystis hominis infection : epidemiologic study ||DISONLY Karolinska Institute rocked by research misconduct .||NONE Hepatic glutamine synthetase deficiency in fatal hyperammonemia after lung transplantation .||TO_SEE Where next in the treatment of rectal cancer ? ||DISONLY GAPS ( AMA Guidelines for Adolescent Preventive Services ) ||NONE Protocols for wound management .||NONE Chronic leg ulcers : beware the 'wolf in sheep 's clothing ! '. ||DISONLY Role of fine needle aspiration cytology in the management of the discrete parotid lump .||TREAT_FOR_DIS More than 20 years second-look surgery in advanced epithelial ovarian cancer : what did we learn ? ||TREAT_FOR_DIS Evaluating prostate needle biopsy : therapeutic and prognostic importance .||TREATONLY Sudden cryptococcal deafness .||DISONLY Methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus clinical strain with reduced vancomycin susceptibility .||TREATONLY HIV and AIDS awareness : an evaluation of a short training programme for midwives .||DISONLY What investigations and procedures do patients in hospices want ? Interview based survey of patients and their nurses .||NONE Occupational asthma due to porcine pancreatic amylase .||DISONLY Double-blind study of pulsing magnetic field effects on multiple sclerosis . ||VAGUE CDA opposes proposed HBV recommendations .||NONE The influence of allergy and smoking on the sulphation of nasal mucins .||DISONLY Clinical problem-solving .||NONE A hidden agenda .||NONE A comparison of the early outcome of acute myocardial infarction in women and men .||DISONLY The Third International Study of Infarct Survival Collaborative Group .||NONE Management of life-threatening acid-base disorders .||DISONLY Second of two parts .||NONE Freeze-dried cortical allograft in posterior spinal arthrodesis : use with segmental instrumentation for idiopathic adolescent scoliosis .||TO_SEE Removal of a broken solid-core intramedullary femoral nail using both antegrade and retrograde starting points .||NONE Do no harm .||NONE Thalidomide , laser cavity preparation and oral hydrogen peroxide .||TREATONLY Emergency ! Meningococcal disease .||DISONLY First the bad news ... .||NONE Does hyperglycemia really cause coronary heart disease ? ||DISONLY Diagnosis and therapy of primary stomach lymphoma .||DISONLY Consensus of the Surgical Working Group for Oncology , the Working Group for Medical Oncology and the Working Group for Radiologic Oncology ||NONE Rate of RhD sensitisation before and after implementation of a community based antenatal prophylaxis programme .||NONE Ovine Johne 's disease .||DISONLY Effect of HAART on natural history of AIDS-related opportunistic disorders .||DISONLY Psoas abscess .||DISONLY Diagnosed if suspected .||NONE Breastfeeding and catch-up growth in infants born small for gestational age .||NONE Health practices of critical care nurses : are these nurses good role models for patients ? ||NONE Testing for Helicobacter pylori infection after antibiotic treatment . ||VAGUE Bullous eruption in a patient with systemic lupus erythematosus : mite dermatitis caused by Cheyletiella blakei .||DISONLY A case-control study of cytochrome P450 1A1 , glutathione S-transferase M1 , cigarette smoking and lung cancer susceptibility ( Massachusetts , United States ) ||NONE Association between thrombolytic treatment and the prognosis of hemodynamically stable patients with major pulmonary embolism : results of a multicenter registry . ||VAGUE Metastatic malignant mesothelioma presenting as colonic polyps .||DISONLY Microelectrode-guided posteroventral pallidotomy for treatment of Parkinson 's disease : postoperative magnetic resonance imaging analysis .||TREAT_FOR_DIS A positive cannabinoids workplace drug test following the ingestion of commercially available hemp seed oil .||NONE Congenital diaphragmatic hernia : what happens after discharge ? ||DISONLY Goldilocks and Mrs .||NONE Ilych : a critical look at the `` philosophy of hospice '' .||NONE Sensitivity and specificity of the neonatal brain-stem auditory evoked potential for hearing and language deficits in survivors of extracorporeal membrane oxygenation .||NONE The Federated Council of Internal Medicine 's resource guide for residency education : an instrument for curricular change .||NONE A reluctant doctor shopper .||NONE Frequent users of emergency services ||NONE Localized Darier disease .||DISONLY Implications for genetic studies .||NONE Follow up after potential curative surgery of colorectal cancer .||TREAT_FOR_DIS Guidelines from the Norwegian Gastrointestinal Cancer Group ||NONE The prison patient .||NONE Fulminant hepatic failure in murine hepatitis virus strain 3 infection : tissue-specific expression of a novel fgl2 prothrombinase .||DISONLY Lung volume reduction surgery for emphysema .||TREAT_FOR_DIS The use and effects of postcoital contraception ||NONE Vancomycin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus : apocalypse now ? ||NONE Reflex sympathetic dystrophy : fact and fiction .||DISONLY Acute hydrocephalus and brain abscess in Listeria monocytogenes meningitis ||DISONLY Antisense suppression of 4-coumarate : coenzyme A ligase activity in Arabidopsis leads to altered lignin subunit composition .||NONE Alopecia as a consequence of tacrolimus therapy in renal transplantation ? ||TO_SEE Implementation of pharmaceutical practice guidelines .||NONE In vitro interactions of oxidatively modified LDL with type I , II , III , IV , and V collagen , laminin , fibronectin , and poly-D-lysine .||NONE Factors influencing blood flow in the optic nerve head .||NONE Mutations of the Drosophila dDP , dE2F , and cyclin E genes reveal distinct roles for the E2F-DP transcription factor and cyclin E during the G1-S transition .||NONE SYT-SSX gene fusion as a determinant of morphology and prognosis in synovial sarcoma .||NONE A rapid molecular method ( polymerase chain reaction with sequence-specific primers ) to genotype for ABO blood group and secretor status and its potential for organ transplants .||TREATONLY A population-based registry on paraproteinaemia in The Netherlands .||DISONLY Comprehensive Cancer Centre West , Leiden , The Netherlands .||NONE Intra- and inter-individual biological variability data bank .||NONE Genetic testing for cancer risk : how to reconcile the conflicts .||DISONLY Run-in periods in randomized trials : implications for the application of results in clinical practice .||NONE Rapid and ultrarapid opioid detoxification techniques .||TREATONLY Fulminant hepatitis associated with hepatitis A virus superinfection in patients with chronic hepatitis C .||TREATONLY The Overactive Bladder : From Basic Science to Clinical Management Consensus Conference .||TREATONLY Proceedings .||NONE London , England , June 29 , 1997 .||NONE Techniques for erbium : YAG laser skin resurfacing : initial pearls from the first 100 patients .||TREATONLY Predicting changes in the distribution of sweating following thoracoscopic sympathectomy . ||VAGUE The AACC Lectureship Award Address .||NONE The market for health care : where is the patient ? ||NONE Human fetal pituitary expresses functional growth hormone-releasing peptide receptors .||NONE The Bizarro world of osteodistraction .||TREATONLY A piece of my mind .||NONE Leaders or lemmings ? ||NONE Sales of food aid as sign of distress , not excess .||NONE Gastrointestinal absorption of metals .||NONE Embryonic stem cells and hematopoietic stem cell biology .||NONE Shark cartilage for cancer ? ||TREAT_FOR_DIS The role of the school in the management of attention deficit hyperactivity disorder .||DISONLY Photorepair mutants of Arabidopsis .||NONE Toxic shock syndrome without rash in a young child : link with syndrome of hemorrhagic shock and encephalopathy ? ||DISONLY Mediastinal growing teratoma syndrome .||DISONLY Structure and expression of the chicken calmodulin I gene .||NONE Fibromyalgia -- out of control ? ||DISONLY Fibromyalgia : La Maladie est Morte .||DISONLY Vive le Malade ! ||NONE Electron beam computed tomographic coronary calcium as a predictor of coronary events : comparison of two protocols .||NONE The ethics of genetic research on sexual orientation .||NONE Testicular sperm retrieval by percutaneous fine needle sperm aspiration compared with testicular sperm extraction by open biopsy in men with non-obstructive azoospermia .||TREAT_FOR_DIS Cyclin D1 overexpression in malignant lymphomas .||DISONLY Patient safety and scented pediatric anesthesia facemasks .||NONE Ion channels .||NONE SHARPs : mammalian enhancer-of-split- and hairy-related proteins coupled to neuronal stimulation .||NONE Complementary and alternative medicine : friend , foe , or OWA ? ||NONE Ondansetron is not a panacea ||TREATONLY Masking , blinding , and peer review : the blind leading the blinded .||NONE Human cervico-facial morphogenesis .||NONE Evaluation of acquired data and current outlook .||NONE ( Part 1 : facial morphogenesis ) ||NONE The effect of TRK-530 on experimental arthritis in mice .||TREAT_FOR_DIS Spontaneous exfoliation of teeth following severe elemental mercury poisoning : case report and histological investigation for mechanism .||DISONLY Small cell lung cancer can express CD34 antigen .||DISONLY X inactivation in females with X-linked disease .||DISONLY Report of spores of Henneguya salminicola ( Myxozoa ) in human stool specimens : possible source of confusion with human spermatozoa .||NONE Evaluation of a ventilation strategy to prevent barotrauma in patients at high risk for acute respiratory distress syndrome .||PREVENT Pressure- and Volume-Limited Ventilation Strategy Group .||NONE Audit commission tackles anaesthetic services .||NONE Abdominal tuberculosis involving hepatic hilar lymph nodes .||DISONLY A cause of portal vein thrombosis and portal hypertension .||DISONLY Treatment of men with paraphilia with a long-acting analogue of gonadotropin-releasing hormone .||TREAT_FOR_DIS Analgesic nephropathy .||DISONLY Translocations of 11q13 in mantle cell lymphoma fail to disrupt the S mu bp-2 gene .||DISONLY Variation in proficiency testing performance by testing site .||NONE The `` H '' graft : an alternative approach for performing minimally invasive direct coronary artery bypass .||TREATONLY Effect of interferon on hepatitis B . ||VAGUE Health insurance for children -- a model for incremental health reform ? ||NONE Distinction awards and racial discrimination .||NONE Potential biases were not taken into account in study of waiting times .||NONE Factors affecting uptake of antenatal HIV testing in London : results of a multicentre study .||NONE Coronary arterioluminal communications in routine angiography .||NONE Peptide nucleic acid ( PNA ) from DNA recognition to antisense and DNA structure .||NONE Homeopathy for postoperative ileus ? A meta-analysis .||TREAT_FOR_DIS Treatment of postmenopausal osteoporosis .||DISONLY Fascioloidiasis in game-ranched elk from Montana .||DISONLY Connexin-26 mutations in sporadic non-syndromal sensorineural deafness .||DISONLY Lyme disease presenting as Tourette 's syndrome .||DISONLY The screening muddle .||NONE Treatment of hypertensive patients with diabetes .||DISONLY China 's human-organ trade highlighted by US arrest of `` salesman '' .||NONE Dimension in defining tumor response .||DISONLY Administration of dexamethasone induces proteinuria of glomerular origin in mice .||SIDE_EFF Preoperative thromboxane A2/prostaglandin H2 receptor activity predicts early graft thrombosis .||DISONLY Hypertension treatment and control in sub-Saharan Africa : the epidemiological basis for policy .||DISONLY Needle-exchange programmes in the USA .||NONE A discriminant function for preeclampsia : case-control study of minor hemoglobins , red cell enzymes , and clinical laboratory values .||DISONLY Patterning of immobilized antibody layers via photolithography and oxygen plasma exposure .||NONE A cell-based immunobiosensor with engineered molecular recognition -- Part II : Enzyme amplification systems .||NONE Evanescent wave fibre optic sensor for detection of L. donovani specific antibodies in sera of kala azar patients .||NONE Multianalyte biosensors on optical imaging bundles .||NONE Specific binding of low molecular weight ligands with direct optical detection .||NONE Amperometric lactate oxidase catheter for real-time lactate monitoring based on thin film technology .||NONE Dual-fractal analysis for antigen -- antibody binding kinetics for biosensor applications .||NONE Dipstick only urinalysis screen for the pediatric emergency room .||NONE Cytoplasmic transport in Drosophila ovarian follicles : the migration of microinjected fluorescent probes through intercellular bridges depends neither on electrical charge nor on external osmolarity .||NONE Further evidence for the importance of an androgen response element in the factor IX promoter .||NONE The obstetric experience of carriers of haemophilia .||DISONLY Acquired haemophilia , an unusual cause of severe postpartum haemorrhage .||DISONLY Zoonotic and viral infection in fetal loss after 12 weeks .||DISONLY High-affinity binding of the neonatal Fc receptor to its IgG ligand requires receptor immobilization .||NONE Molecular distances from dipolar coupled spin-labels : the global analysis of multifrequency continuous wave electron paramagnetic resonance data .||NONE Computer science and biology -- the German Conference on Bioinformatics ( GCB'96 ) .||NONE Surface plasmon resonance analysis of topoisomerase I-DNA binding : effect of Mg2+ and DNA sequence .||NONE The 1996 list .||NONE Proposed new bacterial taxa and proposed changes of bacterial names published during 1996 and considered to be of interest to medical or veterinary bacteriology .||NONE An informational note .||NONE The 1995 list .||NONE Proposed new bacterial taxa and proposed changes of bacterial names published during 1995 and considered to be of interest to medical or veterinary bacteriology .||NONE An informational note .||NONE Biobehavioral pain research : a multi-institute assessment of cross-cutting issues and research needs .||DISONLY Use of surface plasmon resonance to probe the equilibrium and dynamic aspects of interactions between biological macromolecules .||NONE ABC of mental health .||NONE Psychosexual problems .||DISONLY Hazards of running a marathon .||NONE Troponin-T concentrations should be measured .||NONE Second Strang International Cancer Conference : genetics and the environment New York , USA , 15-16 November 1996 .||NONE Use of a modified version of the Overt Aggression Scale in the measurement and assessment of aggressive behaviours following brain injury .||DISONLY Ectopic pregnancy recurrence : role of gynecologic , obstetric , contraceptive and smoking history ||DISONLY AIDS : a world , a desire ||NONE Urogynaecology proceedings of the joint RCOG/BAUS urogynaecology meeting .||NONE 19 September 1996 .||NONE The naming of a syndrome .||NONE The use of implantable venous access devices ( IVADs ) in children with hemophilia .||DISONLY Nephrotic syndrome associated with hypocomplementemia in a 4-year-old boy with hemophilia B .||DISONLY Growth hormone secretion in HIV-positive versus HIV-negative hemophilic males with abnormal growth and pubertal development .||NONE The Hemophilia Growth and Development Study .||NONE Trends in HIV counseling and testing of clients attending a public sexually transmitted disease clinic in Portland , Oregon , 1989-1995 .||NONE Risk factors for HIV-1 infection among pregnant women in French Guiana .||DISONLY Angiogenesis in inflammatory disease .||DISONLY Epidemiology and association with extra-gastrointestinal diseases .||DISONLY Extra-gastrointestinal diseases and Helicobacter pylori .||DISONLY Update on Helicobacter pylori research .||NONE Diagnosis .||NONE Uptake on Helicobacter pylori research .||NONE Pathogenesis and host response .||NONE Update on Helicobacter pylori research .||NONE Malignancies .||NONE Update on Helicobacter pylori research .||NONE Dyspepsia .||DISONLY Update on Helicobacter pylori research .||NONE Eradication .||NONE Sequence analysis of the 36-kb region between gntZ and trnY genes of Bacillus subtilis genome .||NONE A review of interferon immunogenicity .||NONE Based on a roundtable workshop held in London , United Kingdom , 9 February 1996 .||NONE Histologic diagnosis of chronic hepatitis , grading and staging ||DISONLY Inositol treatment of autism .||TREAT_FOR_DIS Current progress in early pregnancy investigation .||NONE Truncated-gene reporter system for studying the regulation of manganese peroxidase expression .||NONE Disparate sequence characteristics of the Erysiphe graminis f.sp .||NONE hordei glyceraldehyde-3-phosphate dehydrogenase gene .||NONE The Integrative Neurobiology of Affiliation .||NONE Proceedings of a conference .||NONE Washington , DC , USA .||NONE March 14-17 , 1996 .||NONE Proceedings of the 10th International Symposium on the Pharmacology of Thermoregulation .||NONE Memphis , Tennessee , USA .||NONE August 17-22 , 1996 .||NONE Neuropeptides in Development and Aging .||NONE Proceedings of a conference .||NONE Breckenridge , Colorado , USA .||NONE February 3-6 , 1996 .||NONE Receptor Classification : The Integration of Operational , Structural , and Transductional Information .||NONE Proceedings of a conference .||NONE Verona , Italy , September 21-22 , 1995 .||NONE Psychobiology of Postraumatic Stress Disorder .||DISONLY Proceedings of a conference .||NONE New York , New York , USA .||NONE September 7-10 , 1996 .||NONE Adolescent Gynecology and Endocrinology : Basic and Clinical Aspects .||NONE Proceedings of the 3rd International Congress .||NONE Athens , Greece , December 6-9 , 1995 .||NONE Proceedings of the 3rd International Conference on Neuroprotective Agents : Clinical and Experimental Aspects .||NONE Lake Como , Italy , September 9-12 , 1996 .||NONE Exon/intron structure of the human AF-4 gene , a member of the AF-4/LAF-4/FMR-2 gene family coding for a nuclear protein with structural alterations in acute leukaemia .||DISONLY Cloning and characterization of a neural cell recognition molecule on axons of the retinotectal system and spinal cord .||NONE Identification , localization , and expression of two novel human genes similar to deoxyribonuclease I. ||NONE Drug resistance during indinavir therapy is caused by mutations in the protease gene and in its Gag substrate cleavage sites .||TREATONLY A protein with a novel calcium-binding domain associated with calcareous corpuscles in Echinococcus granulosus .||DISONLY Oncogenic raf-1 induces the expression of non-histone chromosomal architectural protein HMGI-C via a p44/p42 mitogen-activated protein kinase-dependent pathway in salivary epithelial cells .||NONE Pendred syndrome is caused by mutations in a putative sulphate transporter gene ( PDS ) .||DISONLY Meis2 , a novel mouse Pbx-related homeobox gene induced by retinoic acid during differentiation of P19 embryonal carcinoma cells .||NONE Proceedings of the VIIIth International Conference on the Na/K-ATPase and Related Transport ATPases .||NONE Mar del Plata , Argentina , August 26-30 , 1996 .||NONE Targeted development of microsatellite markers from the defined region of bovine chromosome 6q21-31 .||NONE Genetic population structure in the yellow mongoose , Cynictis penicillata .||NONE ETTIN patterns the Arabidopsis floral meristem and reproductive organs .||NONE Ancient DNA from amber fossil bees ? ||NONE The histone H1 genes of the dipteran insect , Chironomus thummi , fall under two divergent classes and encode proteins with distinct intranuclear distribution and potentially different functions .||NONE Characterization of the orf31-petG gene cluster from the plastid genome of Populus deltoides .||NONE Xenopus Pax-2 displays multiple splice forms during embryogenesis and pronephric kidney development .||NONE International Workshop on Bone Research in Space .||NONE Tokyo , Japan , November 11-13 , 1996 .||NONE Proceedings .||NONE Joint meeting of the Benelux Society for Microcirculation and the Gesellschaft fÃ1/4r Mikrozirkulation e.V .||NONE Mainz , Germany , October 23-25 , 1997 .||NONE Abstracts .||NONE 3rd Congress of the French Society of Blood Transfusion .||TREATONLY Marseille , France , 28-30 April 1998 ||NONE Central and East European Regional INTERASMA Conference .||NONE Budapest , Hungary , August 24-27 , 1997 .||NONE Summary of symposium , antisense oligonucleotides : strategies and successes .||NONE Sarasota , Florida , USA .||NONE April 21 , 1995 .||NONE International forensic science and justice .||NONE Proceedings of the 6th Congress of the Socià ( c ) tà ( c ) de Pharmaco-Toxicologie Cellulaire and the Socià ( c ) tà ( c ) Française de Toxicologie Gà ( c ) nà ( c ) tique .||NONE Paris , France , March 6-7 , 1997 .||NONE The Italian Association for the Study of Glaucoma .||DISONLY Proceedings of the 12th annual general meeting .||NONE Rapallo , Italy , 14-15 March 1997 .||NONE Report of the 61st National Scientific Meeting of the American College of Rheumatology , Washington DC , 8-12 November 1997 .||NONE Topical dictionary ||NONE USAN Council .||NONE List No .||NONE 404 .||NONE New names .||NONE Nagrestipen .||NONE Proposed genetic nomenclature rules for Tetrahymena thermophila , Paramecium primaurelia and Paramecium tetraurelia .||NONE The Seventh International Meeting on Ciliate Molecular Biology Genetics Nomenclature .||NONE Joint annual session of the North German Society of Radiology and the Radiology Society of Lower Saxony and Sachsen Anhalt .||NONE Kiel , 20-21 February 1998 .||NONE Abstracts ||NONE Neurone development and death , from a cell biologist 's perspective .||NONE 3rd Neurotrauma/Polytrauma Symposium .||NONE Cologne , Germany , March 14-15 , 1998 .||NONE Abstracts ||NONE Neuroimmunomodulation : Molecular Aspects , Integrative Systems , and Clinical Advances .||NONE Proceedings of the 3rd Congress of the International Society of NeuroImmunoModulation ( ISNIM ) .||NONE Bethesda , Maryland , USA .||NONE November 13-15 , 1996 .||NONE 8th European Meeting on Dysmorphology .||NONE Strasbourg , France , 3-6 September 1997 .||NONE Abstracts .||NONE EU Working Group on Tobacco and Oral Health Consensus Meeting .||NONE Copenhagen , 23-26 October 1997 .||NONE Abstracts .||NONE Presentations from the 2nd NIH Symposium on Therapeutic Oligonucleotides : Targeting Transcription Factors and Signaling Pathways .||NONE Bethesda , Maryland , USA .||NONE December 5 , 1997 .||NONE Infectious diseases : their impact on dentistry .||DISONLY What 's new in protein folding ? EMBO workshop : protein folding and misfolding inside and outside the cell .||NONE Meeting of the European forum of nurses .||NONE 17th European Workshop on the Cell Biology of Phagocytes .||NONE Catania , Italy , May 27-31 , 1998 .||NONE Abstracts .||NONE Onset of the preovulatory luteinizing hormone surge : diurnal timing and critical follicular prerequisites .||NONE Municipal animal control ordinances -- some legal issues .||NONE Psychosexual care in a multi-ethnic society .||NONE Serologic evidence for mother-to-child transmission of Kaposi sarcoma-associated herpesvirus infection .||DISONLY Brandon/Hill selected list of nursing books and journals .||NONE Retraction .||NONE The TSG101 tumor susceptibility gene is located in chromosome 11 band p15 and is mutated in human breast cancer .||DISONLY An omission .||NONE Indoor pollution and health ||NONE Dioxins : current knowledge about health effects ||NONE Influence of environmental factors on fertility : example of the diminution of sperm quality ||NONE New developments in the treatment of diabetes and hyperlipidemias ||DISONLY Role of beta-blockers in the treatment of cardiac insufficiency ||TREAT_FOR_DIS Which calcium antagonists for hypertension ? ||TREAT_FOR_DIS Correct use of serotonin agonists in migraine : oral or injectable form ? ||TREAT_FOR_DIS Overtraining and recovery .||NONE A conceptual model .||NONE Saliva composition and exercise .||NONE Lipid metabolism during exercise .||NONE Golf injuries .||DISONLY An overview .||NONE Prevention of ankle injuries .||DISONLY Academic medicine -- alternative medicine from the viewpoint of public health public health directors ||NONE Academic medicine and complementary medicine -- campaign for the truth in medical theories ||NONE The academic medicine -- alternative medicine tension field ||NONE Are academic medicine-alternative medicine incompatible , compatible , complementary ? ||NONE Research in complementary medicine : results and problems ||NONE Subcutaneous hematomas , reduced Quick value .||DISONLY Factor VII deficiency ||DISONLY Mononucleosis infectiosa ( Epstein-Barr virus infection ||DISONLY Morphology and molecular biology of malignant soft tissue sarcomas ||DISONLY Surgical aspects in the multidisciplinary treatment of soft tissue sarcomas ||DISONLY Surgical management of soft tissue sarcomas : principles of resection and reconstructive plastic procedures ||TREAT_FOR_DIS Adjuvant chemotherapy in early soft tissue sarcoma and palliative chemotherapy in advanced soft tissue sarcoma in adults ||TREAT_FOR_DIS Radiotherapy of soft tissue sarcomas ||TREAT_FOR_DIS Spinal muscular atrophy : where are we in 1998 ? ||DISONLY Diseases transmitted by non-conventional agents ( `` prions '' ) : nosology and diagnosis ||NONE A note on the epidemiology of Creutzfeldt-Jakob syndrome ||DISONLY Biology of non-conventional transmissible agents or prions ||NONE Cerebral hemosiderosis related to hereditary ceruloplasmin deficiency .||DISONLY Clinical familial case study ||NONE Intramedullary metastases of bronchogenic carcinoma .||DISONLY Two cases ||NONE Nervous system borreliosis with pseudo-lymphoma cells in cerebrospinal fluid ||DISONLY Epidural and intramedullary abscess of acute onset ||NONE Cranial nerve injuries during multifocal neuropathies with persistent conduction blocks ||DISONLY Cytokines and peripheral neuropathies ||NONE Clinical diagnosis of frontotemporal dementia ||DISONLY Study of cortical atrophy with magnetic resonance imaging in corticobasal degeneration ||DISONLY Autosomal dominant nocturnal frontal lobe epilepsy ||DISONLY Eosinophilic meningitis due to Angiostrongylus cantonensis ||DISONLY Case of superficial hemosiderosis of the central nervous system treated with trientine ||TREAT_FOR_DIS Germinal tumor metastases .||DISONLY Case report ||NONE Bradycardia : an unrecognized complication of some epileptic crises ||DISONLY Facial palsy relevant to HIV seropositivity ||DISONLY Pneumosinus dilatans : a little-known diagnostic tool ||NONE Current status of mitochondrial diseases ||DISONLY Vascular Parkinson syndromes : a controversial concept ||DISONLY Epilepsy and psychiatric disorders : epidemiological data ||DISONLY Auditory perception disorders due to bilateral cortical lesions .||DISONLY An electrophysiology study ||NONE Zinc gluconate lozenges for treating the common cold .||TREAT_FOR_DIS Body weight and mortality among women .||NONE Survey and assessment of the actual state of routine measurement of glycohaemoglobin/GHb by commercial methods : warning to the users and the providers .||NONE The radiological investigation of suspected lower limb deep vein thrombosis .||DISONLY p53 mutations in BRCA1-associated familial breast cancer .||DISONLY Metronidazole ( Flagyl ) ||TREATONLY The Preterm Prediction Study : association of cesarean delivery with increases in maternal weight and body mass index .||TREATONLY Controversies in hydrating the terminally ill patient .||NONE Frequency and significance of antinuclear antibodies in multiple sclerosis .||DISONLY Magnetic resonance imaging of the bone marrow in hematologic malignancies .||DISONLY Generation of diversity in mammalian gut-associated lymphoid tissues : restricted V gene usage does not preclude complex V gene organization .||NONE A major non-LTR retrotransposon of Bombyx mori , L1Bm .||NONE Algae or protozoa : phylogenetic position of euglenophytes and dinoflagellates as inferred from mitochondrial sequences .||NONE Structure and function of the long terminal repeats of feline leukemia viruses derived from naturally occurring acute myeloid leukemias in cats .||DISONLY Use of protein-C concentrate , heparin , and haemodiafiltration in meningococcus-induced purpura fulminans .||TREAT_FOR_DIS Satellite DNA repeat sequence variation is low in three species of burying beetles in the genus Nicrophorus ( Coleoptera : Silphidae ) .||NONE The importance of patient registration and processing .||NONE Dose-dependent effects of recombinant human interleukin-6 on glucose regulation .||NONE Genomic sequence of a Lyme disease spirochaete , Borrelia burgdorferi .||DISONLY Interaction between electronic article surveillance systems and implantable defibrillators : insights from a fourth generation ICD .||NONE Human bodily health and the common good .||NONE Proposals for action by individuals and the Catholic Church .||NONE Invited commentary : le mystère de Montrà ( c ) al. ||NONE Why Oedipus and not Christ ? : a psychoanalytic inquiry into innocence , human sacrifice , and the sacred -- Part I : Innocence , spirituality , and human sacrifice .||NONE Equine dinucleotide repeat loci LEX049-LEX063 .||NONE Molecular systematics of tanagers ( Thraupinae ) : evolution and biogeography of a diverse radiation of neotropical birds .||NONE Expression of cytokeratin 20 in urinary cytology of patients with bladder carcinoma .||DISONLY A family of highly repetitive DNAs from `` ginbuna '' ( Carassius auratus langsdorfi ) genome common to Carassius auratus populations .||NONE Characterization of cDNA clones in size-fractionated cDNA libraries from human brain .||NONE Respiratory arrest following peribulbar anesthesia for cataract surgery : case report and review of the literature .||TO_SEE Mouse LIM-kinase 2 gene : cDNA cloning , genomic organization , and tissue-specific expression of two alternatively initiated transcripts .||NONE A gross and microscopic study of cerebral injuries accompanying maxillofacial high-velocity projectile wounding in dogs .||DISONLY Does this patient have a mole or a melanoma ? ||DISONLY Methotrexate and trimethoprim : a fatal interaction .||TREATONLY Pellagra and the origin of a myth : evidence from European literature and folklore .||DISONLY Absorbable suture technique : solution to the growth problem in pediatric pacing with endocardial leads .||TREATONLY Undergraduate orthodontic education : what should we teach rather than what can we teach ? ||NONE Genetic variation in the dimorphic regions of RAP-1 genes and rap-1 loci of Babesia bigemina .||DISONLY History -- a living museum .||NONE Interview by Grethe Kjaergaard .||NONE Gastric site of epidermoid carcinoma ||DISONLY Hypodermic needles in the neuropathic foot of a patient with diabetes .||DISONLY Helicobacter pylori -- more light , less heat .||NONE A national survey of physician-assisted suicide and euthanasia in the United States .||NONE Death is a journey to be undertaken .||NONE Replicated declines in assault rates after implementation of the Assaulted Staff Action Program .||NONE Positive patch test to cocamidopropyl betaine in a hairdresser .||NONE Management of dyslipidemia in adults with diabetes .||DISONLY American Diabetes Association .||NONE Acute diverticulitis .||DISONLY Investigation of the yeast mitochondrial unselective channel in intact and permeabilized spheroplasts .||NONE Acute sciatica with an infective cause .||DISONLY An ecologic analysis of psychosocial stress and heart disease in British Columbia .||DISONLY Human leukocyte antigen frequencies in a selected group of Lebanese Greek Orthodox .||NONE Alcohol and the heart .||NONE Spontaneous ovarian hyperstimulation syndrome with pregnancy .||DISONLY Will the real plastic surgeon please stand up ? ||NONE Modulation of ultraviolet light-induced epidermal damage : beneficial effects of tocopherol .||TREAT_FOR_DIS A survey of the attitudes of chronic psychiatric patients living in the community toward their medication .||NONE Alterations in the developing immune system of the F344 rat after perinatal exposure to 2 , 3 , 7 , 8-tetrachlorodibenzo-p-dioxin : II .||NONE Effects on the pup and the adult .||NONE Renal ultrasonography : a procedure for nephrologists .||NONE Use of cisapride in treatment of constipation in children .||TREAT_FOR_DIS Bilateral sampling of the internal jugular vein to distinguish between mechanisms of adrenocorticotropic hormone-dependent Cushing syndrome .||DISONLY The influence of patients ' hopes of receiving a prescription on doctors ' perceptions and the decision to prescribe : a questionnaire survey .||NONE Coronary endothelial dysfunction in humans is associated with myocardial perfusion defects .||DISONLY Medical devices and the year 2000 problem .||NONE Internists ' and surgeons ' attitudes toward guns and firearm injury prevention .||NONE Firearm injury prevention .||NONE American College of Physicians .||NONE Management of vaginal vault prolapse .||DISONLY Death rates of characters in soap operas on British television : is a government health warning required ? ||NONE Child sexual abuse : when a doctor 's duty to report abuse conflicts with a duty of confidentiality to the victim .||NONE Tissue adhesives -- revisited .||NONE Racial discrimination in the allocation of distinction awards ? Analysis of list of award holders by type of award , specialty and region .||NONE Multicenter study of surfactant ( beractant ) use in the treatment of term infants with severe respiratory failure .||TREAT_FOR_DIS Survanta in Term Infants Study Group .||NONE Consultation section .||NONE Cataract surgical problem .||DISONLY Changing the law on decision making for mentally incapacitated adults .||NONE The coding audit .||NONE Providing primary care in the accident and emergency department .||NONE Challenges to Native American health care .||NONE Federal programs and Indian country : a time for reinvention .||NONE Chicago report profiles .||NONE Big city health .||NONE College-age drinking problems .||NONE Using YPLL in health planning .||NONE WHO decides : food irradiation safe at any level .||NONE Genetic sampling : big brother or big science ? ||NONE Physician assistants and nurse practitioners in hospital outpatient departments , 1993-1994 .||NONE Laying the foundation for Healthy People 2010 .||NONE The first year of consultation .||NONE The veracious etiology of ectopic pregnancy .||DISONLY Is dietary fat a major determinant of body fat ? ||NONE Factors involved in the rate of fall of thyroid stimulating hormone in treated hypothyroidism .||DISONLY Case complexity .||NONE Imaging pulmonary embolism .||DISONLY Early inpatient rehabilitation after elective hip and knee arthroplasty .||TREATONLY Inpatient rehabilitation after total joint replacement .||TREATONLY Delayed healing of rhytidectomy flap resurfaced with CO2 laser .||TREATONLY The SAPHO syndrome : an evolving concept for unifying several idiopathic disorders of bone and skin .||DISONLY Beverage use and risk for kidney stones in women .||DISONLY Use of a Foley catheter in the removal of a substernal goiter .||DISONLY Early identification of variant Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease .||DISONLY Slater revisited : 6 year follow up study of patients with medically unexplained motor symptoms .||DISONLY Re : Intermediate term assessment of the reliability , function and patient satisfaction with the AMS700 ultrex penile prosthesis .||NONE Reduced ratio of male to female births in several industrial countries : a sentinel health indicator ? ||NONE Should we accept mediocrity ? ||NONE Resolution of recalcitrant molluscum contagiosum virus lesions in human immunodeficiency virus-infected patients treated with cidofovir .||TREAT_FOR_DIS Colonoscopic removal of chicken bones impacted in the sigmoid in two patients .||NONE `` Pull '' or `` push '' PEG : the reinsertion of the gastroscope is often unnecessary .||NONE Clear cell papulosis : case report and literature review .||DISONLY Malignant melanoma in situ : an oxymoron whose time has come .||DISONLY External beam radiation therapy for choroidal neovascularization .||TREAT_FOR_DIS Somatic mesoderm differentiation and the development of a subset of pericardial cells depend on the not enough muscles ( nem ) locus , which contains the inscuteable gene and the intron located gene , skittles .||NONE Hemodynamic effects of acute tetrandrine and terlipressin administration on portal hypertensive rats .||NONE Nonneoplastic disorders of the eccrine glands .||DISONLY Cerebrospinal fluid and plasma insulin levels in Alzheimer 's disease : relationship to severity of dementia and apolipoprotein E genotype .||DISONLY Isolated internal ophthalmoplegia associated with IgG anti-GQ1b antibody .||DISONLY Bolus thrombolytic infusions during CPR for patients with refractory arrest rhythms : outcome of a case series .||TREAT_FOR_DIS Enthesopathy in a case of primary biliary cirrhosis with positive HLA-B27 .||DISONLY Remifentanil in the critically ill .||TREATONLY Hyponatremia with venlafaxine . ||VAGUE Use of a nerve stimulator for phrenic nerve block in treatment of hiccups .||TREAT_FOR_DIS Anaesthesia for laparoscopic cholecystectomy in a patient with Eisenmenger 's syndrome .||TREAT_FOR_DIS Micronutrients and human cancer risks -- prospects for prevention .||PREVENT Joint International Symposium of the Danish Cancer Society , European Cancer Prevention Organization and National Food Agency of Denmark .||NONE Aarhus , Denmark , 21-24 May 1997 .||NONE Abstracts .||NONE Vitamin K2 and serum cholesterol in patients on continuous ambulatory peritoneal dialysis .||TREATONLY Income inequality and population health .||NONE Naloxone -precipitated acute opioid withdrawal syndrome after epidural morphine .||SIDE_EFF Idiopathic atrial flutter ||DISONLY Munchausen 's syndrome .||DISONLY Clinical evaluation of adjuvant chemoradiotherapy with CDDP , 5-FU , and VP-16 for advanced esophageal cancer .||TREAT_FOR_DIS New drug treatment for Alzheimer 's disease : lessons for healthcare policy .||TREAT_FOR_DIS Development of neurosurgery in Greece : past , present , and future .||TREATONLY Intravascular-catheter-related infections .||DISONLY The effect of a social support boosting intervention on stress , coping , and social support in caregivers of children with HIV/AIDS .||DISONLY Point-counterpoint .||NONE Mass population skin cancer screening is not worthwhile .||DISONLY Persons successful at long-term weight loss and maintenance continue to consume a low-energy , low-fat diet .||NONE Ultrasound measurements of the newborn hip .||NONE Comparison of two methods in 657 newborns .||NONE Inferences from symphysiotomy experience .||TREATONLY 1995 coronary artery bypass risk model : The Society of Thoracic Surgeons Adult Cardiac National Database .||TREATONLY Informed consent : edging forwards ( and backwards ) ||NONE Online medical surveys : using the Internet as a research tool .||NONE US-guided puncture of the internal jugular vein : complications and anatomic considerations .||NONE Mouth care and skin care in palliative medicine .||NONE Simple antiseptic mouthwashes are best for infection .||TREAT_FOR_DIS The effect of melatonin administration on ethanol-induced lipid peroxidation in rats .||NONE A comparison of aspirin plus tirofiban with aspirin plus heparin for unstable angina .||TREAT_FOR_DIS Platelet Receptor Inhibition in Ischemic Syndrome Management ( PRISM ) Study Investigators .||NONE Mike Grace talks to Mike Joy .||NONE Interview by Mike Grace .||NONE Multivalent cations depress ligand affinity of insulin-like growth factor-binding proteins-3 and -5 on human GM-10 fibroblast cell surfaces .||NONE Effect of continuous spinal remifentanil infusion on behaviour and spinal glutamate release evoked by subcutaneous formalin in the rat .||NONE How long should suction drains stay in after breast surgery with axillary dissection ? ||TREATONLY Physicians disciplined for sex-related offenses .||NONE Something from nothing : the evolution and utility of satellite repeats .||NONE Sudden death in young athletes : screening for the needle in a haystack .||NONE Chemotherapy alone compared with chemotherapy plus radiotherapy for localized intermediate- and high-grade non-Hodgkin 's lymphoma .||TREAT_FOR_DIS Prevention of a first stroke by transfusions in children with sickle cell anemia and abnormal results on transcranial Doppler ultrasonography .||TO_SEE HIV vaccines : prospects and challenges .||TREATONLY Occupation : the keystone of a curriculum for a self-defined profession .||NONE Touch sensibility in the breast after subcutaneous mastectomy and immediate reconstruction with a prosthesis .||TREATONLY Iatrogenic ruptures of the tracheobronchial tree .||TREATONLY Endoscopic hemostasis of bleeding duodenal ulcer in a child with Henoch-Schönlein purpura .||TREAT_FOR_DIS Classification of primary gastric lymphomas according to histologic features .||DISONLY SCIM -- spinal cord independence measure : a new disability scale for patients with spinal cord lesions .||DISONLY Molecular analysis of cellulose biosynthesis in Arabidopsis .||NONE Users ' guides to the medical literature : XIV .||NONE How to decide on the applicability of clinical trial results to your patient .||NONE Evidence-Based Medicine Working Group .||NONE Hemispheric difference in human skin color .||NONE Limitations of diagnostic criteria and assessment instruments for mental disorders .||DISONLY Implications for research and policy .||NONE Causing death or allowing to die ? Developments in the law .||NONE Albumin synthesis rates are not decreased in hypoalbuminemic cachectic cancer patients with an ongoing acute-phase protein response .||DISONLY Brain-gut axis in health and disease .||NONE Pins and Rubbers Traction System .||NONE A specialist nurse can replace pre-registration house officers in the surgical pre-admission clinic .||NONE Voluntary death : a comparison of terminal dehydration and physician-assisted suicide .||DISONLY Ionized magnesium in serum and ultrafiltrate : pH and bicarbonate effect on measurements with the AVL 988-4 electrolyte analyzer .||NONE Anterior glenohumeral dislocations : what to do and how to do it .||DISONLY Relationship between topotecan systemic exposure and tumor response in human neuroblastoma xenografts .||TREATONLY Cerebral infarct following central venous cannulation ||SIDE_EFF The Gram stain .||NONE Heavy caffeine intake in pregnancy and sudden infant death syndrome .||DISONLY New Zealand Cot Death Study Group .||NONE When can odds ratios mislead ? ||NONE Treatment of renal failure in idiopathic membranous nephropathy with azathioprine and prednisolone .||TREAT_FOR_DIS Enzyme structure with two catalytic sites for double-sieve selection of substrate .||NONE Role of the ketogenic diet in children with intractable seizures . ||VAGUE Building-associated pulmonary disease from exposure to Stachybotrys chartarum and Aspergillus versicolor .||DISONLY Interleukin-8 participates in angiogenesis in non-small cell , but not small cell carcinoma of the lung .||DISONLY Antenatal indomethacin -- adverse fetal effects confirmed .||TREATONLY Evaluation of the microparticle enzyme immunoassay Abbott IMx Select Chlamydia and the importance of urethral site sampling to detect Chlamydia trachomatis in women .||DISONLY The persistent vegetative state after closed head injury : clinical and magnetic resonance imaging findings in 42 patients .||DISONLY Wegener 's granulomatosis of the head and neck .||DISONLY Chromosomal abnormalities of a new nasopharyngeal carcinoma cell line ( NPC-BM1 ) derived from a bone marrow metastatic lesion .||DISONLY Relation between intellectual dysfunctioning and mortality in community-residing older people .||DISONLY Anxiety and autonomic flexibility : a cardiovascular approach .||NONE Cross-reactivity of specific antibodies directed to heat shock proteins from periodontopathogenic bacteria and of human origin ( corrected ) ||NONE Immunogenicity of hepatitis B vaccine in term and preterm infants .||PREVENT Secondary prevention for stroke after CAPRIE and ESPS-2 .||SIDE_EFF New-onset angina preceding acute myocardial infarction is associated with improved contractile recovery after thrombolysis .||TO_SEE Magnetic resonance imaging in focal myositis .||DISONLY Concomitant alveolitis and asthma following exposure to triphenylmethane triisocyanate .||DISONLY Gorlin syndrome : identification of 4 novel germ-line mutations of the human patched ( PTCH ) gene .||DISONLY Mutations in brief no .||NONE 137 .||NONE Online .||NONE Genetic findings in congenital bilateral aplasia of vas deferens patients and identification of six novel mutatations .||DISONLY Mutations in brief no .||NONE 138 .||NONE Online .||NONE A novel point mutation in a splice acceptor site of intron 1 of the human low density lipoprotein receptor gene which causes severe hypercholesterolemia : an unexpected absence of exon skipping .||DISONLY Mutations in brief no .||NONE 139 .||NONE Online .||NONE A de novo missense mutation ( R1623Q ) of the SCN5A gene in a Japanese girl with sporadic long QT sydrome .||DISONLY Mutations in brief no .||NONE 140 .||NONE Online .||NONE Missense mutation in exon 11 ( Codon 378 ) of the presenilin-1 gene in a French family with early-onset Alzheimer 's disease and transmission study by mismatch enhanced allele specific amplification .||DISONLY Mutations in brief no .||NONE 141 .||NONE Online .||NONE besancon @ .||NONE Mutation sharing , predominant involvement of the MLH1 gene and description of four novel mutations in hereditary nonpolyposis colorectal cancer .||DISONLY Mutations in brief no .||NONE 144 .||NONE Online .||NONE A new informative Alw 26 I polymorphism in exon 10 of the human low density lipoprotein receptor gene .||NONE Application to prenatal diagnosis .||NONE Mutations in brief no .||NONE 145 .||NONE Online .||NONE Novel acceptor splice site mutation in the invariant AG of intron 6 of alpha-galactosidase A gene , causing Fabry disease .||DISONLY Mutations in brief no .||NONE 146 .||NONE Online .||NONE Meta-analysis of trials comparing antidepressants with active placebos .||TREATONLY Evidence-based guidelines for universal counselling and offering of HIV testing in pregnancy in Canada .||NONE Chelation therapy for peripheral arterial occlusive disease : a systematic review .||TREAT_FOR_DIS Sodium channel block with mexiletine is effective in reducing dispersion of repolarization and preventing torsade des pointes in LQT2 and LQT3 models of the long-QT syndrome .||TO_SEE Simultaneous microsurgical vasal reconstruction and varicocele ligation : safety profile and outcomes .||TREATONLY A predetermined design for easier aesthetic abdominoplasty .||TREATONLY Significance of revision of the occupational illness legislation for evaluating intervertebral disk damage ||DISONLY Serum urate during bouts of acute gouty arthritis .||DISONLY Isolated axial lateral pulse as a sign of latero-bulbar ischemia : clinical topographic correlation ||DISONLY Microalbuminuria is positively associated with usual dietary saturated fat intake and negatively associated with usual dietary protein intake in people with insulin-dependent diabetes mellitus .||DISONLY Endoscopic ultrasound miniprobe-guided steroid injection for treatment of refractory esophageal strictures .||TREAT_FOR_DIS Purification and characterization of an acetyl xylan esterase from Bacillus pumilus .||NONE The Stresst'er ergometer as an alternative to treadmill testing in patients with claudication .||DISONLY Renal trauma and the risk of long-term complications in shock wave lithotripsy .||SIDE_EFF Current management of corneal abrasions : evidence based practice ? ||DISONLY Placebo in drug clinical trials ||NONE Chromosome 22qII deletions .||NONE An under-recognised cause of idiopathic learning disability .||DISONLY Serial magnetic resonance imaging findings for a spontaneously resolving spinal subdural hematoma : case report .||DISONLY A simple technique for correction of mucosal irregularities of the lip .||DISONLY Cancer risk in the rubber industry : a review of the recent epidemiological evidence .||DISONLY HIV treatment strategies : planning for the long term .||NONE The project of a national control program for tuberculosis in Spain ||DISONLY Decrease in antibiotic susceptibility or increase in resistance ? ||NONE Helicobacter pylori and abdominal symptoms : a population-based study among preschool children in southern Germany .||NONE Have we treated AIDS too well ? Rationing and the future of AIDS exceptionalism .||DISONLY Recommendations on antiretroviral treatment .||TREATONLY The AIDS Study Group of the Spanish Society of Infectious Diseases and Clinical Microbiology ||NONE Requirements for training to ensure competence of endoscopists performing invasive procedures in children .||NONE Safe motherhood : can we make a difference ? ||NONE Lumbar spine stenosis : a common cause of back and leg pain .||DISONLY Myoepithelial carcinoma with predominance of plasmacytoid cells arising in a pleomorphic adenoma of the parotid gland .||DISONLY Lonomia obliqua caterpillar spicules trigger human blood coagulation via activation of factor X and prothrombin .||NONE Doing everything .||NONE Successful replantation of an amputated tongue .||NONE Morbidity and healthcare utilisation of children in households with one adult : comparative observational study .||NONE A novel frameshift mutation 840delA and a novel polymorphism D203A in the steroidogenic acute regulatory protein gene in a Japanese patient with congenital lipoid adrenal hyperplasia .||DISONLY Mutations in brief no .||NONE 117 .||NONE Online .||NONE Identification of five new mutations and three novel polymorphisms in the muscle chloride channel gene ( CLCN1 ) in 20 Italian patients with dominant and recessive myotonia congenita .||DISONLY Mutations in brief no .||NONE 118 .||NONE Online .||NONE Identification of a large insertion and two novel point mutations ( 3671del8 and S1221X ) in tuberous sclerosis complex ( TSC ) patients .||DISONLY Mutations in brief no .||NONE 119 .||NONE Online .||NONE Mutational analysis of the cystathionine beta-synthase gene : a splicing mutation , two missense mutations and an insertion in patients with homocystinuria .||DISONLY Mutations in brief no .||NONE 120 .||NONE Online .||NONE Analysis of five mutations in 20 mucopolysaccharidois type 1 patients : high prevalence of the W402X mutation .||DISONLY Mutations in brief no .||NONE 121 .||NONE Online .||NONE A novel missense mutation Ile538Val in the fibroblast growth factor receptor 3 in hypochondroplasia .||DISONLY Mutations in brief no .||NONE 122 .||NONE Online .||NONE Detection of four novel mutations in the iduronate-2-sulfatase gene .||NONE Mutations in brief no .||NONE 123 .||NONE Online .||NONE Polymorphisms in the coding exons of the human luteinizing hormone receptor gene .||NONE Mutations in brief no .||NONE 124 .||NONE Online .||NONE Independent occurrence of the novel Arg2163 to His mutation in the factor VIII gene in three unrelated families with haemophila A with different phenotypes .||DISONLY Mutations in brief no .||NONE 126 .||NONE Online .||NONE Are Japanese researchers exploiting Thai HIV patients ? ||NONE Underutilization of aspirin in older patients with prior myocardial infarction at the time of admission to a nursing home . ||VAGUE Distinguishing silent lacunar infarction from enlarged Virchow-Robin spaces : a magnetic resonance imaging and pathological study .||DISONLY Correlation is not causation .||NONE Inhalation of ammonium nitrate fuel oil explosive ( ANFO ) ||NONE Management of polycythaemia in adults with cyanotic congenital heart disease .||DISONLY Bolstering Sisyphus .||NONE Use of public performance reports : a survey of patients undergoing cardiac surgery .||TREATONLY Role of a p53 polymorphism in the development of human papillomavirus-associated cancer .||DISONLY The use of nurses in alternative dispute resolution .||NONE Re : Friday afternoon pulmonary arteriography ( FAPA ) : are Fridays good for your health ? ||TREATONLY Hormone replacement therapy and breast cancer . ||VAGUE Physician heal thyself : are antibiotics the cure or the disease ? ||TREATONLY Primary biliary cirrhosis .||DISONLY Polymorphism in promoter region of inducible nitric oxide synthase gene and protection against malaria .||DISONLY Ventilatory responses to acute and sustained hypoxia during isoflurane anesthesia .||NONE Leprosy type 1 reaction as the first manifestation of borderline lepromatous leprosy in a young native German .||DISONLY A systematic review of five systemic treatments for severe psoriasis .||TREAT_FOR_DIS Trisomy 10 in leukemia .||DISONLY Receptive properties of primary afferent fibres from rabbit pleura , in vitro .||NONE Congenital anomalies of tracheobronchial branching patterns : spiral CT aspects in adults .||DISONLY American Heart Association urges caution on new diet drug .||NONE Absence of renal and hepatic toxicity after four hours of 1.25 minimum alveolar anesthetic concentration sevoflurane anesthesia in volunteers .||NONE Linear lichen planopilaris of the face .||DISONLY Electrolyte abnormalities in patients with chronic renal failure receiving parenteral nutrition .||DISONLY Risk factors for hemiretinal vein occlusion : comparison with risk factors for central and branch retinal vein occlusion : the eye disease case-control study .||DISONLY The psychological profiles of patients with whiplash-associated headache .||DISONLY Fatal spontaneous spinal epidural hematoma following thrombolysis for myocardial infarction .||TO_SEE Bifid T waves induced by isoprenaline in a patient with Brugada syndrome . ||VAGUE Quo vadis `` suprema lex '' ? ||NONE Death in springtime .||NONE Clinical management and treatment outcomes of Merkel cell carcinoma .||TREAT_FOR_DIS Relatives in the resuscitation room : their point of view .||NONE Large airway disease associated with inflammatory bowel disease .||DISONLY Autonomy in the face of a devastating diagnosis .||NONE Advanced practice nursing : is the physician 's assistant an accident of history or a failure to act ? ||NONE Acute obstructive hydrocephalus complicating bacterial meningitis in childhood .||DISONLY Subcutaneous autologous ovarian transplantation in Wistar rats maintains hormone secretion .||NONE Teaching irritable bowel syndrome patients to care for themselves .||DISONLY Nonanesthetic volatile drugs obey the Meyer-Overton correlation in two molecular protein site models .||NONE Inhaled sodium cromoglycate in young children with moderate asthma .||TREAT_FOR_DIS Directly observed therapy and treatment completion for tuberculosis in the United States : is universal supervised therapy necessary ? ||DISONLY Investigation of antibiotic prophylaxis usage for vascular and nonvascular interventional procedures .||TREATONLY Effect of protein kinase C inhibitors on cardioprotection by ischemic preconditioning depends on the number of preconditioning episodes .||NONE How do you treat refractory pouchitis and when do you decide to remove the pouch ? ||DISONLY Filter paper blood spot assay of human insulin-like growth factor I ( IGF-I ) and IGF-binding protein-3 and preliminary application in the evaluation of growth hormone status .||NONE Effect of iodixanol on renal function immediately after abdominal angiography . ||VAGUE Clinical comparison with iomeprol and ioxaglate .||DISONLY A new modified technique for harvest of calcaneal bone grafts in surgery on the foot and ankle .||TREATONLY Is prevaccination screening for hepatitis B among sexually active adolescents cost-effective ? ||DISONLY Epilepsy -- a guide to medical treatment .||DISONLY 1 : Antiepileptic drugs .||TREATONLY Adolescent pregnancy and sexual abuse .||NONE Normoxic cardiopulmonary bypass reduces oxidative myocardial damage and nitric oxide during cardiac operations in the adult .||TREAT_FOR_DIS A multidimensional study of preference judgements for excerpts of music .||NONE Extending the benefits of breast cancer screening .||DISONLY Still hard to know how large the benefits will really be .||NONE Rhabdomyolysis and carbon monoxide poisoning ||DISONLY Effect of dental treatment on the lung function of children with asthma . ||VAGUE conclusions : apc is effective for the treatment of endoluminal hemoptysis and airway obstruction ||TREAT_FOR_DIS induction chemotherapy ( cisplatin + vinorelbine ) is found to be markedly effective for squamous cell lung carcinoma with sarcoidosis -- a case report ||TREAT_FOR_DIS in conclusion , 3d computer-assisted analysis of the internal structure of small pulmonary nodules using contrast-enhanced dh-ct was found to be effective for differentiating between benign and malignant nodules ||TO_SEE the patient was a 62-year-old man with squamous cell lung cancer , which was first successfully treated by a combination of radiation therapy and chemotherapy , but showed local recurrence after 8 months .||TREAT_FOR_DIS the combination of txt , gem and cddp may be effective for recurrent non-small-cell lung carcinoma , even in patients that have failed to respond to more than one chemotherapy regimen .||TREAT_FOR_DIS the aim of the current study was to compare the objective response and survival rates of patients with mrcc treated with il-2 administered either systemically ( syst , subcutaneously ) or via inhalation ( inh ) , using relatively large sample sizes to afford a more meaningful comparison .||TREAT_FOR_DIS conclusion : as expected , the type of chemotherapy we used , to treat non-seminomatous germ-cell tumors proved to be highly effective for seminomatous types , as well .||TREAT_FOR_DIS carboplatin and ifosfamide performed well and safe , in the treatment of non-bulky metastatic seminoma .||TREAT_FOR_DIS these results suggested that the sp1 decoy strategy would be effective for regulating tumor growth by simultaneously reducing cancer cell ( a ) angiogenic growth factor expression , ( b ) proliferation , and ( c ) invasiveness .||TREAT_FOR_DIS considering that hamsters had a lung metastasis rate of 50 % before mdp-lys treatment , liposomal mdp-lys given at a dose of 20 microg twice/week was effective for inhibiting lung metastasis at a far lower dose of mdp-lys than that given as a solution ( 40 microg vs. 350 microg per week ) .||TREAT_FOR_DIS we have documented previously that adenovirus-mediated interleukin 12 ( il-12 ) gene therapy is effective for orthotopic tumor control and suppression of pre-established metastases in a preclinical prostate cancer model ( y. nasu et al. , gene ther .||TREAT_FOR_DIS we further developed a vaccine model based on s.c.injection of infected , irradiated rm-9 cells and found that both admil-12 and admil-12/b7 are effective at suppressing the development and growth of challenge orthotopic tumors using this protocol .||TREAT_FOR_DIS despite the marked toxicity of the initial intensive chemotherapy , the treatments are tolerable and effective in the control of extra-thoracic micrometastases , whereas they are less effective for thoracic primary tumor .||TREAT_FOR_DIS radiotherapy is effective for palliation of symptoms associated with sblc .||TREAT_FOR_DIS clinically , oral administration of uft has proved to be effective as an adjuvant therapy after surgery for some malignant tumors such as non-small cell lung cancer .||TREAT_FOR_DIS moreover , uft has proved to be effective for inoperable advanced malignancies such as colorectal cancer , especially in combination with leucovorin or cisplatin .||TREAT_FOR_DIS a phase ii study of fractionated administration of irinotecan ( cpt-11 ) and cisplatin ( cddp ) in patients with non-small-cell lung cancer ( nsclc ) was conducted .||TREAT_FOR_DIS in conclusion , fractionated administration of cpt-11 and cddp was highly effective for advanced nsclc with manageable toxicities .||TREAT_FOR_DIS we report the use of paclitaxel in the successful treatment of a patient with recurrent adenocarcinoma of the cervix .||TREAT_FOR_DIS weekly paclitaxel was very well tolerated , yet was effective for recurrent cervical adenocarcinoma .||TREAT_FOR_DIS conclusion : our results suggest that pseudoephedrine plus acetaminophen is effective for relief of symptoms attributable to the paranasal sinuses that may develop early in the course of a cold .||TREAT_FOR_DIS reviewer 's conclusions : a single dose of nasal decongestant in the common cold is moderately effective for the short term relief of congestion in adults , while there is no evidence available to show benefit after repeated use over several days .||TREAT_FOR_DIS conclusions : members of an ethnically diverse community believe antibiotics are effective for colds , are very likely to seek care for colds , and often obtain antibiotics without a prescription .||TREAT_FOR_DIS the available inactivated vaccine is effective for preventing influenza and the serious disease and death that can accompany it .||PREVENT amantadine , rimantadine , and the newly available drugs zanamivir and oseltamivir are effective for influenza prevention and treatment ( the former two for influenza a only ) .||TO_SEE the availability of four antiviral agents that effectively prevent and treat influenza provides the physician with considerable flexibility for their use in influenza control .||TO_SEE thus influenza vaccination is effective for preventing influenza disease in persons aged 65 years and over , and should be an integral part of the care of this population residing in nursing homes .||TO_SEE intravenous injection of pb2-as , as a complex with dmrie-c , a cationic liposome , was most effective for prolonging the mean survival time in days ( msds ) and increasing the survival rates of mice infected with the influenza a virus .||TREAT_FOR_DIS background and objectives : thoracic paravertebral block ( tpvb ) is a unilateral analgesic technique that has been advocated in both acute and chronic thoracic and abdominal pain .||TREAT_FOR_DIS other blocks such as interpleural and epidural can be effectively used in pleuritic pain .||TREAT_FOR_DIS this report illustrates that tpvb could also be effective for this kind of pain .||TREAT_FOR_DIS conclusions : this case report supports the notion that , in practice , the paravertebral block could be an effective and safe alternative to relief of pleuritic pain .||TREAT_FOR_DIS conclusion : mr-guided rfa using single cooled tip electrodes is safe and technically effective for treatment of hepatic neoplasms up to 3 cm in size , however further improvements are necessary .||TREAT_FOR_DIS a 68-year-old man underwent curative pancreaticoduodenectomy for bile duct cancer .||TREAT_FOR_DIS one course of chronochemotherapy was effective for lymph node and peritoneum metastases .||TREAT_FOR_DIS the only specific antidote for dosage-dependent hepatotoxicity is n-acetylcysteine ( and some other sulfhydryl donors ) , which is highly effective for the prevention of significant hepatotoxicity after acetaminophen overdose .||TREAT_FOR_DIS corticosteroids can be considered for cases of drug-induced hepatitis , especially those with evidence of immune hypersensitivity , if no improvement is seen in 8 to 12 weeks .||TREAT_FOR_DIS our conclusion was that the covered-ems can be effective for the palliation of esophagorespiratory fistulas .||TREAT_FOR_DIS the food and drug administration ( fda ) recently approved the first protein-polysaccharide conjugate vaccine to prevent invasive pneumococcal diseases in infants and toddlers < 2 years of age .||PREVENT this conjugated vaccine against pneumococcus uses the same technology as the successful vaccine against haemophilus influenzae type b .||PREVENT the most recent study , involving over 37 , 000 young children , also evaluated the vaccine 's efficacy , and reported that the vaccine is highly effective in preventing invasive disease and has had an impact on otitis media .||PREVENT conclusions : the heptavalent pneumococcal conjugate vaccine is safe and highly effective in preventing pneumococcal meningitis and bacteremic pneumonia in young children < 2 years of age ; it is less effective in preventing otitis media .||PREVENT based on the results of three well-designed studies demonstrating the vaccine 's safety , immunogenicity , and efficacy , the vaccine is safe and effective for active immunization of children < 2 years of age against invasive disease caused by seven streptococcus pneumoniae serotypes included in the vaccine .||PREVENT i concluded that 6-month regimen containing pyrazinamide was effective for the patients with isoniazid-rifampicin susceptible tuberculosis patients except the patients complicated with diabetes mellitus .||TO_SEE only the combination of a cell wall-active antibiotic to which the enterococcus is susceptible ( ie , certain beta-lactams or vancomycin ) plus an aminoglycoside ( ie , gentamicin or streptomycin ) is bactericidal , and is required for cure of endocarditis , meningitis and probably infection in neutropenic patients ; bacteriostatic activity is sufficient to treat most other infections .||TREAT_FOR_DIS two triazole antifungal agents , fluconazole and itraconazole , were introduced over a decade ago and since then have been used extensively for the prophylaxis and treatment of a variety of fungal infections .||TREAT_FOR_DIS the use of topical corticosteroids has revolutionised the treatment of inflammatory skin diseases .||TREAT_FOR_DIS in particular , tacrolimus and ascomycin derivatives have been shown to be effective for treating atopic dermatitism with a surprising lack of side effects .||TREAT_FOR_DIS cyclophosphamide therapy is effective for bronchiolitis obliterans occurring as a late manifestation of lupus erythematosus ( letter ) ||TREAT_FOR_DIS in summary , gemifloxacin was found to be well tolerated and effective for the treatment of aecb , suggesting it is well suited for empirical treatment of this common respiratory condition in the current clinical environment .||TREAT_FOR_DIS d-penicillamine ( 2-amino-3-mercapto-3-methylbutanoic acid ) , a well-known heavy metal chelator , is the drug of choice in the treatment of wilson 's disease and is also effective for the treatment of several disorders including rheumatoid arthritis , primary biliary cirrhosis , scleroderma , fibrotic lung diseases and progressive systemic sclerosis .||TREAT_FOR_DIS stages of non-small cell lung cancer ( nsclc ) that are potential candidates for surgical resection have been treated in several ways : surgery alone is curative in only two-thirds of cases and post-operative radiotherapy ( rt ) provides only weak control of advanced-stage disease .||TREAT_FOR_DIS among these , the gemcitabine/cisplatin study protocol ( gc ) , set up in a phase ii study for patients with stage iiia n2 nsclc , was very effective ( objective response ( or ) : 70.2 % ; median survival : 19 months ) and should be promising for stages ib and ii .||TREAT_FOR_DIS several studies have suggested that non-small cell lung cancer ( nsclc ) patients whose tumors have neuroendocrine ( ne ) features may be more responsive to chemotherapy in addition , increased expression of p53 and her2 may confer relative chemotherapy resistance and shortened survival .||TREAT_FOR_DIS the cancer and leukemia group b performed a series of studies involving sequential chemotherapy followed by radiation for patients with unresectable stage iii nsclc .||TREAT_FOR_DIS this london lung cancer group trial of gemcitabine/carboplatin may define an active , safe , and acceptable treatment for patients with extensive-stage and poor-prognosis small cell lung cancer .||TREAT_FOR_DIS gemcitabine and carboplatin for patients with advanced non-small cell lung cancer ||TREAT_FOR_DIS an aggressive surgical approach is justified in patients with mplc and offers the greatest chance for long-term survival even in the case of limited resection .||TREAT_FOR_DIS methods and materials : eleven patients with small cell lung cancer ( sclc ) , who had presented complete response of disease after chemotherapy and radical radiotherapy in the lung , were prescribed to receive a prophylacting cranial irradiation ( pci ) with a 6 mev linear accelerator .||TREAT_FOR_DIS only 22 patients ( 10 % ) were alive at five years : 19 patients with nsclc who had got surgical treatment , one patient with nsclc ( stage iiib ) who had recieved radiotherapy , and two patients with sclc , limited disease , treated with chemo- and radiotherapy .||TREAT_FOR_DIS the standard care for patients with non-small-cell lung cancer is chemotherapy of supportive care , with surgery being reserved for palliation of symptoms ; however , there is a small group of patients with a finite number of extrathoracic metastases ( oligometastases ) who may experience improved survival by resection of their metastases and the primary site , with or without systemic treatment .||TO_SEE five new agents , paclitaxel , docetaxel , vinorelbine , gemcitabine and irinotecan , have been introduced for the treatment of nsclc and investigated extensively both preclinically and clinically .||TREAT_FOR_DIS whether the era of platinum-based chemotherapy in the treatment of nsclc should continue or not must be determined by phase iii trials , evaluating the use of a platinum agent with one of the new agent combinations .||TREAT_FOR_DIS these aggressive chemotherapeutic combinations will hopefully improve survival and quality of life for patients with advanced nsclc .||TREAT_FOR_DIS results : we have performed 60 carinal resections for bronchogenic carcinoma : 18 isolated carinal resections for tumor confined to the carinal or proximal main stem bronchus ; 35 carinal pneumonectomies ; 5 carinal plus lobar resections , and 2 carinal resections for stump recurrence after prior pneumonectomy .||TREAT_FOR_DIS conclusions : this constitutes one of the largest single-institution reports on carinal resection for bronchogenic carcinoma involving the carina .||TREAT_FOR_DIS extracorporeal photopheresis has evolved as a possible therapy for patients with acute nd chronic lung allograft rejection .||TREAT_FOR_DIS methods : we retrospectively reviewed 14 patients diagnosed with bos who underwent therapy with extracorporeal photopheresis .||TREAT_FOR_DIS in three patients with bos and concurrent acute rejection , therapy with extracorporeal photopheresis led to the resolution of the acute rejection episode .||TREAT_FOR_DIS conclusion : extracorporeal photopheresis appears to be a promising therapy for patients with early bos .||TREAT_FOR_DIS purpose : many patients with locally advanced non-small-cell lung cancer ( la-nsclc ) are eligible for combined-modality therapy ( cmt ; chemotherapy and radiotherapy ) .||TREAT_FOR_DIS over the past twenty years combination chemotherapy has continued to produce small survival gains for patients with sclc .||TREAT_FOR_DIS purpose : the benefit of whole-lung irradiation ( wli ) for patients who have pulmonary metastases ( pm ) of ewing sarcoma family tumors ( esft ) is unclear .||TO_SEE extent of pulmonary involvement at diagnosis , response of pm after induction chemotherapy , local treatment of pm thereafter , and clinical outcome were recorded .||TREAT_FOR_DIS conclusions : the comparable survival of patients with poor and good response of pm to induction chemotherapy suggests that wli may benefit poor responders .||TREAT_FOR_DIS objective : to report the use of heparin and enoxaparin for radiation-induced myelopathy .||TREAT_FOR_DIS therefore , patients with radiation-induced spinal cord injury may benefit from anticoagulant therapy .||TREAT_FOR_DIS conclusions : heparin and/or enoxaparin may be considered as potential treatments for patients with radiation-induced myelopathy .||TREAT_FOR_DIS tracheal stent insertion is a useful method for patients with malignant tracheal stenosis .||TO_SEE expandable metal stents were inserted in two patients with severe dyspnea due to tracheal stenosis caused by lung cancer and esophageal cancer .||TREAT_FOR_DIS thus , we should recognize this immanent risk and perform peri- and postoperative management for patients with gh-producing tumors .||TREAT_FOR_DIS background : at present the addition of thoracic irradiation to combination chemotherapy is a standard treatment for limited staged small cell lung cancer .||TREAT_FOR_DIS we conducted a phase ii study of etoposide ( vp-16 ) -ifosfamide-cisplatin ( vip ) combination chemotherapy plus early concurrent thoracic irradiation for the patients with previously untreated limited small cell lung cancer in order to assess if the treatment modality could improve the response rate and the toxicity .||TREAT_FOR_DIS methods : forty-four patients with limited small cell lung cancer were treated with etoposide-ifosfamide-cisplatin and concurrent thoracic irradiation .||TREAT_FOR_DIS conclusion : vip combination chemotherapy and early concurrent thoracic irradiation for patients with limited stage small cell lung cancer revealed excellent antitumor response with tolerable toxicity .||TREAT_FOR_DIS in this study we analyzed 33 cases which underwent complete surgical resection to assess the role of surgery in the treatment of patients with n 2 nsclc .||TREAT_FOR_DIS we thereby recommend that surgery should only be performed for those n 2 nsclc patients diagnosed as t 1 or t 2 with a classification of p1 or less .||TREAT_FOR_DIS inhaled corticosteroid therapy is recommended for patients with persistent disease , and careful instruction in the use of metered-dose inhalers is particularly important for the elderly .||TREAT_FOR_DIS background : the role of surgical staging of patients with non-small cell lung cancer ( nsclc ) continues to evolve .||TREAT_FOR_DIS this report describes our findings utilizing routine cervical mediastinoscopy in the evaluation of peripheral t1 ( < 3 cm ) lung tumors .||TO_SEE mediastinoscopy facilitates identification of patients with regionally advanced disease prior to resection , allowing neoadjuvant therapy and avoiding unnecessary resections .||TO_SEE purpose : given the cisplatin-related myelotoxicity and nonhematologic toxicities , we were prompted to undertake a study of the noncisplatin combination of paclitaxel plus gemcitabine to evaluate the efficacy , tolerance , and survival of this combination in patients with locally advanced and metastatic non-small-cell lung cancer ( nsclc ) .||TREAT_FOR_DIS we evaluated the role of systemic chemotherapy for patients with malignant pleural effusions from nsclc .||TREAT_FOR_DIS methods : we analyzed 34 patients who were found to have malignant pleural effusions in the course of diagnosis of 118 patients enrolled in three consecutive clinical trials on advanced nsclc assessing combination chemotherapy of cisplatin , ifosfamide , and irinotecan with recombinant human granulocyte colony-stimulating factor support .||TREAT_FOR_DIS conclusions : both the response rate and survival data in this retrospective study suggest a high degree of activity of this combination chemotherapy in patients with malignant pleural effusions from nsclc .||TREAT_FOR_DIS in contrast , the introduction and improvement of chemotherapy since the 1970s gave rise to an improvement in - only short-term ( < 2 years ) - survival for patients with small-cell lung cancer .||TREAT_FOR_DIS between july 1992 and december 1997 , 1799 patients were diagnosed as having lung cancer in our hospital and 926 patients received chemotherapy and/or thoracic radiotherapy .||TREAT_FOR_DIS the administration of mitomycin c in addition to cisplatin-based regimens for patients with lung cancer should be carefully considered .||TREAT_FOR_DIS 570 patients with osteosarcoma of the extremities were treated with five different protocols of neoadjuvant chemotherapy at rizzoli institute between 1983 and 1995 .||TREAT_FOR_DIS we conclude that for patients with osteosarcoma of the extremities treated with neoadjuvant chemotherapy : ( a ) the pattern of systemic relapse changes according to the efficacy of the protocol of chemotherapy used .||TREAT_FOR_DIS the degree of healing and damage of the bronchial wall after photodynamic therapy , nd-yag laser and electrocautery for intraluminal early-stage cancer have been analysed .||TREAT_FOR_DIS to examine whether efficacy of postoperative oral administration of uft , a 5-fluorouracil derivative chemotherapeutic agent , may be influenced by incidence of apoptosis ( apoptosis index ) or apoptosis-related gene status ( p53 and bcl-2 ) of the tumour , a total of 162 patients with pathologic stage i non-small cell lung cancer were retrospectively reviewed .||TREAT_FOR_DIS objectives : the purpose of this study is to review our experience with the spectrum of neuroendocrine neoplasms of the lung with emphasis on the histopathologic classification and surgical therapy of each class of neoplasm .||TREAT_FOR_DIS patients : during this period , a total of 77 patients underwent lung resection for the following neuroendocrine neoplasms : typical carcinoid ( tc ) , 50 patients ; atypical carcinoid ( ac ) , 5 patients ; large cell neuroendocrine carcinoma ( lcnec ) , 9 patients ; mixed large-small cell neuroendocrine carcinoma ( lsnec ) , 4 patients ; or small cell neuroendocrine carcinoma ( scc ) , 9 patients .||TREAT_FOR_DIS despite the poor overall prognosis in high-grade neuroendocrine tumors of the lung , surgery remains a viable adjunct in the early stages of this disease .||TREAT_FOR_DIS urpose : to assess results with twice-daily high-dose radiotherapy ( rt ) for non-small-cell lung cancer ( nsclc ) .||TREAT_FOR_DIS is prolonged survival possible for patients with supraclavicular node metastases in nsclc treated with chemoradiotherapy ? ijrobp 1999 ; 44 ( 4 ) : 847-853 .||TREAT_FOR_DIS we aimed to investigate whether biological factors related to radiosensitivity and chemosensitivity have prognostic significance in non-small-cell-lung-cancer ( nsclc ) patients treated with daily low doses of cisplatin and radiotherapy .||TREAT_FOR_DIS we treated 27 nsclcm patients with concomitant daily low-dose cisplatin and radiotherapy between 1993 and 1995 .||TREAT_FOR_DIS background : we examined the complications and outcomes of placing stents for both esophageal and tracheobronchial stenoses .||TREAT_FOR_DIS methods : we placed stents for both esophageal and tracheobronchial stenoses in 8 patients ( 7 with esophageal cancer and 1 with lung cancer ) .||TREAT_FOR_DIS covered or noncovered metallic stents were used for the esophageal stenoses , except in 1 patient treated with a silicone stent .||TREAT_FOR_DIS silicone stents were used for the tracheobronchial stenoses .||TREAT_FOR_DIS results : all patients experienced improvement of grades of both dysphagia and respiratory symptoms after stent therapy .||TREAT_FOR_DIS conclusions : for patients with both esophageal and tracheobronchial stenoses , a stent should be introduced into the tracheobronchus first .||TREAT_FOR_DIS because placement of stents in both the esophagus and tracheobronchus has a high risk of enlargement of the fistula , a covered metallic stent is preferable for esophageal cancer involving the tracheobronchus .||TREAT_FOR_DIS a retrospective immunohistochemical study was performed on material from patients who were newly diagnosed with osteogenic sarcoma who were treated according to the t12 protocol from the authors ' institution between 1986 to 1993 .||TREAT_FOR_DIS these data suggest that her2/erbb-2 should be evaluated prospectively as a prognostic indicator and clinical trials using antibodies that target this receptor should be considered for the treatment of patients with osteogenic sarcoma .||TREAT_FOR_DIS objective : to examine the effectiveness of ninjin yoei to ( nyt ; ren-shen-yang-rong-tang in chinese medicine ; kotaro pharmaceutical co. , ltd. , osaka , japan ) , one of the traditional herbal medicines , against lung carcinoma .||TREAT_FOR_DIS setting : the nursing center himawari design , patient , and preparation : the regular dosage of nyt ( 15 g/d ) was prescribed for 7 weeks to one elderly patient with lung carcinoma .||TREAT_FOR_DIS conclusion : nyt has a positive effect on life expectancy for patients with malignancy .||TREAT_FOR_DIS background : the costs of videothoracoscopic procedures for patients with lung carcinoma were compared with those of patients who underwent open thoracotomy in japan .||TREAT_FOR_DIS methods : the cost of surgical treatment in 1997 and 1998 for patients with resectable primary or metastatic lung carcinoma was analyzed from itemized statements of hospital charges .||TREAT_FOR_DIS for patients with lung carcinoma who are in relatively poor health , the authors chose videothoracoscopic lobectomy or partial resection of the lung instead of an open thoracotomy .||TREAT_FOR_DIS for patients with solitary pulmonary metastasis , the authors routinely performed thoracoscopic partial resection of the lung .||TREAT_FOR_DIS background : curative therapy is available for patients with stage 0 lung carcinoma , with a > 90 % 5-year survival rate .||TREAT_FOR_DIS promising chemopreventive agents also are under investigation currently to reduce the risk of lung carcinoma in high risk populations .||PREVENT object : the purpose of this retrospective study was to compare the effectiveness of gamma knife radiosurgery ( gks ) for multiple cerebral metastases with that of whole-brain radiation therapy ( wbrt ) .||TREAT_FOR_DIS in the gks group , large lesions ( > 30 mm ) were removed surgically and all other small lesions ( < or = 30 mm ) were treated by gks .||TREAT_FOR_DIS new distant lesions were treated by repeated gks without prophylactic wbrt .||TREAT_FOR_DIS conclusions : gamma knife radiosurgery without prophylactic wbrt could be a primary choice of treatment for patients with as many as 10 cerebral metastases from nonsmall cell cancer .||TREAT_FOR_DIS the notable exception has been docetaxel , which has been extensively studied as a second-line therapy for nsclc .||TREAT_FOR_DIS object : the purpose of this retrospective study was to compare the effectiveness of gamma knife radiosurgery ( gks ) for multiple cerebral metastases with that of whole-brain radiation therapy ( wbrt ) .||TREAT_FOR_DIS patients with a single non-sclc , breast , melanoma , renal cell , and ovarian carcinoma brain metastasis have the best chance for long-term survival if treated with surgical resection and wbrt .||TREAT_FOR_DIS objective : careful patient selection is vital when video-assisted thoracoscopic surgical ( vats ) therapeutic pulmonary metastasectomy of colorectal carcinoma is considered .||TREAT_FOR_DIS we reviewed our vats experience for therapeutic metastasectomy of peripheral colorectal pulmonary metastases .||TREAT_FOR_DIS methods : over 90 months , therapeutic vats metastasectomy was accomplished upon 80 patients with colorectal metastases .||TREAT_FOR_DIS conclusions : therapeutic vats resection of colorectal metastases appears efficacious .||TREAT_FOR_DIS objectives : to review the spectrum of presentation and the surgical management of non small cell lung cancer ( nsclc ) and the role of various diagnostic modalities in predicting the post-operative stage and the correlation of the post-operative stage with the chances of recurrence .||TREAT_FOR_DIS patients with limited-stage small-cell carcinoma of the lung are treated with combined-modality therapy with the intent to cure .||TREAT_FOR_DIS in the past several years , new chemotherapeutic agents , including the taxanes and the topoisomerase i inhibitors , have demonstrated substantial activity against small-cell carcinoma .||TREAT_FOR_DIS we evaluated the role of chemotherapy for patients with brain metastases from nsclc .||TREAT_FOR_DIS methods : we analyzed 30 patients who were discovered to have brain metastases during the diagnosis of 121 patients enrolled in three consecutive clinical trials on advanced nsclc assessing combination chemotherapy of cisplatin , ifosfamide and irinotecan with rhg-csf support .||TREAT_FOR_DIS conclusions : both the response rate and survival data in this retrospective study suggest a high degree of activity of this combination chemotherapy in patients with brain metastases from nsclc .||TREAT_FOR_DIS the aim of this study was the evaluation of both the antitumour activity and toxicity of an immunochemotherapeutic regimen consisting of interferon-alpha2b and interleukin-2 in combination with fotemustine for patients with metastatic melanoma .||TREAT_FOR_DIS to explore the induction of chemotherapy ( ct ) dna damage and its correlation with tumor response and patient survival , we undertook the present study in 20 small cell lung cancer ( sclc ) patients .||TREAT_FOR_DIS in patients with metastatic colorectal cancer , intravenous oxaliplatin has been trialled as a monotherapy and in combination with other agents .||TREAT_FOR_DIS neoadjuvant therapy with oxaliplatin/fluorouracil/folinic acid has proven beneficial in enabling surgical removal of previously unresectable liver metastases .||TREAT_FOR_DIS in 2 studies , surgery with curative intent was performed in 16 and 51 % of patients with initially unresectable liver metastases following oxaliplatin/fluorouracil/folinic acid therapy ; the 5-year survival rates were 40 and 50 % , respectively .||TREAT_FOR_DIS in patients with advanced ovarian cancer , first-line therapy with oxaliplatin/cyclophosphamide achieved an objective response rate which did not differ significantly from that of cisplatin/cyclophosphamide ( 33 vs 42 % ) .||TREAT_FOR_DIS in addition , oxaliplatin has shown efficacy in patients with platinum-pretreated ovarian cancer and achieved objective response rates similar to paclitaxel in this setting ( 16 vs 17 % ) .||TREAT_FOR_DIS promising results have also been found with oxaliplatin in patients with non-hodgkin 's lymphoma , breast cancer , mesothelioma and non-small cell lung cancer .||TREAT_FOR_DIS conclusion : oxaliplatin in combination with fluorouracil/folinic acid is an effective treatment option for patients with metastatic colorectal cancer , both as a first-line therapy and in patients refractory to previous chemotherapy .||TREAT_FOR_DIS additional clinical investigation of oxaliplatin in patients with other cancers is warranted given the promising results achieved in early trials , most notably in patients with platinum-pretreated ovarian cancer .||TREAT_FOR_DIS combined modality treatment has 'come out of age ' and increasingly represents standard of care for a rapidly growing number of patients in locally advanced stages of nsclc .||TREAT_FOR_DIS the current study was designed to assess the prognostic value of immunomorphologic changes in locoregional lymph nodes and lymphocytic infiltration of primary tumor ( li ) in patients who undergo resection for bronchogenic carcinoma .||TREAT_FOR_DIS conclusions : lymph node immunoreactivity and li significantly influence long term survival after curative surgery for patients with carcinoma of the lung and may be useful in stratifying patients for prospective trials of adjuvant treatment , including immunotherapy .||TREAT_FOR_DIS the drug is currently in phase iii clinical trials for patients with non-small cell lung cancer in combination with paclitaxel and carboplatin , as well as in advanced hormone refractory prostate cancer in combination with mitoxantrone .||TREAT_FOR_DIS standard treatment of sclc consists of platinum-based combination chemotherapy , with thoracic irradiation added for patients with limited-stage disease .||TREAT_FOR_DIS several newer chemotherapeutic drugs have recently been shown to have significant activity in patients with untreated or relapsed sclc .||TREAT_FOR_DIS we recently performed completion pneumonectomy of the left lung in a 70-year-old man with hemophilia a , for squamous cell carcinoma in the residual left lung .||TREAT_FOR_DIS objective : several reports emphasize the importance of en-bloc resection as the optimal surgical treatment of lung cancer with chest wall invasion .||TREAT_FOR_DIS methods : between 1981 and 1998 , 100 patients ( 90 male ; ten female ) , with a median age of 60 years ( 36-84 ) , underwent radical en-bloc resection of non-small cell lung cancer ( nsclc ) with chest wall involvement .||TREAT_FOR_DIS over the past 17 years ( 1981 to 1997 ) , 29 patients underwent complete pulmonary resection for primary lung cancer accompanied by satellite nodules in the same lobe as the primary .||TREAT_FOR_DIS of 1 , 042 patients with primary lung cancer who underwent resection from 1982 to 1995 , 549 patients with adenocarcinoma ( ad ) and 363 with squamous cell carcinoma ( sq ) were included in this study .||TREAT_FOR_DIS for small cell lung cancer ( sclc ) , which accounts for approximately 20 % of cases of lung cancer , the primary treatment is chemotherapy and in the majority of cases the primary aim is to control the disease which generally would have spread beyond the lungs at the time of presentation .||TREAT_FOR_DIS a growing body of evidence suggests that postoperative irradiation for non-small cell lung cancer may cause life-threatening toxicity and , when the risk of local-regional recurrence is low , the toxicity of irradiation may outweight the benefit .||SIDE_EFF as a best-case scenario , postoperative irradiation may improve the chance for long-term survival in patients with n2 tumors .||TREAT_FOR_DIS for patients with stage i or ii non-small cell lung cancer ( nsclc ) , surgical resection is considered the standard of care .||TREAT_FOR_DIS efforts at improving survival for early-stage nsclc patients have focused on the use of chemotherapy administered postoperatively ( adjuvant ) or preoperatively ( neoadjuvant or induction ) to eradicate micrometastatic disease .||TREAT_FOR_DIS chemotherapy administered before surgery or definitive irradiation has improved survival rates in patients with stage iii nsclc .||TREAT_FOR_DIS patients : patients with a single ( n = 2 , 764 ) and synchronous nsclc ( n = 85 ) who underwent pulmonary resection .||TREAT_FOR_DIS background : prophylactic cranial irradiation halves the rate of brain metastases in patients with small cell lung cancer .||TREAT_FOR_DIS objectives : this study aims to test whether prophylactic cranial irradiation prolongs survival of patients with small cell lung cancer in complete remission .||TREAT_FOR_DIS reviewer 's conclusions : prophylactic cranial irradiation significantly improves survival and disease-free survival for patients with small cell lung cancer in complete remission .||TREAT_FOR_DIS methods : non-small cell lung cancer cells were treated with gemcitabine , harvested , and nuclear extracts analyzed for nf-kappab dna binding by electrophoretic mobility shift assays .||TREAT_FOR_DIS novel treatment strategies for patients with advanced nsclc may involve chemotherapy combined with inhibition of nf-kappab-dependent cell-survival pathways .||TREAT_FOR_DIS combination chemotherapy is the cornerstone of treatment that confers a meaningful survival benefit for patients with small-cell lung cancer .||TREAT_FOR_DIS in single-agent phase ii studies , irinotecan yielded response rates between 16 % and 47 % in patients with previously treated small-cell lung cancer .||TREAT_FOR_DIS a phase ii study of irinotecan in combination with cisplatin ( platinol ) resulted in a response rate of 86 % and a median survival of 13.0 months in patients with extensive-disease small-cell lung cancer .||TREAT_FOR_DIS based on these results , the irinotecan and cisplatin combination is a new standard regimen in the treatment of extensive-disease small-cell lung cancer .||TREAT_FOR_DIS background : both gemcitabine and etoposide are active in the treatment of small-cell lung cancer ( sclc ) , and are characterised by mild toxicity profiles .||TREAT_FOR_DIS patients and methods : forty-two chemo-naive extensive disease sclc patients were enrolled to receive gemcitabine 1000 mg/m2 , days 1 , 8 and 15 , and etoposide 80 mg/m2 , days 8 , 9 and 10 of a 28-day cycle .||TREAT_FOR_DIS background : to find the maximum tolerated dose for ifosfamide in combination with paclitaxel and carboplatin in small-cell lung cancer patients ( sclc ) , who are resistant to cyclophosphamide , doxorubicin and etoposide ( cde ) .||TREAT_FOR_DIS conclusions : the maximum tolerated dose of this combination for patients with resistant sclc is ifosfamide 2000 mg/m2 in combination with paclitaxel 175 mg/m2 and carboplatin auc 6 mg/ml min administered on the first day of a 21-day cycle .||TREAT_FOR_DIS many endobronchial treatment modalities are available to supplement traditional therapies for advanced lung cancer .||TREAT_FOR_DIS methods : the author reviews the use of several endobronchial treatment modalities that can augment standard antitumor therapies for advanced lung cancer , including rigid and flexible bronchoscopy , laser therapy , endobronchial prosthesis , and photodynamic therapy .||TREAT_FOR_DIS conclusions : endobronchial interventions are important adjuncts in the multimodality management of lung cancer and should become standard considerations in the management of patients with advanced lung cancer .||TREAT_FOR_DIS standard operations for lung cancer patients are generally accepted as performing lobectomy or pneumonectomy on the tumor baring lung and ipsilateral hilar and mediastinal lymphadenectomy including subcarinal lymph nodes .||TREAT_FOR_DIS small cell lung cancer is a frequently relapsing tumor despite a high rate of response after first-line chemotherapy .||TREAT_FOR_DIS for symptomatic metastases in bone or brain , radiotherapy usually gives temporary palliation .||TREAT_FOR_DIS for intrathoracic relapse and severe obstruction of main bronchus and/or superior caval vein , radiotherapy is a possibility if not given as part of first-line treatment .||TREAT_FOR_DIS tumor vaccines against gangliosides that are expressed on almost all human sclc cells have been recently developed .||PREVENT an anti-idiotypic monoclonal antibody against the gd3 ganglioside , bec-2 , is being evaluated after chemotherapy in sclc patients in a european study .||TREAT_FOR_DIS the matrix metalloproteinase inhibitors marimastat and bms-275291 are under evaluation in sclc .||TREAT_FOR_DIS we attempted a new regimen of intermittent administration of 5-fu and low-dose isovorin ( f.i ) to four patients with advanced and recurrent colon cancer .||TREAT_FOR_DIS purpose/objectives : to describe the relationship between fatigue and nutritional status in patients receiving radiation therapy for lung cancer .||TREAT_FOR_DIS sample : 45 adults with primary cancer of the lung receiving < outpatient primary or adjuvant radiation therapy .||TREAT_FOR_DIS we present the case of a patient with metastatic transitional cell carcinoma of the bladder and renal failure who underwent successful systemic chemotherapy with paclitaxel and carboplatin .||TREAT_FOR_DIS background : the objective of this phase ii study was to evaluate the concept of sequential chemotherapy in the treatment of patients with advanced nonsmall cell lung carcinoma ( nsclc ) by the administration of carboplatin plus gemcitabine followed by of paclitaxel .||TREAT_FOR_DIS conclusions : this study is the first to evaluate planned sequential chemotherapy in patients with nsclc .||TREAT_FOR_DIS patients who benefit from a surgical resection for non-small-cell lung cancer with aneuploid dna content prove to have a higher risk of death .||TREAT_FOR_DIS purpose : this randomized trial was designed to determine whether paclitaxel plus carboplatin ( pc ) offered a survival advantage over vinorelbine plus cisplatin ( vc ) for patients with advanced non -- small-cell lung cancer .||TREAT_FOR_DIS conclusion : pc is equally efficacious as vc for the treatment of advanced non -- small-cell lung cancer .||TREAT_FOR_DIS purpose : a prospective randomized trial in small-cell lung cancer ( sclc ) was performed to determine if intensification of the platinum dose by giving cisplatin and carboplatin in combination to patients with sclc yields higher response rates and survival , than carboplatin alone in a combination chemotherapy regimen .||TREAT_FOR_DIS conclusions : the intensification of platinum dose ( cisplatin plus carboplatin ) in combination chemotherapy significantly increased the complete response rate , overall survival and number of two-year survivors among sclc patients with limited disease compared to combination therapy with carboplatin alone , suggesting that a more aggressive treatment to this category of patients is worthwhile , while no difference in treatment outcome was observed for patients with extensive disease .||TREAT_FOR_DIS the aim of this study was to investigate the relationships among technetium-99m tetrofosmin ( tc-tf ) accumulation in untreated small cell lung cancer ( sclc ) , the expression of p-glycoprotein ( pgp ) and multidrug resistance related protein-1 ( mrp1 ) , and the response to chemotherapy in patients with untreated sclc .||TREAT_FOR_DIS tc-tf chest scintigraphy correlated well with pgp or mrp1 expression and accurately predicted the response to chemotherapy in patients with sclc .||TREAT_FOR_DIS exploratory interventions , partial tumor resections and lung resections for metastasis were more frequently performed in young patients than in older patients .||TREAT_FOR_DIS in the present report , we reviewed articles on pulmonary angiography for patients with pulmonary hypertension .||TREAT_FOR_DIS prophylactic cranial irradiation ( pci ) has been demonstrated to significantly reduce the incidence of brain relapse from limited disease small-cell lung cancer ( ld sclc ) , but concerns about neurologic toxicity remain .||TREAT_FOR_DIS thus , twice-daily pci should be considered for patients with ld sclc who achieve a complete response to chemoirradiation .||TREAT_FOR_DIS animal studies suggest that the kidney is involved in the elimination of recombinant human granulocyte colony-stimulating factor ( rhg-csf ) , which is used for patients with neutropenia during cancer chemotherapy .||TREAT_FOR_DIS amifostine ( wr-2721 ) is a cytoprotective agent that protects a broad range of normal tissues from the toxic effects of chemotherapy and radiotherapy without attenuating tumour response .||PREVENT in a pivotal phase iii trial , 242 patients with advanced ovarian cancer were randomised to receive treatment with cisplatin 100 mg/m2 and cyclophosphamide 1000 mg/m2 every 3 weeks with or without pretreatment with intravenous amifostine 910 mg/m2 .||TREAT_FOR_DIS over 6 cycles of therapy , amifostine significantly reduced haematological , renal and neurological toxicities : treatment delays , treatment discontinuation and days in hospital related to these adverse events were also significantly reduced in patients receiving amifostine versus patients receiving chemotherapy alone .||TREAT_FOR_DIS in another randomised phase iii trial in 303 patients with head and neck cancer undergoing irradiation therapy ( total dose 50 to 70gy ) , pretreatment with intravenous amifostine 200 mg/m2 significantly reduced the incidence of acute and late grade > or =2 xerostomia .||TO_SEE amifostine ( 340 mg/m2 ) also provided significant protection against pneumonitis and oesophagitis in patients with lung cancer receiving thoracic irradiation in a preliminary report from a phase iii trial ( n = 144 ) .||TREAT_FOR_DIS amifostine has also been shown to stimulate haematopoietic stem cells and has been investigated as a therapy for patients with myelodysplastic syndrome in number of small preliminary studies .||TREAT_FOR_DIS conclusion : the results of phase iii trials have confirmed the safety and efficacy of amifostine as a cytoprotectant to ameliorate cisplatin-induced cumulative renal toxicity , for which it is the only agent proven to be effective , and neutropenia in patients with advanced ovarian cancer , and to reduce xerostomia in patients with head and neck cancer receiving irradiation therapy .||TO_SEE depending on the outcome of numerous ongoing clinical trials , amifostine may eventually find broader clinical applications , both as a cytoprotectant and as a potential therapy in myelodysplastic syndrome .||TREAT_FOR_DIS to perform a curative operation for the lung cancer without myocardial infarction , minimally invasive direct coronary artery bypass and left lower lobectomy with video-endoscopic assistance were performed simultaneously .||TREAT_FOR_DIS A review of the fetal-maternal carboxyhemoglobin relationships and the differences in fetal oxyhemoglobin physiology are used to explain the recommendation that pregnant women with carbon monoxide poisoning should receive 100 % oxygen therapy for up to five times longer than is otherwise necessary .||TREAT_FOR_DIS The authors describe the case of a child with status epilepticus in whom phenytoin was administered via the intraosseous route , and seizure resolution and therapeutic serum levels were achieved .||TREAT_FOR_DIS A patient suffering baclofen overdose successfully treated with atropine is reported .||TREAT_FOR_DIS Atropine appears to be useful in treating cases of baclofen overdose complicated by bradycardia and hypotension .||TREAT_FOR_DIS Therapeutic effect of a left ventricular assist device on acute myocardial infarction evaluated by magnetic resonance imaging .||TREAT_FOR_DIS Continuous arteriovenous hemofiltration for the treatment of anasarca and acute renal failure in severely burned patients .||TREAT_FOR_DIS Continuous renal replacement therapy in patients with acute renal dysfunction undergoing intraaortic balloon pump and/or left ventricular device support .||TREAT_FOR_DIS Continuous arterio-venous hemofiltration in a wearable device to treat end-stage renal disease .||TREAT_FOR_DIS The effectiveness of neostigmine 0.07 mg kg-1 and edrophonium 0.8 mg kg-1 as antagonists of profound neuromuscular blockade induced by vecuronium 0.1 mg kg-1 or atracurium 0.5 mg kg-1 was studied in 59 healthy patients .||TREAT_FOR_DIS Antagonism of atracurium-induced neuromuscular blockade by neostigmine or edrophonium has been studied using the tetanic ( 50 Hz ) and train-of-four ( 2 Hz ) or single twitch responses of the adductor pollicis muscle in 22 anaesthetized patients .||TREAT_FOR_DIS Active forms of vitamin D3 , 1 alpha-hydroxyvitamin D3 and 1 alpha , 25-dihydroxyvitamin D3 , were administered in an open-design study to 40 patients with psoriasis vulgaris in three ways : to 17 patients 1 alpha-hydroxyvitamin D3 was given orally at a dose of 1.0 micrograms/day for 6 months , to four patients 1 alpha , 25-dihydroxyvitamin D3 was given orally at a dose of 0.5 microgram/day for 6 months , and 19 patients were given 1 alpha , 25-dihydroxyvitamin D3 applied topically at concentration of 0.5 microgram/g of base for 8 weeks .||TREAT_FOR_DIS These data suggest that psoriasis may respond to active metabolites of vitamin D3 and that abnormalities in vitamin D metabolism or in responsiveness of the skin cells to active metabolites of vitamin D may be involved in the pathogenesis of this skin disease .||TREAT_FOR_DIS Successful treatment of psoriasis with topical application of active vitamin D3 analogue , 1 alpha , 24-dihydroxycholecalciferol .||TREAT_FOR_DIS We suggest that 1 alpha , 24 ( OH ) 2D3 merits further investigation as a potentially useful topical therapy for psoriasis .||TREAT_FOR_DIS When indomethacin was applied immediately after irradiation , UVR ( ultraviolet radiation ) dose-dependent suppression of erythema was demonstrated for both wavelengths until 36 h after irradiation when both indomethacin and control gel base-treated sites were equally erythematous .||TREAT_FOR_DIS Suppression of erythema also occurred when application of indomethacin was delayed until 24 h after irradiation , showing that for both wavelengths prostaglandin synthesis remains increased throughout this period .||TREAT_FOR_DIS There was one retinal dialysis , and one lens dislocation requiring extraction .||TREAT_FOR_DIS Rates of superoxide ( SA ) generation by blood monocytes stimulated ex vivo were studied before and during corticosteroid treatment of rheumatoid arthritis ( RA ) patients , in control patients and in healthy controls .||TREAT_FOR_DIS Significant inhibition of monocyte SA output stimulated with IgG-treated zymosan ( ITZ ) and fluoride ion ( F ) , but not serum-treated zymosan ( STZ ) was demonstrated following steroid therapy in RA .||TREAT_FOR_DIS Methotrexate ( MTX ) appears to be useful in patients with rheumatoid arthritis ( RA ) refractory to other drugs but its long-term toxicity and efficacy are uncertain .||TREAT_FOR_DIS MTX in a low-dose regimen is useful in refractory RA and superior to low-dose purine analogues .||TREAT_FOR_DIS Twelve patients with intractable rheumatoid arthritis were treated with antilymphocyte globulin ( ALG ) , prednisolone and a cytotoxic agent , usually azathioprine , and were followed for 1 year .||TREAT_FOR_DIS Rigid ureteroscopy for the treatment of ureteric calculi : experience in 120 cases .||TREAT_FOR_DIS Over a 1-year period , rigid ureteroscopy has been used to retrieve ureteric calculi in 120 patients .||TREAT_FOR_DIS Eleven patients with vesicoureteric reflux secondary to neuropathic bladder were treated by endoscopic injection of pyrolised polytetrafluoroethylene ( Polytef ) paste .||TREAT_FOR_DIS Two hundred and seventy-seven patients with advanced prostatic cancer were treated by either orchiectomy or oestrogen .||TREAT_FOR_DIS Use of scarred flaps and secondary flaps for reconstructive surgery of extensive burns .||TREAT_FOR_DIS A patient with a vesico-enteric fistula was successfully treated with resection of the small intestine and dome of the bladder and drainage of the intervening abscess .||TREAT_FOR_DIS Supramaximal horizontal rectus surgery in the management of third and sixth nerve palsy .||TREAT_FOR_DIS Supramaximal medial and lateral rectus surgery was performed to correct horizontal deviations in seven cases of sixth nerve palsy and three cases of third nerve palsy , with satisfactory results in most cases .||TREAT_FOR_DIS Steroid therapy was also used in two patients with NSAID-induced proteinuria .||TREAT_FOR_DIS Recombinant leukocyte A interferon ( rIFN-alpha A ) in the treatment of disseminated malignant melanoma .||TREAT_FOR_DIS Ninety-six patients with disseminated malignant melanoma received thrice weekly intramuscular injections of leukocyte A recombinant interferon ( rIFN-alpha A , Roferon-A , Hoffmann La Roche ) at doses of 12 X 10 ( 6 ) U/m2 or 50 X 10 ( 6 ) U/m2 with or without cimetidine as an immunorestorative agent .||TREAT_FOR_DIS As noted previously , using chemotherapy , a small proportion of patients with advanced malignant melanoma , despite prior therapy , may achieve prolonged objective regression with rIFN-alpha A .||TREAT_FOR_DIS Clinical course of breast cancer patients with osseous metastasis treated with combination chemotherapy .||TREAT_FOR_DIS Between July 1973 and December 1979 , 1171 patients with metastatic breast cancer were treated with doxorubicin-containing chemotherapy .||TREAT_FOR_DIS Two patients with metastatic dysgerminoma of the ovary were treated with a combination of etoposide , bleomycin , and cisplatin at The University of Texas M.D .||TREAT_FOR_DIS Chemotherapy may be an alternative to radiotherapy for the treatment of metastatic dysgerminoma and should also be considered for selected patients with Stage I disease .||TREAT_FOR_DIS Long-term survival and morbidity in patients with metastatic malignant germ cell tumors treated with cisplatin-based combination chemotherapy .||TREAT_FOR_DIS Treatment of advanced stage mycosis fungoides with bleomycin , doxorubicin , and methotrexate with topical nitrogen mustard ( BAM-M ) .||TREAT_FOR_DIS Ten patients with advanced stage ( TNM IIB-IVB ) mycosis fungoides were treated with a combination chemotherapy program consisting of bleomycin and methotrexate weekly , doxorubicin every 3 weeks , and topical nitrogen mustard daily ( BAM-M ) .||TREAT_FOR_DIS Three patients in whom splenomegaly was detected during their staging evaluation underwent splenectomy .||TREAT_FOR_DIS This study indicates that BAM-M is effective therapy for advanced stage mycosis fungoides and suggests that the therapeutic role of splenectomy should be evaluated further .||TREAT_FOR_DIS Only patients whose primary head and neck tumor shows a response to systemic therapy undergo Ommaya placement .||TREAT_FOR_DIS Additional chemotherapy may thus have eradicated these micrometastases in the older children , since the age influence on Stage II disease disappeared when multimodal treatment was given in this study .||TREAT_FOR_DIS Traditional therapy for malignant pleural effusions includes thoracentesis or tube drainage with instillation of irritants to achieve pleurodesis .||TREAT_FOR_DIS We feel that pleuroperitoneal shunting is a valid new method for treatment of malignant pleural effusions which can effectively palliate respiratory symptoms with low morbidity .||TREAT_FOR_DIS When right ventricular failure prohibits separation from cardiopulmonary bypass , standard methods of increasing pulmonary blood flow should be employed , including correction of hypoxia and acidosis , volume loading , and inotropic support of the right ventricle .||TREAT_FOR_DIS For refractory right ventricular failure following the surgical repair of congenital cardiac defects in which the placement of right atrial and pulmonary artery cannulae is not technically feasible , use of high-frequency high-volume ventilation appears to be quite promising .||TREAT_FOR_DIS Current results suggest that RHBP remains the gold standard for severe RV failure , but further clinical experience with PABC may more clearly define its role in the management of RV failure .||TREAT_FOR_DIS Guiding surgical therapy of ventricular tachycardia by preoperative endocardial catheter mapping necessitates improvement of the accuracy of localization of the arrhythmogenic site .||TREAT_FOR_DIS However , the results of this study indicate that procainamide may be effective in suppressing the induction of sustained ventricular tachycardia at a relatively low plasma concentration , but not at a higher plasma concentration .||TREAT_FOR_DIS Coronary angioplasty for early postinfarction unstable angina .||TREAT_FOR_DIS Coronary angioplasty was performed in 53 patients in whom unstable angina had reoccurred after 48 hr and within 30 days after sustained myocardial infarction .||TREAT_FOR_DIS At 6 months follow-up 26 % ( 14/53 ) of all the patients who underwent angioplasty had recurrence of angina , which was successfully treated with repeat angioplasty , bypass surgery , or medical therapy .||TREAT_FOR_DIS Coronary dissection and total coronary occlusion leading to emergency coronary surgery are the most frequent complications of percutaneous transluminal coronary angioplasty ( PTCA ) and their occurrence usually is unpredictable .||TREAT_FOR_DIS Effect of zanamivir on duration and resolution of influenza symptoms .||TREAT_FOR_DIS A comparison of a five-day regimen of cefdinir with a seven-day regimen of loracarbef for the treatment of acute exacerbations of chronic bronchitis .||TREAT_FOR_DIS Initial empiric therapy for community-acquired bacterial meningitis should be based on the possibility that penicillin-resistant pneumococci may be the etiologic organisms and , hence , should include a combination of third-generation cephalosporin ( cefotaxime or ceftriaxone ) and vancomycin .||TREAT_FOR_DIS Ampicillin should be included if the patient has predisposing factors that are associated with a risk for infection with Listeria monocytogenes .||TREAT_FOR_DIS Results of clinical trials and meta-analysis suggest that dexamethasone therapy improves the outcome for patients with bacterial meningitis .||TREAT_FOR_DIS Placebo-controlled trials have shown that vitamin C supplementation decreases the duration and severity of common cold infections .||TREAT_FOR_DIS Since few trials have examined the effects of therapeutic supplementation and their results have been variable , further therapeutic trials are required to examine the role of vitamin C in the treatment of colds .||TREAT_FOR_DIS Progressive multifocal leukoencephalopathy following oral fludarabine treatment of chronic lymphocytic leukemia .||TO_SEE PURPOSE : To review reported inflammatory reactions occurring after initiation of highly active antiretroviral therapy ( HAART ) in persons infected with HIV-1 and to explore the mechanisms leading to these reactions .||TO_SEE Levofloxacin versus intravenous ceftriaxone and amoxicillin/clavulanate in the treatment of community-acquired pneumonia that require hospitalization ||TREAT_FOR_DIS Overall 1 year survival ( operative deaths excluded ) was 68 % after tumor resection compared to 31 % after palliative surgery ( P < 0.001 ) .||TREAT_FOR_DIS The results of this study show that resection of extrahepatic bile duct carcinomas , particularly in an upper-third localization , is often associated with worthwhile long-term survival .||TREAT_FOR_DIS Background : N-acetylcysteine ( NAC ) and ambroxol ( AMB ) have recently been proposed as possible therapeutic agents in the treatment of pulmonary disorders .||TREAT_FOR_DIS Postoperative alkaline reflux after total gastrectomy for stomach cancer ||TO_SEE Antimicrobial therapy for respiratory disease .||TREAT_FOR_DIS Corticosteroids for the treatment of croup .||TREAT_FOR_DIS BACKGROUND : In the present study we investigated the efficacy and tolerability of i.m. octreotide acetate ( octreotide LAR ) in patients with metastatic neuroendocrine tumors ( NETs ) previously treated and failed on i.m. lanreotide .||TO_SEE The PR was observed in one patient with non-functioning endocrine pancreatic tumor with progressive liver and lymph node metastases after 16 months of i.m. lanreotide therapy .||TREAT_FOR_DIS CONCLUSIONS : Octreotide LAR 20 mg shows significant efficacy in terms of objective response rate ( PR + SD ) , biochemical and symptomatic control in patients with metastatic NETs of the GEP system pretreated and progressing on slow release lanreotide .||TREAT_FOR_DIS Inchinko-to ( TJ-135 ) is a herbal medicine consisting of three kinds of crude drugs , and in Japan it is administered mainly to patients with cholestasis .||TREAT_FOR_DIS The present study evaluated the effects of TJ-135 on concanavalin A ( con A ) -induced hepatitis in mice in vivo and con A-induced cytokine production in vitro .||TREAT_FOR_DIS These results suggest that con A-induced hepatitis was ameliorated by pretreatment with TJ-135 .||TREAT_FOR_DIS Therefore administration of TJ-135 may be useful in patients with severe acute hepatitis accompanying cholestasis or in those with autoimmune hepatitis .||TREAT_FOR_DIS Zinc lozenges -- a cure for common colds ? ||TREAT_FOR_DIS T-helper type 2 cell-directed therapy for asthma .||TREAT_FOR_DIS Effects of the Japanese herbal medicine 'Inchinko-to ' ( TJ-135 ) on concanavalin A-induced hepatitis in mice .||TREAT_FOR_DIS Presumed cavernomas have been documented following radiation for malignancy ( 5-6 ) , and sterotactic cerebral biopsy ( 7 ) .||TREAT_FOR_DIS Surgical management of syringomyelia associated with spinal adhesive arachnoiditis .||TREAT_FOR_DIS Discontinuation of secondary prophylaxis for cryptococcal meningitis in HIV-infected patients responding to highly active antiretroviral therapy ||TREAT_FOR_DIS Hepatectomy for cholangiocarcinoma complicated with right umbilical portion : anomalous configuration of the intrahepatic biliary tree .||TREAT_FOR_DIS Traditionally , the therapy of symptomatic bronchiectasis is based on antibiotics , antibronchoobstructive medication , and chest physical therapy .||TREAT_FOR_DIS Bilateral lung transplantation should be considered in younger patients with severe , generalized bronchiectasis and respiratory failure .||TREAT_FOR_DIS Prospective , randomized , largescale trials supporting any of the different treatment strategies are not available , but antibiotics and surgery probably have improved the long-term outcome of many patients with bronchiectasis .||TREAT_FOR_DIS OBJECTIVES : Interest in zinc as a treatment for the common cold has grown following the recent publication of several controlled trials .||TREAT_FOR_DIS The objective of this review was to assess the effects of zinc lozenges for cold symptoms .||TREAT_FOR_DIS Results from two trials ( 04 - Mossad ; 08 - Smith ) suggested zinc lozenges reduced the severity and duration of cold symptoms .||TREAT_FOR_DIS Given the potential for treatment to produce side effects , the use of zinc lozenges to treat cold symptoms deserves further study .||TREAT_FOR_DIS Randomized trial of interferon-alpha plus ursodeoxycholic acid versus interferon plus placebo in patients with chronic hepatitis C resistant to interferon ||TREAT_FOR_DIS We describe a rare case of spontaneous rupture of a hepatic metastasis from renal cell carcinoma that was treated successfully by hepatic arterial embolization .||TREAT_FOR_DIS A 65-year-old woman , who had been undergoing immunotherapy for inoperably disseminated renal carcinoma and lung metastases , presented with severe abdominal pain in a state of hypovolemic shock .||TREAT_FOR_DIS Although hepatic rupture due to metastatic cancer is extremely rare , transcatheter arterial embolization ( TAE ) is an appropriate and useful treatment for massive hemorrhage caused by spontaneous rupture of liver metastasis .||TREAT_FOR_DIS Patients with classical symptoms such as heartburn and regurgitation may be treated pharmaceutically combined with life style counselling .||TREAT_FOR_DIS Surgical treatment is a good alternative for patients with persistent severe regurgitation during medical therapy and for young patients who prefer surgery to lifelong medication .||TREAT_FOR_DIS The surgical treatment of lung lacerations and major bronchial disruptions caused by blunt thoracic trauma .||TREAT_FOR_DIS BACKGROUND : An increasing number of reports indicate symptomatic relief of biliary colic symptoms after cholecystectomy for biliary dyskinesia .||TREAT_FOR_DIS Despite this , cholecystectomy as a treatment for biliary dyskinesia remains controversial .||TREAT_FOR_DIS Our aim was to determine efficacy of cholecystectomy in alleviating biliary dyskinesia symptoms and the correlation with histologic findings .||TREAT_FOR_DIS CONCLUSIONS : Biliary dyskinesia patients who underwent cholecystectomy had significantly greater symptom improvement compared with nonsurgical patients .||TREAT_FOR_DIS Cholecystectomy should be a first-line therapy for biliary dyskinesia patients .||TREAT_FOR_DIS Transbronchial biopsy revealed inflammatory nonspecific alveolar lesions suggestive of bronchiolitis obliterans organizing pneumonia , which responded well clinically and radiologically to oral corticosteroids .||TREAT_FOR_DIS Novel treatment strategies for patients with advanced NSCLC may involve chemotherapy combined with inhibition of NF-kappaB-dependent cell-survival pathways .||TREAT_FOR_DIS Effectiveness of pseudoephedrine plus acetaminophen for treatment of symptoms attributed to the paranasal sinuses associated with the common cold ||TREAT_FOR_DIS OBJECTIVE : This retrospective study was designed to confirm that aggressive pulmonary resection can provide effective long-term palliation of disease for patients with pulmonary aspergilloma .||TREAT_FOR_DIS METHODS AND RESULTS : From 1959 to 1998 , 84 patients underwent a total of 90 operations for treatment of pulmonary aspergilloma in the Marie-Lannelongue Hospital .||TREAT_FOR_DIS The lesion was resected by video-assisted thoracoscopic surgery because it was suspected of being a lung abscess that had caused repeated episodes of inflammation .||TREAT_FOR_DIS In this study , we investigated the expression and therapeutic potential of TRAIL in cholangiocarcinoma , one of the most devastating human hepatic malignancies .||TREAT_FOR_DIS Finally , in vivo administration of recombinant TRAIL substantially inhibited subcutaneous tumor growth of human cholangiocarcinoma cells .||TREAT_FOR_DIS Induction of apoptosis in tumor cells is possible with a biologically active TRAIL , and suggests that this cytokine is a promising antitumor agent against human cholangiocarcinoma .||TREAT_FOR_DIS Interferon plays a critical role in the host 's natural defense against viral infections and in their treatment .||TREAT_FOR_DIS This study investigated whether intensive chemotherapy might have a positive effect on asthma in these special cases and whether asthma generally relapses after completion of chemotherapy .||TREAT_FOR_DIS The authors monitored clinical outcome and lung function of 43 children with acute lymphoblastic leukemia and non-Hodgkin lymphoma who received chemotherapy at the University Children 's Hospital of Greifswald between 1993 and 1998 .||TREAT_FOR_DIS She was diagnosed as miliary tuberculosis and treated with antituberculous drugs .||TREAT_FOR_DIS The hemorrhage was successfully stopped by microcoil embolization .||TREAT_FOR_DIS Immunomodulatory effects of acupuncture in the treatment of allergic asthma : a randomized controlled study .||TREAT_FOR_DIS An open-label study of lamivudine for chronic hepatitis B in six patients with chronic renal failure before and after kidney transplantation .||TREAT_FOR_DIS CONCLUSION : The WDTA is an intrinsically motivating educational program that has the ability to effect determinants of asthma self-management behavior in 9- to 13-year-old children with asthma .||TREAT_FOR_DIS Usefulness of percutaneous transhepatic biliary drainage in patients with surgical jaundice -- a prospective randomised study .||TREAT_FOR_DIS Neutralization of hepatitis A virus ( HAV ) by an immunoadhesin containing the cysteine-rich region of HAV cellular receptor-1 ||TREAT_FOR_DIS To ascertain the results of standard ABVD chemotherapy ( doxorubicin , bleomycin , vinblastine , dacarbazine ) in HIV-infected patients with newly diagnosed Hodgkin 's disease ( HD ) , a nonrandomized , prospective , multiinstitutional clinical trial was conducted by the AIDS Clinical Trials Group ( ACTG ) , in HIV-infected patients with Hodgkin 's disease .||TREAT_FOR_DIS The effectiveness of glucocorticoids in treating croup : meta-analysis ( see comments ) ||TREAT_FOR_DIS PURPOSE : Inhaled corticosteroids have beneficial effects on pulmonary function and inflammation in patients with asthma , but they also cause systemic adverse effects , such as adrenal suppression .||TREAT_FOR_DIS Second , children in the first year of life are at highest risk of progression and should be treated with trimethoprim-sulfamethoxazole to prevent Pneumocystis carinii pneumonia , and targeted for receiving antiretrovirals .||PREVENT Effectiveness of casein hydrolysate feedings in infants with colic ( see comments ) ||TREAT_FOR_DIS We conclude that antimicrobial/ antituberculous agents have only a minor short-term effect in long-lasting CGM of undetermined cause .||TREAT_FOR_DIS The patient had previously been immunized with two doses of Hib conjugate vaccine ( PRP-T ) .||PREVENT Thus , s-ECP appears to be a useful marker for determining when a step-down in iBDP therapy is indicated , and thus may contribute to successful long-term management of chronic asthma .||TREAT_FOR_DIS Twinrix ( SmithKline Beecham Biologicals ) is a combined hepatitis A and B vaccine licensed with a three-dose schedule .||PREVENT A two-dose combined hepatitis A and B vaccine would facilitate immunisation programs .||PREVENT Therefore , it can be concluded that with two injections of the high-dose hepatitis A and B vaccine , 6 months apart , a similar immune response can be obtained as induced with three doses of Twinrix at months 0 , 1 and 6 .||PREVENT AIM : To assess the impact on community-based pediatricians of the conclusions of the 10th Conference de Consensus en Therapeutique Anti-Infectieuse ( CCTAI ) on the antibiotic treatment in acute nasopharyngitis ( ANP ) .||TREAT_FOR_DIS CONCLUSIONS : These data , the first evidence that chronic stress can inhibit the stability of the IgG antibody response to a bacterial vaccine for pneumonia , provide additional evidence of health risks associated with dementia caregiving .||PREVENT We assessed the prevalence of head louse infestation and the effectiveness of 1 % permethrin against head lice in Kosovar refugees .||TREAT_FOR_DIS Refugees with crawling lice were treated with a pediculicide containing 1 % permethrin .||TREAT_FOR_DIS We conclude that 1 % permethrin treatment was effective in louse control in this refugee population .||TREAT_FOR_DIS Antibiotics for Salmonella meningitis in children .||TREAT_FOR_DIS Four patients developed mild pancreatitis , one had moderate pancreatitis and one had leak of contrast , which was treated by administration of clear fluids orally for one day .||TREAT_FOR_DIS We treated two children with influenza-associated acute encephalopathy by a combination of mild hypothermia and steroid pulse therapy .||TREAT_FOR_DIS Successful treatment of anaerobic pleuropulmonary infections requires a combination of antibiotic therapy and surgical interventions .||TREAT_FOR_DIS Treatment of spontaneous carotid-cavernous fistula in Ehlers-Danlos syndrome by transvenous occlusion with Guglielmi detachable coils .||TREAT_FOR_DIS PURPOSE : Macrolide antibiotics are frequently prescribed to patients with symptoms of a common cold .||TREAT_FOR_DIS Because the symptoms of rhinovirus colds are attributed to the inflammatory response to infection , we studied the effects of treatment with clarithromycin on the symptomatic and inflammatory response to nasal inoculation with rhinovirus .||TREAT_FOR_DIS Therapeutic pneumothorax ( TP ) proved its efficacy in pre-antibiotic era , so one can assume that it can be applied with the same success in multidrug resistant TB .||TREAT_FOR_DIS In conclusion , in some cases of MDR TB , the TP ( if there are no pleural adherences ) may lead to good results .||TREAT_FOR_DIS Acupuncture treatment of common cold ||TREAT_FOR_DIS CONCLUSIONS : These data , the first evidence that chronic stress can inhibit the stability of the IgG antibody response to a bacterial vaccine for pneumonia , provide additional evidence of health risks associated with dementia caregiving .||PREVENT When bleeding is stopped via surgical or radiological methods , the clinical course of hemobilia-associated pancreatitis appears to be benign .||TREAT_FOR_DIS A case of biliary stenosis in polycystic liver improved by injection of minocycline hydrochloride to a hepatic cyst ||TREAT_FOR_DIS The ruptured horn was excised by laparotomy .||TREAT_FOR_DIS Therapy designed to control the efferent phase of established asthma by augmenting down-regulatory Th1 counterbalancing mechanisms should be effective .||TREAT_FOR_DIS All children with croup symptoms who demonstrate increased work of breathing in the clinics or emergency departments should be treated with glucocorticoids .||TREAT_FOR_DIS Increasing resistance among the common respiratory pathogens has encouraged assessment of alternative agents , for example , levofloxacin .||TREAT_FOR_DIS Unlike earlier quinolones , levofloxacin has excellent activity against Streptococcus pneumoniae , including strains resistant to penicillin .||TREAT_FOR_DIS Clinical trials show levofloxacin to be as effective as cephalosporins in acute exacerbation of chronic bronchitis and as effective as co-amoxiclav , cephalosporins or amoxycillin in community-acquired pneumonia .||TREAT_FOR_DIS Additionally , epidemiologic evidence of a marked decline in new KS since the widespread use of highly active antiretroviral therapy ( HAART ) advocates its use .||TREAT_FOR_DIS A field study was carried out to evaluate the effect of vaccination against swine enzootic pneumonia in different production systems ( closed or one-site , and open , two- or three-site , systems ) .||PREVENT Humoral immune response after vaccination against influenza in patients with breast cancer .||PREVENT Gingyo-san and its components were administered orally to mice 1 day before , then 1 and 4 days after the inhalation of a mouse-adopted strain of influenza A2 ( H2N2 ) virus .||TREAT_FOR_DIS From these results Gingyo-san was shown to be an antiviral agent in mice infected with a lethal amount of a mouse-adopted strain of influenza A2 virus .||TREAT_FOR_DIS The purpose of the present study was to analyze the association of recurrent abdominal pain and H. pylori infection in children and to evaluate the efficacy of antimicrobial treatment in patients with evidence of infection .||TREAT_FOR_DIS Patients with evidence of infection with H. pylori were treated with a combination of omeprazole , amoxicillin , and clarithromycin .||TREAT_FOR_DIS Treatment with omeprazole , amoxicillin , and clarithromycin resulted in eradication of the infection in all and in resolution of the clinical symptoms in 15 ( 80 % ) of 19 patients who had a follow-up examination .||TREAT_FOR_DIS A combined therapy results in eradication of the bacterium and in improvement of the clinical symptoms in a significant majority of the patients .||TREAT_FOR_DIS In certain clinical settings , interventional radiologic procedures have become an important alternative to surgery in the treatment of gallstones and their complications ; techniques include percutaneous cholecystostomy and gallstone removal .||TREAT_FOR_DIS BACKGROUND : The administration of salbutamol is permitted only by inhalation by the International Olympic Committee ( IOC ) for the management of asthma and exercise-induced asthma in athletes .||TREAT_FOR_DIS Urine was also obtained from subjects who had received the maximum dosage of inhaled salbutamol advisable for competing athletes to provide protection from exercise-induced asthma and treatment of asthma ( 1600 microg in 24 h , 800 microg being in the last 4 h ) .||TREAT_FOR_DIS Antimicrobials were prescribed to 175 ( 83.73 per cent ) patients with common cold and 78 ( 82.11 per cent ) patients with diarrhea .||TREAT_FOR_DIS OBJECTIVE : to evaluate the possible existence of the so-called < Roux-en-Y syndrome > in a group of 21 patients who underwent surgery to correct postoperative alkaline reflux gastritis .||TREAT_FOR_DIS All had undergone Billroth II subtotal gastrectomy ( 20 for ulcer and 1 for gastric cancer ) .||TREAT_FOR_DIS CONCLUSIONS : we found no evidence of disturbances in gastric remnant emptying after Roux-en-Y gastrojejunostomy to treat postoperative alkaline gastric reflux .||TREAT_FOR_DIS BACKGROUND : Drainage methods for the gastric conduit after esophagectomy for carcinoma have been controversial .||TREAT_FOR_DIS CONCLUSIONS : This study indicates that the use of a computerized physician reminder and a mailed patient reminder had a positive impact on influenza immunizations for older adults in a large family practice office .||PREVENT Contemporary asthma management guidelines list inhaled corticosteroids as the preferred controller medication for patients with persistent asthma .||TREAT_FOR_DIS Fluticasone propionate is one of several inhaled corticosteroids used for the treatment of asthma .||TREAT_FOR_DIS A series of comparative analyses show that inhaled fluticasone propionate is more cost effective than oral zafirlukast and triamcinolone acetonide and slightly more cost effective than flunisolide in adult patients with asthma .||TREAT_FOR_DIS Quality-of-life assessments in patients with mild to moderate disease show that inhaled fluticasone propionate achieved improvements which were deemed to be clinically meaningful in patients with mild to moderate asthma ; these changes were significantly greater than those achieved with oral zafirlukast , inhaled triamcinolone acetonide or placebo .||TREAT_FOR_DIS CONCLUSIONS : In addition to the considerable body of clinical evidence supporting the use of inhaled fluticasone propionate in patients with asthma , accumulating short term cost-effectiveness data also suggest that this agent can be administered for a similar or lower cost per outcome than other inhaled corticosteroids or oral zafirlukast .||TREAT_FOR_DIS Importantly , the clinical benefits offered by fluticasone propionate in patients with persistent asthma are accompanied by clinically significant improvements in quality of life .||TREAT_FOR_DIS OBJECTIVE : To describe the effect of influenza vaccination on long-term change in CD4 count and HIV RNA level , and on progression to AIDS or death .||PREVENT Combination therapy with interferon-alpha ( IFN alpha ) plus Ribavirin has been shown to improve the response rate in patients with chronic hepatitis C as compared to IFN alpha alone .||TREAT_FOR_DIS To prove , whether Ribavirin has any additional effect on the decline of hepatitis C viremia during the first weeks of treatment patients with and without combination therapy were compared .||TREAT_FOR_DIS In patients with combination therapy , a further reduction of viremia level could be observed , whereas viremia levels in patients with IFN alpha alone slightly increased .||TREAT_FOR_DIS Ribavirin in combination with IFN alpha exerts an additional anti-viral/immunmodulatory effect which manifests itself in phase 2 of hepatitis C viremia decline .||TREAT_FOR_DIS Surgical clearance of CBD stones was achieved in 58 patients ( 93.5 % ; group Ia ) .||TREAT_FOR_DIS Use of ES to treat CBD stones on a routine basis was therefore not found to be any better than one-time surgical exploration .||TREAT_FOR_DIS Effect of cholecystectomy on gastroesophageal and duodenogastric reflux ||TREAT_FOR_DIS It is suggested that damaged mucosal tissues with AHF can be effectively compensated by enhanced regeneration response due to an adequately high dose intensity , suggesting a possible tolerability advantage for AHF .||TREAT_FOR_DIS Minimally invasive treatment of abscesses by CT-controlled drainage with a basket catheter system ||TREAT_FOR_DIS PL granule is one of the most common forms of composite medicine for colds in Japan , including acetaminophen .||TREAT_FOR_DIS A 72-year old man who had been prescribed amiodarone for more than one year before for arrhythmogenic right ventricular dystrophy , repeatedly took PL granules at one-week intervals because of sneezing and fever .||TREAT_FOR_DIS He needed mechanical ventilation for severe hypoxemia , but recovered with glucocorticoid pulse therapy .||TREAT_FOR_DIS In a follow-up study operative risk , postoperative functional disorders and incidence of anastomotic ( recurrent ) ulcer after partial gastrectomy with Roux-en-Y gastrojejunostomy for gastroduodenal ulcer were evaluated in 52 patients .||TREAT_FOR_DIS With regard to the high rate of recurrent ulcer Roux-en-Y reconstruction after partial gastrectomy for primary ulcer surgery should be avoided and reconstruction procedures preferred , which guarantee duodenogastric reflux .||TO_SEE OBJECTIVE : The aim of these studies was to compare the pharmacokinetics of inhaled fluticasone propionate ( FP ) after repeated administration via the Diskus or Diskhaler dry powder inhalers ( DPIs ) to patients with mild-to-moderate asthma .||TREAT_FOR_DIS CONCLUSION : In patients with asthma receiving repeated inhaled doses of FP , the systemic exposure ( AUC ) after inhalation from the Diskus was similar to that from the Diskhaler , with no difference between the DPIs in the effects on cortisol suppression .||TREAT_FOR_DIS DATA SYNTHESIS : Recently , an expert panel of the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention recommended use of only three of 16 systemic antibiotics approved by the Food and Drug Administration for treatment of AOM : amoxicillin , cefuroxime axetil , and ceftriaxone .||TREAT_FOR_DIS A three-step treatment algorithm for refractory AOM that employs amoxicillin , trimethoprim/sulfamethoxazole ( TMP/SMX ) , or high-dose amoxicillin/clavulanate ( depending on the prior dose of and adherence to amoxicillin therapy ) , and ceftriaxone or tympanocentesis at steps 1 , 2 , and 3 , respectively , appears rational and cost-effective .||TREAT_FOR_DIS CONCLUSIONS : Amoxicillin remains the antibiotic of choice for initial empiric treatment of AOM , although the traditional dosage should be increased in patients at risk for drug-resistant S. pneumoniae .||TREAT_FOR_DIS We support the use of conjugate pneumococcal vaccine per guidelines for prevention of Raom from the Advisory Committee on Immunization Practice of the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention , with consideration given to influenza vaccine for cases of rAOM that historically worsen during the flu season .||PREVENT This model can be used to test the safety and efficacy of liver-assist devices aimed at temporizing the detoxification functions of the failing liver .||TREAT_FOR_DIS Recent major epidemiologic trends in bacterial meningitis include a dramatic decline in the incidence of Haemophilus influenzae meningitis since the introduction of the protein-conjugated H. influenzae vaccines , and a worldwide increase in infections with antibiotic-resistant strains of bacterial pathogens .||PREVENT dverse outcomes and opioid analgesic administration in acute abdominal pain ||TREAT_FOR_DIS We examined the remnant stomach for H. pylori infection after gastrectomy for gastric cancer or peptic ulcer between October 1992 and July 1997 .||TREAT_FOR_DIS The recent introduction of ribavirin , given in combination , has led to a re-appraisal of the management of chronic hepatitis C .||TREAT_FOR_DIS The current report considers the additional benefit of combination therapy ( interferon alfa and ribavirin ) compared with monotherapy ( interferon alfa alone ) for the treatment of patients with chronic hepatitis C .||TREAT_FOR_DIS OBJECTIVE : To review the clinical effectiveness and cost-effectiveness of combination therapy with interferon alfa and ribavirin in patients with chronic hepatitis C .||TREAT_FOR_DIS Sida cordifolia L. ( Malvaceae ) is used in folk medicine for the treatment of inflammation of the oral mucosa , blenorrhea , asthmatic bronchitis and nasal congestion .||TREAT_FOR_DIS Double-blind placebo-controlled trial of Mycobacterium vaccae immunotherapy for tuberculosis in KwaZulu , South Africa , 1991-97 .||TREAT_FOR_DIS OBJECTIVE : To evaluate the efficacy of oral tacrolimus as an induction agent in steroid-refractory severe colitis .Study design : Open-label , multicenter trial of oral tacrolimus in patients with severe colitis .||TREAT_FOR_DIS CONCLUSION : Although tacrolimus is effective induction therapy for severe ulcerative or Crohn 's colitis , fewer than 50 % of patients treated will successfully achieve a long-term remission .||TREAT_FOR_DIS Cytomegalovirus ( CMV ) infection was one of the most common opportunistic infections in AIDS patients , leading to blindness or life-threatening disease in about 40 % of patients in the later stages of AIDS before highly active antiretroviral therapy ( HAART ) .||TREAT_FOR_DIS New vaccines are under study to further control bacterial meningitis .||PREVENT The study involved 117 infants ( mean age 2.6 months ) , who needed hospital treatment because of RSV bronchiolitis .||TREAT_FOR_DIS According to the present study it seems that inhaled corticosteroid treatment during and after the acute phase of infant RSV bronchiolitis may have a beneficial effect on subsequent bronchial wheezing tendency .||TREAT_FOR_DIS OBJECTIVE : This study was designed to evaluate the safety and estimate the efficacy of oral budesonide in patients with primary sclerosing cholangitis ( PSC ) .||TREAT_FOR_DIS Combined interferon and lamivudine therapy : is this the treatment of choice for patients with chronic hepatitis B virus infection ? ||TREAT_FOR_DIS She had been taking amitriptyline 75 mg at night for depression for four months before her admission .||TREAT_FOR_DIS Side effects from influenza vaccination : differences between returned and random surveys ||PREVENT OBJECTIVE : To study the relationship between interleukin-2 ( IL-2 ) , soluble interleukin-2 receptor ( sIL-2R ) and the non-and-hypo-responsiveness to hepatitis B vaccine .||PREVENT We assessed the effects of early replacement therapy with protein-C concentrate together with continuous veno-venous haemodiafiltration and conventional treatment in meningococcaemia .||TREAT_FOR_DIS The purpose of this study was to determine if topical DL-alpha-tocopherol ( vitamin E ) could reduce ultraviolet-induced damage to the epidermis .||TREAT_FOR_DIS We observed the effects of cisapride in the management of idiopathic constipation in children .||TREAT_FOR_DIS METHODS : Thirty-seven children with a history of constipation ( i.e. , pain and difficulty or delay in defecation for > 3 months ) were recruited and randomly assigned to 8 weeks of treatment with either cisapride , 0.2 mg/kg three times daily , or matching placebo after a 2-week run-in period in a double-blind , parallel-group study design .||TREAT_FOR_DIS Patient 1 demonstrated dramatic clearing of his MCV lesions when intravenous cidofovir therapy was started for his treatment-resistant bilateral CMV retinitis and because of cidofovir 's possible activity against MCV .||TREAT_FOR_DIS In case 2 , cidofovir was compounded as a 3 % cream in a combination vehicle ( Dermovan ) for extensive facial involvement , and complete resolution of MCV was seen after 1 month of therapy .||TREAT_FOR_DIS In case 3 , intravenous cidofovir therapy was started both for CMV retinitis and in an attempt to clear 90 % facial MCV involvement ; after 1 month of treatment , all clinical evidence of MCV had resolved .||TREAT_FOR_DIS CONCLUSIONS : Cidofovir , a nucleotide analog of deoxycytidine monophosphate , appears to have contributed to clearing of advanced MCV lesions in these 3 patients , thus providing suggestive evidence of clinical activity against MCV .||TREAT_FOR_DIS Controlled trials of cidofovir therapy for MCV in persons infected with human immunodeficiency virus are warranted .||TREAT_FOR_DIS OBJECTIVE : This study aimed to determine the effect of external beam radiation therapy on choroidal neovascularization ( CNV ) secondary to age-related macular degeneration ( AMD ) .||TREAT_FOR_DIS Thrombolytic therapy has been accepted in the treatment of acute myocardial infarction .||TREAT_FOR_DIS A bolus infusion of tissue plasminogen activator was administered during CPR in refractory ventricular fibrillation ( two cases ) and pulseless ventricular tachycardia ( one case ) .||TREAT_FOR_DIS We conclude that bolus thrombolytic infusions during CPR may facilitate spontaneous return of circulation in select patients with confirmed acute myocardial infarction , witnessed cardiac arrest in the ED , and refractory ventricular fibrillation or tachycardia .||TREAT_FOR_DIS CASE SUMMARY : A 92-year old white woman who was receiving venlafaxine for management of depression was found to have hyponatremia .||TO_SEE Touch sensibility was assessed with von Frey 's monofilaments in the breasts of 10 healthy women ( controls ) and of 80 women with breast cancer who at least 1 year previously had undergone subcutaneous mastectomy and immediate reconstruction with a prosthesis .||TREAT_FOR_DIS Although improved glycemic control , maintenance of normal blood pressure , and use of angiotensin-converting enzyme inhibitors are important strategies to avoid developing microalbuminuria , dietary macronutrient intake may also play a role .||PREVENT Local injection of corticosteroids into refractory esophageal strictures to decrease the restenosis rate has been reported .||TREAT_FOR_DIS We systematically reviewed the evidence concerning the ability of five systemic treatments to induce remission in patients with severe psoriasis : ultraviolet B ( UVB ) , photochemotherapy ( PUVA ) , methotrexate ( MTX ) , retinoids ( RET ) and cyclosporin A ( CYA ) .||TREAT_FOR_DIS Consequently , parenteral nutrition ( PN ) solutions used to treat malnourished patients with chronic renal failure usually are prepared with little supplementation of these cations .||TREAT_FOR_DIS CONCLUSIONS : Malnourished patients with chronic renal failure receiving PN are at risk of developing electrolyte abnormalities , particularly hypophosphatemia .||TO_SEE PURPOSE : We report a multicenter experience using tubularized incised plate urethroplastym for proximal hypospadias .||TREAT_FOR_DIS MATERIALS AND METHODS : From August 1993 to December 1996 tubularized incised plate urethroplasty was performed in 27 boys 6 months to 3 years old with mid shaft and penoscrotal hypospadias .||TREAT_FOR_DIS RESULTS : Tubularized incised plate surgery created a functional neourethra even in penoscrotal hypospadias .||TREAT_FOR_DIS CONCLUSIONS : Tubularized incised plate urethroplasty is a versatile operation that corrects proximal hypospadias defects with few complications and superior cosmetic results .||TREAT_FOR_DIS Aortocoronary bypass grafting is an accepted procedure for ischemic heart disease .||TREAT_FOR_DIS Immunotherapy of mice with preexisting cancers with heat shock protein preparations derived from autologous cancer resulted in retarded progression of the primary cancer , a reduced metastatic load , and prolongation of life-span .||TREAT_FOR_DIS Intrapleural injection of irradiated LLC-IL2 cured pre-existing lung LLC tumors and extended the survival of the mice but did not affect survival of mice with pre-existing peritoneal tumors nor did it affect the growth of s.c. tumors .||TO_SEE Intraperitoneal injection of irradiated LLC-IL2 cured pre-existing LLC peritoneal tumors and extended the survival of the mice but did not affect survival of mice bearing lung tumors nor did it affect the growth of s.c. tumors .||TO_SEE Subcutaneous injection of irradiated LLC-IL2 did not affect the growth of preexisting s.c. tumors and also did not improve survival of mice bearing the lung or peritoneal tumors .||TREAT_NO_FOR_DIS We describe such an event in a man who underwent allogeneic BMT for APL in second relapse and 4 years later presented with testicular relapse .||TREAT_FOR_DIS Olanzapine is an atypical antipsychotic effective in the treatment of schizophrenic patients .||TREAT_FOR_DIS After a 2- to 9-day placebo lead-in , 79 inpatients with schizophrenia according to DSM-III-R criteria were placed on an olanzapine dosage of 10 mg/day or 1 mg/day for up to 6 weeks .||TREAT_FOR_DIS Fludarabine and ara-C successfully eradicated bone marrow disease in 16 of 27 patients ( 59 % ) , 23 patients of which had been treated previously with high-dose ara-C .||TREAT_FOR_DIS These results verified the synergistic effect fludarabine exhibited in augmenting ara-CTP concentrations in patients ' leukemic blasts , thus improving the clinical response in relapsed pediatric leukemias .||TREAT_FOR_DIS BACKGROUND : The growing use of heparin in acute thrombotic disorders , coupled with the availability of many new antithrombotic agents , emphasizes the need for adequate characterization of the platelet effects of the various anticoagulants .||TREAT_FOR_DIS METHODS AND RESULTS : Platelet P-selectin ( CD62 ) and activated GP IIb/IIIa ( PAC-1 ) expression on platelet membrane was quantified in whole blood as well as platelet aggregation in platelet-rich plasma in 43 patients with unstable angina before and during treatment with UFH or enoxaparin .||TREAT_FOR_DIS PURPOSE : We review our initial experience with direct percutaneous transluminal angioplasty ( PTA ) as a reperfusion treatment for acute occlusion of the middle cerebral artery .||TREAT_FOR_DIS CONCLUSION : Direct PTA may be performed safely as an alternative to thrombolytic therapy in patients with acute occlusion of the middle cerebral artery when early CT findings and/or lenticulostriate artery involvement are present or when superselective local angiography shows the presence of a large embolus or high-grade stenosis .||TO_SEE Women randomised to screen-and-treat received appropriate antibiotics only if screening proved positive for one or more infection .||TREAT_FOR_DIS A 71-year-old woman with autoimmune hemolytic anemia underwent an emergency endocardial patch repair for ventricular septal perforation after acute myocardial infarction .||TO_SEE Use of washed red blood cells was effective in averting hemolytic crisis throughout perioperative period .||PREVENT Therefore , prudent management and use of washed red blood cells transfusion would prevent hemolytic aggravation even in open heart surgery .||PREVENT We report a case of a 29-year-old male chronic HBV carrier who developed fulminant reactivated HBV infection following intensive chemotherapy for stage IVB large cell B-cell non-Hodgkin 's lymphoma associated with extensive central nervous system and bone marrow involvement .||TO_SEE We advise that lamivudine should be considered during intensive chemotherapy treatment of chronic carriers of HBV .||TREAT_FOR_DIS OBJECTIVES : The purpose of this analysis was to determine the influence of an additional treatment delay inherent in transfer to an angioplasty center for primary angioplasty of patients with acute myocardial infarction who are first admitted to hospitals without angioplasty facilities .||TREAT_FOR_DIS BACKGROUND : Several randomized trials have demonstrated the benefits of primary angioplasty in acute myocardial infarction .||TREAT_FOR_DIS We report the first case ( to our knowledge ) of an endoscopic removal of a forehead soft tissue mass .||TREAT_FOR_DIS As the overview shows , both groups of substances are useful for individualized treatment of benign prostatic hyperplasia ( BPH ) , provided that conservative pharmacological treatment of BPH is basically accepted and that the patients ' quality of life is also considered .||TREAT_FOR_DIS The results of several clinical investigations showed the efficacy and safety of artichoke extracts ( Cynara scolymus L. ) in the treatment of hepato-biliary dysfunction and digestive complaints , such as sensation of fullness , loss of appetite , nausea and abdominal pain .||TREAT_FOR_DIS Besides the well-known nonsteroidal antiinflammatory drugs ( NSAID ) for the treatment of rheumatic pain herbal medicine can also be applied successfully .||TREAT_FOR_DIS Extracts of the secondary tubers of Devil 's Claw ( Harpagophytum procumbens ) are recommended for the supportive treatment of degenerative painful rheumatism .||TREAT_FOR_DIS High-dose intravenous immunoglobulin ( hdIVIg ) is increasingly used to treat a range of inflammatory and autoimmune diseases .||TREAT_FOR_DIS The current dermatological uses of hdIVIg include the treatment of dermatomyositis and the autoimmune bullous disorders , epidermolysis bullosa acquisita , pemphigoid , and pemphigus .||TREAT_FOR_DIS Unfortunately , current dermatological uses of hdIVIg have been limited to either uncontrolled trials or anecdotal case reports , except for a single controlled trial of hdIVIg as adjunctive therapy in patients with dermatomyositis , which documented a significant benefit .||TREAT_FOR_DIS We describe a technique that enables the autologous repair of large midline incisional hernias by restoring the functional musculoaponeurotic support of the abdominal wall .||TREAT_FOR_DIS OBJECTIVE AND IMPORTANCE : The use of chronic intrathecal morphine for the treatment of intractable , nonmalignant pain is becoming more prevalent .||TREAT_FOR_DIS METHODS : During a 19-month period , seven children with empyema underwent thoracoscopy .||TREAT_FOR_DIS We describe a patient with left cardiac herniation presenting after intrapericardial pulmonectomy for primary lung cancer .||TO_SEE The growing use of automated night-time dialysis ( APD ) in peritoneal dialysis over the last few years shows that this method represents a valid alternative to continuous ambulatory peritoneal dialysis ( CAPD ) .||TREAT_FOR_DIS La Serna et al. ( Lancet 1987 ; 26 : 1517 ) were the first to treat adults with recurrent pericarditis with colchicine , and were followed by other authors .||TREAT_FOR_DIS While these findings are observed for all classes of oral drugs , the issue is especially critical for cancer chemotherapy , in which a narrow therapeutic index is frequently observed .||TREAT_FOR_DIS Treatment for low-grade NHL during the past 30 yr has consisted of high-dose radiation and cytotoxic agents , administered alone or in combination , and high-dose therapy with stem cell transplant .||TREAT_FOR_DIS However , recent clinical use of monoclonal antibodies ( mAbs ) in patients with low-grade or transformed low-grade NHL has resulted in less toxicity than conventional treatments , as well as response rates that are comparable or superior to those achieved with chemotherapy .||TREAT_FOR_DIS Therefore , interest is growing in mAbs as therapeutic alternatives for patients with low-grade NHL and those with transformed histology .||TREAT_FOR_DIS CONCLUSION : The treatment paradigm for NHL is expected to change over the next few years to include radiolabeled mAbs , administered alone or in combination with cytotoxic agents .||TREAT_FOR_DIS RESULTS : Clinical trials of UFT published in the Western world have included 581 patients with colorectal cancer .||TREAT_FOR_DIS The activity of oral UFT in large-bowel cancer when administered with oral LV ( approximately 50 mg/dose ) has resulted in objective response rates of approximately 40 % .||TREAT_FOR_DIS CONCLUSION : UFT is a fluoropyrimidine active in colorectal cancer .||TREAT_FOR_DIS BACKGROUND : Adrenalectomy is the current treatment for phaeochromocytoma .||TREAT_FOR_DIS CONCLUSION : Adrenal-sparing surgery is safe and effective , and may become the treatment of choice in patients with hereditary phaeochromocytoma .||TREAT_FOR_DIS PURPOSE : The purposes of this descriptive , longitudinal study were to evaluate the MacDibbs Mouth Assessment instrument for the assessment of mucositis in the radiation therapy patient being treated for head and neck cancer and to describe the course of radiation-induced mucositis in these patients .||TO_SEE As concomitant thrombocytosis persisted despite treatment with hydroxyurea , the new megakaryocyte inhibitor anagrelide ( Agrelin ) was administered and led to normalization of the platelet count within 11 days .||TO_SEE Background : Troglitazone is a new drug for the treatment of type 2 diabetes .||TREAT_FOR_DIS For a subset of patients with Kaposi 's sarcoma who were treated with recombinant interferon alfa-2a , the disease is in complete remission , without opportunistic infection , and they appear to be culture-negative for the etiologic retrovirus that causes their immune deficiency .||TO_SEE Interferon alfa-2a appears to have antineoplastic efficacy , ( and may have antiretroviral efficacy as well ) in this epidemic neoplasm .||TREAT_FOR_DIS In three consecutive Phase II trials of recombinant interferon alfa-2a ( rIFN alfa-2a ; Roferon-A Hoffmann-La Roche , Nutley , NJ ) involving 96 patients with advanced malignant melanoma , an overall response rate of 22 % was observed .||TREAT_FOR_DIS As single agent therapy in malignant melanoma , interferon alfa-2a was only marginally useful in most patients .||TREAT_FOR_DIS Studies with various interferon alpha preparations , including interferons induced in human leukocytes , interferon alfa-N1 , interferon alfa-2a , and interferon alfa-2b , have all provided evidence for modest but reproducible antitumor activity in advanced renal cell carcinoma .||TREAT_FOR_DIS Preliminary evidence suggests that interferons beta and gamma may also induce regression of metastatic renal cell carcinoma .||TREAT_FOR_DIS The rationale for antileukemic therapy in hairy cell leukemia is to reduce the significant risk of infection and other potential serious complications .||TREAT_FOR_DIS Splenectomy presumably alleviates the pancytopenic effect of hypersplenism by removing the preferred site of leukemic cell proliferation .||TREAT_FOR_DIS Recombinant and natural forms of interferon alpha have been shown to bring about tumor regressions in patients with low-grade non-Hodgkin 's lymphoma .||TREAT_FOR_DIS Current studies using interferon in patients with low-grade non-Hodgkin 's lymphomas are evaluating lower , and perhaps better tolerated doses of interferon .||TREAT_FOR_DIS This approach is being extended to the clinic , and trials are now underway evaluating combinations of interferon and various cytotoxic drugs known from previous studies to be active in patients with low-grade non-Hodgkin 's lymphomas .||TREAT_FOR_DIS While the demonstrated antiviral , antiproliferative , and immunomodulatory properties of interferons have led to a number of theories regarding their potential use in treating individuals with chronic myelogenous leukemia ( CML ) , their limited availability has prevented thorough clinical investigation .||TREAT_FOR_DIS The data resulting from these clinical trials indicate that interferon alfa-2a is effective in inducing hematologic remissions in the majority of minimally treated , benign-phase CML , Ph1-positive patients .||TREAT_FOR_DIS More than 1600 patients with neoplastic disorders have received recombinant human interferon alfa-2a ( Roferon-A , Hoffmann-La Roche , Nutley , NJ ) as part of ongoing or completed clinical trials .||TREAT_FOR_DIS PURPOSE : A phase I/II trial of docetaxel , cisplatin , fluorouracil ( 5-FU ) , and leucovorin ( TPFL5 ) induction chemotherapy for patients with locally advanced squamous cell carcinoma of the head and neck ( SCCHN ) .||TREAT_FOR_DIS PATIENTS AND METHODS : Twenty-three previously untreated patients with stage III or IV SCCHN and Eastern Cooperative Oncology Group functional status less than or equal to 2 were treated with TPFL5 .||TREAT_FOR_DIS Intrathecal sufentanil provides approximately 2 h of excellent labor analgesia with minimal motor blockade .||TREAT_FOR_DIS OBJECTIVE : We report the results of a double-blind , double-dummy , active-control study designed to evaluate the efficacy and safety of lamotrigine ( LTG ) administered as monotherapy to adult outpatients with partial seizures .||TREAT_FOR_DIS BACKGROUND : The effectiveness of LTG as add-on therapy for partial seizures in adults has previously been established .||TREAT_FOR_DIS CONCLUSIONS : We conclude that LTG is effective and well tolerated when administered as monotherapy in adult patients with partial seizures .||TREAT_FOR_DIS BACKGROUND : Omega3 fatty acids may inhibit neuronal signal transduction pathways in a manner similar to that of lithium carbonate and valproate , 2 effective treatments for bipolar disorder .||TREAT_FOR_DIS The present study was performed to examine whether omega3 fatty acids also exhibit mood-stabilizing properties in bipolar disorder .||TREAT_FOR_DIS CONCLUSION : Omega3 fatty acids were well tolerated and improved the short-term course of illness in this preliminary study of patients with bipolar disorder .||TREAT_FOR_DIS Several large-scale trials have firmly established the effectiveness of thrombolytic therapy , beta blockers , and aspirin in the treatment of AMI .||TREAT_FOR_DIS While diastolic left ventricular ( LV ) dysfunction is frequent and associated with cardiovascular complications in end-stage renal disease treated with dialysis , controversial information exists on diastolic LV function after renal transplantation .||TO_SEE METHODS : Fluvastatin 40 mg daily was administered to 25 patients with hypercholesterolaemia for up to 24 weeks .||TREAT_FOR_DIS The inhibitory effect of n-3 polyunsaturated fatty acids on human colorectal cancer has been speculated on from epidemiological data and animal studies .||PREVENT We conducted a long-term trial of docosahexanoic acid ( DHA ) -concentrated fish oil capsules for patients in a high-risk group for colorectal cancer .||PREVENT Three patients with FAP and two patients with multiple ( more than 30 ) colorectal polyps were administered DHA-concentrated fish oil capsules_Hlk427554600 ( 2.2 g of DHA and 0.6 g of eicosapentanoic acid ( EPA ) per day ) for one or two years .||TREAT_FOR_DIS This article reviews current trends in management of esophageal achalasia , highlighting short-term outcome and cost comparisons of three treatments : botulinum toxin injection , pneumatic dilation , and laparoscopic myotomy .||TREAT_FOR_DIS The clinical application of therapeutic hysteroscopy , mainly in the field of the treatment of abnormal uterine bleeding , started in the 1980s .||TREAT_FOR_DIS In this article , evidence of effectiveness and cost-effectiveness of the following procedures is reviewed : ( 1 ) laser treatment of bladder tumors ; ( 2 ) extracorporeal shock-wave lithotripsy and percutaneous nephrolithotomy ; ( 3 ) laparoscopic treatment of endometriosis ; ( 4 ) laparoscopic removal of ovarian cysts ; ( 5 ) laparoscopic cholecystectomy ; ( 6 ) laparoscopic appendectomy ; ( 7 ) catheter treatment of coronary artery disease ; ( 8 ) palliation of colon cancer by endoscopic intervention ; ( 9 ) treatment of upper gastrointestinal ( UGI ) bleeding by endoscopic intervention ; and ( 10 ) arthroscopic knee surgery .||TO_SEE Gene therapy of malignant brain tumors ||TREAT_FOR_DIS Treatment of irritable bowel syndrome with Chinese herbal medicine : a randomized controlled trial .||TREAT_FOR_DIS Randomised trial of interferon alpha2b plus ribavirin for 48 weeks or for 24 weeks versus interferon alpha2b plus placebo for 48 weeks for treatment of chronic infection with hepatitis C virus .||TREAT_FOR_DIS Low-molecular-weight heparin for immediate management of thromboembolic disease in pregnancy .||TREAT_FOR_DIS Tubularized incised plate hypospadias repair for proximal hypospadias .||TREAT_FOR_DIS Comparison of radical prostatectomy and iodine 125 interstitial radiotherapy for the treatment of clinically localized prostate cancer : a 7-year biochemical ( PSA ) progression analysis .||TREAT_FOR_DIS The effectiveness of acupuncture in treating acute dental pain : a systematic review .||TREAT_FOR_DIS Correction of cardiac defects through a right thoracotomy in children .||TREAT_FOR_DIS New technique for mesh repair of paracolostomy hernias .||TREAT_FOR_DIS Immunotherapy of tumors with autologous tumor-derived heat shock protein preparations .||TREAT_FOR_DIS Comprehensive modified diet simplifies nutrition management of adults with short-bowel syndrome .||TREAT_FOR_DIS Extended use of glatiramer acetate ( Copaxone ) is well tolerated and maintains its clinical effect on multiple sclerosis relapse rate and degree of disability .||TREAT_FOR_DIS European register of patients with sickle cell disease treated with hydroxyurea is being set up .||TREAT_FOR_DIS Understanding the culture of prescribing : qualitative study of general practitioners ' and patients ' perceptions of antibiotics for sore throats .||TREAT_FOR_DIS Steroid delivery in croup .||TREAT_FOR_DIS Haematoma block versus intravenous regional anaesthesia in Colles ' fractures .||TREAT_FOR_DIS Direct percutaneous transluminal angioplasty for acute middle cerebral artery occlusion .||TREAT_FOR_DIS Magnesium sulphate for the control of spasms in severe tetanus .||TREAT_FOR_DIS Protective effect of pralidoxime on muscle fiber necrosis induced by organophosphate compounds .||PREVENT Assessment of atrioventricular junction ablation and VVIR pacemaker versus pharmacological treatment in patients with heart failure and chronic atrial fibrillation : a randomized , controlled study .||TREAT_FOR_DIS Statins for prevention of stroke .||PREVENT Repair of ventral hernias with expanded polytetrafluoroethylene patch .||TREAT_FOR_DIS Spinal manipulation in the treatment of episodic tension-type headache : a randomized controlled trial .||TREAT_FOR_DIS Successful treatment with lamivudine for fulminant reactivated hepatitis B infectioN following intensive therapy for high-grade non-Hodgkin 's lymphoma .||TREAT_FOR_DIS Influence of treatment delay on infarct size and clinical outcome in patients with acute myocardial infarction treated with primary angioplasty .||TREAT_FOR_DIS Should patients with advanced sarcomas be treated with chemotherapy ? .||TREAT_FOR_DIS Plasma exchange and tacrolimus-mycophenolate rescue for acute humoral rejection in kidney transplantation .||TREAT_FOR_DIS Hyperbaric oxygen therapy for children with cerebral palsy .||TREAT_FOR_DIS Endoscopic excision of a forehead mass .||TREAT_FOR_DIS Effect of photodynamic therapy in combination with mitomycin C on a mitomycin-resistant bladder cancer cell line .||TREAT_FOR_DIS Is conservative surgery for tubal pregnancy preferable to salpingectomy ? An economic analysis .||TREAT_FOR_DIS Laparoscopic cornuostomy in the treatment of interstitial pregnancy with subsequent hysterosalpingography .||TREAT_FOR_DIS Experimental evaluation of the use of recombinant prourokinase and its immobilized forms in the treatment of postoperative fibrinoid syndrome in ophthalmology ||TREAT_FOR_DIS In vitro and in vivo comparison between the effects of treatment with adenosine triphosphate and treatment with buthionine sulfoximine on chemosensitization and tumour growth of B16 melanoma .||TREAT_FOR_DIS Effects of transpupillary thermotherapy on immunological parameters and apoptosis in a case of primary uveal melanoma .||TREAT_FOR_DIS Is there a rational therapy for symptomatic treatment of benign prostatic hyperplasia with phytogenic drugs ? Illustrated with the example of the prostate agent from Serenoa repens ( Sabal fructus ) ||TREAT_FOR_DIS Pharmacological and clinical effectiveness of a fixed phytogenic combination trembling poplar ( Populus tremula ) , true goldenrod ( Solidago virgaurea ) and ash ( Fraxinus excelsior ) in mild to moderate rheumatic complaints ||TREAT_FOR_DIS Therapy of degenerative diseases of the musculoskeletal system with South African devil 's claw ( Harpagophytum procumbens DC ) ||TREAT_FOR_DIS Treatment strategy for mucin-producing intrahepatic cholangiocarcinoma : value of percutaneous transhepatic biliary drainage and cholangioscopy .||TREAT_FOR_DIS Strategy for surgical management of ileocolonic anastomotic recurrence in Crohn 's disease .||TREAT_FOR_DIS Nerve-sparing surgery for advanced rectal cancer patients : special reference to Dukes C patients .||TREAT_FOR_DIS Prognostic factors in patients with locally advanced rectal adenocarcinoma treated with preoperative radiotherapy and surgery .||TREAT_FOR_DIS Current surgical therapy for bronchiectasis .||TREAT_FOR_DIS Thoracic surgery for hydatid disease .||TREAT_FOR_DIS Surgical treatment of postpneumonic empyema .||TREAT_FOR_DIS Thoracoscopic surgery for pulmonary tuberculosis .||TREAT_FOR_DIS Thoracoscopic surgery for spontaneous pneumothorax .||TREAT_FOR_DIS Surgery for chronic thromboembolic pulmonary hypertension .||TREAT_FOR_DIS Transabdominal extensive esophagogastric devascularization with gastroesophageal stapling for management of noncirrhotic portal hypertension : long-term results .||TREAT_FOR_DIS Surgical treatment for lung hydatid disease .||TREAT_FOR_DIS Sliding door technique for the repair of midline incisional hernias .||TREAT_FOR_DIS One-lung ventilation in patients with difficult airways .||TREAT_FOR_DIS Thoracoscopy for empyema in children .||TREAT_FOR_DIS Sex differences in the use of asthma drugs : cross sectional study .||TREAT_FOR_DIS Conventional treatments for non-Hodgkin 's lymphoma : the need for new therapies .||TREAT_FOR_DIS Adrenal-sparing surgery for phaeochromocytoma .||TREAT_FOR_DIS Antiplatelet therapy in acute cerebral ischemia .||TREAT_FOR_DIS Laugier-Hunziker syndrome : case report and treatment with the Q-switched Nd-Yag laser .||TREAT_FOR_DIS Thoracoscopic operation for secondary pneumothorax under local and epidural anesthesia in high-risk patients .||TREAT_FOR_DIS Troglitazone-induced hepatic failure leading to liver transplantation .||TREAT_FOR_DIS A modified technique of tubeless anaesthesia for microlaryngoscopy and bronchoscopy in young children with stridor .||TREAT_FOR_DIS A randomized trial of Lactobacillus acidophilus BG2FO4 to treat lactose intolerance .||TREAT_FOR_DIS Treatment of idiopathic thrombopenic purpura in adolescents by intravenous immunoglobulin ||TREAT_FOR_DIS Azithromycin therapy for scrub typhus during pregnancy .||TREAT_FOR_DIS Excimer laser assisted in situ keratomileusis for hyperopia .||TREAT_FOR_DIS Three consecutive phase II studies of recombinant interferon alfa-2a in advanced malignant melanoma .||TREAT_FOR_DIS Interferon treatment of renal cell carcinoma .||TREAT_FOR_DIS Current and future uses of recombinant interferon alpha in the treatment of low-grade non-Hodgkin 's lymphoma .||TREAT_FOR_DIS Antimicrobial treatment options in the management of odontogenic infections .||TREAT_FOR_DIS Recombinant glycoprotein vaccine for the prevention of genital HSV-2 infection : two randomized controlled trials .||PREVENT Induction chemotherapy with docetaxel , cisplatin , fluorouracil , and leucovorin for squamous cell carcinoma of the head and neck : a phase I/II trial .||TREAT_FOR_DIS Low-dose steroids reduce flu-like symptoms at the initiation of IFNbeta-1b in relapsing-remitting MS .||TREAT_FOR_DIS Study of three different doses of epidural neostigmine coadministered with lidocaine for postoperative analgesia .||TREAT_FOR_DIS An active-control trial of lamotrigine monotherapy for partial seizures .||TREAT_FOR_DIS Safety of intrathecal sodium nitroprusside for the treatment and prevention of refractory cerebral vasospasm and ischemia in humans .||TO_SEE The effect of heliox in acute severe asthma : a randomized controlled trial . ||VAGUE Long-term survival of patients with unresectable colorectal cancer liver metastases following infusional chemotherapy with 5-fluorouracil , leucovorin , oxaliplatin and surgery .||TREAT_FOR_DIS Fatal acute haemolysis in an AIDS patient treated with lindinavir .||TO_SEE A simplified laparoscopic technique for mesh placement in ventral hernia repair .||TREAT_FOR_DIS Pharmacological management of acute myocardial infarction .||TREAT_FOR_DIS Mesenteric venous thrombosis : successful treatment by intraarterial lytic therapy .||TREAT_FOR_DIS Gene therapy for myocardial angiogenesis .||TREAT_FOR_DIS Dipyridamole plus aspirin in cerebrovascular disease .||TREAT_FOR_DIS What is the real role of CD40 in cancer immunotherapy ? ||TREAT_FOR_DIS The effects of oral liarozole on epidermal proliferation and differentiation in severe plaque psoriasis are comparable with those of acitretin . ||VAGUE Safety and potential effectiveness of daunorubicin-containing liposomes in patients with advanced recurrent malignant CNS tumors .||TREAT_FOR_DIS An experimental application of gene therapy for human retinoblastoma .||TREAT_FOR_DIS Acid suppression therapy in Barrett 's esophagus : the importance of pH monitoring .||TREAT_FOR_DIS Surgical approaches to pediatric defecatory disorders .||TREAT_FOR_DIS Lutein improves visual function in some patients with retinal degeneration : a pilot study via the Internet .||TREAT_FOR_DIS Drug information questions and answers : new for psoriasis : colchicine .||TREAT_FOR_DIS IPPB in severe pulmonary emphysema : limited applications .||TREAT_FOR_DIS Long-term mortality in patients after a British trial of anticoagulants in acute myocardial infarction .||TREAT_FOR_DIS Our results in the surgical treatment of habitual shoulder dislocation with special reference to occupational disability ||TREAT_FOR_DIS Alkaline phosphatase in neutrophil leukocytes of patients with infectious mononucleosis and the effect of corticosteroid therapy .||TREAT_FOR_DIS Surgical treatment of uterine cervix insufficiency during the 2d trimester of pregnancy ||TREAT_FOR_DIS Physiologic treatment of depressive reactions : a pilot study .||TREAT_FOR_DIS The use of quinidine sulphate for the treatment of atrial fibrillation in twelve horses .||TREAT_FOR_DIS Synergism in the chemotherapy of Eimeria infections of chicks .||TREAT_FOR_DIS Treatment of hydrocele and cysts of the epididymis with sclerosing injections of quinine and urea chlorhydrolactate in a 30 per cent solution ||TREAT_FOR_DIS The single-place caisson in the treatment of decompression accidents ||TREAT_FOR_DIS Blood volume measurements in burn therapy .||TREAT_FOR_DIS Phenylbutazone and acute leukemia . ||VAGUE The place of surgery in hypertrophic obstructive cardiomyopathy ( idiopathic hypertrophic subaortic stenosis ) .||TREAT_FOR_DIS The treatment of autoimmune hemolytic anemia with heparin .||TREAT_FOR_DIS Effects of clomiphene citrate on endometrial hyperplasia in the premenopausal female .||TREAT_FOR_DIS Prolonged use of methyldopa in severe hypertension in pregnancy .||TREAT_FOR_DIS The effects of social class and friends ' expectations on oral polio vaccination participation .||PREVENT Glutathione S-transferase activity in epithelial ovarian cancer : association with response to chemotherapy and disease outcome .||TREAT_FOR_DIS Interferon-alpha-2b in the management of patients with relapsed and/or refractory Hodgkin 's disease .||TREAT_FOR_DIS Frontal dysfunction blocks the therapeutic effect of THA on attention in Alzheimer 's disease .||TO_SEE Effects of clomipramine on plasma amino acids and serotonergic parameters in panic disorder and depression . ||VAGUE Thalidomide for aphthous ulcers in HIV infection .||TREAT_FOR_DIS Aspirin therapy in diabetes mellitus .||TREAT_FOR_DIS Combined pancreas-/kidney transplantation as a standard procedure in therapy of kidney failure in type I diabetic patients ||TREAT_FOR_DIS Corticosteroid injections for sciatica .||TREAT_FOR_DIS Flutamide plus castration in patients with previously untreated prostate cancer .||TREAT_FOR_DIS The immediate effectiveness of electrical nerve stimulation and electrical muscle stimulation on myofascial trigger points .||TREAT_FOR_DIS In vitro radiation-induced apoptosis and tumour response to radiotherapy : a prospective study in patients with non-Hodgkin lymphomas treated by low-dose irradiation .||TREAT_FOR_DIS Drug therapy for coronary heart disease : the Sheffield table .||TREAT_FOR_DIS Percutaneous drainage of hydatid cysts .||TREAT_FOR_DIS Surgery for ectopia lentis .||TREAT_FOR_DIS Antiplatelet therapy to prevent stroke : risk of brain hemorrhage and efficacy in atrial fibrillation .||TO_SEE High-dose chemotherapy with autologous hematopoietic stem-cell support for breast cancer in North America .||TREAT_FOR_DIS Is concomitant radiotherapy and chemotherapy superior to optimal radiotherapy alone in anal cancer ? ||TREAT_FOR_DIS Standard versus high-dose therapy in 10+ breast cancer .||TREAT_FOR_DIS Anal continence after surgery for rectal prolapse .||TREAT_FOR_DIS Aspirin therapy for cardiovascular disease .||TREAT_FOR_DIS Dosing of amoxicillin/clavulanate for treatment of lower respiratory tract infection .||TREAT_FOR_DIS Pharmacoeconomic analysis of ampicillin-sulbactam versus cefoxitin in the treatment of intraabdominal infections .||TREAT_FOR_DIS New therapies for severe meningococcal disease .||TREAT_FOR_DIS Another potential use of troglitazone in noninsulin-dependent diabetes mellitus .||TREAT_FOR_DIS Jaw clenching following Gamma Knife treatment for trigeminal neuralgia .||TO_SEE The protective effect of condoms and nonoxynol-9 against HIV infection .||PREVENT Evaluation of adjuvant psychological therapy in patients with testicular cancer : randomised controlled trial .||TREAT_FOR_DIS The effect of an endothelin-receptor antagonist , bosentan , on blood pressure in patients with essential hypertension . ||VAGUE Guidelines for the use of antiretroviral agents in HIV -infected adults and adolescents .||TREAT_FOR_DIS Long-term therapy with long-acting octreotide ( Sandostatin-LAR ) for the management of acromegaly .||TREAT_FOR_DIS Are ABVD and MOPP/ABV truly equivalent for treating Hodgkin 's disease at advanced stages ? ||TREAT_FOR_DIS Paclitaxel for the treatment of lymphoma .||TREAT_FOR_DIS Montelukast , a leukotriene-receptor antagonist , for the treatment of mild asthma and exercise-induced bronchoconstriction .||TREAT_FOR_DIS Atypical antipsychotic agents in the treatment of Schizophrenia and other psychiatric disorders .||TREAT_FOR_DIS Percutaneous transluminal angioplasty in the treatment of renovascular hypertension : sequential prospective study .||TREAT_FOR_DIS Esophageal intubation for palliative treatment in advanced carcinoma of the esophagus and cardia ||TREAT_FOR_DIS Pathological staging and biochemical recurrence after neoadjuvant androgen deprivation therapy in combination with radical prostatectomy in clinically localized prostate cancer .||TREAT_FOR_DIS How often does surgery for peptic ulceration eradicate Helicobacter pylori ? Systematic review of 36 studies .||TREAT_FOR_DIS A comparison of noninvasive positive-pressure ventilation and conventional mechanical ventilation in patients with acute respiratory failure .||TREAT_FOR_DIS Long-term safety and effectiveness of iron-chelation therapy with deferiprone for thalassemia major .||TREAT_FOR_DIS Positron emission tomography in assessing response to neoadjuvant chemotherapy for non-small-cell lung cancer .||TREAT_FOR_DIS Reconstruction of thoracic wall defects after tumor resection using a polytetrafluoroethylene soft tissue ( Gore-Tex ) patch .||TREAT_FOR_DIS A comparison of rectal diazepam gel and placebo for acute repetitive seizures .||TREAT_FOR_DIS Effect of long-term salmeterol treatment on exercise-induced asthma .||TREAT_FOR_DIS Randomized trial of intensive cyclophosphamide , epirubicin , and fluorouracil chemotherapy compared with cyclophosphamide , methotrexate , and fluorouracil in premenopausal women with node-positive breast cancer .||TREAT_FOR_DIS Acute effect of lorazepam on respiratory muscles in patients with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease ||VAGUE Low-molecular-weight heparins in the treatment of venous thromboembolism .||TREAT_FOR_DIS 5-year outcome of surgical resection and watchful waiting for men with moderately symptomatic benign prostatic hyperplasia : a Department of Veterans Affairs cooperative study .||TREAT_FOR_DIS For how long should antipsychotic medication be continued after the first psychotic episode in schizophrenics ? ||TREAT_FOR_DIS IDA-FLAG ( idarubicin , fludarabine , cytarabine , G-CSF ) , an effective remission-induction therapy for poor-prognosis AML of childhood prior to allogeneic or autologous bone marrow transplantation : experiences of a phase II trial .||TREAT_FOR_DIS Effects of anal invasive treatment and incontinence on mental health and psychosocial functioning of adolescents with Hirshsprung 's disease and low anorectal anomalies .||TO_SEE Single or double lung transplantation for pulmonary hypertension .||TREAT_FOR_DIS Interferon beta treatment for multiple sclerosis .||TREAT_FOR_DIS Ten-year disease free survival after transperineal sonography-guided iodine-125 brachytherapy with or without 45-Gray external beam irradiation in the treatment of patients with clinically localized , low to high Gleason grade prostate carcinoma .||TREAT_FOR_DIS Partial or near total pancreatectomy for persistent neonatal hyperinsulinaemic hypoglycaemia : the pathologist 's role .||TREAT_FOR_DIS Radical prostatectomy for prostate cancer : the perineal approach increases the risk of surgically induced positive margins and capsular incisions .||TREAT_FOR_DIS Open capsulorrhaphy with suture anchors for recurrent anterior dislocation of the shoulder .||TREAT_FOR_DIS Intravenous immunoglobulin treatment in multiple sclerosis .||TREAT_FOR_DIS Randomised trial of irinotecan versus fluorouracil by continuous infusion after fluorouracil failure in patients with metastatic colorectal cancer .||TREAT_FOR_DIS The effectiveness of intraocular pressure reduction in the treatment of normal-tension glaucoma .||TREAT_FOR_DIS Perceived contraindications to thrombolytic treatment in acute myocardial infarction .||TREAT_FOR_DIS Lignocaine or bupivacaine for digital ring block .||TREAT_FOR_DIS Steroids in lateral epicondylitis .||TREAT_FOR_DIS Steroids in De Quervain 's tenosynovitis .||TREAT_FOR_DIS Antibiotics after dog bite .||TREAT_FOR_DIS Immobilisation after first anterior shoulder dislocation .||TREAT_FOR_DIS Stereotactic radiosurgery for acoustic neuroma : a Canadian perspective .||TREAT_FOR_DIS Anticytokine therapy -- a new era in the treatment of rheumatoid arthritis ? ||TREAT_FOR_DIS Control of the malignant hyperpyrexic syndrome in MHS swine by dantrolene sodium .||TREAT_FOR_DIS Hematopoietic stem-cell transplantation for the treatment of severe combined immunodeficiency .||TREAT_FOR_DIS Low-dose clozapine for the treatment of drug-induced psychosis in Parkinson 's disease .||TREAT_FOR_DIS Comparing the efficacy and safety of fluoxetine and venlafaxine in outpatient depression .||TREAT_FOR_DIS Cost-effectiveness of interferon treatment for hepatitis C .||TREAT_FOR_DIS Hyperbaric oxygen therapy for children with cerebral palsy .||TREAT_FOR_DIS Peripheral retinal cryotherapy for postvitrectomy diabetic vitreous hemorrhage in phakic patients .||TREAT_FOR_DIS Hyperbaric or normobaric oxygen for acute carbon monoxide poisoning : a randomised controlled clinical trial .||TREAT_FOR_DIS Multicentre clinical evaluation of vigabatrin ( Sabril ) in mild to moderate partial epilepsies .||TREAT_FOR_DIS Matrix metalloproteinase inhibitors in the treatment of cancer .||TREAT_FOR_DIS High dose cyclophosphamide with carboplatin : a tolerable regimen suitable for dose intensification in children with solid tumors .||TREAT_FOR_DIS Microsurgical treatment of supratentorial cavernous malformations .||TREAT_FOR_DIS Microsurgical treatment of infratentorial malformations .||TREAT_FOR_DIS Stereotactic radiosurgery for management of deep brain cavernous malformations .||TREAT_FOR_DIS Interferon-antibodies and the breakthrough phenomenon during ribavirin/interferon-alpha combination therapy and interferon-alpha monotherapy of patients with chronic hepatitis C .||TREAT_FOR_DIS Treatment of Barrett esophagus with argon plasma coagulation with acid suppression -- a prospective study ||TREAT_FOR_DIS Meta-analysis of typhoid vaccine efficacy trials showed that whole cell vaccines are more effective than either the oral , attenuated vaccine or the Vi polysaccharide vaccine .||PREVENT Experimental vaccination against Mycoplasma agalactiae using different inactivated vaccines .||PREVENT A randomized , controlled study in adults of the immunogenicity of a novel hepatitis B vaccine containing MF59 adjuvant .||PREVENT Immunogenicity of three Haemophilus influenzae type b protein conjugate vaccines in HIV seropositive adults and analysis of predictors of vaccine response .||PREVENT Vaccination against Schistosoma mansoni infection using 74 kDa Schistosoma protein antigen .||PREVENT Phase 1 safety and immune response studies of a DNA vaccine encoding hepatitis B surface antigen delivered by a gene delivery device .||PREVENT Protection of swine from foot-and-mouth disease with one dose of an all-D retro peptide .||PREVENT Intranasal immunization with Chlamydia trachomatis , serovar E , protects from a subsequent vaginal challenge with the homologous serovar .||PREVENT Mutants of cholera toxin as an effective and safe adjuvant for nasal influenza vaccine .||PREVENT Field evaluation of the clinical effectiveness of vaccines against pertussis , measles , rubella and mumps : comments .||PREVENT Transmural drainage of pancreatic fluid collections without electrocautery using the Seldinger technique .||TREAT_FOR_DIS Echocardiography-guided ethanol septal reduction for hypertrophic obstructive cardiomyopathy .||TREAT_FOR_DIS Alterations of monocyte function in patients with growth hormone ( GH ) deficiency : effect of substitutive GH therapy .||TREAT_FOR_DIS Comparison of the effects of salmeterol and ipratropium bromide on exercise performance and breathlessness in patients with stable chronic obstructive pulmonary disease . ||VAGUE Safety trial with the 5HT1B/1D agonist avitriptan ( BMS-180048 ) in patients with migraine who have experienced pressure , tightness , and/or pain in the chest , neck , and/or throat following sumatriptan .||TO_SEE Double blind , cluster randomised trial of low dose supplementation with vitamin A or beta carotene on mortality related to pregnancy in Nepal . ||VAGUE Medical treatments for balding in men .||TREAT_FOR_DIS Carbon monoxide poisoning treated with hyperbaric oxygen : metabolic acidosis as a predictor of treatment requirements .||TREAT_FOR_DIS Medication received by patients with depression following the acute episode : adequacy and relation to outcome .||TREAT_FOR_DIS Reduced bone density at completion of chemotherapy for a malignancy .||TO_SEE Surgical-site complications associated with a morphine nerve paste used for postoperative pain control after laminectomy .||TO_SEE Splenectomy during pregnancy : an option in the treatment of autoimmune thrombocytopenic purpura .||TREAT_FOR_DIS Melatonin treatment of sleep-wake cycle disorders in children and adolescents .||TREAT_FOR_DIS Randomized phase II study of the neurokinin 1 receptor antagonist CJ-11 , 974 in the control of cisplatin-induced emesis .||TREAT_FOR_DIS Cataract surgery and its effect on intraocular pressure .||TREAT_FOR_DIS The outcome of arthroscopic treatment of temporomandibular joint arthropathy .||TREAT_FOR_DIS Neostigmine for acute colonic pseudo-obstruction .||TREAT_FOR_DIS New vaccine targets childhood pneumonia .||PREVENT A comparison of botulinum toxin and nitroglycerin ointment for chronic anal fissure .||TREAT_FOR_DIS The effect of bisoprolol on perioperative mortality and myocardial infarction in high-risk patients undergoing vascular surgery .||TO_SEE Surgical management of severe secondary peritonitis .||TREAT_FOR_DIS Early surgical treatment for supratentorial intracerebral hemorrhage : a randomized feasibility study .||TREAT_FOR_DIS Evaluation of clomipramine as an adjunct to behavioural therapy in the treatment of separation-related problems in dogs .||TREAT_FOR_DIS NICE to rule on influenza flu drug zanamivir .||TREAT_FOR_DIS Longitudinal melanonychia associated with hydroxyurea therapy in a patient with essential thrombocytosis .||TO_SEE Biologic markers as predictors of clinical outcome from systemic therapy for primary operable breast cancer .||TREAT_FOR_DIS Treatment of hypertension with ascorbic acid .||TREAT_FOR_DIS Postoperative peritonitis originating from the duodenum : operative management by intubation and continuous intraluminal irrigation .||TREAT_FOR_DIS Efficacy of open-bite treatment with the Thera-spoon .||TREAT_FOR_DIS Pompholyx ( vesicular eczema ) after i.v. immunoglobulin therapy for neurologic disease .||TO_SEE Mitomycin , ifosfamide , and cisplatin in unresectable non-small-cell lung cancer : effects on survival and quality of life . ||VAGUE Hepatic arterial infusion of chemotherapy after resection of hepatic metastases from colorectal cancer .||TREAT_FOR_DIS Waiting for the definitive trial of hepatic arterial chemotherapy for colorectal cancer .||TREAT_FOR_DIS Phase III randomized study of cisplatin versus paclitaxel versus cisplatin and paclitaxel in patients with suboptimal stage III or IV ovarian cancer : a gynecologic oncology group study .||TREAT_FOR_DIS Evidence for double resistance to permethrin and malathion in head lice .||TREAT_NO_FOR_DIS Urgent colonoscopy for the diagnosis and treatment of severe diverticular hemorrhage .||TREAT_FOR_DIS Treatment of Parkinson 's disease should begin with a dopamine agonist .||TREAT_FOR_DIS Ulceration in an ileocolic anastomosis treated with ranitidin .||TO_SEE Low-molecular-weight heparin vs heparin in the treatment of patients with pulmonary embolism .||TREAT_FOR_DIS Radiotherapy in breast-conserving treatment for ductal carcinoma in situ : first results of the EORTC randomised phase III trial 10853 .||TREAT_FOR_DIS Methadone maintenance vs 180-day psychosocially enriched detoxification for treatment of opioid dependence : a randomized controlled trial .||TREAT_FOR_DIS Cryogen spray cooling during Nd : YAG laser treatment of hemangiomas .||TREAT_FOR_DIS Effects of tolcapone , a catechol-O-methyltransferase inhibitor , on motor symptoms and pharmacokinetics of levodopa in patients with Parkinson 's disease . ||VAGUE Gene therapy for cancer .||TREAT_FOR_DIS Therapeutic effects of LDL apheresis in the prevention of atherosclerosis .||PREVENT Dry powdered formoterol , twice a day versus aerosolized salbutamol , four times a day , in patients with stable asthma ||TREAT_FOR_DIS Cell-based vaccination against melanoma -- background , preliminary results , and perspective .||PREVENT Celecoxib for arthritis .||TREAT_FOR_DIS Poliomyelitis prevention : revised recommendations for use of inactivated and live oral poliovirus vaccines .||PREVENT Mesh plug repair and groin hernia surgery .||TREAT_FOR_DIS Brimonidine tartrate 0.2 % twice daily vs timolol 0.5 % twice daily : 1-year results in glaucoma patients .||TREAT_FOR_DIS Ticarcillin/clavulanate versus imipenem/cilistatin for the treatment of infections associated with gangrenous and perforated appendicitis .||TREAT_FOR_DIS Is zero dose oral polio vaccine effective in preterm babies ? ||PREVENT An economic analysis of different strategies of immunization against hepatitis A virus in developed countries .||PREVENT Issues and challenges with antithrombotic therapy in diabetic patients with acute coronary syndromes .||TREAT_FOR_DIS Global risk assessment for lipid therapy to prevent coronary heart disease .||PREVENT The role of fibric acid derivatives in the secondary prevention of coronary heart disease .||PREVENT Epoetin : a pharmacoeconomic review of its use in chronic renal failure and its effects on quality of life .||TREAT_FOR_DIS Rationale for the use of antiplatelet drugs in patients with peripheral vascular disease .||TREAT_FOR_DIS The fluoroquinolones for urinary tract infections : a review .||TREAT_FOR_DIS Reduction of vasoreactivity and thrombogenicity with laser-thermal angioplasty : comparison with balloon angioplasty .||TREAT_FOR_DIS Effects of ultrasound energy on total peripheral artery occlusions : initial angiographic and angioscopic results . ||VAGUE High-dose chemotherapy with autologous stem-cell support for epithelial ovarian cancer .||TREAT_FOR_DIS Pelvic floor stimulation in the treatment of adult urinary incontinence .||TREAT_FOR_DIS Chronic vagus nerve stimulation for treatment of seizures .||TREAT_FOR_DIS `` Tandem '' high-dose chemoradiotherapy with autologous stem-cell support in the treatment of newly diagnosed or responsive multiple myeloma .||TREAT_FOR_DIS Special report : comparative efficacy of different types of pneumatic compression pumps for the treatment of lymphedema .||TREAT_FOR_DIS Special report : pressure-reducing support surfaces in the prevention and treatment of pressure ulcers : group 1 technologies .||TREAT_FOR_DIS Intravenous immune globulin for recurrent spontaneous abortion .||TREAT_FOR_DIS External counterpulsation for treatment of chronic stable angina pectoris .||TREAT_FOR_DIS Intra-articular hyaluronan injections for treatment of osteoarthritis of the knee .||TREAT_FOR_DIS Pneumococcal vaccine : a second look .||PREVENT